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Will lack of education be the downfall of Thailand?


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Question: How do you get the rabid, serial Thai bashers all in one place?

Answer: Start a Thai bashing thread....like this one.

I think you'll find that the people most critical about the Thai education system are the Thais themselves. But most of the comments on this thread are near worthless as the haters here are not knowledgeable enough to discuss education at any level and wouldn't have the first clue on how to fix it.

So rant away if you must. But just remember that it's the Thai educated folks who built this country that you chose to live in, so it can't be all that bad.

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Edited by buhi
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my Thai work colleague who is Manager for a major foreign pharmaceutical company earning 100K up asked me once if Brazil had a borderland with Spain, 7 of my work colleagues answered alive when i asked them if Adolf Hitler was dead or living :-)cheesy.gif

burritos is a dish from Italy answered 5 of them and when I asked them how many kidneys a human being has 4 of them said one, a nurse working at Bangkok hospital didn't know what HO2 stands for ???? and have no clue what sulfur is or its chemical symbol and no idea where it s used in medicine or even name any medications which has sulfur as main composition ????

the funny thing I heard was Paris as an answer when i asked about Portugal s capital from a cashier working at a Portuguese restaurant.

Edited by marcofunny
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But most of the comments on this thread are near worthless as the haters here are not knowledgeable enough to discuss education at any level and wouldn't have the first clue on how to fix it.

......and you do?

If you read the thread in it's entirety, you would know that several professional educators have already confirmed what most of us know through experience. That the Thai education system sucks due to incompetent teachers, students that don't want knowledge, just the bit of paper that they know they'll get in the end anyway.

I presume you also think that the education system here is not very good, but, rather than actually comment on the subject, you want to kinda kill the messengers.

You seem to be a typical Thai apologist.

Here's a newsflash for yer. The Thais don't need some foreigner apologizing for them, or, defending them.

Your post was just a "look at me, look at me" post to make yourself seem better than the rest of us.

Educated people made this country? Maybe, but, it was on the backs of the poor who are still controlled, excluded and disenfranchised by the very educated Thai people that you venerate.

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My wife's niece went to the state school in Chonburi. She is now studying clinical medicine on an international English speaking course at a university in China and she was awarded a scholarship on her first year results. She did fairly well at school but was not at the top of the class. It is not all bad.

While in the mean time 100 000 doctors working in Thailand can not speak a word of English and prescribe antibiotic for muscle pain. wink.png

Why should a doctor have to speak English when the patients are Thai?

Are you implying that doctors have not been trained properly if they do not speak English.

My comment was regarding the education provided by the state school in Chonburi and not the medical profession but as usual there is always someone that wants to go off at a tangent.

Because the vast majority of professional literature on most subjects is in English, the latest research on treatments is in English, all of the professional publications and conferences are in English.

This is true not only for doctors but for most professional fields.

Are you suggesting that Thai doctors wait for somebody to translate highly specialized and esoteric information into their own language before they find it useful for their practice?

Why do some people have a compulsion to take what gets said and turn it into something else. It would appear that many on here are some what challenged when it comes to the English language.

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Berkshire, hopefully within forum rules.

What the hell do you know about education, schools in Thailand?

Twenty years I have been working, training Thai teachers.

You think I know nothing?

I have worked in slum schools in the poorest areas of Bangkok.

Perhaps I made a difference; I hope so.

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my Thai work colleague who is Manager for a major foreign pharmaceutical company earning 100K up asked me once if Brazil had a borderland with Spain, 7 of my work colleagues answered alive when i asked them if Adolf Hitler was dead or living :-)cheesy.gif

burritos is a dish from Italy answered 5 of them and when I asked them how many a kidneys a human being has, a nurse working at Bangkok hospital didn't know what HO2 stands for ???? and have no clue what sulfur is or its chemical symbol and no idea what it s used in the medicine or even name any medications which has sulfur as main composition ????

the funny thing I heard was Paris as an answer when i asked about Portugal s capital from a cashier working at a Portuguese restaurant.

These are just but a few examples from my great country of the USA:

5. When asked on what year 9/11 took place, 30% of Americans were unable to answer the question correctly, even as few as five years after the attack.

7. When looking at a map of the world, young Americans had a difficult time correctly identifying Iraq (1 in 7) and Afghanistan (17%). This isn’t that surprising, but only a slim majority (51%) knew where New York was. According to Forbes and National Geographic, an alarming 29% couldn’t point to the Pacific Ocean.

9. Despite being a constant fixture in school curricula, another 30% of Americans didn’t know what the Holocaust was.

11. A surprisingly high percentage of Americans, 20%, believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth, instead of the opposite, aka. the correct answer.

14. 2006 AP polls showed that a majority of Americans were unable to name more than one of the protections guaranteed in the first Amendment of the Constitution — which include speech, assembly, religion, press and “redress of grievance.” Just 1 in 1000 could name all of these five freedoms.


Edited by Berkshire
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Berkshire, hopefully within forum rules.

What the hell do you know about education, schools in Thailand?

Twenty years I have been working, training Thai teachers.

You think I know nothing?

I have worked in slum schools in the poorest areas of Bangkok.

Perhaps I made a difference; I hope so.

Let me get this straight, you've been training Thai teachers for 20 years? And your opinion of the Thai education system is...? Perhaps you're part of the problem.

Edited by Berkshire
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I think Thailand's poor education WILL be it's downfall, and with the advent of ASEAN soon, we'll be seeing the first glimmers of panic as English-speaking Burmese and Laotians take managerial positions over Thais within international ASEAN companies setting up in Thailand.

There are some Thais around my area who would rather be jobless than be subservient to a Burmese.

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Actually, you're wrong.

The egg came first. Dinosaurs laid eggs. Birds are descendants of dinosaurs.

Sorry, back on topic.

I disagree that a 14 year old western student knows less maths and science than the average Thai teacher.

i only learnt the chicken thing from watching qi with stephen fry i trust his answer...mmm but what about the first dino then did eggs just appear one day and the first dino was born....so you agree that a western child knows more then.young sir...

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Eggs were around way before the first animal crawled from the sea to the land.

Yes, I've had many a general conversation with Thai graduates and in my opinion, the average Western 14 year old has far more general and specific knowledge.

Even the worst educated 10 year old Western hooligan doesn't need a calculator to add 95 (ciggies) + 10 (lighter).

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My wife's niece went to the state school in Chonburi. She is now studying clinical medicine on an international English speaking course at a university in China and she was awarded a scholarship on her first year results. She did fairly well at school but was not at the top of the class. It is not all bad.

While in the mean time 100 000 doctors working in Thailand can not speak a word of English and prescribe antibiotic for muscle pain. wink.png
Why should they speak a foreign language? Speak to the doctor in Thai, its Thailand

This the basic mistake that Thailand in general makes. The answer is that most knowledge and most medicines are from the West in English. How is a doctor to know what to prescribe if it's named in English and its use is described in English? How is the doctor to get on the internet and improve knowledge?

How is a doctor to stay abreast of the newest medicines and techniques when the professional writings are in English? The internet is the greatest research tool the world has ever known and it's mostly in English.

How are you sure they cannot speak english? Maybe they choose not too, meaning if you go to his surgery, you speak his language...khao jai?
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my Thai work colleague who is Manager for a major foreign pharmaceutical company earning 100K up asked me once if Brazil had a borderland with Spain, 7 of my work colleagues answered alive when i asked them if Adolf Hitler was dead or living :-)cheesy.gif

burritos is a dish from Italy answered 5 of them and when I asked them how many a kidneys a human being has, a nurse working at Bangkok hospital didn't know what HO2 stands for ???? and have no clue what sulfur is or its chemical symbol and no idea what it s used in the medicine or even name any medications which has sulfur as main composition ????

the funny thing I heard was Paris as an answer when i asked about Portugal s capital from a cashier working at a Portuguese restaurant.

These are just but a few examples from my great country of the USA:

5. When asked on what year 9/11 took place, 30% of Americans were unable to answer the question correctly, even as few as five years after the attack.

7. When looking at a map of the world, young Americans had a difficult time correctly identifying Iraq (1 in 7) and Afghanistan (17%). This isnt that surprising, but only a slim majority (51%) knew where New York was. According to Forbes and National Geographic, an alarming 29% couldnt point to the Pacific Ocean.

9. Despite being a constant fixture in school curricula, another 30% of Americans didnt know what the Holocaust was.

11. A surprisingly high percentage of Americans, 20%, believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth, instead of the opposite, aka. the correct answer.

14. 2006 AP polls showed that a majority of Americans were unable to name more than one of the protections guaranteed in the first Amendment of the Constitution which include speech, assembly, religion, press and redress of grievance. Just 1 in 1000 could name all of these five freedoms.


and there was me finking Amereekins was der brainiestist on the planet!

Education is important...but BEER is more importanter.

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My son has just come home from school.

I asked him, as any good father would, had he had a good day.

He replied yes but I have a load of homewok.

Is it English, I asked, if so I can help you.

No the answer.

How bad is that?

What an utter waste of a child's life!

Homework if I assighned it was to research, read.

Hell I am furious.

And how will he do his homework?

Smart phone and all friends copying, is even now.

I do not want to hurt him.

My wife just spoke to me; knew my mood , " Was I OK?"

Like hell my reply!

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In reply to Bekshire:

Have you ever been in a Thai state school?

No I am not part of the problem; in my simple way tried to make some diferrences.

Seems you have learnt Thai losing face.

Care not!

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This article restates the issue.

Part of the problem is that Thais are deeply, deeply ethnocentric, that coupled with a huge inferiority complex, reduces their ability to question themselves, their country, their institutions, yet they are taught to maintain "Thai Pride".

Ask a Thai to name any invention or discovery by a thai.. ANY! Sadly there are none.

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This article restates the issue.

Part of the problem is that Thais are deeply, deeply ethnocentric, that coupled with a huge inferiority complex, reduces their ability to question themselves, their country, their institutions, yet they are taught to maintain "Thai Pride".

Ask a Thai to name any invention or discovery by a thai.. ANY! Sadly there are none.

Oh there are some "inventions", water wheels!

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This article restates the issue.

Part of the problem is that Thais are deeply, deeply ethnocentric, that coupled with a huge inferiority complex, reduces their ability to question themselves, their country, their institutions, yet they are taught to maintain "Thai Pride".

Ask a Thai to name any invention or discovery by a thai.. ANY! Sadly there are none.

Oh there are some "inventions", water wheels!

And if you did not get the reference, I am no going down that path (idiom)!

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I have found the dentists here to be pretty good. Is that an exception?

Yes far better than the dentists in the UK. The dental service here is 100% better.

That's like boasting that the Thai fatality rate on the highways is better than Namibia's.
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Ask as many Thais as you can what 6x7 is and report back your findings ( no calculators allowed)

As most of them cannot speak much English, they would not understand your question.

If you wanted to take a survey on this, the would have to do it in Thai.

See sip song....wow, did i pass?
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My wife's niece went to the state school in Chonburi. She is now studying clinical medicine on an international English speaking course at a university in China and she was awarded a scholarship on her first year results. She did fairly well at school but was not at the top of the class. It is not all bad.

While in the mean time 100 000 doctors working in Thailand can not speak a word of English and prescribe antibiotic for muscle pain. wink.png

Why should a doctor have to speak English when the patients are Thai?

Are you implying that doctors have not been trained properly if they do not speak English.

My comment was regarding the education provided by the state school in Chonburi and not the medical profession but as usual there is always someone that wants to go off at a tangent.

If any doctor can't read/speak and understand English than he can never do his study...all medical articles and studies are in English...ex: The Lancet...and many others.

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My wife's niece went to the state school in Chonburi. She is now studying clinical medicine on an international English speaking course at a university in China and she was awarded a scholarship on her first year results. She did fairly well at school but was not at the top of the class. It is not all bad.

While in the mean time 100 000 doctors working in Thailand can not speak a word of English and prescribe antibiotic for muscle pain. wink.png
Why should they speak a foreign language? Speak to the doctor in Thai, its Thailand

This the basic mistake that Thailand in general makes. The answer is that most knowledge and most medicines are from the West in English. How is a doctor to know what to prescribe if it's named in English and its use is described in English? How is the doctor to get on the internet and improve knowledge?

How is a doctor to stay abreast of the newest medicines and techniques when the professional writings are in English? The internet is the greatest research tool the world has ever known and it's mostly in English.

Quite right, try Googling for a few things in Thai and then try again in English. Thai is a minority language, educational books and Internet listings are very limited, perhaps due to lack of demand. I very much doubt that a Thai only speaking doctor would be able to qualify at all, medical terms are written in English and / or Latin that both use the Roman alphabet. Medicines and uses are detailed in the medical professions "bible" Mimms. I have seen a Thai version of Mimms but most of the text in that version was in English. Edited by billphillips
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I believe the education system in Thailand is exactly what those in power ( those with the money ) want it to be.

Your average Thai is poorly educated and is well suited and satisfied to worki in the mud and hot sun on the farms, in the factories, or even in a 7/11..

The wealthy, poorly educated Thai's family can buy them a university degree and continue the family tradition of " doing well".

How else do you explain people with university degrees to teach English who can not speak the English language???

Most Thai teachers are not qualified to teach.

So, most Thai students are not qualified to learn.

But, it works for Thailand!wai2.gif

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Ask as many Thais as you can what 6x7 is and report back your findings ( no calculators allowed)

As most of them cannot speak much English, they would not understand your question.

If you wanted to take a survey on this, the would have to do it in Thai.

See sip song....wow, did i pass?

Your score is 42!!

That is very good for a Thai student.

You have the high score in your class

Wery good, wery good! thumbsup.gif

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