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SURVEY: Should Thailand legalize gay Marriage?

Should Thailand legalize gay marriage  

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Knowing how the government likes to put the screws to us, I'm betting whatever SSM laws get passed in the near future will apply only to Thais marrying Thais. I hope I'm wrong about that.

Well, yet again, there is marriage equality and then there is marriage equality with CONDITIONS. It's up to the Thais but really if this starts to happen at all here, it won't be marriage, it will be more like civil unions.

It's up to the Thais

Please tell me why you as a NON Thai should be concerned about what the Thais do in their country?

Please fell free to leave the country at any time if you dont agree with the way it conducts itself.

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This is an expat forum about Thailand. OF COURSE we're going to comment on Thai matters. Duh. DOUBLE DUH!

This is an expat forum about Thailand

Finally the penny drops.

we're going to comment on Thai matters. Duh. DOUBLE DUH!

Jeez, the penny has just dropped again, do you really believe THE THAIS give a shyt what you think?

Why should you as a NON THAI be commenting on how this country conducts itself?


Please tell me why you as a NON Thai should be concerned about what the Thais do in their country?

Because it affects us.

Thailand has many laws and policies surrounding the existence of foreign nationals within its borders. They didn't erect all of that statutory framework just for the fun of it - they did it because they perceive some benefit from us being here.


Knowing how the government likes to put the screws to us, I'm betting whatever SSM laws get passed in the near future will apply only to Thais marrying Thais. I hope I'm wrong about that.

Well, yet again, there is marriage equality and then there is marriage equality with CONDITIONS. It's up to the Thais but really if this starts to happen at all here, it won't be marriage, it will be more like civil unions.

It's up to the Thais

Please tell me why you as a NON Thai should be concerned about what the Thais do in their country?

Please fell free to leave the country at any time if you dont agree with the way it conducts itself.

What a stupid baiting post. Love it or leave it.

According to you: Don't even discuss issues here on an EXPAT FORUM.

Please don't bother posting garbage like that directed to me ever again.



Knowing how the government likes to put the screws to us, I'm betting whatever SSM laws get passed in the near future will apply only to Thais marrying Thais. I hope I'm wrong about that.

Well, yet again, there is marriage equality and then there is marriage equality with CONDITIONS. It's up to the Thais but really if this starts to happen at all here, it won't be marriage, it will be more like civil unions.

It's up to the Thais

Please tell me why you as a NON Thai should be concerned about what the Thais do in their country?

Please fell free to leave the country at any time if you dont agree with the way it conducts itself.

What a stupid baiting post. Love it or leave it.

According to you: Don't even discuss issues here on an EXPAT FORUM.

Please don't bother posting garbage like that directed to me ever again.


I smell another sentence of the dreaded IGNORE coming! lol


According to the unscientific survey here, a solid majority here, mostly expats presumably, support the idea of marriage equality in Thailand.

I wonder what the results would be in a scientific survey of the Thai public?

Personally, I don't think the majority of the Thai public support this yet.

My guess, really just a guess, is about 25 percent of the Thai public would support marriage equality and about 50 percent would support some kind of civil union scheme.


According to the unscientific survey here, a solid majority here, mostly expats presumably, support the idea of marriage equality in Thailand.

I wonder what the results would be in a scientific survey of the Thai public?

Personally, I don't think the majority of the Thai public support this yet.

My guess, really just a guess, is about 25 percent of the Thai public would support marriage equality and about 50 percent would support some kind of civil union scheme.

so why bother guessing?


good luck with that

Hey, sometimes governments do good things. I voted for the full legalization of marijuana in Colorado and it actually passed. I am still shocked.

It's funny how peoples views can differ. I totaly agree with you on the pot thing but totaly disagree with you on the marriage thing. I am a single hetrosexual man (have a gf). I have no issues at all with gay marriage. If two guys or girls want to marry why should it bother me. Giving tax breaks to parents is something I could agree with but not based on sexuality or ethnicity.

Tax breaks aren't going to stop gay people getting married.

The way some are so disgusted by gay people is quite funny. You would almost think they were scared they might catch "gay"


good luck with that

Hey, sometimes governments do good things. I voted for the full legalization of marijuana in Colorado and it actually passed. I am still shocked.

It's funny how peoples views can differ. I totaly agree with you on the pot thing but totaly disagree with you on the marriage thing. I am a single hetrosexual man (have a gf). I have no issues at all with gay marriage. If two guys or girls want to marry why should it bother me. Giving tax breaks to parents is something I could agree with but not based on sexuality or ethnicity.

Tax breaks aren't going to stop gay people getting married.

The way some are so disgusted by gay people is quite funny. You would almost think they were scared they might catch "gay"

they're definitely scared of something


It is about compassion, tolerance and a demonstration that the society is open minded and accepting of others, who do not live a life that is conventional or conforms to a narrow vision of what it should be. Of course Thailand should make gay marriage legal. Thankfully, Thailand is not Kenya, Russia, Palestine, Indonesia, Tunisia or other like minded nations full of cowards that are severely homophobic and are afraid of their own shadows, and are lacking in comfort with their own masculinity.


This is an expat forum about Thailand. OF COURSE we're going to comment on Thai matters. Duh. DOUBLE DUH!

Its not a discussion about Thai matters at all.

It is a discussion on whether posters here believe gay marriage should be legal in Thailand.

If there were some proposals from the Thai government then it would be a Thai matter. To my knowledge there are not.

In a previous post you mentioned it was a discussion about legal matters. It is not. It is a discussion about illegal matters.

Unfortunately most, if not all, of the gay marriage proponents posting here will brook no alternative view - either the gay way or the highway.

Any comments that do not fit their narrow minded one issue agenda results in the poster being called homophobic, a bigot or that any matter they mention has proven to be debunked.

Same old defence by attack tactics.

Don't be mislead by a vote buying tactic by certain politicians to support and indeed legalise gay marriage - they are not necessarily your friends.

What is it with the gay marriage thing anyway?

In a truly liberal society such as Australia, two people in a genuine, ongoing relationship have exactly the same rights as a married couple.

My neighbours did anyway. They owned their house together, recognised each others wishes in their will and when they retired they actually got more money on the pension as two single people than a "married" couple.

While I understand gay marriage is an emotive subject for many gay people the reality in the general voting public is somewhat different in my view.

Most people I know couldn't care less one way or the other. They have other things that have a higher priority in their lives.


This is an expat forum about Thailand. OF COURSE we're going to comment on Thai matters. Duh. DOUBLE DUH!

Its not a discussion about Thai matters at all.

It is a discussion on whether posters here believe gay marriage should be legal in Thailand.

If there were some proposals from the Thai government then it would be a Thai matter. To my knowledge there are not.

In a previous post you mentioned it was a discussion about legal matters. It is not. It is a discussion about illegal matters.

Unfortunately most, if not all, of the gay marriage proponents posting here will brook no alternative view - either the gay way or the highway.

Any comments that do not fit their narrow minded one issue agenda results in the poster being called homophobic, a bigot or that any matter they mention has proven to be debunked.

Same old defence by attack tactics.

Don't be mislead by a vote buying tactic by certain politicians to support and indeed legalise gay marriage - they are not necessarily your friends.

What is it with the gay marriage thing anyway?

In a truly liberal society such as Australia, two people in a genuine, ongoing relationship have exactly the same rights as a married couple.

My neighbours did anyway. They owned their house together, recognised each others wishes in their will and when they retired they actually got more money on the pension as two single people than a "married" couple.

While I understand gay marriage is an emotive subject for many gay people the reality in the general voting public is somewhat different in my view.

Most people I know couldn't care less one way or the other. They have other things that have a higher priority in their lives.

and yet here you are


Actually, I would like to see governments get out of the marriage business entirely. Just a ceremony that is legally non-binding, for both gay and straight couples. Kind of like the way the Thais do it now.

Is it already common to have a village wedding ceremony between same sex partners?

The village ceremonies are not always legalised at the Amphur.



If there were some proposals from the Thai government then it would be a Thai matter. To my knowledge there are not.


Overall, I find your post a typical pedantic anti-gay bait, so will ignore as a waste of time, but as I've said before, perhaps you didn't believe me, civil unions for gay people have been under discussion in Thai governments for YEARS now.


Obviously the predictions in the article didn't come to pass ... it seems the issue has been back burnered again ... but it's pretty obvious it will come up again at a more "normal" time in Thai government, assuming that ever happens.


I used to not care one way or the other. Each to their own and in the privacy of their own home do what you like - just don't shove the ridiculous crap as per the photo on the front page of this thread, that gay men especially seem to need to be constantly shovelling at the rest of us. We as heterosexuals don't need all that crap to respect your right's and choices and I have happily voted for NZ gay rights as basic human rights the same as all of us should have. Relaxed enough about the my male sexuality to even prefer going to gay bars in Thailand to avoid the constant harassment one gets in bars from the female prostitutes. At least in a gay bar once you tell the first one to make a pass to "f...off I'm straight" the word goes round and you can enjoy a hassle free beer as guys.

But in the last year my daughter, a thai by birth and a citizen of both Thailand and New Zealand after learning that young thai males are immature and a waste of space has crossed over to bi sexual and by her choices happily forced me to be involved. I love her to bits and am getting to love her partner, another thai girl by birth and joint thai and Kiwi citizen as well. Here in NZ they have the rights to marriage and the law supports their partnership rights which I fully support and agree with. Yet in Thailand a country supposedly more advanced in sexual liberty for longer than our western countries their rights are non existent. But I don't think that surprises given the corrupt and pathetic political nature of Thailand and its failure to follow through on meaningful policies and especially fair and equal social policy. Fully support the over hauling of Thai laws to recognise gay rights. If a lesser democratic country like the USA gigglem.gif can finally get it right then perhaps there is hope for Thailand in the very near future.


of course

Of course.....not.

Marriage is for men and women.

While i have no problem with what two men or women want to do in private ,When i was young if you were that way inclined you kept it to yourself and as my dad used to say ,i dont think he will ever get married ,he wears suede shoes , meaning he was that way inclined ,and everybody just got on with their lives ,now what puts me off gays ,is not the fact that they are gay ,but the ,Gay rainbow flag ,gay parades ,gays targeting cake shops that will not make them a wedding cake( i notice they never target Muslim cake shops)and all the other bullshit gays keep harping on about ,on and on and on .

please just get on with your lives and let us get on with ours ,quietly

And i know its hackneyd but yes i do have gay relatives , but they dont ram it down your throat (no pun intended)smile.png

I'm not a bigot....but.......


Should be legal. It's no one's else's business who anyone chooses to be with.

If children become involved, then it's everyones business, and don't ask me to explain, everyone knows.

Oh possum, your hate is eating you alive, that makes me smile cos your brain has already been devoured


Each to their own. If some one wants to be a tail gunner then its their call. Just do not flaunt it in my face. I will not grovel over a lady in your presence and I expect the same behaviour in return. Unfortunately this is not always the case. If people are dicreet and not trying on the flamboyant bullshit, most associated with homosexuals, then all is good. I will not act butch and do not wish some bloke to do the feminine act to me. Respect each others place and then all is ok. Sorry if the descriptive word offended but the term "gay I do not agree with. Gay meaning happy and joyful. I can be happy and full of joy being with a lady but I can assure you that does not make me gay.

I agree with every single part of this post, but would add there should be no "adopting" of children by homosexuals.

Again, don't ask me to explain. there are lots of reasons for this as any fairminded person will know.

Before I dive for cover, I will respect opinions, and expect the same in return.

Respect has to be earned.....you're a very long way off that


yes they can marry if they want, but give us a break man, enough from all those gays, lady boys, perverts of any kind,lesbians etc etc who have different sexual tendances..!just do what u want and leave the other in peace.

like john morrison said .............i am sick of this stinky boots!


If you got rid of the"perverts of any kind" Pattaya would be a ghost town!!


People really need to think this through or they well be unintended consequences.

Breaking this down:

Any two adult males...........two brothers or father and son...grandfather and grandson?

Any two adult females.........similar to above

One adult male and one adult female.......father and daughter....grandfather and granddaughter? This is particularly worrying. Many societies recognised the dangers of inbreeding many,many generations ago and made it taboo.

Is the suggestion now to allow this?

Why not push for polygamy as well......keep the Muslims/Mormons and others happy as well.

If we need to keep all minority groups happy why not drop the age of consent and keep the pedophiles happy as well?

Those are some ridiculous examples which have been debunked long ago. How about father/daughter then, without even discussing gay marriage? There is no push from anyone to legalize incest or polygamy or sex with children or sex with animals, etc, etc. The only ones who ever bring it up are the anti-gay marriage brigade.

Are you for gay marriage but against Polygamy?? Why should gay marriage be allowed and Polygamy punished?

I doubt you're asking a serious question, but let me answer anyways. Gay marriage advocates went before the court and simply requested the same rights as straight couples, i.e., the right to get married. The rights that straight couples have already exist; gays are simply asking that it be extended to them.

So if you're going before the Supreme Court, what argument would you use for polygamy? No one currently has the right to marry multiple partners, so it would not be a question of equal rights.


If nature had intended man to marry man and woman to marry woman it

would have given them the gift of procreation, it did not consider such a

union worthy of that gift, it surely must then follow that such a union is not

in line with nature and therefore unnatural and abnormal, nothing more to

be said really.

Now when innocent children are introduced into this situation we can

no longer claim that gay marriage does not harm anyone when it will,

in fact, affect every subsequent generation down the road from every

gay/lesbian marriage, and the crime is that these innocents will have

no choice or say in the matter, will they?

Uh, yeah, except there's wide-spread examples of same-sex sexual behaviour amongst many animals in 'nature' which seems to clash against the your attempt to define nature's 'intent' as the be-all and end-all of what is right or wrong (and procreation the only defining factor in sexual relationships. Damn those abnormal masturbators). It's lazy anthropomorphism, where nature somehow gets tied into the concept of morality. The same kind of false logic where "some animals eat their young = cannibalism and child murder is natural and right".

I didn't understand much of the innocent children stuff though. What exactly is the harm and crime here..? That they have loving parents who can't procreate or something..? Just didn't follow this at all.

You mean you didn't know that gay parents always abuse abuse their children whereas straight parents never do?

Hey, sometimes governments do good things. I voted for the full legalization of marijuana in Colorado and it actually passed. I am still shocked.
It's funny how peoples views can differ. I totaly agree with you on the pot thing but totaly disagree with you on the marriage thing. I am a single hetrosexual man (have a gf). I have no issues at all with gay marriage. If two guys or girls want to marry why should it bother me. Giving tax breaks to parents is something I could agree with but not based on sexuality or ethnicity.

Tax breaks aren't going to stop gay people getting married.

The way some are so disgusted by gay people is quite funny. You would almost think they were scared they might catch "gay"

I don't want to stop gays from being together in legally-recognized unions, I just want the state to call it anything other than "marriage" and to do something to protect traditional marriages that produce children, which I believe are a cornerstone of any society. I think that other demographic groups, not just gays, should respect and contribute to traditional married couples with children in exchange for state recognition and protection of their rights. Just as we pay taxes to sustain armed forces for our national security, we should also pay taxes to sustain parents and their children for our nation's future.

If the state will not promote traditional marriages by requiring gay "marriages" to contribute taxes to support them, I will not support gay marriage. I think that is a fair tradeoff.

If a minority group wants to benefit from state protection of their rights, they should pay taxes to support the majority. For example, immigrants should pay taxes to support citizens, abortees should pay taxes to support mothers, gun owners should pay taxes to support police, polluters should pay taxes to support environmentalists, etc.

In Colorado, weed is taxed to support schools. Colorado was previously one of the worst states in terms of public education. Based on my own experience, I believe that potheads in Colorado are overwhelmingly in favor of paying consumption taxes (in some jurisdictions up to 50%) to support education. I think that even the old farts on their farms in "Northern Colorado", who actually voted to secede from the state over the marijuana issue, would agree that weed has been a huge economic boon for the state and that the tax revenues are completely transforming schools. I see no reason why this political strategy cannot be applied to gays and other minority groups with similar successes for both sides of the issue.


I'm going to have to agree with you on that one JT. I mean the poster who you do not want to post you garbage ever again.


In fact what are really talking about here is EQUAL marriage. It's not a gay issue, it's an equality issue. But when you're blinded by bigotry you don't see anything other than your own prejudice.


In fact what are really talking about here is EQUAL marriage. It's not a gay issue, it's an equality issue. But when you're blinded by bigotry you don't see anything other than your own prejudice.

Actually, it's about both.

It's about extending equal civil rights to a minority group and the minority group in this case are people who want to marry a person of the same sex.


This is an expat forum about Thailand. OF COURSE we're going to comment on Thai matters. Duh. DOUBLE DUH!

Its not a discussion about Thai matters at all.

It is a discussion on whether posters here believe gay marriage should be legal in Thailand.

If there were some proposals from the Thai government then it would be a Thai matter. To my knowledge there are not.

In a previous post you mentioned it was a discussion about legal matters. It is not. It is a discussion about illegal matters.

Unfortunately most, if not all, of the gay marriage proponents posting here will brook no alternative view - either the gay way or the highway.

Any comments that do not fit their narrow minded one issue agenda results in the poster being called homophobic, a bigot or that any matter they mention has proven to be debunked.

Same old defence by attack tactics.

Don't be mislead by a vote buying tactic by certain politicians to support and indeed legalise gay marriage - they are not necessarily your friends.

What is it with the gay marriage thing anyway?

In a truly liberal society such as Australia, two people in a genuine, ongoing relationship have exactly the same rights as a married couple.

My neighbours did anyway. They owned their house together, recognised each others wishes in their will and when they retired they actually got more money on the pension as two single people than a "married" couple.

While I understand gay marriage is an emotive subject for many gay people the reality in the general voting public is somewhat different in my view.

Most people I know couldn't care less one way or the other. They have other things that have a higher priority in their lives.

and yet here you are

Yes here I am......as per the OP's invitation to post my opinion.

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