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Thai tourism to hit the skids if it can't overcome crises

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The unrelenting references to the China boom reflect the fact that tourism authorities are in a state of denial: ie, something is wrong with the destination for markets of decades long standing but, no worries, forget them and replace with China.

As any business owner knows, you work hard to preserve your traditional markets while concurrently developing/expanding new ones. It's called a growth strategy.

I believe TAT looked at that strategy but decided it involved too much work and went instead for the classic alternative of sticking a finger in each ear and repeating the mantra of "it's all going to be ok if we say it is" followed up by a round of " nah nah nahna" and sticking their head in the sand.

To their credit it has worked for a while in the short term.

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Tourism is already dying here in Phuket, even though tourist arrivals are up.---KarenBravo

Your right KB Tourist figures are up & more money is being spent---an unusual analogy for dieing ...

The type of tourism--is changing --World wide-- most of the type of tourists coming in from Asia -don't want to spend their days sitting in a small bar telling someone that their last wife never understood them---a lot of those bars will go to the wall. Time after time figures keep coming out about how much the Chinese in particular are spending (way above any other country--so many links here on that fact) & everyone one of those posts to the contrary--are familiar in as much as they are anecdotal ---there has never been one link to show us how having all these extra tourist is so bad for the country.

Now you have traced the money--well done-- showing that it doesn't benefit Thailand at all --------LINKS PLEEEEAASEEE

As a long time resident who can actually see the empty restaurants, bars and sundry attractions, you're just going to have to take my word for it.

Or, you could try Googling Phuket Zero Baht Tourism.


konying, on 29 Jun 2015 - 06:10, said:snapback.png

I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

tourists would be back.

Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

Your are talking about the package holiday people, that might see it a better alternative than say, Tunisian beaches eh?

However I do not think cheapness is the prime factor. Thailand is still relatively cheap. My country certainly is not in the top as for tourist numbers, nothing like EU countries, but over the last five years Thailand has not had good press. This is not about Mers or Coups or airlines. It has to do with friendliness, rudeness and safety. It's been getting a bad rap in travel media, both national and local. How this is to be fixed remains to be seen. I doubt Thailand is very concerned about doing anything, so it will just continue

No I am not talking about packages.

Examples: in Australia I cam buy tshirt in Kmart for $5, in Thailand markets its 200 baht=$8

Female companion from a gogo can cost up to 10000 baht

Basically in past 3 years, exchange rate gone down while prices tripled.

Wow...you need to find another go go ..that's far to much..where was that?. chiang Mai 2000/3000 baht LT

And can't believe Pattaya is much different..Bangkok same 2000/3000 baht LT allegedly!!

I suggest you visit Thailand to know the prices .

2000-3000 is st, plus 1000-2000 bar fine, plus drinks

4000-6000 is lt plus same bar fine and same drinks

Even freelances asking for 3000

Was in Thailand..both Bangkok and Chiang Mai for two visits for a total of 6 months last year..I accept the drinks etc are not included in my approx figures but the prices you quote are so wrong..maybe they saw you coming..1000 -2000 for bar fine is nonsense...anyway I'll agree to disagree...try Foxy lady in Chiang Mai or any of the ground floor in Nana...nowhere near those prices your mentioning..

Schools out Nana..think that's the name..2400 plus 500 bar fine...Foxy lady Chiang Mai 2000 plus 600 both LT..fact..and both really fit..one stayed with me for 3 days from Nana...sorry mate..haggle a bit more..


Tourism is already dying here in Phuket, even though tourist arrivals are up.

Massive Chinese tourist presence, though, all money spent by them is kept among only a few agencies and tour companies.

Outrageous tuk-tuk prices, no public transport, beaches taken over by the jet-ski mafia, no sun-beds for older people to use, pollution running into the sea, rubbish strewn at the side of the roads, unfettered building that stays closed after completion, the constant rip-offs, aggressive touts and grid-lock on the roads. These are the real reasons that tourism here has started to collapse and it's only going to accelerate. Everyone with a business here that doesn't cater to the Chinese is dreading the next high season.

There was a lot of hope that the army would sort out all the problems, but, they have been as effective as a chocolate tea-pot. All talk, a little bit of action and when they leave, it all goes back to the way it was.

Thai greed, compromise and cowardly corrupt officials are killing this place.

Well said, my exact sentiments... And I am a resident of Phuket.....


Tourism, or at least Western tourism may well be down. The relentless bad press the country has received over its political turmoil, human trafficking, beach and other scams, crime and the pathetic police responses all have had their effect. Until the country can show that they are actually doing something about this the decline will continue.

I suspect the human trafficking scandal may well be what places the lid on the coffin.


A lot of tourists enjoy street-food and night-markets etc. and in some places these traditional local cultures are being bulldozed to make space for new projects. I think this is short-sighted, and shows that the planners are evaluating these existing Thai features based on their own personal view of these things being lo-so and outmoded. Infact many tourists see these things as a central part of traditional local Thai culture, and part of the perfect Thai holiday experience.

I do not claim that this is a huge factor in the wobbly and strangely quantum predicted-tourist charts. But I do talk to many long-time visitors who share my feelings of sorrow at the clumsy modernisation in some areas, often at the cost of traditional local Thai culture which so many visitors have known and loved for decades.


"Surveillance conflicts are spreading in Tunisia, France and Italy." Is that what we are calling terrorist attacks now?


Tourism, or at least Western tourism may well be down. The relentless bad press the country has received over its political turmoil, human trafficking, beach and other scams, crime and the pathetic police responses all have had their effect. Until the country can show that they are actually doing something about this the decline will continue.

I suspect the human trafficking scandal may well be what places the lid on the coffin.

Yes I agree..apart from the other issues you mention once a major holiday destination gets continually bad press about practices it shows the seed of doubt and then if the Human Trafficking issue ends up with a further downgrade or whatever they do next...with social media and the awareness of people today they will crash...that and of course the Air issue is a big problem for internal movement so that could be the final straw if they don't address it...there is one other issue that's going to happen one of these day..although your not allowed to talk about it and I'm my opinion is also going to be a major issue maybe bigger than these other..

So many conflicting stories. So many stats. Nobody has a clue in this country. It's up, it's down, it's side to side. Who would want to invest or travel in a country that is so incompetent? Too much Thai pride, and for what?

We did.


So many conflicting stories. So many stats. Nobody has a clue in this country. It's up, it's down, it's side to side. Who would want to invest or travel in a country that is so incompetent? Too much Thai pride, and for what?

Oh how I agree with you. The level of incompetence is staggering. Years of nepotism, pay offs, etc. allows an entire country to be null and void of any critical thinking/problem solving/ or high functioning level.

Thailand is basically IMO a lost cause. It will continue it's downward spiral. What would it be w/out so many of it's female population willing to sell themselves? That's what so much of tourism is about.... is it not?


No I am not talking about packages.

Examples: in Australia I cam buy tshirt in Kmart for $5, in Thailand markets its 200 baht=$8

Female companion from a gogo can cost up to 10000 baht

Basically in past 3 years, exchange rate gone down while prices tripled.

I suggest that the T shirt bought in Thailand would have twice the quality and life of the $5 KMart model. But what I find really incongruous is someone who would quibble over a few dollars for a T shirt, paying $400 for a shag.

Even if she reckons its gold plated with a mink coat, tell her you want to rent, not buy.


How to make a mountain out of a molehill!

There is a BIG EXCUSE buried in there somewhere ... to get the big boss PM off their backs.


On the overcharging/ pricing of Tourist / foreigners issue....... the worst case I have ever experienced was last week at the hands of the government agency managing Khao Yai National park.

Entry to the park for Thai's TB40

Entry for foreigners Tb400

BY % mark up comparison, not one of the greatest roll out the welcome mat examples of Thai tourism.


I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

tourists would be back.

Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

You think people choose Thailand because of price? Wake up and smell the coffee. The reason people come is for what they have trouble finding legally elsewhere, e.g., bar girls, lady boys, underage children, and a predominantly gay sexually indiscriminate population. Just look at Thai tourism advertising. It is all directed at single males. When was the last time you saw Thai advertising targeting families? Right, never.


ok ok the country is hitting new lows in terms of suppression of the press, arresting students, etc etc, but come on marketing skid marks to get the tourists in takes the bisciut


A new movie The Coup No Escape due for release early September, wont help increase the tourist numbers for the high season.

So there really are people who can't tell the difference between excrement and shoe polish.


Of course it would help if the Government would install Sewage Disposal Plants in Ao Nang. Krabi, Pattaya, Phuket, Koh Samui - INSTEAD of letting it run out to the sea... People have noses you know...

The Swedes raised a stink (pun intended) about Ao Nang Beach Sewage - helicopters flew over -- it was on the tv news - made the newspapers, a conference in Krabi with the Swedes representatives, Etc.

So what was done? ... You guessed it - Nothing ... made a bigger trench -- moved it to the end of the beach and put up a berm of sand to hide it ... No Sewage Treatment plant... Still smells to high heaven ...

Believe it or not -- a hotel in Ao Nang (and many other places) are only required (evidently) to put in a series of septic tanks with NO drainage fields -- 200 rooms -- 300 rooms -- and there are dozens of hotels... The big trench -- that does not even qualify as a Klong is all there is to drain it all away ... Fricken Amazing...


There are many more potential risks to Thai tourism than MERS and the aviation safety crisis that can cause a substantial adverse impact on Thailand. A few come to mind immediately:

- Russian promotion of Crimea for Russian tourism

- Greecian promotion of Greece with crash of Greek drachma

- terrorism in Tunisia vacation areas

- continued economic downturn in China

- increase in Thai household debt, domestic business closures and unemployment

- continued falling global agricultural prices

- continued negative export growth

- loss of seafood sales to EU and USA

- increased competition from ASEAN and partner countries

- abnormal weather

- resurgence of violence in the South

Then there is the "800-pound gorilla" ruling Thailand. The Junta has been increasing its stranglehold on civil liberties and rights in disportionate response to the slightest show of protests OF ANY KIND, whether political or not. It now holds a widely critisized draft 2015 constitution, forthcoming dissolution of the NLA, NRC and CDC, and possible delay to a democratic participatory governance until 2017.

Radicalization of Junta behavior and failing economy may adversely affect foreign tourism more than any other factor.


On the overcharging/ pricing of Tourist / foreigners issue....... the worst case I have ever experienced was last week at the hands of the government agency managing Khao Yai National park.

Entry to the park for Thai's TB40

Entry for foreigners Tb400

BY % mark up comparison, not one of the greatest roll out the welcome mat examples of Thai tourism.

It's not a markup. 400B is the price for tourists. 40B is the local discount price.

By the way, all the national museums in London and Washington, DC are free. Maybe you should go there? Also, many of the world's most beautiful wilderness areas in the Western US are free (some are not). After you add up the total costs of those trips, you won't complain about Thai park admission fees, as traveling in Thailand is cheaper by air, train, car, boat or motorbike...


1. Thailand is not the hub of MERS! 2 cases does not indicate a crisis.

2. Most tourist will be blissfully unaware of the aviation problems, unless they happen to come form a country where Thai airlines may be banned. And there are many, many (more popular) alternative airlines.

TCT, TAT, THA, Ministry of Tourism etc. are just looking for excuses, not admitting that many other problems exist in the Thai tourism industry, which I won't go into as mast have been mentioned already.


As NongKhaiKid I had the same bad experience in Mae_Hong_Son at the end of last year;

I go there about twice a year ;

In march 2014 I and my family , we went to a new Hotel , entrance of the town , right side, coming from Pai ;

we paid 500 baht for a comfortable room ;

The same year in november, I and a friend of mine -journey with our MTB , stopped at the same hotel ;

the price of the room was 800 baht ! ;

I didn't discuss a long time and we went to a GH not far from the little lake ;

Not the same comfort but two good beds for 200 baht the room for two people ;

and a great breakfast at the same place for 120 baht/person

So you looked around & found a "Comparable" Hotel with a great breakfast for 120 baht per person.....

Braking news---Thailand has options.......

I cannot say or write " comparable"

The second one was a basic GH where I don't want to go with my wife and our children .

But for us and our bicycles it was enough ;

Yes Thailand has options as u write ; we can find option = zero baht whistling.gif but I think a few people will accept to sleep on the floor and have a shower with only cold water : go to a Wat and ask a monk for a place for sleeping .


TAT targeted the Chinese and, it seems, according to them, they've nailed that market.......so do they just go after east Europeans.....?...but, they're not too wealthy.

Thai Airways will probably go further downhill from here if the safety concerns aren't correctly handled within the country, which, more than likely won't be the case from evidence to date......plus their huge financial burden is a disaster.

Thailand is in the low season now....and it's really low everywhere.....tourists confidence is also at a low globally....so yes, I agree with the OP......tourism will likely take a big hit.

It's all been too easy for a long time.......adverse reports of crime in the international media only exacerpate everything.

The human traffiking issue has all but stalled and still no convictions to mention.....the control of illegal fishing is turning pear shaped...and so the lists go on.


There are many more potential risks to Thai tourism than MERS and the aviation safety crisis that can cause a substantial adverse impact on Thailand. A few come to mind immediately:

- Russian promotion of Crimea for Russian tourism

- Greecian promotion of Greece with crash of Greek drachma

- terrorism in Tunisia vacation areas

- continued economic downturn in China

- increase in Thai household debt, domestic business closures and unemployment

- continued falling global agricultural prices

- continued negative export growth

- loss of seafood sales to EU and USA

- increased competition from ASEAN and partner countries

- abnormal weather

- resurgence of violence in the South

Then there is the "800-pound gorilla" ruling Thailand. The Junta has been increasing its stranglehold on civil liberties and rights in disportionate response to the slightest show of protests OF ANY KIND, whether political or not. It now holds a widely critisized draft 2015 constitution, forthcoming dissolution of the NLA, NRC and CDC, and possible delay to a democratic participatory governance until 2017.

Radicalization of Junta behavior and failing economy may adversely affect foreign tourism more than any other factor.

How will

- increase in Thai household debt, domestic business closures and unemployment

- continued falling global agricultural prices

- continued negative export growth

- loss of seafood sales to EU and USA

affect tourism?

Actually you lost all credibility with "crash of Greek drachma"


konying, on 29 Jun 2015 - 06:10, said:snapback.png

I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

tourists would be back.

Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

Your are talking about the package holiday people, that might see it a better alternative than say, Tunisian beaches eh?

However I do not think cheapness is the prime factor. Thailand is still relatively cheap. My country certainly is not in the top as for tourist numbers, nothing like EU countries, but over the last five years Thailand has not had good press. This is not about Mers or Coups or airlines. It has to do with friendliness, rudeness and safety. It's been getting a bad rap in travel media, both national and local. How this is to be fixed remains to be seen. I doubt Thailand is very concerned about doing anything, so it will just continue

No I am not talking about packages.

Examples: in Australia I cam buy tshirt in Kmart for $5, in Thailand markets its 200 baht=$8

Female companion from a gogo can cost up to 10000 baht

Basically in past 3 years, exchange rate gone down while prices tripled.

Wow...you need to find another go go ..that's far to much..where was that?. chiang Mai 2000/3000 baht LT

And can't believe Pattaya is much different..Bangkok same 2000/3000 baht LT allegedly!!

a question of quality...


On the overcharging/ pricing of Tourist / foreigners issue....... the worst case I have ever experienced was last week at the hands of the government agency managing Khao Yai National park.

Entry to the park for Thai's TB40

Entry for foreigners Tb400

BY % mark up comparison, not one of the greatest roll out the welcome mat examples of Thai tourism.

Didn't the Bkk Governor set the prices of hiring a boat to tour the floating markets at Bt 800 for Thais and Bt 2,000 for non-Thais ?


I tried to warn my Thai friends years ago that Thailand was pricing themselves out of the market. The "Falangs have big money" attitude is destroying the industry, along with the bad press of course.

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