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Koh Tao: Trial opens for 2 accused of killing British tourists

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Have a read of what the great human rights defender Andy Hall has hidden in his small print on the 21st october.


also here


Cant see anything hidden, its on a website open for viewing for the whole world to read..................do you want to be just a tad more specific

They admit to "finding" (robbing) Davids phone, oh yeah even though they were so drunk they couldn't walk,

No wonder the only thing that keeps coming out of Andys mouth is DNA DNA he should have worked for OJ.

David's phone, Eh? As far as I know David's phone hasn't been recovered... The SIM card left on the beach wasn't even investigated by RTP... Hannah's phone was with her friend. You're really grasping here aren't you?

How about this, Tony... Why did the police try to bribe the taxi driver? The taxi driver didn't mince words either. Why is NS father seen with a photo of Sean trying to discredit Sean? Don't they trust the police to find the real killer without any help? I'll answer the last one, you try and discredit someone when they have damning evidence against you. Same reason you tell a man he will hang, and you will watch him die.

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To me, calling someone a Boy when he is 22 Years Old is the part I think is Bizarre.

So enlighten us, what is the official age when a boy becomes a man, or is it people just refer to these individuals as boys because of their youthful appearance.

he definitely couldn't answer that one whistling.gif


One does wonder what the "odd" few posters here agenda is. I just can't work it out..sad.png

Just ignore them. They are simply a rather sad, misled and disillusioned bunch of agenda benders! Hehehe cheesy.gif


Last one for tonight. Taxi drivers don't get offered 700k baht for false testimony against migrant workers! They'd turn them over for free. Hell. They may even get a reward around here.

There goes that misleading information again!

The Taxi Driver, who people here call was offered a Bribe, and was Interrogation by the Police, had nothing to do with the 2 Accused. This was in relation to a Foot Ball Team who became suspects.

The Taxi Driver was not offered a Bribe. He was offered the Reward Money which at that time was 700K, if

he could give them evidence that this guys did it. Since he could not, this was dropped.

No, he was asked to give false information by RTP for the reward money. Big difference GB. I can find the story of you like.

To be fair there is a report that it was a bribe and was related to the Football Team... not condoning it of course, in fact i am sure there are several versions of the story depending on which media you read.

To be fair offering someone the Reward Money is not the same as offering someone a Bribe, in anyone's books.

You see a Murder, you report it to the Police, he is caught and tried and sentence to jail. You are given the 700 K Baht Reward Money. Can I now say you were Bribed?

Now if this same murder went unsolved and a Police Man came up to you and showed you some photos of a couple of guys they suspected and asked you if you had seen them and you said no. Then he asked again to take another look but this time he asked if you are sure, as there is a 700 K Reward Money offered for the arrest and conviction of the Culprits, is that a Bribe?

A Bribe would have been if the Taxi Driver made false claims and said the Foot Ball Team did this crime, and then was paid by the Police to say that. Since this never happened there was never a Bribe involved. Just some twisting of words by the Media.


To me, calling someone a Boy when he is 22 Years Old is the part I think is Bizarre.

So enlighten us, what is the official age when a boy becomes a man, or is it people just refer to these individuals as boys because of their youthful appearance.

he definitely couldn't answer that one whistling.gif

Well it is wrong to call a 22 year old man a "Boy" no matter how he looks.

I know if I was 22 Years Old again I would take offense if someone kept calling me a Boy. Especially if my Skin Color was Black!


Last one for tonight. Taxi drivers don't get offered 700k baht for false testimony against migrant workers! They'd turn them over for free. Hell. They may even get a reward around here.

There goes that misleading information again!

The Taxi Driver, who people here call was offered a Bribe, and was Interrogation by the Police, had nothing to do with the 2 Accused. This was in relation to a Foot Ball Team who became suspects.

The Taxi Driver was not offered a Bribe. He was offered the Reward Money which at that time was 700K, if

he could give them evidence that this guys did it. Since he could not, this was dropped.

No, he was asked to give false information by RTP for the reward money. Big difference GB. I can find the story of you like.

To be fair there is a report that it was a bribe and was related to the Football Team... not condoning it of course, in fact i am sure there are several versions of the story depending on which media you read.

To be fair offering someone the Reward Money is not the same as offering someone a Bribe, in anyone's books.

You see a Murder, you report it to the Police, he is caught and tried and sentence to jail. You are given the 700 K Baht Reward Money. Can I now say you were Bribed?

Now if this same murder went unsolved and a Police Man came up to you and showed you some photos of a couple of guys they suspected and asked you if you had seen them and you said no. Then he asked again to take another look but this time he asked if you are sure, as there is a 700 K Reward Money offered for the arrest and conviction of the Culprits, is that a Bribe?

A Bribe would have been if the Taxi Driver made false claims and said the Foot Ball Team did this crime, and then was paid by the Police to say that. Since this never happened there was never a Bribe involved. Just some twisting of words by the Media.

No, The taxi driver made this claim under his own name in the press and he had to do so after seeking protection from someone he trusted. I can't link the article but I'll be happy to PM it to you GB.

Let me see if I can find a link I can add here for you, I'm just that helpful of a guy :).

It was a bribe by RTP not an offer if he had any info.

Also Mon went on the "lightning council" Facebook page and accosted the taxi driver!

If he was just offered reward money why would he lie? You think the taxi driver was saying this would lie, what would his motivation to lie be? He also risked his life going to the press and whoever shielded him from RTP who beat him.

I know this one is hard to just explain away, and it really shows how desperate the RTP were and how willing they ARE to stick this to anybody who can restore faith before high season rolls around.


To be fair there is a report that it was a bribe and was related to the Football Team... not condoning it of course, in fact i am sure there are several versions of the story depending on which media you read.

No, he was asked to give false information by RTP for the reward money. Big difference GB. I can find the story of you like.

To be fair offering someone the Reward Money is not the same as offering someone a Bribe, in anyone's books.

You see a Murder, you report it to the Police, he is caught and tried and sentence to jail. You are given the 700 K Baht Reward Money. Can I now say you were Bribed?

Now if this same murder went unsolved and a Police Man came up to you and showed you some photos of a couple of guys they suspected and asked you if you had seen them and you said no. Then he asked again to take another look but this time he asked if you are sure, as there is a 700 K Reward Money offered for the arrest and conviction of the Culprits, is that a Bribe?

A Bribe would have been if the Taxi Driver made false claims and said the Foot Ball Team did this crime, and then was paid by the Police to say that. Since this never happened there was never a Bribe involved. Just some twisting of words by the Media.

It is not humanly possible that you can be this dense, unless you are seriously cerebral-compromised (remember your stellar performance about that?cheesy.gif ) we had some fun with you there, thank you.

Like your circle jerk buddies, Aleg, JTJ and the rest of the thicket, you decide to ignore the printed reports and interviews with the people concerned in favour of your own little fantasies. Let me take you there one more time, try to keep up child.....

Koh Tao Murders: Taxi driver accuses police of intimidation, bribe for false testimony - See more at: http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Koh-Tao-Murders-Taxi-driver-accuses-police/36060

I guess the beating he got for not playing along was just a sweetener huh? Do you ever think before you post your drivel?

I nominate you the site clown! cheesy.gif back to the zero cred bin with JTJ you go.thumbsup.gif

Edit: To Mods, I am not sure if the link to the Phuket Gazette is allowed. if not - apologies.


I agree the media may have reported it, but it would serve no benefit to Andy Hall and the defence team, given it is evidence directly against the Myanmar men on trial. Hopefully it will all come out in the next couple of months, but there is a lot of information we are not privy to, we have only observed snippets of it at this stage.

I dont think you or anyone can presume it is evidence directly against the B2, and it could be possible that the reason its not shown (if thats the case) is that it can in fact confirm their own story and fits in with their timeline and the 3rd witness who said he saw them asleep in bed at 5am.

We have already had reports of the prosecution with holding crucial evidence albeit by saying they didnt have the budget to bring it.

I would like to see if this video cctv was also shown as this has the running man captured at 5.41am

I think it is a valid presumption to make, given it was part of the prosecutions portfolio of evidence, but yes we cannot be certain what it contains, that's why it is a presumption biggrin.png . How many presumptions have been made as to who is in the Video you have presented. Just how long was this person of interest running around, seems to be from 03:45 to 05:45 now...facepalm.gif

The prosecutions portfolio of evidence, that is missing key items right. But yes you can make presumptions till the cows go home, thats your provocative but if you want to make them then my presumption is that its not been shown and there's a reason for that.


Linky States:-

Quote.>Again rubbish. In worked for prosecution and instructed counsel in more than 20 murder trials in oz. never ever has that been an issue.

Opposite in fact because police did not follow a lead there was an argument in the bar would show them incompetent. In fact there were times mid trial when police were found to have neglected to follow up and defense will call for that evidence in the court. If police say they didnt investigate it is not good for prosecution.

You really are just making things up<End quote

I hope you don't mind me asking a few questions, not to buy into your debate with JTJ but to clarify a couple of things. You worked for the prosecution, was that in the local court, the district court, supreme court or high court's jurisdiction? What state or territory? If you were a little more specific, it would allow those of us who have been involved with enforcement and prosecution to understand more clearly the debate that is ongoing and where is heading between you two. Were you actually a prosecutor and a qualified solicitor? Who employed you, the DPP, the CDPP, or the Police prosecution branch which, if the latter, you would also be a sworn Police Officer? And you instructed counsel in more than 20 trials, so you were or still are an instructing solicitor, maybe a Barrister? I hope you don't mind my asking, just curious?

Its ok, a little background.

Qld, never as prosecuting counsel, I worked for Director of Public Prosecutions as Instructing solicitor. I know next to nothing about civil law. Never worked for CDPP. Never a police officer.

I never instructed in the magistrates court, where the committal hearings take place before going to trial in the higher courts. I instructed in District courts for usual assaults amd rapes for a couple of years then Supreme court for drugs and murders etc. 1 year in Court of Appeal. Appeal court is just legal argument, I only saw a witness required once, so if you are not legally minded it is not exciting. Only did High Court once, for the one week sittings. High court is boring, all constitutional arguments, easy to fall asleep :)

There is a lot of difference between states on how things are run. If I was to go to say Sydney for a criminal trial I would know enough to get by but would not be comfortable.

I moved on from that work in 1999. So quite some years ago.


99% of this thread would not be needed if the court moved into perhaps the last century and actually had the proceedings transcribed instead of relying on what the judge decides he will write in his notes, whether right or wrong.

It is much more fair to both sides if it was all transcribed at the end of each day and given to both sides. Also invaluable for an appeal.

Its just caveman stuff not to do that.


I know if I was 22 Years Old again I would take offense if someone kept calling me a Boy. Especially if my Skin Color was Black!

The Burmese Embassy team referred to the B2 as kids in their various releases and press conferences.

Someone calling you a boy would not be trying to offend you but more likely commenting on your level of maturity.wink.png

You'd have to be a pretty insecure weed to take such a thing to heart, wouldn't you?


Yes, as i stated, it is the prosecutions Portfolio of Evidence, no one is denying it maybe missing some crucial evidence, it may contain more than you, or i, or anyone else is aware of, that's a fact. The presumption's you make certainly are your perogative, and i can freely challenge them, and likewise you can do the same, that's what is fact we are all doing now. wai.gif

How can you say 'may have' then say its a fact?

It may not be a fact that they have more. The way the prosecution is going they could very easily have less by the time they try to present it.


To me, calling someone a Boy when he is 22 Years Old is the part I think is Bizarre.

So enlighten us, what is the official age when a boy becomes a man, or is it people just refer to these individuals as boys because of their youthful appearance.

The Base Line for me, and it should be for everyone else here, is the age in which the 2 Accused can't be tried in a Juvenile Court. In Canada, and I am pretty sure in Thailand to, as well as many other countries, that age limit is 18 years old.

So once they reach the age of 18 years and commit a crime, no matter how young they look, the Justice Systems Treat them as Adults, in and Adult Court, and as the 2 Accused are being treated now.

At age 17, they are tried in a Juvenile Court and are considered "Boys" within the Law and with penalties not being as severe.


Did anyone happen to see the second murder weapon in the trolley (I mean the evidence shopping trolley, not the trolley that Gobby is off)?

While chasing down the story on the taxi driver attempted bribe, I came across the story from Asia One where the top cop confirmed the second murder weapon on the 23rd September:

Deputy national police chief Pol Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang said yesterday that officers would have to widen the search to be beyond the island.

"We have now confirmed that the killing weapon is not only a hoe found stained with blood, but also a wooden club. This made us believe that there are at least two attackers," he said.

- See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/asia/koh-tao-murders-police-confirm-2-murder-weapons#sthash.gpcBDinS.dpuf


Not confirmed at the moment and may be rumour but i have seen this on a couple of different Facebook site.

"A witness of Koh Tao case, Ohn Mar, who saw the dead bodies ( Hannah and David) was murdered on 29th July."

Let me guess , you saw it on CSI LA facebook page?

Please stop with rumors, if this is a murder we will find out soon in the real news.


Did anyone happen to see the second murder weapon in the trolley (I mean the evidence shopping trolley, not the trolley that Gobby is off)?

While chasing down the story on the taxi driver attempted bribe, I came across the story from Asia One where the top cop confirmed the second murder weapon on the 23rd September:

Deputy national police chief Pol Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang said yesterday that officers would have to widen the search to be beyond the island.

"We have now confirmed that the killing weapon is not only a hoe found stained with blood, but also a wooden club. This made us believe that there are at least two attackers," he said.

- See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/asia/koh-tao-murders-police-confirm-2-murder-weapons#sthash.gpcBDinS.dpuf

No there are no other weapons, murder weapons or any other that caused Davids and Hannah's injuries thats the RTP official line at this moment. We know the defense is making strong representation to contest this fact especially in the case of David and the wounds he suffered prior to death.


Made up justification: "you will say what we ask you to say or you will be killed/electrocuted/family sold to fishing slavery- IF you don't play along for the cameras and officials we will do these horrible things to you, and anyone we can find that you love."

Fact: they also told those people they were abused while in custody, was that another part the police threatened them to say?

Then of course there's the fact that for the last ten months that they have been in the hands of the police they have not once confessed again to anyone.

You are tilting at windmills.

An extrajudicial confession obtained by the police is strictly prohibited from being used as evidence in Thai court without legal foundation. In Thailand suspects have the right to remain silent, the right to counsel and a lawyer at police interrogation. Observed? Not known. Allegations of torture have yet to be answered by the RTP as they have persistently failed to attend the Human Rights Assoc hearings.

The fact that they confessed to others outside the RTP, and the subsequent retraction by their lawyers is where it stands today. Seems like no legal foundation to pursue this any further.

Add to that the fact that there is no recording of the interrogation, it's 2015.... Cops the world over know how crucial video evidence is these days and yet they don't have records of the confession? No video? Well why not, maybe because you were beating and threatening the guys?

The taxi driver thing was the RTP trying to influence the case with a bribe (it's not s reward when you give false testimony, as this taxi man would have to do if he agreed) it's corruption! There's no way to spin that story boys, RTP got caught out trying to unjustly influence the case.

We also have no detailed crime scene photos cause "no budget" but they were taken at the scene, just not presented as evidence. Only, the idiot who took the crime scene photos ran directly to imgur and gore sites and had them posted! What a bonehead move that was.... So the photos are still available to anyone willing to look for them.

If the police are running a fair and transparent investigation why are there so many major mistakes?

The case wasn't sent back to the prosecutor for minor clerical errors, It was sent back because what was presented wasn't even close enough to probable. They claim they had NS DNA tested!? Ok did you test it against the DNA from the crime scene or just to make sure he indeed has any DNA? Ummmm.. "I don't know".

Ok, Mr. Lead Police Man..... Did you test the DNA from the B2 against DNA found at the scene? Ummm "I don't know" Well, who does know!? Anyone?

From David and Hannah's last breath this case has been CORRUPT. Almost everyone can see that. The ones who can't are very few indeed.

So you are saying almost a Bribe? Isn't that like say you are almost pregnant?

Don't you find it a bit strange that this "So Called" Bribe money you keep mentioning just so happens to be the same amount of Reward Money offered at that time? Or is this just another "coincidence" in this case which are many of them?

So let me see if I got this straight. "If" the Police offered 700 K to the Taxi Driver, which so happens to be the exact amount of the Reward Money Offered at that time, and "If" the Taxi driver took this money, and "If" he lied about it and accused the Footballers, and "If" this 700 K wasn't the Reward Money, it is a Bride?

Well, here is another "If" for you.

"If" my Aunt had Balls, she would be my Uncle!


To be fair there is a report that it was a bribe and was related to the Football Team... not condoning it of course, in fact i am sure there are several versions of the story depending on which media you read.

No, he was asked to give false information by RTP for the reward money. Big difference GB. I can find the story of you like.

To be fair offering someone the Reward Money is not the same as offering someone a Bribe, in anyone's books.

You see a Murder, you report it to the Police, he is caught and tried and sentence to jail. You are given the 700 K Baht Reward Money. Can I now say you were Bribed?

Now if this same murder went unsolved and a Police Man came up to you and showed you some photos of a couple of guys they suspected and asked you if you had seen them and you said no. Then he asked again to take another look but this time he asked if you are sure, as there is a 700 K Reward Money offered for the arrest and conviction of the Culprits, is that a Bribe?

A Bribe would have been if the Taxi Driver made false claims and said the Foot Ball Team did this crime, and then was paid by the Police to say that. Since this never happened there was never a Bribe involved. Just some twisting of words by the Media.

It is not humanly possible that you can be this dense, unless you are seriously cerebral-compromised (remember your stellar performance about that?:cheesy: ) we had some fun with you there, thank you.

Like your circle jerk buddies, Aleg, JTJ and the rest of the thicket, you decide to ignore the printed reports and interviews with the people concerned in favour of your own little fantasies. Let me take you there one more time, try to keep up child.....

Koh Tao Murders: Taxi driver accuses police of intimidation, bribe for false testimony - See more at: http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Koh-Tao-Murders-Taxi-driver-accuses-police/36060

I guess the beating he got for not playing along was just a sweetener huh? Do you ever think before you post your drivel?

I nominate you the site clown! :cheesy: back to the zero cred bin with JTJ you go.:thumbsup:

Edit: To Mods, I am not sure if the link to the Phuket Gazette is allowed. if not - apologies.

Just quoting this as there's a thaivisa link for the taxi driver story.. In case the one from PhuketG is off limits.


The taxi guy says he was beaten when he didn't take the money and lie about what he saw that night. Essentially he was treated the same way as the B2.... Patterns, Man.


Have a read of what the great human rights defender Andy Hall has hidden in his small print on the 21st october.


also here


Cant see anything hidden, its on a website open for viewing for the whole world to read..................do you want to be just a tad more specific

They admit to "finding" (robbing) Davids phone, oh yeah even though they were so drunk they couldn't walk,

No wonder the only thing that keeps coming out of Andys mouth is DNA DNA he should have worked for OJ.

Oh I see where your coming from, so because Andy publishes a balanced & transparent report you then say its hidden and say he should of worked for OJ. Well Tony121 hang em high eh we can see how biased you are. You took ZERO notice of anything else on the report so I want bother going through it with you.

He is hiding the facts in the small print on a fundraiser page simple as, but as you tinfoilers know facts mean nothing.


Made up justification: "you will say what we ask you to say or you will be killed/electrocuted/family sold to fishing slavery- IF you don't play along for the cameras and officials we will do these horrible things to you, and anyone we can find that you love."

Fact: they also told those people they were abused while in custody, was that another part the police threatened them to say?

Then of course there's the fact that for the last ten months that they have been in the hands of the police they have not once confessed again to anyone.

You are tilting at windmills.

An extrajudicial confession obtained by the police is strictly prohibited from being used as evidence in Thai court without legal foundation. In Thailand suspects have the right to remain silent, the right to counsel and a lawyer at police interrogation. Observed? Not known. Allegations of torture have yet to be answered by the RTP as they have persistently failed to attend the Human Rights Assoc hearings.

The fact that they confessed to others outside the RTP, and the subsequent retraction by their lawyers is where it stands today. Seems like no legal foundation to pursue this any further.

Add to that the fact that there is no recording of the interrogation, it's 2015.... Cops the world over know how crucial video evidence is these days and yet they don't have records of the confession? No video? Well why not, maybe because you were beating and threatening the guys?

The taxi driver thing was the RTP trying to influence the case with a bribe (it's not s reward when you give false testimony, as this taxi man would have to do if he agreed) it's corruption! There's no way to spin that story boys, RTP got caught out trying to unjustly influence the case.

We also have no detailed crime scene photos cause "no budget" but they were taken at the scene, just not presented as evidence. Only, the idiot who took the crime scene photos ran directly to imgur and gore sites and had them posted! What a bonehead move that was.... So the photos are still available to anyone willing to look for them.

If the police are running a fair and transparent investigation why are there so many major mistakes?

The case wasn't sent back to the prosecutor for minor clerical errors, It was sent back because what was presented wasn't even close enough to probable. They claim they had NS DNA tested!? Ok did you test it against the DNA from the crime scene or just to make sure he indeed has any DNA? Ummmm.. "I don't know".

Ok, Mr. Lead Police Man..... Did you test the DNA from the B2 against DNA found at the scene? Ummm "I don't know" Well, who does know!? Anyone?

From David and Hannah's last breath this case has been CORRUPT. Almost everyone can see that. The ones who can't are very few indeed.

No Crime Photos you say? Then why was Mr. & Mrs. Witheridge so upset looking at them that they had to leave the Court Room? From Hand Drawn Sketches?

Of course they have Crime Photos! I am not saying they showed each and everyone one as I don't know. But I do know the Prosecution has the right to show what he wants and if what he has is not evidence I see no reason why he would keep them.

Mr. Police Man....Did you test the DNA from the B2 against DNA found at the scene? Ummm (That is a stupid question. Wonder why he asked me?) No! I sent the bodies to Bangkok to the Forensic Lab for testing, and where they preform the Autopsy. We don't preform the Autopsy in the Field. So you can ask the Forensic Expert as he(she) is scheduled to take the Stand in a few days.


The taxi driver thing was the RTP trying to influence the case with a bribe (it's not s reward when you give false testimony, as this taxi man would have to do if he agreed) it's corruption! There's no way to spin that story boys, RTP got caught out trying to unjustly influence the case.

So you are saying almost a Bribe? Isn't that like say you are almost pregnant?

Don't you find it a bit strange that this "So Called" Bribe money you keep mentioning just so happens to be the same amount of Reward Money offered at that time? Or is this just another "coincidence" in this case which are many of them?

So let me see if I got this straight. "If" the Police offered 700 K to the Taxi Driver, which so happens to be the exact amount of the Reward Money Offered at that time, and "If" the Taxi driver took this money, and "If" he lied about it and accused the Footballers, and "If" this 700 K wasn't the Reward Money, it is a Bride?

Well, here is another "If" for you.

"If" my Aunt had Balls, she would be my Uncle!

Okay, I got rid of the non-relevant part of the post from Darkknight above as Globby record seems to be firmly stuck in the "taxi driver bribe" groove.blink.png

Globby, do you realise how badly formed your argument is? There was, according to the taxi driver, an attempt by the RTP to get him to give false testimony in order to influence the case. Had he done this, he claims that the RTP would have paid him from the THB 700k reward money.

That money was to reward real information leading to the arrest and prosecution of the real perpetrators? Are you still following? The taxi driver refused to give that false evidence (pretty bravely in my book) thus the bribe was incomplete.

In most professional Police Services, the incidence of bribes occur where suspects try to bribe the Police, not the other way around! cheesy.gif Well, TIT and we can all understand (most of us that is) why the Police would try this.sad.png

This one incident shows the level of desperation on behalf of the Police to come up with someone - anyone - as a suspect to divert attention from those that were first identified by the then Police Chief Panya Mamen.

No matter how you to try to spin it or cloud the issue with your ridiculous smoke and mirrors, this one little incident damages the credibility of the investigating Police a lot.

That is the classic definition of an attempted bribe. It only failed to be a bribe because the taxi driver wouldn't play along. For the life of me, and try as hard as I might to see your point of view, I can't see what possible point you are trying to make here.

one other question you might want to ask yourself, is where was this reward money meant to come from? If it was from the headman's offered pot of gold, then you can surely see how bad that would look for the NS/Mon camp, right?wai2.gif

I'm afraid you're not really very good at formulating these arguments. For that you could learn a lot from JTJ or, say, Balo. In the meantime, you should revert to your better role as head cheerleader of the apologist camp.clap2.gif


Made up justification: "you will say what we ask you to say or you will be killed/electrocuted/family sold to fishing slavery- IF you don't play along for the cameras and officials we will do these horrible things to you, and anyone we can find that you love."

Fact: they also told those people they were abused while in custody, was that another part the police threatened them to say?

Then of course there's the fact that for the last ten months that they have been in the hands of the police they have not once confessed again to anyone.

You are tilting at windmills.

An extrajudicial confession obtained by the police is strictly prohibited from being used as evidence in Thai court without legal foundation. In Thailand suspects have the right to remain silent, the right to counsel and a lawyer at police interrogation. Observed? Not known. Allegations of torture have yet to be answered by the RTP as they have persistently failed to attend the Human Rights Assoc hearings.

The fact that they confessed to others outside the RTP, and the subsequent retraction by their lawyers is where it stands today. Seems like no legal foundation to pursue this any further.

Add to that the fact that there is no recording of the interrogation, it's 2015.... Cops the world over know how crucial video evidence is these days and yet they don't have records of the confession? No video? Well why not, maybe because you were beating and threatening the guys?

The taxi driver thing was the RTP trying to influence the case with a bribe (it's not s reward when you give false testimony, as this taxi man would have to do if he agreed) it's corruption! There's no way to spin that story boys, RTP got caught out trying to unjustly influence the case.

We also have no detailed crime scene photos cause "no budget" but they were taken at the scene, just not presented as evidence. Only, the idiot who took the crime scene photos ran directly to imgur and gore sites and had them posted! What a bonehead move that was.... So the photos are still available to anyone willing to look for them.

If the police are running a fair and transparent investigation why are there so many major mistakes?

The case wasn't sent back to the prosecutor for minor clerical errors, It was sent back because what was presented wasn't even close enough to probable. They claim they had NS DNA tested!? Ok did you test it against the DNA from the crime scene or just to make sure he indeed has any DNA? Ummmm.. "I don't know".

Ok, Mr. Lead Police Man..... Did you test the DNA from the B2 against DNA found at the scene? Ummm "I don't know" Well, who does know!? Anyone?

From David and Hannah's last breath this case has been CORRUPT. Almost everyone can see that. The ones who can't are very few indeed.

No Crime Photos you say? Then why was Mr. & Mrs. Witheridge so upset looking at them that they had to leave the Court Room? From Hand Drawn Sketches?

Of course they have Crime Photos! I am not saying they showed each and everyone one as I don't know. But I do know the Prosecution has the right to show what he wants and if what he has is not evidence I see no reason why he would keep them.

Mr. Police Man....Did you test the DNA from the B2 against DNA found at the scene? Ummm (That is a stupid question. Wonder why he asked me?) No! I sent the bodies to Bangkok to the Forensic Lab for testing, and where they preform the Autopsy. We don't preform the Autopsy in the Field. So you can ask the Forensic Expert as he(she) is scheduled to take the Stand in a few days.

You are really losing it. Big surprise you use racial epithets regularly.

The police have said in court they did have a photographer take detailed crime scene images, The images however weren't kept for formal evidence to the court stating "No Budget"

Of course the photos are all over the web, people at the crimes scene had them up literally hours after the murder. They tried to take down all the police investigator snaps off imgur but someone had already archived them... Hence, they're available just not from the official police investigation so I assume, not admissible, or need special consideration by the judges to be admitted into evidence... Very convenient place to "lack budget" wouldn't you say?

I believe it's nearly nap time again.


Did anyone happen to see the second murder weapon in the trolley (I mean the evidence shopping trolley, not the trolley that Gobby is off)?

While chasing down the story on the taxi driver attempted bribe, I came across the story from Asia One where the top cop confirmed the second murder weapon on the 23rd September:

Deputy national police chief Pol Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang said yesterday that officers would have to widen the search to be beyond the island.

"We have now confirmed that the killing weapon is not only a hoe found stained with blood, but also a wooden club. This made us believe that there are at least two attackers," he said.

- See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/asia/koh-tao-murders-police-confirm-2-murder-weapons#sthash.gpcBDinS.dpuf

No there are no other weapons, murder weapons or any other that caused Davids and Hannah's injuries thats the RTP official line at this moment. We know the defense is making strong representation to contest this fact especially in the case of David and the wounds he suffered prior to death.

It was reported that the Wooden Club was presented as evidence during the recent court dates, but lacked finger prints or DNA.

Please link me to that report, the hoe yes not the wooden club but I stand to be corrected as does the defense and the Telegraph news report


The taxi driver thing was the RTP trying to influence the case with a bribe (it's not s reward when you give false testimony, as this taxi man would have to do if he agreed) it's corruption! There's no way to spin that story boys, RTP got caught out trying to unjustly influence the case.

So you are saying almost a Bribe? Isn't that like say you are almost pregnant?

Don't you find it a bit strange that this "So Called" Bribe money you keep mentioning just so happens to be the same amount of Reward Money offered at that time? Or is this just another "coincidence" in this case which are many of them?

So let me see if I got this straight. "If" the Police offered 700 K to the Taxi Driver, which so happens to be the exact amount of the Reward Money Offered at that time, and "If" the Taxi driver took this money, and "If" he lied about it and accused the Footballers, and "If" this 700 K wasn't the Reward Money, it is a Bride?

Well, here is another "If" for you.

"If" my Aunt had Balls, she would be my Uncle!

Okay, I got rid of the non-relevant part of the post from Darkknight above as Globby record seems to be firmly stuck in the "taxi driver bribe" groove.blink.png

Globby, do you realise how badly formed your argument is? There was, according to the taxi driver, an attempt by the RTP to get him to give false testimony in order to influence the case. Had he done this, he claims that the RTP would have paid him from the THB 700k reward money.

That money was to reward real information leading to the arrest and prosecution of the real perpetrators? Are you still following? The taxi driver refused to give that false evidence (pretty bravely in my book) thus the bribe was incomplete.

In most professional Police Services, the incidence of bribes occur where suspects try to bribe the Police, not the other way around! cheesy.gif Well, TIT and we can all understand (most of us that is) why the Police would try this.sad.png

This one incident shows the level of desperation on behalf of the Police to come up with someone - anyone - as a suspect to divert attention from those that were first identified by the then Police Chief Panya Mamen.

No matter how you to try to spin it or cloud the issue with your ridiculous smoke and mirrors, this one little incident damages the credibility of the investigating Police a lot.

That is the classic definition of an attempted bribe. It only failed to be a bribe because the taxi driver wouldn't play along. For the life of me, and try as hard as I might to see your point of view, I can't see what possible point you are trying to make here.

one other question you might want to ask yourself, is where was this reward money meant to come from? If it was from the headman's offered pot of gold, then you can surely see how bad that would look for the NS/Mon camp, right?wai2.gif

I'm afraid you're not really very good at formulating these arguments. For that you could learn a lot from JTJ or, say, Balo. In the meantime, you should revert to your better role as head cheerleader of the apologist camp.clap2.gif

Yeah, this is turning out like his arguement about contamination. Doh! GB is certainly an expert at meandering down the garden path, if you dare to strike up a debate with him.


Did anyone happen to see the second murder weapon in the trolley (I mean the evidence shopping trolley, not the trolley that Gobby is off)?

While chasing down the story on the taxi driver attempted bribe, I came across the story from Asia One where the top cop confirmed the second murder weapon on the 23rd September:

Deputy national police chief Pol Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang said yesterday that officers would have to widen the search to be beyond the island.

"We have now confirmed that the killing weapon is not only a hoe found stained with blood, but also a wooden club. This made us believe that there are at least two attackers," he said.

- See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/asia/koh-tao-murders-police-confirm-2-murder-weapons#sthash.gpcBDinS.dpuf

No there are no other weapons, murder weapons or any other that caused Davids and Hannah's injuries thats the RTP official line at this moment. We know the defense is making strong representation to contest this fact especially in the case of David and the wounds he suffered prior to death.

It was reported that the Wooden Club was presented as evidence during the recent court dates, but lacked finger prints or DNA.

and that is absolutely no surprise at all - just like the hoe was wiped clean by the garbage collector as instructed by a certain individual, this beach worker is now suspected to have been murdered, perhaps her standards didn't fit with the agenda - go figure

Goldbugry alG and TJT will be along shortly to remind the world that this investigation has been of the highest standard and will stand up to all scrutiny

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