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Campaign to seek 2 more years for PM


BANGKOK: -- Some NRC members to launch signature drive; Wissanu unsure if move will be seen as appropriate

SOME MEMBERS of the junta-appointed National Reform Council (NRC) are now making moves to support Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's continuation in power.

One NRC member said the public could start collecting some 20,000 to 30,000 signatures demanding that Prayut stay on for another two years to ensure the reform process could be completed. He said this would not be initiated by NRC members, as they could be accused of having a vested interest.

Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam said yesterday that such a move was possible, by including a clause in the referendum on whether to permit the government to stay on for two more years to carry out reform. But it is another matter whether it would be considered appropriate, he added.

Wissanu said the list of citizens supporting the move could be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration. The deputy premier refused to comment on the need for a two-year extension to carry out reform, adding there was no need to consider the matter at the moment.

Asked if such a move could end up being a repeat of an attempt by Senate members to amend the charter to extend their own term back in 2007, Wissanu said the lesson has already been learnt.

"No matter what is done, it should not be a repeat of past mistakes," he said, adding the matter of amending the provisional charter to allow a referendum on the draft charter is already in the pipeline but the date for submission to the National Legislative Assembly has not been fixed.

In a related development, NRC member Manoon Siriwan said NRC members have been discussing the matter through Line social media application although they are divided into those who support and those who oppose the idea.

Those who support the idea wanted to ensure that reforms are actually carried out before an elected government assumes power, as the reform process may not be continued by an elected government, said Manoon. Those opposing it, meanwhile, are concerned that it would be construed as the government and the NRC attempting to benefit themselves by staying on in power. Manoon added that the matter is still at a preliminary stage.

Democrat Party deputy leader Nipit Intarasombut warned, however, that supporters of such a move must make it explicit as to what reforms they wish to carry out in the proposed two-year period and the course of action if the goal was not attained. He asked if there was any assurance that national reconciliation would be achieved after the reform.

"I am not surprised that some groups within the NRC clap in admiration and support the PM to stay on, as they were all appointed by the National Council for Peace and Order [which is also led by Prayut]. Let me warn the PM to be careful of NRC member Paiboon Nititawan and other NRC members and charter drafters who are cheering the idea - be careful as they may lead you astray," he said, adding that it would be difficult for Prayut to step down afterwards.

NRC whip spokesman Wanchai Sornsiri denied yesterday that the idea of having Prayut staying in power for two more years originated from the NRC or the National Legislative Assembly.

He said it was a result of those handling reform expressing a desire to see the work completed before elections were held, as they feared the Kingdom would be trapped in the same old cycle of conflict.

He said there were three conditions to make reform a reality, including the provisional charter being amended to allow a referendum on whether the PM should stay on for two more years.

It should also be made clear what reform needed to be carried out, such as anti-corruption measures and reducing social and economic disparities, while clear penalties must be stipulated if reform failed. Wanchai added that measurable criteria were needed to gauge the success or failure of reform.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Campaign-to-seek-2-more-years-for-PM-30261792.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-07

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Not achieved much to date besides a lot of talk & appallingly thought out press released comments. :-/

Who been put behind bars so far !

can't even control the cost of a lottery ticket :-O

Not enough or any decent/honest men in the country to make reform work :-/


"It should also be made clear"

NOTHING in this junta is clear. The zig zag of the current system is mindboggling. And yes, it will be incorrect to get signatures for a 2 year stint.

But, I digress. It will happen, and life goes on in Thailand.


Inappropriate - Most Definitely,j

A Surprise - Hardly.

Just the start of a carefully ochestrated plan to keep the PM in power and trying to justify it.

Time now for some very favourable opinion polls.


What would happen if a group of students and intellectuals collected 20,000 - 30,000 signatures with an opposing view? Arrest them for undermining the government? Surely this is a matter for the populous and a much better and fairer way would be to go to the polls!


As long as he's an honest man, with scrupulous and integrity... give him another 100

years to be a PM.. Thailand needs a good man sitting up there...


"......they feared the Kingdom would be trapped in the same old cycle of conflict"

The notion of 'political conflict' as expressed in this quote is confusing. In all mature democracies there is political diversity, political debate and posturing...Credible electoral processes and parliamentary procedures help to regulate these realities.

But some see this as "...conflict".....They will be sorely dissapointed if they think they can 'reform' such facts out of existence.....As many political philosophers have mentioned, "Democracy is messy"....But until someone finds a better way, it is the best way.


Inappropriate - Most Definitely,j

A Surprise - Hardly.

Just the start of a carefully ochestrated plan to keep the PM in power and trying to justify it.

Time now for some very favourable opinion polls.

if there is a referendum of the Thai people then there is nothing much more to say - they will have spoken - simple


If the NRC want the PM to serve another 2 years just come out and say it. There is no point posturing that it would look bad, and they need someone else to go out and collect signatures. Everyone knows its come from you, so appointing someone to go collect signatures is just a waste of time and fools no one.

As someone mentions above, i am not quite sure how they will do this though without a full referendum as even if they did go out and collect 20-30K signatures, I am sure it would be possible for others to go out and collect signatures saying otherwise.


Inappropriate - Most Definitely,j

A Surprise - Hardly.

Just the start of a carefully ochestrated plan to keep the PM in power and trying to justify it.

Time now for some very favourable opinion polls.

I dunno, mate... I mean, the fact he wants to stay on is a given as far as I can see, but the methods of trying to make it look legitimate seem to be just being made up as they go along. I would love to know what others think...


As long as he's an honest man, with scrupulous and integrity... give him another 100

years to be a PM.. Thailand needs a good man sitting up there...

After being in Thailand for many years and seeing how the average Thai male works I'd say Thailand needs a good woman sitting up there. You ever watched a Thai construction crew?


Inappropriate - Most Definitely,j

A Surprise - Hardly.

Just the start of a carefully ochestrated plan to keep the PM in power and trying to justify it.

Time now for some very favourable opinion polls.

if there is a referendum of the Thai people then there is nothing much more to say - they will have spoken - simple

I have the impression that you are clueless as to how referendums have been conducted by the military. The last one was on the 2007 constitution. Here are some of the highlights:

- The military junta/government outlawed criticism of the constitution and including the banning of political parties from offering their positions or campaigning. The penalty upon conviction was 10 years in prison.

- The military junta/government obliged all broadcast media outlets to run advertising in favour of the constitution.

- The military junta/government refused to allow a broadcast debate or critical discussion of the constitution.

- The military junta/government used state personnel and armed soldiers to "educate" the public to vote in favour of the constitution. Local officials in regions where the No vote was expected organized rallies in favour of the constitution.

- People were forbidden from displaying vote no stickers on their vehicles. If caught the vehicle was impounded. No public advertising of dissenting opinions were allowed. -Printers who had dared to print No leaflets or documents critical of the Constitution were raided and penalized.

- State assets were used to promote a Yes vote. For example, state vehicles were used to transport voters to voting stations.

That's how referendums are done in Thailand.

edited for screwed up font.


If Prayuth is such a saviour and is universally fawned upon by most of the population, why not stand as party leader in a general election next year? He would abolish all lingering doubts and legitimize his new term.

Extending his term just because the NRC wants him to, or because of a signature drive of just 30,000 people, does seem elitist.

Heck, even Abhisit could rustle up a million signatures tomorrow to be appointed the next PM.


Inappropriate - Most Definitely,j

A Surprise - Hardly.

Just the start of a carefully ochestrated plan to keep the PM in power and trying to justify it.

Time now for some very favourable opinion polls.

if there is a referendum of the Thai people then there is nothing much more to say - they will have spoken - simple

20,000 to 30,000 signatures and the PM gets to stay.

At last count there were about 67,000,000 Thais.

0.04% support = 2 more years.

Seems fair enough.


There is clearly a plan afoot to rig the referendum question.

A no vote to the draft charter will be tied to 2 more years of the Junta.

Yes = immediate election but stuck with a dodgy constitution that strips all sovereignty from the people


No = new draft constitution process but 2 more years of Prayuth and Section 44


The refusal for a referendum didn't work.

The outsider PM clause didn't work.

The 80% turn out for the referendum didn't work.

So if we can't fool the people, then we have to show our real colors and do it the hard way, but we won't give up what we have waited for so many years.


Inappropriate - Most Definitely,j

A Surprise - Hardly.

Just the start of a carefully ochestrated plan to keep the PM in power and trying to justify it.

Time now for some very favourable opinion polls.

if there is a referendum of the Thai people then there is nothing much more to say - they will have spoken - simple

20,000 to 30,000 signatures and the PM gets to stay.

At last count there were about 67,000,000 Thais.

0.04% support = 2 more years.

Seems fair enough.

Why doesn't he set the same requirement as for the referendum, 80% or nothing?


Inappropriate - Most Definitely,j

A Surprise - Hardly.

Just the start of a carefully ochestrated plan to keep the PM in power and trying to justify it.

Time now for some very favourable opinion polls.

if there is a referendum of the Thai people then there is nothing much more to say - they will have spoken - simple

You mean for approval he needs only 0.04%, but for rejection he need 80%.

Seems about right. NOT.


SOME MEMBERS of the junta-appointed National Reform Council (NRC) are now making moves to support Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's continuation in power.

They must be in a cushy job ........ coffee1.gif


but seriously ...... I believe the general has worked extremely hard to push Thailand forward and instill some form of governance.

It may not be to everyones liking, but it certainly a whole lot better than the previous three PM's.

As far as the majority of thai's are concerned .. he is doing a good job and can stay as long as he wishes.


SOME MEMBERS of the junta-appointed National Reform Council (NRC) are now making moves to support Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha's continuation in power.

They must be in a cushy job ........ coffee1.gif

The one leading the 'proposal' although it is obviously not his idea is Paiboon....... A long term vocal supporter of all PAD, PDRC activities including being on the PDRC stage, and was the one who filed the charges against YS for the transferring the official debacle, and also a member of the military appointed Senate and leader of the Group of 40.

There is little hope for a Constitution being for the people with people like him involved who has long before come out with comments supporting various things like an appointed PM, even before the PDRC came out.


but seriously ...... I believe the general has worked extremely hard to push Thailand forward and instill some form of governance.

It may not be to everyones liking, but it certainly a whole lot better than the previous three PM's.

As far as the majority of thai's are concerned .. he is doing a good job and can stay as long as he wishes.

On what evidence do you base your post?


30,000 signatures, the election you have when you don´t want an election!!

Choice 1 vote yes for the new constitution including another 2 years for the Junta

Choice 2 vote no for the new constitution and the Junta will stay in power for another 2 years to sort it.....

Chances are they could be around for another 2 years!!!


Not achieved much to date besides a lot of talk & appallingly thought out press released comments. :-/

Who been put behind bars so far !

can't even control the cost of a lottery ticket :-O

Not enough or any decent/honest men in the country to make reform work :-/

You can look at it that way, or you can say that he's getting REALLY good at shuffling people around. This is a very useful skill in running this country.


Surely everybody knows that the military isn't going to do elections until well after the event which we can't discuss happens, and until all the necessary ducks are in a row after, and who knows what will happen til then.

Thailand is as safe as its been. But there are huge problems that are just being handled horribly with crackdowns and committee meetings. These dinosaurs calling the shots now are clueless about running a state, drafting in honest, hard working and experienced civil servants is the only viable option. But it is debatable if Thailand has even one of the above mentioned civil servant. Graft and a judiciary for sale means Thailand will only move in the right direction at a snail's pace. It's sad and pretty disgusting really


Inappropriate - Most Definitely,j

A Surprise - Hardly.

Just the start of a carefully ochestrated plan to keep the PM in power and trying to justify it.

Time now for some very favourable opinion polls.

I dunno, mate... I mean, the fact he wants to stay on is a given as far as I can see, but the methods of trying to make it look legitimate seem to be just being made up as they go along. I would love to know what others think...

Looks similar to what the Federal Reserve is doing with QE also Draghi and Abel but the methods of trying to make it look legitimate seem to be just being made up as they go along.


There is clearly a plan afoot to rig the referendum question.

A no vote to the draft charter will be tied to 2 more years of the Junta.

Yes = immediate election but stuck with a dodgy constitution that strips all sovereignty from the people


No = new draft constitution process but 2 more years of Prayuth and Section 44

Sounds like a loose, loose proposition. Unlike past constitutions this one will plug all the mistakes made by prior constitutions. Its called learning by your mistakes. You have to control the masses but make it look like your working on their behalf. Sleight of hand comes to mind


Why does he care? He's got the entire military behind him. Or is this yet another PR stunt for overseas consumption? He'd simply make himself look even more silly (if that were possible) - NYT 'Thailand's Prime Minister [sic] given mandate of 20-30,000 votes (of dubious provenance) by the people'. Oh well that's okay then. blink.png

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