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Prostitution: Thailand's worst kept secret

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Unfortunately many men prefer submissive women.

I'd like one of those, what country can I find them in?

All the ones I meet in Thailand are aggressive, manipulative, and usually bonkers (by UK standards).

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Unfortunately many men prefer submissive women.

I'd like one of those, what country can I find them in?

All the ones I meet in Thailand are aggressive, manipulative, and usually bonkers (by UK standards).

And how would you describe the UK women (by UK standards)?


We just have to accept that most of the tourists and foreigner living in Thailand are here for the prostitution. Most Thai / Farang couples living in Thailand have meet in a bar. It's sad but it's the reality so we just have to accept it and move forward.

Michael , may I call you Michael ..

I met previous / numerous , female companions in bars , at least 200/300.kap

FYI, not one of them was bar lady type , cheesy.gif

I lucky .wai2.gif


So, what?

About every bar in the world is full of people who go to there to chat with friends and eventually look for sex. In most places I know men pay for ladies, be it some drink or the taxi home, according to the difference in wealth. And next morning they wake up and either still love their girl or leave her. What's the big difference in Thailand?

Stop trying to justify your prostitute partner, and soon to be wife, with buying a drink for a woman in a pub in your home country. From your posts on this forum your partner was a prostitute from Issan, working in a bar / brothal in Pattaya. Only a fool would compare a hard core Issan prostitute, to a regular woman from your country.


Agree with your last sentence.

There are no souch lousy sexless women like "regular" Farang women among Issan ladies.

Do you know what Thai bar girls think of Farangs who only feel like " strong men" when they are too drunk to f*** and then blame their erectile dysfunction on the girl?


Agree with your last sentence.

There are no souch lousy sexless women like "regular" Farang women among Issan ladies.

The lonely losers do not have any chance of a regular farang woman, that is why they go to Pattaya and buy a lazy Issan prostitute.


Agree with your last sentence.

There are no souch lousy sexless women like "regular" Farang women among Issan ladies.

The lonely losers do not have any chance of a regular farang woman, that is why they go to Pattaya and buy a lazy Issan prostitute.

Talk for yourself if you talk about yourself.

I disgust "regular" Farang women because of their smell. At the age of 35 they're done, most of them long before this age. And the more unattractive they are, the more they hate Thai ladies.

Are you maybe a Farang woman yourself? Did your man run away from you? Was he fed up on acne and cellulite and your permanent moaning? And now you feel like a rusty old bicycle, like trash?

These beautiful Issan ladies with their silky skin and their honest smile should be your sisters, not your enemies.


the main reason it exists is because thai people are way to lazy to work, easy money go to a restaurant in pattaya or patong and ask the owner about hiring staff they cannot get any, girls and men would rather sell their body and risk all sorts of medical or even life threatening problems other than work.thainess 4 ya

Do you mean they take the risk to catch STD or even HIV from Farangs?

sister in law got aids, she was duped by a japanese man and we found her 1 year later, from a phone call when she escaped in japan, she lives her life back in the village where she grew up,she had been trafficked and has no chance of kids or a partner, she was taken from a GO GO bar.So yes is the answer


"Only a fool would compare a hard core Issan prostitute, to a regular woman from your country."

You'd be foolish not to, 555.

The women in America claim they only go to bars to talk with their friends and are SHOCKED if the guy expects sex after he pays for dinner ("Chump").


the main reason it exists is because thai people are way to lazy to work, easy money go to a restaurant in pattaya or patong and ask the owner about hiring staff they cannot get any, girls and men would rather sell their body and risk all sorts of medical or even life threatening problems other than work.thainess 4 ya

Do you mean they take the risk to catch STD or even HIV from Farangs?

sister in law got aids, she was duped by a japanese man and we found her 1 year later, from a phone call when she escaped in japan, she lives her life back in the village where she grew up,she had been trafficked and has no chance of kids or a partner, she was taken from a GO GO bar.So yes is the answer

Conclusion is everyone's story is different


Sure those who partake will do so despite what anyone says on this forum no fear of that. If consenting adults receive benefit of the trade-off it's not my place to judge so I have no objection. However I will object to those who participate in underage sex or turn a blind eye to using girls who are coerced or trafficked into the industry because they think they have the right to take what's on offer since they hold the advantage in their wallets and their brains are in their dicks. Sorry but I will never shut up about that, and I don't see it as a whinge.

using girls who are coerced or trafficked into the industry

I doubt you have ever talked to many if any any farang scene bar girls to be coming up with that old urban myth. Perhaps some will come up with a story if they think it's what you want to hear, but no one is forcing them to be there, and they can leave any time they want.

Of course the prospect of working in a sweat shop or in the rice fields for 3,000 baht a month is a large disincentive to do so.

Thank you for pointing that out but if you read my post correctly you would see that I have no objection to the trade off between consenting adults so in that respect I have no place to judge. Are you not satisfied with that?

But what you call an old urban myth and seem to be ignorant of are the facts. I wonder if you have a daughter or not?

What did you say? "Perhaps some will come up with a story if they think it's what you want to hear, but no one is forcing them to be there, and they can leave any time they want." Guess you only see what suits you.

There's more historical info below

if you're interested to copy and paste the URLS.....

YES, that happens but NOT for the farang sex industry. You are confusing the Thai and the farang scenes.

Girls in the farang scene don't work in brothels.

Yes MaeJoMTB pointed that out too. As he said he is a very moral person perhaps similar to you and you speak for yourselves. The only problem is if the stats are right and 1000's are indented into the Thai sex industry and a huge number against their will then it would be drawing a long bow to say catagorically that farangs are never involved in that seamy side of sexploitation


The main difference btwn Thai women and western women is that Thai's are just a lot more honest!

& with a meat cleaver in hand, a lot less forgiving!


Why isn’t prostitution made legal world-wide? It’s because male dominated societies don’t want to give women full physical and economic power over their own bodies.

stickylies posted:

It's because women are vulnerable (physically) and need protection against testosteron-filled psychos, frustros, perverts, mysogenes, wackos, etc. Majority of die-hard mongers belong to one of aforementioned groups. I used to date an ex-prostitute when I was in my 20s, in Europe not here. She told me about the shit she went through. Trust me, female prostitution would be a fantastic job... if there were no men around/involved.

I think your sample size is too small. I go to plenty of bars and see many consenting adults enjoying themselves – both male and female. Many of these bar ladies have regular repeat customers. If the ladies were being treated so badly I doubt they would continue to see the same customers. Could it be that they enjoy seeing these men??? The narrative that all prostitution is bad, all prostitutes are evil and all customers are losers is false. But lazy people don’t want to look around and see it for what it really is. They would rather stick with their preconceived ideas. Go down to Walking Street and go into the GO GO bars and see if they ladies are being mistreated. Talk to the customers and you’ll find the whole gamut of society…from blue collar to professionals. And if in your opinion all the “customers” are testosterone-filled psychos, frustros, perverts, misogynists, wackos, etc. you sure don’t think much of the Thai people you live with. since the Kinsey Institute reported 90% of Thai male participants in their study have had sex with a prostitute. I agree human trafficking and underage girls should be illegal and the laws enforced. But let consenting adults do what they wish. The only people that normally have a problem with that are moralizers who are sexually repressed.

1. I wrote majority. I did not write all.

2. Majority of bargirls have had zero education, come from marginal families (not seldom exposed to sexual violence at very young age) and operate in a mental state which can be defined as "dysfunctional". Exactly what most mongers like, being dysfunctional themselves.

3. If you have an 18 year old daughter please let me know if you would like me to "have some fun with her"... and my pals... and some pals of my pals (not all at the same time of course. We're civilised guys).

4. I'm utterly aware of Thai men's behaviour. What is your point?


stickylies posted:

1. I wrote majority. I did not write all.

2. Majority of bargirls have had zero education, come from marginal families (not seldom exposed to sexual violence at very young age) and operate in a mental state which can be defined as "dysfunctional". Exactly what most mongers like, being dysfunctional themselves.

3. If you have an 18 year old daughter please let me know if you would like me to "have some fun with her"... and my pals... and some pals of my pals (not all at the same time of course. We're civilised guys).

4. I'm utterly aware of Thai men's behaviour. What is your point?

I think we know who the dysfunctional sicko is.

stickylies posted:

1. I wrote majority. I did not write all.

2. Majority of bargirls have had zero education, come from marginal families (not seldom exposed to sexual violence at very young age) and operate in a mental state which can be defined as "dysfunctional". Exactly what most mongers like, being dysfunctional themselves.

3. If you have an 18 year old daughter please let me know if you would like me to "have some fun with her"... and my pals... and some pals of my pals (not all at the same time of course. We're civilised guys).

4. I'm utterly aware of Thai men's behaviour. What is your point?

I think we know who the dysfunctional sicko is.

No, we don't.

One person can be dysfunctional in one culture AND be functional in another culture.

I am such a person.


Agree with your last sentence.

There are no souch lousy sexless women like "regular" Farang women among Issan ladies.

Do you know what Thai bar girls think of Farangs who only feel like " strong men" when they are too drunk to f*** and then blame their erectile dysfunction on the girl?

Please don't confuse your German women with those from other Euro countries.


I thought discussion of illegal topics was not allowed on here. Prostitution is illegal so why is the thread allowed?

Yep Agree, and some of the topics discussed are out of order. ( Koh Tao Murders etc ) I can see this site being shut down if it carrys on,and that would be a shame,as it also is a lot of help for expats,but ruined by the few.


stickylies posted:

3. If you have an 18 year old daughter please let me know if you would like me to "have some fun with her"... and my pals... and some pals of my pals (not all at the same time of course. We're civilised guys).

I think we know who the dysfunctional sicko is.

Not a sicko at all. Simply refering to your pervious statements "Many of these bar ladies have regular repeat customers ... adults enjoying themselves".

So, again, let me (ie. repeat customer) and my buddies (ie. repeat customers) enjoy ourselves with your 18 (age of consent, so legal) daughter. Again not at the same time, but today Herr customer 1 tomorrow Herr customer 2 and so on. That is the real face of prostitution.

My point: I have yet to meet the first monger who would want his own daughter to have the same occupation as a thai BG. I rest my case.


I thought discussion of illegal topics was not allowed on here. Prostitution is illegal so why is the thread allowed?

Discussing the specifics is not allowed but it's obviously fine to discuss generally. In any case many aspects surrounding prostitution in Thailand are within the law.


I thought discussion of illegal topics was not allowed on here. Prostitution is illegal so why is the thread allowed?

This is an international forum.

Prostitution may be illegal in Thailand, depending on the definition of promiscuity.

Prostitution is not illegal in some European countries, eg Germany.

Human trafficking and sex trade is illegal everywhere.

Defamation of an identifiable part of a population is illegal in many countries, .eg Germany.

Defamation happens, much of it is done is rumours.

Issan girls get suspected as prostitutes or criminals as soon as they cross certain borders. Hard for them ever to get a decent job or some respect. Nobody would want to label the whole entertainment and tourist industry in Europe as a big brothel, but when it comes to Thailand many Farangs do exactly that.

Now people tend to behave according to their labels. So there's a danger of vicious circles, especially when different cultures clash.

Imho, an ideal theme for an international forum.


I thought discussion of illegal topics was not allowed on here. Prostitution is illegal so why is the thread allowed?

Discussing the specifics is not allowed but it's obviously fine to discuss generally. In any case many aspects surrounding prostitution in Thailand are within the law.


From the Forum Rules:

17) You will not discuss the specifics of prostitution. Though Thailand has a visible sex industry, and acknowledgement of that fact is not forbidden, ThaiVisa is not the place to seek or give information on this topic, regardless of your sexual habits, preferences or orientation.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


stickylies posted:

So, again, let me (ie. repeat customer) and my buddies (ie. repeat customers) enjoy ourselves with your 18 (age of consent, so legal) daughter. Again not at the same time, but today Herr customer 1 tomorrow Herr customer 2 and so on. That is the real face of prostitution.

My point: I have yet to meet the first monger who would want his own daughter to have the same occupation as a thai BG. I rest my case.

Wow…that’s a brilliant analysis. I’m sure if that gets around it will stop the oldest profession in the world right in its tracks. You should publish that immediately!




What a sad and uninformed comment to make. You must be so repressed. If you ever could afford to visit the tourist areas, you would find the majority are retired couples visiting, honeymooners visiting, people touring from their country for the first time, Chinese group tourists and so on. You are so caught up in the sex scene, you fail to see the trees from the forest. You either live in one of the sex areas and never see anything else or you are so far repressed, so judgemental to make your own lack of self esteem, that you must judge some bar ladies.

Every tourist area in Thailand has bars with willing ladies to accompany one. If you haven't seen them you weren't looking very hard.

So, what?

About every bar in the world is full of people who go to there to chat with friends and eventually look for sex. In most places I know men pay for ladies, be it some drink or the taxi home, according to the difference in wealth. And next morning they wake up and either still love their girl or leave her. What's the big difference in Thailand?

If you read spiderorchid he seems to be claiming that tourist areas have no ladies for rent. I was just correcting him.


"Trust me, female prostitution would be a fantastic job... if there were no men around/involved."


There are some differences in the female and male brains.

For example, why are almost all customers of prostitutes men (straight or gay)?

Why don't more women pay men for sex?

My theory is that women like money (security) more than sex.

While men like sex much more than money...

Unfortunately many men prefer submissive women.

LOL. You obviously haven't met many if any Thai bar girls.


Unfortunately many men prefer submissive women.

I'd like one of those, what country can I find them in?

All the ones I meet in Thailand are aggressive, manipulative, and usually bonkers (by UK standards).

And how would you describe the UK women (by UK standards)?

Assuming any of us can answer that- I found women in the UK to be aggressive and overwhelmingly PC. The most friendly women I met there were Phillipinas.

Actually, almost any nationality ( except Australian ) women were more pleasant to work with than English ones. Didn't meet any Welsh women and the only Scottish one I met was the hag from hell.

It was so bad, I never ever asked a western woman I met in the UK to go out with me.

Just my experience.


stickylies posted:

3. If you have an 18 year old daughter please let me know if you would like me to "have some fun with her"... and my pals... and some pals of my pals (not all at the same time of course. We're civilised guys).

I think we know who the dysfunctional sicko is.

Not a sicko at all. Simply refering to your pervious statements "Many of these bar ladies have regular repeat customers ... adults enjoying themselves".

So, again, let me (ie. repeat customer) and my buddies (ie. repeat customers) enjoy ourselves with your 18 (age of consent, so legal) daughter. Again not at the same time, but today Herr customer 1 tomorrow Herr customer 2 and so on. That is the real face of prostitution.

Many western women sleep with many different men, and even go to bars to get picked up- what's the difference? Should their fathers be grounding them?

In NZ prostitution is legal and all the women that work in the brothels have fathers.

My point: I have yet to meet the first monger who would want his own daughter to have the same occupation as a thai BG.

I would assume you haven't met many mongers, and who goes around telling everyone they meet that they approve of their daughter working as a pro even if they do? It's just not a topic for discussion.


So, what?

About every bar in the world is full of people who go to there to chat with friends and eventually look for sex. In most places I know men pay for ladies, be it some drink or the taxi home, according to the difference in wealth. And next morning they wake up and either still love their girl or leave her. What's the big difference in Thailand?

Stop trying to justify your prostitute partner, and soon to be wife, with buying a drink for a woman in a pub in your home country. From your posts on this forum your partner was a prostitute from Issan, working in a bar / brothal in Pattaya. Only a fool would compare a hard core Issan prostitute, to a regular woman from your country.

Have you EVER had a conversation with Issan ladies, and what is this about brothels? Girls in the farang scene don't work in brothels.

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