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New Bt2000 fine for spitting, blowing nose and littering in public places


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No education on health and environment, no trash cans, no law enforcement...but why not hand a another bunch of useless laws and fines!

In the meantime, 7eleven hands out straws for mouthwash, TESCO- cashiers pack a max. of 3 items per useless plastic- bag, Thais throw tir trash everywhere...

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I think the blowing nose means covering one nostril and bleing the snot out the other, which is pretty gross but who wants to walk around with a handkerchief full of snot sitting in their pocket in this climate?

There is no excuse for blocking one nostril and blowing fluid out the other in public, don't give a hoot what they do at home but not on the street.

If was up to me it would be a 10,000 baht fine for that and spitting on the street.

If you have ever been to China you would not want Thailand to become like that, a cesspool of spit, shit, piss and snot all over the streets and footpaths.

People spit all the floor in restaurants there, absolutely disgusting sight, especially when you are trying to eat.

You don't have to walk around with a handerchief full of snot, there are things called tissues which can be put in the rubbish bin after use.

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I don't believe cities are the problem. When I lived in Bangkok they'd be out collecting the trash/hosing down the pavements every day. back on erstwhile green and pleasant Phuket there's shit every damn where. All thrown around the sois into the once pristine green areas around the houses/klongs. Disgusting. Start there.

Same problem in Hua Hin, but its is not as bad as in Phuket .... or as one Australian friends calls it, "Pooket".

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....Once upon a time ...................there was a woman...

...she would go to the bathroom and ........very audibly..........

....discharge..........the contents.........of her nasal passages............all over the sink...and surrounding areas.......

....and she insisted...........'this is part of her culture'.................and........'no use tissue'.......'tissue no good'......

......I lived with that woman.......or tried.......at least........

Edited by SOTIRIOS
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No more Public Okie-Blowing.......Great.

What about into a tissue? walking down Sukhumvit Rd , near the Emporium and the litter cops???? um.

I think there already were laws against blowing guys from the Ozarks in the public street,

even on soi Cowboy.

I have a feeling they mean blowing snot out your snozzolla and right onto the sidewalk,

not blowing into a hankie and meandering onward with it in pocket.

But I could be wrong, and every time a nose evacuates is subject to arrest.

I can see the BiB walking around with a hint of sneezing powder up their cuffs to raise revenue ;)

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Last week I took my wife to her Birthday dinner at the Mandarin Oriental. Beautiful table on the riverside.

At the table next to us, were seated four men.

One of them leaned over and blew his nose "Farmer Style" onto the floor. His three friends didn't even blink.

Certainly did not help my appetite any.

You would think that at a 5 Star restaurant, rated as one of the world's "must go once" destinations ... the customers would have some class.

Some times the lack of manners of Farang amaze me.

Oh, did I forget to mention he was Farang?

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Perhaps, Governor Sukhumbhand got the idea on his trip to Netherlands looking at water drainage systems...... but got a bit confused about what he is supposed to be draining!!

Governor, not bodily drainage......storm water drainage is the issue!!!

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What does it mean "could face a fine of 2,000 baht"?

Is the fine amount negotiable? Just more opportunity for police corruption.

State the fine amount, require it be paid at the police station, and receipt provided.

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I think the blowing nose means covering one nostril and bleing the snot out the other, which is pretty gross but who wants to walk around with a handkerchief full of snot sitting in their pocket in this climate?

So blasting your filthy germs all over the place is acceptable is it?

I am fully in favour of these laws to teach low class people how to conduct themselves in public. If they want to blast their snot all over their own house thats fine but please put up a sign to warn your guests.

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It is so obvious that people litter where there are no trash cans. Go to Koh Chang. They have trash cans about every 20 feet, and people use them. If it weren't for 7-11's, I don't know if you could find a trash can in Bangkok. There is a solution, except for the fact that there is too much traffic to send out a garbage truck. The rest of the world has street sweeping equipment. I would love to see a street sweeper cleaning Walking Street in Pattaya once a week. Should be done daily, but I would settle for once a week.

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Last week I took my wife to her Birthday dinner at the Mandarin Oriental. Beautiful table on the riverside.

At the table next to us, were seated four men.

One of them leaned over and blew his nose "Farmer Style" onto the floor. His three friends didn't even blink.

Certainly did not help my appetite any.

You would think that at a 5 Star restaurant, rated as one of the world's "must go once" destinations ... the customers would have some class.

Some times the lack of manners of Farang amaze me.

Oh, did I forget to mention he was Farang?

Omg you witnessed a farang do what the majority of Chinese do everyday, all day. *golf clap*[emoji8]

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I am totally in favour of these laws but would like to know how much I will get for having to breathe the extremely heavily polluted air in Bangkok.

Will it be more than 2000 Baht as it is life shortening.

I would like to know if the proceeds of the new laws will be used to re-organise the roads to reduce traffic pollution or will someone go and buy a football club in another country with it?

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I don't believe cities are the problem. When I lived in Bangkok they'd be out collecting the trash/hosing down the pavements every day. back on erstwhile green and pleasant Phuket there's shit every damn where. All thrown around the sois into the once pristine green areas around the houses/klongs. Disgusting. Start there.

You are so right!. I've always wondered how Phuket can be billed as a top beach destination when during the ride from the airport to your hotel, you see garbage and filth along the side of the roads everywhere. Thailand, it it wants to get serious and make a lasting impression on people coming here, really needs a serious beautifying campaign to landscape all the major roads on phuket. The only beauty here are a few beaches the girls and hotels. Nobody ever even considers classic architecture to build buildings. Even today, they build the same concrete block buildings that after year have black gunk growing on the walls.

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How about no pissing? see a lot of Thai males doing that, yet another law that wont be enforced, filed in the waste paper basket along with all the others, its getting pretty full in there.

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Last week I took my wife to her Birthday dinner at the Mandarin Oriental. Beautiful table on the riverside.

At the table next to us, were seated four men.

One of them leaned over and blew his nose "Farmer Style" onto the floor. His three friends didn't even blink.

Certainly did not help my appetite any.

You would think that at a 5 Star restaurant, rated as one of the world's "must go once" destinations ... the customers would have some class.

Some times the lack of manners of Farang amaze me.

Oh, did I forget to mention he was Farang?

Ah yes but he was assimilating and thats what you failed to notice, Thaier than Thai

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Good. This is a good way to raise extra revenue while making the place look cleaner. Hopefully a few million Chinese-originated baht per year for spitting, and several million Thai-originated baht for littering.

I wish this was a central government initiative to affect the whole country.

Hopefully this initiative will "grow legs" and spread North, South, East and West. Long overdue and a huge step in the right direction.
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It is so obvious that people litter where there are no trash cans. Go to Koh Chang. They have trash cans about every 20 feet, and people use them. If it weren't for 7-11's, I don't know if you could find a trash can in Bangkok. There is a solution, except for the fact that there is too much traffic to send out a garbage truck. The rest of the world has street sweeping equipment. I would love to see a street sweeper cleaning Walking Street in Pattaya once a week. Should be done daily, but I would settle for once a week.

You have to understand the mentality of no trash cans, I tried to get some at a condo I lived in once.................no look boootiful they said!!! yeah but crap blowing everywhere does eh?

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I have never seen any Thai blow their nose or spit in public areas???? Except for the occasional driver opening their door at the red traffic light and let out a little spit on the road. I am confident the Police will diligently pursue all offenders in the same diligent way that they catch other serious crimes such as jaywalking, walking in the middle of the street, riding your motorcycle on the walkway, riding in opposite direction etc...

If you have never seen it then you need a White stick!

Well I was not really correct when I said "never", I do actually occasionally see someone spit or blow their nose without a tissue, but it is quiet rare, not to the extent that there need to be a law to prevent rampant spitting and blowing yer nose.

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