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Thailand to teach journalists how to ask inoffensive questions

Jonathan Fairfield

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Thailand to teach journalists how to ask inoffensive questions

BANGKOK:-- Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha said on Thursday he was not afraid of the press, days before the government is to hold a meeting to teach journalists how to ask questions that won't offend him.

Gaffe-prone Prayuth has had a love-hate relationship with the media during the year since he seized power, at one point saying he would probably "just execute" journalists that "did not report the truth".

His office later said the comment was made in jest.

Affectionately called 'Uncle Prayuth' by his admirers, he has overseen a period of relative stability but has been criticised by rights groups for using heavy-handed handed tactics against detractors.

Prayuth said he has never tried to censor the media.

-- Reuters 2015-06-25

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I'm pretty sure most journalists have been doing their jobs a lot longer then him, and know what's offensive and what's not...

Whats offensive is thew Junta's attempts at suppressing the media, the man's ego is going to be his downfall, if he can't stand such offensive and difficult questions, perhaps he should have let someone with a bit more "people" skills become PM!!

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It would be interesting to me to find out who was the quartermaster in General Prayuth's early army days who failed to issue him with a complete sense of humour.

Lacking a sense of humour in the military is one thing, lacking a sense of humour in public life can be fatal to one's career.

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"Madam, your feet are too big for our shoes!" says the salesgirl of the shoe shop.

Or should she have said, "Sorry madam, our shoes are too small for your feet!"

Or in the case of a politician, "Sir, what size is your mouth?"

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Gaffe-prone Prayuth has had a love-hate relationship with the media during the year since he seized power, at one point saying he would probably "just execute" journalists that "did not report the truth".

His office later said the comment was made in jest.

"It's the way I tell 'em!"


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It would be interesting to me to find out who was the quartermaster in General Prayuth's early army days who failed to issue him with a complete sense of humour.

Lacking a sense of humour in the military is one thing, lacking a sense of humour in public life can be fatal to one's career.

It must be extremely hard work being in the military if you don't have a sense of humour - it was the only thing that kept me (relatively) sane!

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A self-appointed military head of state with a weak sense of civil governance-- should we be surprised? As a fan of democracy, my feelings are definitely mixed. If he were to achieve overwhelming economic and political success... we could kiss democracy goodby for a long while. But that would seem impossible given the complex nature of modern societies and the need for a balance of input from labor, civic groups, and business. Not that that ever happens-- the big money rules these days, the world over.

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Does anyone in TV has knowledge of his merits in battle or warfare of any kind and his credentials as strategist or tactician?

Was he ever a private/recruit? I seem to recall he attended military academy but I am not sure. Then again we know what happens to history and facts in these latitudes.

He must have some hidden "mojo" that enabled him to reach such high status in the military.

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Does anyone in TV has knowledge of his merits in battle or warfare of any kind and his credentials as strategist or tactician?

Was he ever a private/recruit? I seem to recall he attended military academy but I am not sure. Then again we know what happens to history and facts in these latitudes.

He must have some hidden "mojo" that enabled him to reach such high status in the military.

In Thailand's military, as in its police and civil service, connections and bribes count for more than ability in attaining promotions. Prayuth was assigned to the Eastern Tigers faction of the army in the 1990's, a faction that became rich and powerful by illegal trading with the Khmer Rouge when it was on its last legs. The rest is history.

The moderators won't allow a link to my source, but if you do a search using "foreign policy", "eastern tigers", and "prayuth" you'll have no trouble finding it and many other interesting articles.

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But the job of the press is to ask awkward questions,and cause the media to probe and make sure the politicians are not hiding anything!

In the UK we have Jeremy Paxman, commonly known as the Rottweiler !

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Journo: Sorry your most worthy premiereship, bringer of peace and happiness to the Thai people, I know your infinitely knowledgeable, incorruptible and unscruptuously honest generalissimo was asked this question last week, and the week before last, and the week before the week before last, but please, guarantor of Thai reconciliation and some-day-Thai-style-democracy, ...

What is your favorite color?


Ah, I see, "Yellow", got it, ....

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"Madam, your feet are too big for our shoes!" says the salesgirl of the shoe shop.

Or should she have said, "Sorry madam, our shoes are too small for your feet!"

Neither are particularly offensive, both ways seems ok to me. just a matter of tact.

Now on the other hand if the shoe shop salesgirl said YO Sasquatch, Splah Foot, We need to order in something in for those hooves, that would be offensive, funny but offensive.

Not to many Thai's know the difference of offensive language and statements in the western sense, but they're not asking questions to a western PM but to a Thai PM that thinks Yours is not to reason why, yours is but to do or die...

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