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Abhisit questions CDC chief's grasp of politics

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Abhisit questions CDC chief's grasp of politics

BANGKOK: -- Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday questioned the chief constitution drafter's understanding of civil politics, noting that he often claimed the new charter will "make citizens important".

Abhisit said Borwornsak Uwanno, chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee, also often claimed that "citizens will give big thanks" over the new charter

"But I just wonder how well he understands civil politics," Abhisit said.

The veteran politician said that to make society strong, the public must be empowered and people's rights protected.

He believes the new constitution will deprive the public of some rights, such as the right to sue state agencies, and will give more power to the government sector.

A former prime minister and opposition leader, Abhisit spoke at a lecture on "What Thais get from the new constitution" at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.

Borwornsak reiterated that the new charter would empower citizens when addressing a seminar on the draft constitution yesterday.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Abhisit-questions-CDC-chiefs-grasp-of-politics-30261774.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-07

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former prime minister and opposition leader, Abhisit spoke at a lecture on "What Thais get from the new constitution" at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.

It is amazing what you ARE allowed to express under the current government when it is constructive and does not try to divide the nation or imply violent threats.

The Right Honourable Abhisit is quite correct though. The people must be empowered and the constitutional referendum will allow them to decide if it to be the "Peoples Constitution" or not.

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"What Thais get from the new constitution"

Thai people get everything .......................you (politicians) get nothing along with the rest of the thieving trash that have pretended to represent them for years

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Abhisit has every right to question credentials , I don't think anyone in the Junta would have a rats tit idea of how a country runs or how to manage the economy and if it wasn't for the government departmental heads and advisers from previous administrations this crowd would be up the creek , , bouncing from better taxi services to cleaning beaches to lotto prices , fast trains and cleaning up corruption, then jumping to human trafficking , except corruption and human trafficking all the rest is low level dribble that should be getting handled on a daily bases by the relevant authorities, as to importance of the people, the only importance that this current administration places on people is article 44. coffee1.gif

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"What Thais get from the new constitution"

Thai people get everything .......................you (politicians) get nothing along with the rest of the thieving trash that have pretended to represent them for years

Perhaps you can point out the parts in the new draft Constitution which you claim 'Thai people get everything'? and how any parts of the new Constitution will improve the ongoing disagreement in society?

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former prime minister and opposition leader, Abhisit spoke at a lecture on "What Thais get from the new constitution" at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.

It is amazing what you ARE allowed to express under the current government when it is constructive and does not try to divide the nation or imply violent threats.

The Right Honourable Abhisit is quite correct though. The people must be empowered and the constitutional referendum will allow them to decide if it to be the "Peoples Constitution" or not.

Not sure if you understand what this article is about.

Abhisit is saying the draft charter does not empower the people and does not protect their rights (such as free speech, freedom to assemble and of course freedom to elect representatives of their own choice).

Abhisit is saying the charter is so bad the the CDC chief must not have even a basic understanding of politics (sound familiar?).

Abhisit has "abandoned ship" when it comes to the Junta and their reforms.

He openly and vocally opposes what you are supporting.

Your continued citing of Abhisit in defence of your views is foolish.

In fact Abhisit is now on record saying even a returned PTP government is far preferable to what the Junta are proposing.

Another point you seemed to have missed - the Junta doesn't want a referendum, it never has - if there is one it will be held only out of fear of an uprising and it will also be gerrymandered.

Support for a referendum and support for the Junta are antithetical.

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"What Thais get from the new constitution"

Thai people get everything .......................you (politicians) get nothing along with the rest of the thieving trash that have pretended to represent them for years

The people surely do get everything,

Unelected Senate, powerless representatives, unelected PM, overly powerful unelected bureaucrats, corrupted judiciary, no minimum wage, section 44, excessive military budgets......

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former prime minister and opposition leader, Abhisit spoke at a lecture on "What Thais get from the new constitution" at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.

It is amazing what you ARE allowed to express under the current government when it is constructive and does not try to divide the nation or imply violent threats.

The Right Honourable Abhisit is quite correct though. The people must be empowered and the constitutional referendum will allow them to decide if it to be the "Peoples Constitution" or not.

Please do not use the term Right Honourable to describe the former appointed PM of Thailand as it is not a term applicable to Thailand and has no meaning. The term is specific to Commonwealth nations, which Thailand is not one. The OP used the correct descriptive term for Khun Abhisit.

It is rather telling of your background that you do not would understand that a discussion of a revised constitution requires the opinions and input of qualified jurists and experienced academics. To date, none of these people has been allowed to publicly voice an opinion. They have been shut out of this matter.

In respect to your opinion about "contrary" comments being allowed, please note that many people with a different opinion are forbidden from speaking on the subject. The forums where one can offer a differing opinion are minimal and by military administration invitation only. Abhisit serves a purpose. It allows the military administration to say, look see we allow a different opinion. The reality is that Abhisit is finished and has no influence in Thailand. No one really cares what he has to say anymore as he has been very quiet in respect to the suspension of basic freedoms by the military administration.

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"What Thais get from the new constitution"

Thai people get everything .......................you (politicians) get nothing along with the rest of the thieving trash that have pretended to represent them for years

And what of one of the largest business enterprises in Thailand? Will there be transparency? Will the taxpayers ever be allowed to see how their procurement contracts are governed? What of the real estate holdings, the airport business operations, the resorts, the golf courses, the large fleet of luxury vehicles, the use of enlisted personnel for personal use? Will the military ever be accountable to the people of Thailand for the money they spend?

Before you denigrate and insult the Thai politicians as thieving trash, just remember that none of those senior politicians has been implicated in human trafficking and the deaths of refugees/migrants. None of those senior politicians has been accused of allowing the Khmer Rouge murderers safe refuge, nor been implicated in the sale of military arms to people involved in genocide. No senior Thai civilian politician was ever accused of allowing yaba, or illegal timber or illegal precious stones to cross the border.

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Borwornsak reiterated that the new charter would empower citizens when addressing a seminar on the draft constitution yesterday.

I can claim that pigs can fly and as long as nobody challenges me to prove it, all I need to do is wear a tie, have the correct haircut and sport a paunch to appear believable.

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former prime minister and opposition leader, Abhisit spoke at a lecture on "What Thais get from the new constitution" at Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.

It is amazing what you ARE allowed to express under the current government when it is constructive and does not try to divide the nation or imply violent threats.

The Right Honourable Abhisit is quite correct though. The people must be empowered and the constitutional referendum will allow them to decide if it to be the "Peoples Constitution" or not.

You are a standup comedian arn't you ?

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"What Thais get from the new constitution"

Thai people get everything .......................you (politicians) get nothing along with the rest of the thieving trash that have pretended to represent them for years

Perhaps you can point out the parts in the new draft Constitution which you claim 'Thai people get everything'? and how any parts of the new Constitution will improve the ongoing disagreement in society?

Bump. Come on Smedly tell us.wai.gif

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Abhisit, get real, you're talking about understanding civil politics ? Look, there's no general election, and most of us believe that there isn't going to be one in the future either ! :)

"He believes the new constitution will deprive the public of some rights, such as the right to sue state agencies, and will give more power to the government sector." And right now Abhisit, nobody can sue the state, and the government sector has all the power. Why on earth would the government actually want to change the system, a system where people CAN sue the state and have more power ?

When you have a system where people vote, that's when the 'politics' comes in. The present system is such that, without a vote, well, you can't do anything if you don't like it. But, Abhisit, if Thailand does ever have a vote, do you reckon that the number of people who are going to vote for you will outnumber those who are going to vote for Thaksin ?

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"What Thais get from the new constitution"

Thai people get everything .......................you (politicians) get nothing along with the rest of the thieving trash that have pretended to represent them for years

Perhaps you can point out the parts in the new draft Constitution which you claim 'Thai people get everything'? and how any parts of the new Constitution will improve the ongoing disagreement in society?

Bump. Come on Smedly tell us.wai.gif

Bump again. I asked Smedley on another thread which news sources he found credible. He did not reply, but perhaps this time?

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"What Thais get from the new constitution"

Thai people get everything .......................you (politicians) get nothing along with the rest of the thieving trash that have pretended to represent them for years

Yawn... give it a rest will ya, your constant Neo-Conservative one sided posts are like stuck record.

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Abhisit has every right to question credentials , I don't think anyone in the Junta would have a rats tit idea of how a country runs or how to manage the economy and if it wasn't for the government departmental heads and advisers from previous administrations this crowd would be up the creek , , bouncing from better taxi services to cleaning beaches to lotto prices , fast trains and cleaning up corruption, then jumping to human trafficking , except corruption and human trafficking all the rest is low level dribble that should be getting handled on a daily bases by the relevant authorities, as to importance of the people, the only importance that this current administration places on people is article 44. coffee1.gif

Neither the military OR any "elected" government know how to run a country or manage the economy.

Thailand or any other country for that matter is run by civil servants and beaurocrats and the "elected government" of the day are the ones that give policies direction which in Thailand is pretty much a waste of time if the Minister in charge of a department changes every 6 months and the new guy changes the policy to make his mark.

Modt politicians world wide aren't really capable of running a hole in the ground let alone working out what size, where or how deep.

The economy is usually run by the Bank of XXXXX and all the ministries run themselves anyway which is why the business of government goes on whether there is an active, caretaker or in some cases no government. Politicians are at most a temporary inconvenience and they change every so often but the civil service goes on forever.

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