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Prayut says he does not care about US invitation

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@OccamsRazor - Oh I do.. are you using ARPANET to access ThaiVisa then? Though that would be based upon the first non theoretical example of packet-switching, indeed the system that coined the phrase, created by Donald Davies (a Brit), in the National Physics Laboratory (in Britain)

Honestly though, I suspect you're using the World Wide Web. Invented by a Tim Berners Lee (another Brit).

@NeverSure. Perhaps you should educate yourself before opening your mouth. The two common names chosen as the originator of the Computer are Charles Babbage (a Brit) and Alan Turing (a Brit) who worked with the aforementioned Donald Davies (a Brit).

What is the "NeverSure American English" definition of 'hypocrite' by the way, because it make absolutely no sense in the context that you used it with regard to any definition I can find, neither in "American English" nor actual English dictionaries.

You're welcome, have a nice day y'all. Enjoy firework day, or 'Bonfire Night' as it was originally known.

Sadly, the caliber of Brits you refer to are extinct, having been supplanted by slimy whiners who leave no stone unturned looking for a cheap shot to take at Americans.

Funny how that happens.


Tim Berners-Lee is alive and well. 1 minute of research would tell you that.

No wonder there's such an obesity epidemic, if everyone is as lazy as yourself and NeverRight in the US.


Every 4th of July, I always don't give a dam.......

Maybe both you and the general don't want to give a dam..... That's the day Americans celebrate kicking the asses of the King of England and his red coat soldiers and running them back to where they came from. It's Independence Day - free from being a British Colony.

That's a celebration of independence from intolerable Brits. That's the truth and the whole truth. That's all it's about.

We still celebrate being free from intolerable Brits and that's why we remember the 4th of July with fireworks and good American food. 330 million Americans will be remembering how ugly Brits are. True story.

But none as ugly as you. What a nasty piece of goods you are. Decent Americans must be ashamed that you are one of them.


the US really need to pull their heads out of their ars*s, they have always thought they were something special when we all know the truth. The president along with a lot of their senators are hopeless, trying to tell everyone else what to do when they are the biggest losers and crims themselves but who really gives a sh*t. What they used to be and what they are now are two totally different things, if I were the general I wouldnt go either, bloody morons.

In other words, the current Thai Government are well suited to their American counterparts wink.png

Your opening sentence wouldn't be out of place if you removed the "US" for "Thais" too.

actually come to think about it, if you replaced the "US" part with "Thai" your post would be pretty much spot on too..as for your comment "who gives a shit?" well obviously you do, as you commented on it biggrin.png

The General and his cohorts sound like the typical "nobodies friend" who never gets invited to social parties of the Big Boys clubs, and then states "I wouldn't go anyway" ..

Nice. It would be interesting to even replace "US" with the original poster's state. Come to think of it replace "US" with any state and one would get a fairly good perspective.


Who cares about stupid US independence

Calling all U.S. bashers--jump on the bandwagon--whether your post is relevant or not!

Tim Berners-Lee is alive and well. 1 minute of research would tell you that.

No wonder there's such an obesity epidemic, if everyone is as lazy as yourself and NeverRight in the US.

Ok, I'll amend my statement: the caliber of persons to whom you refer are endangered, nearly supplanted by slimy whining butt-weasels, spawn of the excrementitious Commonwealth of Great Britan and Northern Ireland, and revelers in former glory.

Funny how that happens.


The last minute invitation was insincere...the US does not care whether the PM comes or not...but it would be good if he would send one of his young female lieutenants in his stead...


'Britan' was a typo. It should have been 'Dickland'.


Oh, you've been there then? I'm sorry if somebody broke your heart, but the calories would have gotten there at some point anyway. Or the Ritalin. Or the psychotic children your society raises and supplies with weapons.


Frankly speaking, I am rather disappointed in the venom being spewed by both American and British bashers. Both countries have much to be proud of and both have had their share of historical mistakes. There is too much rancour and nastiness in today's World. As an American, I shall celebrate the 4th as usual, but I shall not be critical of other nations while doing it. Best wishes and cheers to you all.


Off the original topic but just to clarify

Who invented the Internet?

A single person did not create the Internet that we know and use today. Below is a listing of different people who have helped contribute and develop the Internet.

The idea

The initial idea is credited as being Leonard Kleinrock's after he published his first paper entitled "Information Flow in Large Communication Nets" on May 31, 1961.

In 1962, J.C.R. Licklider became the first Director of IPTO and gave his vision of a galactic network. In addition to ideas from Licklider and Kleinrock, Robert Taylor helped create the idea of the network that later became ARPANET.

i believe that none are british,,,,,


'Britan' was a typo. It should have been 'Dickland'.


Oh, you've been there then? I'm sorry if somebody broke your heart, but the calories would have gotten there at some point anyway. Or the Ritalin. Or the psychotic children your society raises and supplies with weapons.


This qualifies as 'non-sequitur' of the month.

Thanks for your insights.


Settle down, I'm an Aussie we like to bash the Yank.

This is about an invitation to a BBQ or Cocktail party, whatever.

He's not missing an invitation to speak at the G7.

America can be proud of it's history getting rid of oppressors, what happened after well we have our opinions.


Typical arrogant elite old-school Thai attitude towards Western countries, no manners, no class, just loads of money and a false sense of entitlement that means <deleted> all outside of Thailand.

What would Obama do if Lao don't invite him? Don't care, I guess.

So what should Prayut do? The same.

Thailand isn't a colony and I think it wise to just ignore the childish games some countries play.


Methinks boss man could not give a flying one about now trivial goings on in some farang far-off land hundreds of years ago. Snub value aside, how important in the great scheme of things?


That may be because Americans don't travel bubba ?worlds best blah blah blah

Really? The 2015 expected travel numbers for the USA top 3 destinations are:

21million+ visits to Mexico

12.4 million+ visits to Canada

2.5 million+ visits to the UK

US nationals really don't need to travel far to experience different cultures. The USA is one of the most diverse nations in the world and it has the advantage of decent sun destinations. Unlike Europeans who have to flee their region in the winter, US sun chasers can stay in their own country or go to the Caribbean. Cruises are one of the major holiday options, and it's not an option that's as popular or lucrative elsewhere. North Americans are the luckiest people in the world. They have it all: Plentiful resources, self sufficiency in food and energy, good health, prosperity and relative safety.


Off the original topic but just to clarify

Who invented the Internet?

A single person did not create the Internet that we know and use today. Below is a listing of different people who have helped contribute and develop the Internet.

The idea

The initial idea is credited as being Leonard Kleinrock's after he published his first paper entitled "Information Flow in Large Communication Nets" on May 31, 1961.

In 1962, J.C.R. Licklider became the first Director of IPTO and gave his vision of a galactic network. In addition to ideas from Licklider and Kleinrock, Robert Taylor helped create the idea of the network that later became ARPANET.

i believe that none are british,,,,,

Leonard Kleinrock is credited with the initial idea of ARPANET, not 'the Internet'

It's important to note that ARPANET did not 'evolve' into 'Internet' - they are different approaches that both leveraged the two building blocks.

For British input, aside from the obvious Tim Berners-Lee (who is responsible for creating the protocol that 99% of people consider to be 'the Internet'), look up packet switching and Donald Davies whom I already mentioned. Packet-switching is one of the two fundamental building blocks of ARPANET, and the Internet, along with TCP/IP, which it predates.

This is not to say that I truly believe that the 'British invented the internet' - my point for highlighting the early contributions of specific individuals was to counter the ridiculous argument that Brits have contributed nothing to the world in 1000 years, which is just an idiotic claim.

No one person or nation invented 'the internet'.


Typical arrogant elite old-school Thai attitude towards Western countries, no manners, no class, just loads of money and a false sense of entitlement that means <deleted> all outside of Thailand.

What would Obama do if Lao don't invite him? Don't care, I guess.

So what should Prayut do? The same.

Thailand isn't a colony and I think it wise to just ignore the childish games some countries play.

First off, it's a BBQ, NOT a state occasion. Typically, it's held in celebration of American Independence Day, FOR Americans, and locals of note. I don't think ANY head of state would attend such an informal occasion, nor would the Embassy normally invite one.

In fact, I wonder just why Prayut was invited in the first place. I think the poster who said it was insincere was on to something. They must have known he wouldn't attend, and that his declining would gather attention. More petulance from you-know-who...

Between this, and publically labeling Pramote an "Anti-Thaksin Activist", the Embassy has pretty well screwed the pooch this time.

My country, right or wrong! Lol!


It's called common courtesy. You invite him even if you do not expect him to come.

Pretty simple concept really, one that euro and even antipodean mouth breathers should be able to understand. thumbsup.gif


Every 4th of July, I always don't give a dam.......

Maybe both you and the general don't want to give a dam..... That's the day Americans celebrate kicking the asses of the King of England and his red coat soldiers and running them back to where they came from. It's Independence Day - free from being a British Colony.

That's a celebration of independence from intolerable Brits. That's the truth and the whole truth. That's all it's about.

We still celebrate being free from intolerable Brits and that's why we remember the 4th of July with fireworks and good American food. 330 million Americans will be remembering how ugly Brits are. True story.

If it's so long ago that you were metaphorically "kicking the asses of the King of England and his red coat soldiers", don't you thing it's about time you stopped using other countries for target practice? In fact, why do you still continue to gun-down your own citizens in such great numbers? Still playing 'cowboys & indians' are we?


Awwww bless theKnave . He tried bless him . wit and sarcasm is not one of your strong suites is it ? if only I could put that in a pill I'm sure it would cure one of his ailments . Talk to your Dr it may help you have a heart attack , cause cancer , the trots ....but it will cure your lack of wit


Every 4th of July, I always don't give a dam.......

Maybe both you and the general don't want to give a dam..... That's the day Americans celebrate kicking the asses of the King of England and his red coat soldiers and running them back to where they came from. It's Independence Day - free from being a British Colony.

That's a celebration of independence from intolerable Brits. That's the truth and the whole truth. That's all it's about.

We still celebrate being free from intolerable Brits and that's why we remember the 4th of July with fireworks and good American food. 330 million Americans will be remembering how ugly Brits are. True story.

If it's so long ago that you were metaphorically "kicking the asses of the King of England and his red coat soldiers", don't you thing it's about time you stopped using other countries for target practice? In fact, why do you still continue to gun-down your own citizens in such great numbers? Still playing 'cowboys & indians' are we?

Don't think we Americans have a lock on violence. Although they can't get guns, plenty of yobbos roaming around in feral packs, in any city in the UK, thrashing the well-known article out of anyone unlucky enough to be in the way.

Who invented soccer hooligans?

Plenty of bad behavior to go around. No need to pretend innocence.


Every 4th of July, I always don't give a dam.......

Maybe both you and the general don't want to give a dam..... That's the day Americans celebrate kicking the asses of the King of England and his red coat soldiers and running them back to where they came from. It's Independence Day - free from being a British Colony.

That's a celebration of independence from intolerable Brits. That's the truth and the whole truth. That's all it's about.

We still celebrate being free from intolerable Brits and that's why we remember the 4th of July with fireworks and good American food. 330 million Americans will be remembering how ugly Brits are. True story.

And how well those same "Americans" then treated the liberated native Americans and slaves.

Will you be whistling Dixie, giving a rebel yell and doing an Irish jig too?


Who cares about stupid US independence

Calling all U.S. bashers--jump on the bandwagon--whether your post is relevant or not!

As long as you have a/holes like NeverSure spouting their vitriolic gobs on here then don't expect anything else from non Americans.

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