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Poll shows most people oppose legalizing casinos

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Poll shows most people oppose legalizing casinos


BANGKOK: -- More than half of the respondents in a poll conducted by Bangkok University oppose legalizing casinos on the grounds that gambling is immoral and bad and, therefore, casinos should not be allowed to be set up here.

Bangkok Poll sampled the opinions of 1,093 people who are over 18 years old from throughout the country on the subject of legalization of casinos.

The poll shows the following results: 58.5 percent oppose legalizing casinos against 35.1 percent who support legalizing casinos; 11.1 percent of the opponents thin casinos will encourage more youths to gamble and 13.5 percent believe that more people will get hooked to gambling; 14.8 percent who agree with the idea of legal casinos say that money will not be drained out to neighbouring countries where there are casinos; 5.9 percent of the supporters say the government will earn taxes from gambling and 8.2 percent believe that the idea will do away with illegal gambling.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/poll-shows-most-people-oppose-legalizing-casinos

-- Thai PBS 2015-06-19


Thais are very good at taking the high moral ground in public but when it comes to their private lives it's a different story.

For example how many of these principled Buddhists who make decisions on morality involving sex etc have mia nois ? Oh of course that's different as they can do what they want because of money and position and it gives them the right to criticise and legislate for others to follow.


you asked the opinions of the wrong 1,093 people

You're probably right...they probably asked the operators and benefactors of the illegal gambling dens and the govt lottery office. The poll shouldn't have asked the competition.


Thais are very good at taking the high moral ground in public but when it comes to their private lives it's a different story.

For example how many of these principled Buddhists who make decisions on morality involving sex etc have mia nois ? Oh of course that's different as they can do what they want because of money and position and it gives them the right to criticise and legislate for others to follow.

Thais are very good at taking the high moral ground in public but when it comes to their private lives it's a different story.

Best analysis of the country and its people ever!! clap2.gif clap2.gif

Thais are very good at taking the high moral ground in public but when it comes to their private lives it's a different story.

Best analysis of the country and its people ever!!

Name a country where that isn't true.


They should keep it illegal and open them up anyway with a bunch of legal loopsholes and technicalities that allow them to operate. Just like the giant mega brothels on Ratchadaphisek Road. First and foremost, locals need to get hit with the reverse double pricing thing... maybe a 2,500-5,000 Baht cover charge to keep out the commoners to some extent. Foreigners get in free and get a comped t-shirt.... "If you lose your shirt, we've got you covered..."


cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], etc.


They should keep it illegal and open them up anyway with a bunch of legal loopsholes and technicalities that allow them to operate. Just like the giant mega brothels on Ratchadaphisek Road. First and foremost, locals need to get hit with the reverse double pricing thing... maybe a 2,500-5,000 Baht cover charge to keep out the commoners to some extent. Foreigners get in free and get a comped t-shirt.... "If you lose your shirt, we've got you covered..."


cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], etc.


They become neighborhood blights and liabilities when allowed in urban areas in the US....All the bad indicators spiral upwards surrounding them + the negative people drawn from outside the area.....The statistics when accurately reported are scary.....

The increased tax revenue is ALWAYS THE BAIT.....

Some Indian Casinos located out in the middle of nowhere have been good for the tribes involved when managed by concerned


Page 2 - won't let me scroll down to finish

tribal elders or committee.....but some tribes farm out the management to casino companies which is like locking the fox in the hen house.....


Change is scary. A percentage of people always initially resist any change. People were initially opposed to women voting, the new-fangled automobile because it spooked the horses, inter-racial marriage, women in the military, abortion, gay marriage, smoking bans, and so on. The surprising figure to me is the 35% already in favor. And, the opposition seems to be geared to the harm gambling might cause to Thais, especially young Thais. If the casinos were limited to foreign passport holders, I wonder what the in favor/not in favor poll would show.


Just a further verification that Thailand is truly The Country of Contradiction. Most Thai's can hold two diametrically contradictory opinions in the same discussion. One does not have to look far to see that this country has a gambling attitude to almost everything it does.


I think part of the reason adults never learn to behave as adults is that they are not given the chance to be such. So, in a sense it is actually taking the moral high ground to allow people to try and be adults and decide whether to gamble or not. Of course we might be rightly cynical about most adults ever taking on some of the characteristics of responsibility and being able to act in a free and reasonable manner, but at least progress in that direction is better than none with whole nations being tied to Mama government's apron strings and lead around by the nose perpetually by meddling micromanaging figure heads.

But, allowing big business a monopoly on gambling while continuing to bust football betting tv parties and other locally organized lotteries, betting and gambling events is not the answer. In any case people will bet and gamble regardless of the law and there is nothing anyone can do about that, you have to gamble to get by these days anyway as nothing is very sure and governments play a role in bringing about that situation. I fail to see why governments think they are impressing anyone by cracking down or lifting restrictions on vice. It really is the height of cheesiness and inadvertent admission of cluelessness and incompetence to deal with real issues not to mention petty authority mongering.


come on man ....please be serious a bit ....what kind of crap is that?

from http://worldpopulationreview.com/world-cities/bangkok-population/

In 2014, Bangkok has an estimated population of 8.5 million.

this post here:1,093 people opinions........gambling is immoral and bad..wwwwwwwhouaaaaaaaaaaablink.png ..but eating mac donald and making food with palm oil every day it is not right....?

conclusion:Poll shows most people oppose legalizing casinos

in my village: 300 people .... without asking i can tell you 70 % are for the gambling staff



Bangkok has chinese population, of 4 million. Gambling is in there blood!

I am not Chinese - This is prejudice - Prejudice is irrational - basically inhuman - though very popular and fueled by cultural and communication media


come on man ....please be serious a bit ....what kind of crap is that?

from http://worldpopulationreview.com/world-cities/bangkok-population/

In 2014, Bangkok has an estimated population of 8.5 million.

this post here:1,093 people opinions........gambling is immoral and bad..wwwwwwwhouaaaaaaaaaaablink.png ..but eating mac donald and making food with palm oil every day it is not right....?

conclusion:Poll shows most people oppose legalizing casinos

in my village: 300 people .... without asking i can tell you 70 % are for the gambling staff


Out of those 70% gamblers more than 50% may respond against gambling on a survey question!!!!!


Now I think I understand Thainess................immoral=bad but amoral=OK.............

By golly, I think you've done hit that nail square on the head. Excellent insight! thumbsup.gif

Unfortunately only about 10% of TV member will actually understand what you just pointed out, and a fraction less than 1% of all Thais -- but yeah -- rock solid assessment.


come on man ....please be serious a bit ....what kind of crap is that?

from http://worldpopulationreview.com/world-cities/bangkok-population/

In 2014, Bangkok has an estimated population of 8.5 million.

this post here:1,093 people opinions........gambling is immoral and bad..wwwwwwwhouaaaaaaaaaaablink.png ..but eating mac donald and making food with palm oil every day it is not right....?

conclusion:Poll shows most people oppose legalizing casinos

in my village: 300 people .... without asking i can tell you 70 % are for the gambling staff


Out of those 70% gamblers more than 50% may respond against gambling on a survey question!!!!!

so 50% from 30% left is15% to add to the 70% i guess =85%.... so i am right then...they want the casino.....but i dont understand why u answer here actually!!whats your point?blink.pngburp.gif are u ok?


Thais are very good at taking the high moral ground in public but when it comes to their private lives it's a different story.

For example how many of these principled Buddhists who make decisions on morality involving sex etc have mia nois ? Oh of course that's different as they can do what they want because of money and position and it gives them the right to criticise and legislate for others to follow.

Exactly - in a word, hypocrisy.


The degenerate gamblers will gamble away their money with or without casinos. They should open government owned casinos, collect earnings and tax and use some of the revenue to help people with a gambling addiction.


Change is scary. A percentage of people always initially resist any change. People were initially opposed to women voting, the new-fangled automobile because it spooked the horses, inter-racial marriage, women in the military, abortion, gay marriage, smoking bans, and so on. The surprising figure to me is the 35% already in favor. And, the opposition seems to be geared to the harm gambling might cause to Thais, especially young Thais. If the casinos were limited to foreign passport holders, I wonder what the in favor/not in favor poll would show.

People were initially opposed to women voting

Are you seriously going to compare the right to gamble in a government approved casino with women's right to vote?

Gambling is a vice; women voting, new-fangled automobiles, inter-racial marriage, women in the military, abortion, gay marriage, smoking bans, and so on, are not. Sadly, you can't see the difference.

If the casinos were limited to foreign passport holders they wouldn't make enough money to be worthwhile.

The surprising figure to me is, "and 8.2 percent believe that the idea will do away with illegal gambling". How naive can one be? (that naive 8.2% are part of the 35% in favor)

There is nothing stopping Thais from gambling now so why legalize it and open up the country to even more opportunities for corruption.

You really don't have a genuine argument for the horribly corrupting influence of gambling, do you? You know, if you don't trust your local gambling joint in Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, or Myanmar are not so far away.

Of course I know women voting and casinos are 2 different things. Crikey. The list of things I mentioned in my post, including women voting, were simply to illustrate my initial comment that for some people change is scary and they prefer things to always remain the way they are. But, I think you knew that already. And, thank you for cutting and pasting to make it look like I said "the surprising thing to me is the 8.2 percent that believe that the idea will do away with illegal gambling". What I found surprising was the 35% who, for whatever reason, are already in favor of casinos.

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