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A "Tai Yai" man? That means Shan, which means the man in question isn't even Thai but Burmese. So now this brawl become even more international - Aussies, Thais and even a Burmese man was involved.

Tai Yai is another name for Shan hill tribe people, plenty of those living and born in Thailand.

Chang Dao has a large population of them.

That tribe also live in, what used to be called, Burma.


What happened to all the TV detectives who claimed there was more to this story than an inflated bill?

Simple Thai bunco what was the Tuk Tuk driver doing waiting at the bar while the 2 drank 13 bottles of beer?

Why is there not attempted murder charge for the stabbing?

And yes the Aussies were charged with assault and fined 100bht, reflecting the provocation.

Why was the Tuk Tuk driver not fined for the scam?

Experience Thainess

The tuk tuk driver was waiting for his cut. He was more than liking getting a 1000 bahts for steering these to this place. He was there to protect his investment/commission. The longer the two stayed inside the bigger his "commission" 10% would be about right. I agree there should be attempted murder charges and also charges of carrying a weapon a knife. As there was no doubt hospital bills involved they should have been paid to.


The bar seems to have tried to charge for the girls "time".

I believe, that's the norm in those kinds of places in Thailand.

You're not just paying for your own drinks, but also for any drinks for the ladies and usually some kind of charge per lady per set amount of time, and the increments for that seem to be pretty short.

Not saying the demanded charges were right or legal. Just saying, that's what you often get in those kinds of places, especially the disreputable ones, including those that don't make it clear in advance to their customers what their pricing structure is.

I thought that was quite cheap,

Normally they want 20,000-40,000bht.

At least this bar should warn people of their intent and call it "The W.C. Fields" watering hole enter at your peril. Guess that would not work either as the many of the younger generation that frequent these places know nothing of this truly funny man.


As as Australian who used to drink like a fish and hang around bars and nightclubs (a long time ago) I believe this whole fiasco can be solved mathematically -

2 Aussies + alcohol x lots of + karaoke bar + more booze + sexy girls + more booze + tuk-tuk drivers + more booze = one big f**king disaster !

Seriously these places should be avoided by all tourists unless they are actually looking for trouble. I would not be surprised if I heard one day that an irate customer actually did put a bulldozer through one of these joints.

I have even heard stories of Thais being ripped off in these places.


I was warned early on about the karaoke bars in CM. I am curious about a couple of things tho. How did they recognize the Tuk Tuk driver at 6am (and after several beers) and why was he (the driver) still waiting around for hours? The attacking the driver seems a bit sketchy to me, especially when you combine the additional drivers getting involved and then the bouncers coming in and stabbing one while the other is being beaten. But hey, you get what you pay for.

Tuk Tuk driver gets a percentage of the take, he was waiting outside to collect his fee from the bar.

(amazed how green some of the posters on this thread are, hard to believe you've ever visited Thailand)

Condescension aside, it seems that he was waiting a long time to get his money from the bar. The Thais I know get paid a flat fee for steering people to businesses and the percentage (if any) is settled up later.

It is standard procedure at scam businesses like this, that the tuk tuk drivers gets a percent and they wait around until after to take them home and make sure they get the right cut. Happens with the seafood restaurant scam in Bangkok, and with the Karoake bar scam in Chiang Mai. The tuk tuk driver's cut will be thousands of baht, just depends on hwo much they can scam the tourists for. He has to be there to drive them to an ATM, most people don't carry 40,000 cash on them.

the tuktuk drivers solicit the scam, they're not just steering customers, they hang about LoiKroh offering to take punters to pretty girls.

Note that the father and son team were not as innocent as it seems. The son grabbing the head of the tuk-tuk driver, who may not have known what was going to happen seems ridiculous. It would have been one thing for him to attack one of the staff like that, but the tuk-tuk driver? No wonder this whole thing escalated. If the father and son team had simply negotiated their bill, even if they had become a bit angry but as long as they didn't become aggressive, this could have been settled in much more civilized fashion.

Luckily for this father and son combo, the perpetrators were fined and they were given a slap on the wrist fine of 100 Baht.

It's always violence that somehow causes these kinds of incidents to escalate. No surprises there I guess.

You view on this is twisted and poorly thought out. It is portraying the fight was between the two farang and the driver who took them there, WHY did it say ''Other tuktuk drivers came to the rescue of Phuwanart and engaged in the fight with young Australian. At the moment, the father came out to help his son. The bar workers then came out to join in beating the father and son, prompting them to flee to the temple, the station chief said. Why don't you just crawl back into your Thai den. A kid was stabbed for Christ sake. If the beer was 100baht they have charged them 99baht to have a slapper sit down and watch them drink it. GET REAL MY SON GET REAL!!!!


The girls are usually paid a drink commission not a sit commission. Singing time charges, private room

charges? Who knows. Of course the tuk tuk driver is complicit. He was waiting for his kick back.


I'm planning my next vacation. I think a spot of Jet skiing in the morning followed by few jars in a local Chang Mai Kareoke bar back in time for tea and tiffin with a couple of LBs just before getting a high heel embedded in my skull. I wonder what I'll do the second day? ??:blink:;)


Constantly repeating suck karaoke bar scandals in Chaing Mai and no actions were ever taken against and why there's weren't any attempt to murder charges since stabbing was involved ?

Things will never change here, why bother wasting time in commenting ?!?!


A bit steep for just beer ???

Is that the norm ??? Thankfully I don't frequent these kind of places.....

Yet another TV member who appears unable to read plain English. They didn't have "just beer." They also had the company of five girls for the evening. THAT is what cost the money.


The girls are usually paid a drink commission not a sit commission. Singing time charges, private room

charges? Who knows. Of course the tuk tuk driver is complicit. He was waiting for his kick back.

Absolute RUBBISH. Girls in Thai karaoke bars are NOT "usually" paid a drink commission, you either pay a specific rate or tip them for their time (more or less the same thing under a different name).

'Lady drinks' are a Western-focused beer bar invention.

This topic is rammed full of ignorance and hysteria. Yes, there are some places that will scam you the same as some taxis and numerous other things in Thailand, but the truth is if you ask for the rates when they offer girls to sit with you they'll tell you. Same with songs, ice, beer and anything else.

Most of the time speaking some Thai and having the right attitude can result in a great time in these places, and similar to Westerner-focused beer bars it's often the choice of the girl if she will go with you later.

Me and my friend have sat with the mafia in really dodgy places where the girls are bouncing off the walls on Ice and we never had a problem. Why? Because we spoke Thai and didn't go in there thinking we were on Sukhumvit.

Some of the girls won't be too interested in you because they have no experience or real interest in foreigners and think we are weird perverts with huge members that will hurt them and other such nonsense. Some of them might have a little English from somewhere and be a bit more forthcoming, others have no English at all but will find you an exciting novelty if you can speak Thai.

It can make for a far better experience of the 'real' Thailand than the tedious comfort zone of "What your name, where you come from? I go with you!"

On the other hand, it's very possible to go to Soi Cowboy and get ripped off then beaten up, and even more possible in Patpong.

The Aussies in this story clearly didn't know what they were doing, as well as getting suckered into going to one of the scam places, of which all others are not (though they are usually expensive unless you have your wits about you).

My experiences come from north of BKK, central BKK (up Ratchada way) and Isaan.

One other point to note is these places are not all the same: in some the songs are free, some will keep a bottle of whiskey for your next visit, others may not even have girls available for take away, and others may be more orientated towards food and a social experience where groups of co-workers might go to party together. Some are not expensive, many are if you just go for anything they offer you without asking for the price.

It's even possible to take control of the format for yourself: for example, at one place I used to regularly go to, I would sit with the girls at their table outside where I could smaoke and watch the world go by. This was where they hung out when they didn't have a customers to sit with and they'd do their make up, gossip, fiddle with their phones and eat their somtam. I'd get a big bottle for the table and they'd be happy to have me there without paying for their time.

In return, I got to sit with more girls each night and for free, but if they had a customer they would go off inside. That was no problem for me because I wasn't there to have some girl to myself, I was there for an interesting experience which it most definitely was.


I'm guessing the 45 year old Tuk Tuk driver was quite a bit shorter than the 18 year old. These two farang knew it was not a regular bar, that it was an expensive bar.


Nice to know that the fine for attempted murder with a knife is only 9000 THB!

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.That's probably only if a Thai attempts to murder a farang. Now, if the farang did that to a Thai, it would be off to jail like what happened to the dude from Australia recently. If your a farang, you better have CCTV footage to prove your case. If you're Thai: "9000 THB please, and try not to kill the farang with a knife the next time you beat the crap out of tourists who come to your Chang Klan karaoke bars. Like, use wood clubs and try not to hit them in the head too much! We're getting too much bad publicity."


Years ago I was with a group of Thais in a karaoke place. I was not drinking, and I was the only farang. I recused to have a bar girl seated at my side, the Thai guys didn't.....even the ones with its wives. After a while, and with all the Thais drunk and happy.....a monster bill comes for the one who invited all....no problems. If stupids Thais do not care....I think will be normal for farangs to accept the consequences of its stupidity too....


The bar seems to have tried to charge for the girls "time".

Lady drinks are dearer than the punters own drinks. Assuming they did not come across as totally cheap charlies, guess at least 3 lady drinks each for 5 girls over that long period of time. That could be B2k to B3k. Plus 13 beers at 95 or so B1,250. Food or snacks are not mentioned. So it could have easily been up to B3,500 to B4,500 without any other extras. Which is a long way from B13,000 and also a long way from the B1,000 offered. And the Tuk Tuk was still outside at 6am, or he came back for them. Either way the Aussie duo were probably drunk and stupid, as well as belligerent when offering the B1,000. Then attacking the tuk tuk guy was just looking for a hiding. Really lucky it did not turn out worse. Fault on both sides but this priceless pair obviously did not realize they were a long way from friendly support & Thais do not like being insulted or losing face. Some people live & learn. They lived luckily. Lets hope they learned.

Just as anticipated, a scam involving a tuk tuk driver and a rip off 'oke bar. Same as the Malaysians and the seafood dinner. Old habits, easy targets, treated with kid gloves by complicit authorities


Nevermind the attempted murder for the stabbing. I guess the forensics team ruled them out as suspects.

It will be 1000 bux a beer for the next unlucky tourist as well unfortunately.


Hey, hey, hey. I've got a great joke for you.

There's two Australian tourists, a tuk tuk driver, and a Chang Klan karaoke bar....wait a minute. Never-mind. This joke never turns out well in the end. It usually goes south about the time we get to the 'ATM machine' part of the story.

How about the one about the Banker, the TV member, and the Royingha refugee at a bar with a six pack of beer?


1000 THB for a bottle of beer,surely the owners of the joint should

have been charged with something too,problem is there will be at

least another 2 tourists in there tomorrow getting ripped off.

regards worgeordie

problem is there will be at

least another 2 tourists in there tomorrow getting ripped off.

Lets hope not.


A bit steep for just beer ???

Is that the norm ??? Thankfully I don't frequent these kind of places.....

Yet another TV member who appears unable to read plain English. They didn't have "just beer." They also had the company of five girls for the evening. THAT is what cost the money.

When you say 'have' the company of, you are talking about sitting right?,

Because for 13000bht they should have 'had' all five girls and beer in the biblical sense.

Not just sitting having to listen to the catawailing that passes for entertainment.


Note that the father and son team were not as innocent as it seems. The son grabbing the head of the tuk-tuk driver, who may not have known what was going to happen seems ridiculous. It would have been one thing for him to attack one of the staff like that, but the tuk-tuk driver? No wonder this whole thing escalated. If the father and son team had simply negotiated their bill, even if they had become a bit angry but as long as they didn't become aggressive, this could have been settled in much more civilized fashion.

Luckily for this father and son combo, the perpetrators were fined and they were given a slap on the wrist fine of 100 Baht.

It's always violence that somehow causes these kinds of incidents to escalate. No surprises there I guess.

Get real man get in touch with reality, idiotic comments, do you live in a nunnery ?.


This story has the facts wrong... the bill for 6 beers was reduced to 16,000 at the cop shop.from a much higher amount.. then reduced to 1500 after further arguments. The son did attack the tuk tuk driver who they already seen behaving like a standover man to other drivers the day before... he took them to the karaoke.


Regardless of the Aussies, that is a BS bill for 13 beers and some talk time. However I got hit in Manila with a $500 US D bill about 5 years ago for talking to two dancers ( Apple and orange were their names if I remember rightly LoL.) for about an hour at 3 am on Burgos Street. Also a total scam but I laughed my head of for getting scammed as I lived and worked there and thought I was to smart to be scammed.

I never went back, learnt another lesson and moved on

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