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A general said to be behind push for Thai casino

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I simply cannot believe that an Officer and a Gentleman, the holder of high commisioned rank, could be doing such a thing for any but the most noble of motives!

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Why on earth would a general be interested in a casino? It has nothing to do with national security. I just can't figure this out.

Not much soldier stuff going on at a casino. What could be the motivation???

Thailand looses huge amounts of money by Thai people going in casinos on the border and in Macau. So it is part of national security.

But more probable he want to get a license to open a casino when he is retired which isn't something illegal...

That is the whole point.. make sure that all casino's are state run and you don't have this problem. Also if its state run there is more oversight because easing of the rules wont make anyone rich.

You may have noticed that the generals are the government.


I thought you were smarter as this.. your slipping up. If it is run for the government then the generals or whoever manages it does not get the profits but the government. Therefor no big payday for them.

I have no problems with a general running a casino in name of the government as an employee of the government not as a beneficiary with a cut in the profit.


Generals, police chiefs, and high level politicians, all pushing for making casinos legal.

Of course they operate all the illegal casinos now, and will be first in line to get a license

to make them legal. tongue.png


Thailand looses huge amounts of money by Thai people going in casinos on the border and in Macau. So it is part of national security.

But more probable he want to get a license to open a casino when he is retired which isn't something illegal...

That is the whole point.. make sure that all casino's are state run and you don't have this problem. Also if its state run there is more oversight because easing of the rules wont make anyone rich.

You may have noticed that the generals are the government.


I thought you were smarter as this.. your slipping up. If it is run for the government then the generals or whoever manages it does not get the profits but the government. Therefor no big payday for them.

I have no problems with a general running a casino in name of the government as an employee of the government not as a beneficiary with a cut in the profit.

Well I have to say the same about you Rob.

You must remember that when a certain person or his sister were running the government, most of the proceeds of that government disappeared into private bank accounts.

Why you think that isn't possible this time?


That is the whole point.. make sure that all casino's are state run and you don't have this problem. Also if its state run there is more oversight because easing of the rules wont make anyone rich.

You may have noticed that the generals are the government.


I thought you were smarter as this.. your slipping up. If it is run for the government then the generals or whoever manages it does not get the profits but the government. Therefor no big payday for them.

I have no problems with a general running a casino in name of the government as an employee of the government not as a beneficiary with a cut in the profit.

Well I have to say the same about you Rob.

You must remember that when a certain person or his sister were running the government, most of the proceeds of that government disappeared into private bank accounts.

Why you think that isn't possible this time?

Not saying its not possible but its criminal and not legal and when found out could lead to repercussions. Would it be likely that this happens is the question. It COULD happen but is not likely as the anti casino people and those who are not lucky will surely shine the spotlight on this.

What you were talking about was found out too so what makes you think this will stay secret ?


No better time than junta time to get the casino off the ground. Can't do that during democratic time as it will jeopardize the popularity of the ruling party and you will get the demonstrators on the streets. No better time for the Generals to rake in good money when you have absolute power in the NLA and NCPO.


A POWERFUL general has been spearheading the push for opening a casino in Thailand, National Reform Council (NRC) member Sira Jenjaka said yesterday.

– Don’t believe it for a minute. Sira is pot stirring. Sira should not be repeating things such as this without first checking the veracity of the information. He is supposed to be a respected NRC member. If he stoops as low as the gossip mongers he should be removed. Perhaps, a job as a wet market trader would be more appropriate for him.

"Gambling is a vice. So instead of giving people access to casinos, why don't we explain to them why gambling is bad?" he asked.

- If it is a vice, then do something about closing down all the illegal gambling dens and betting establishments. It is never going to happen. Also, who is Sira to dictate what is a vice and what is not. Sira, do you drink alcohol? It is a vice too you know.

He even suggested that a disciplinary probe be launched against Somyot.

- Stating an opinion or a stance is not illegal. Sira needs to be investigated to see whether he is mentally fit to serve on the NRC.

Surachai Liengboonlertchai, vice president of the National Legislative Assembly, reckoned that the casino issue was a sensitive one. "Casinos are not acceptable in Thai society, so we have to study all relevant factors before deciding to go ahead with it," he said.

– Really? Thai society cannot accept gambling? Really? Gambling dens are all over the place. Gambling is rife here. It is the vociferous few who are trying to force their values on the quiet majority. And those few are hardly grass roots members of society. They keep stating that Thailand is a Buddhist country and that we should not do this and that, yet many of those people would think nothing of going overseas and doing those very things they say should not be allowed in Thailand. Hypocrites. God I hate the I-Know-Better-Than-You Crowd.


No better time than junta time to get the casino off the ground. Can't do that during democratic time as it will jeopardize the popularity of the ruling party and you will get the demonstrators on the streets. No better time for the Generals to rake in good money when you have absolute power in the NLA and NCPO.

Who would demonstrate? Chamlong Srimuang and Sira and their ilk who would love nothing more than to force their own values on the whole country.


I have a dream one day to play poker in a casino here , but I think it will never happen.


You may have noticed that the generals are the government.


I thought you were smarter as this.. your slipping up. If it is run for the government then the generals or whoever manages it does not get the profits but the government. Therefor no big payday for them.

I have no problems with a general running a casino in name of the government as an employee of the government not as a beneficiary with a cut in the profit.

Well I have to say the same about you Rob.

You must remember that when a certain person or his sister were running the government, most of the proceeds of that government disappeared into private bank accounts.

Why you think that isn't possible this time?

Not saying its not possible but its criminal and not legal and when found out could lead to repercussions. Would it be likely that this happens is the question. It COULD happen but is not likely as the anti casino people and those who are not lucky will surely shine the spotlight on this.

What you were talking about was found out too so what makes you think this will stay secret ?

Never said it would stay a secret, and after I don't know how many billion Baht have been roamed, nobody cares much that the scam is ended.

Are the previous PM's in jail? No

Will they ever be in jail? Most probably not


Seems that this is a hot issue. Maybe it is better left until after elections when a legitimate government is in place. Sounds like certain individuals are trying to push this through the unelected government.


you cant keep sweeping gambling under the carpet everyone knows it exists in Thailand get it out into the open a casino would generate income money that could be used for education and child welfare .

Surely you must be wrong...

""Casinos are not acceptable in Thai society, so we have to study all relevant factors before deciding to go ahead with it," he said."

he said "not acceptable"

oops he also said "deciding to go ahead with it"

strange definition of the phrase "not acceptable". There must be some extra words the reporter missed out.... maybe "not acceptable that the police are getting rich from illegal casinos and we are not..."


I simply cannot believe that an Officer and a Gentleman, the holder of high commisioned rank, could be doing such a thing for any but the most noble of motives!

Why not - police senior commissioned officers, past and present do it all the time - that most noble of motive, money.


I seem to remember there was a former policeman who was said to have used his position in government to acquire wealth. What a rascal he must have been.

So do many of us but PLEASE lets not make all topics/threads a Thaskin topic...It's been too long now.....coffee1.gif

Whatever made you think of Thaksin?


Money in his pocket, and maybe Dubai Dude !!

Why on earth would a general be interested in a casino? It has nothing to do with national security. I just can't figure this out.

Not much soldier stuff going on at a casino. What could be the motivation???


Why on earth would a general be interested in a casino? It has nothing to do with national security. I just can't figure this out.

Not much soldier stuff going on at a casino. What could be the motivation???

Maybe he has a plot of land for sale and owns a construction company. Also he or a consortium controlled by him could maybe assume management/security of the enterprise. Over the years this could be a pension plan. With connections and vision(they are not short sighted in these matters when it comes to ways of making bahts) the possibilities could be endless. Right after the first one is built they become like 7/11's. Its all a matter of getting your food in the door. The only negative I can see is that underground gambling is widely entrenched here and also has many connections. They will not give up their lucrative enterprises without a fight. They see money fleeing from their pockets into government coffers.


Does a general earn enough to establish a casino? This would have to set him back a few billion baht.

Silly boy he could push a few buttons on his mobile and come up with that kind of money in lets say 15 minutes to be conservative. Birds of a feather flock together. Once it is all said and done he could say goodbye army pension please hello free enterprise.


How on earth can they regulate a casino when they cannot even control the lotteries.

You could say the same about past constitutions but they are on a learning curve. Its called trial and error. The next one will be iron clad total control. If you step out of line go straight to jail do not collect $200


you cant keep sweeping gambling under the carpet everyone knows it exists in Thailand get it out into the open a casino would generate income money that could be used for education and child welfare .

Dreamer. When it comes to corruption where there is a will there is a way. My old sainted grandmother told me that one. She had so many good sayings. She also told me "Grandson the old must die but the young can die" I am still trying to figure out which side of this statement I am on. Guess I am young at heart. God bless her. She was the greatest person I ever encountered during my lifetime. But at my young age I thought she was stupid and I knew everything what a joke I knew nothing not even dry behind my ears yet. Over the years she increased in stature and I increased in humility. Ah life what a wonderful teacher. Well on with today's lesson.


"I can tell you that Thai tourism can blossom even without a casino, as foreigners visit for our arts and culture,"

This Is Classic.



"I can tell you that Thai tourism can blossom even without a casino, as foreigners visit for our arts and culture,"

This Is Classic.


A classic, but not true, I came for the Temples :-)

Why on earth would a general be interested in a casino? It has nothing to do with national security. I just can't figure this out.

Not much soldier stuff going on at a casino. What could be the motivation???

Perhaps his love of Country and belief it will help.



"All I've done is express my opinion. As a policeman, I will still take action against gambling for as long as it violates Thai law," he said.

I wonder how many illegal gambling venues he has his sticky fingers into already??

At the moment there are many such "dens" providing Liquor in the front & poke-her round the back (pun intended) type establishments

all this would do is reverse the above !!
And provide some top brass with a healthy monthly pension top-up!!

Why on earth would a general be interested in a casino? It has nothing to do with national security. I just can't figure this out.

Not much soldier stuff going on at a casino. What could be the motivation???

Thailand looses huge amounts of money by Thai people going in casinos on the border and in Macau. So it is part of national security.

But more probable he want to get a license to open a casino when he is retired which isn't something illegal...

That is the whole point.. make sure that all casino's are state run and you don't have this problem. Also if its state run there is more oversight because easing of the rules wont make anyone rich.

You may have noticed that the generals are the government.


I thought you were smarter as this.. your slipping up. If it is run for the government then the generals or whoever manages it does not get the profits but the government. Therefor no big payday for them.

I have no problems with a general running a casino in name of the government as an employee of the government not as a beneficiary with a cut in the profit.

Ah, but everything needs a license. Even the sign above the door.....

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