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In long-predicted shift, California Latinos outnumber whites

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In long-predicted shift, California Latinos outnumber whites

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The long-expected moment when Latinos surpassed whites as California's largest racial or ethnic group has come and gone.

Hispanic Californians began to narrowly outnumber white Californians sometime in the first half of 2014, according to U.S. Census Bureau figures released in late June.

The state had some 14.99 million Latinos compared with about 14.92 million non-Hispanic whites as of July 1, 2014, the most recent data available. Together, the two groups make up nearly 80 percent of the state's population.

Demographers had expected the shift for decades as the state's Hispanic population boomed due to immigration and birth rates.

Many thought it would happen sooner than it did — the California Department of Finance had predicted 2013 — but a slight decline in population pushed it to last year.

"This is sort of the official statistical recognition of something that has been underway for almost an entire generation," Roberto Suro, director of the Tomás Rivera Policy Institute at the University of Southern California, told the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday.

California joins New Mexico as the second state with a Latino plurality. Hawaii, with its large Asian population, is the third state where whites are not the largest ethnic group.

California saw an immigration boom from Mexico and Central America during the 1980s, a population surge that has since moved to other states, particularly in the Midwest and South.

As that happened, California's Hispanic population has grown more rooted and settled.

Some 70 percent of the state's immigrants, the majority of those Latinos, were living in the U.S. before 2000, a higher rate than any other state, according to 2012 census data.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-09


With the ever increasing numbers of Latinos running the open borders of the US, soon the whole

of the US will be a Latinos majority,,,, try to get a visa to visit the state, and here you have

millions just walking in and getting aid, food shelter and education and social benefits,

shame on you Obama and others that let this to go on for so long just so to win the Latinos



With the ever increasing numbers of Latinos running the open borders of the US, soon the whole

of the US will be a Latinos majority,,,, try to get a visa to visit the state, and here you have

millions just walking in and getting aid, food shelter and education and social benefits,

shame on you Obama and others that let this to go on for so long just so to win the Latinos


Well it certainly is a novel election strategy for the Dems....simply let citizens of other countries vote in America's elections. Really out-of-the-box thinking. Illegal as all hell but, then again, they're not called "illegal aliens" for nuttin'.


Not a real problem for USA or Americans.

Mexicans or any other Latino's are only slightly different.

Majority of them are hard working people raising their families.

During my short visit to L-A at no time or place I felt threatened by any Latino.

Stop barking up the wrong tree.


No problem. This sort of thing has happened before, so there is an acceptable precedent to work from. Just herd the whites up and put them on reservations, give them some casino lisences etc. they'll be fine. It was ok in Hawaii, too, where the Polynesians who were the locals are now a minority. Perfectly acceptable.


So Latinos now back in majority, like it was pre gold rush, but after US stole it from Mexico..... USA is nation of immigrants (even Native Americans are immigrants, albeit much much earlier ones). I'm American and see no problem.


american citizens have less and less children, sperm liveability ... thanks to all the GMO foods, overweight, pesticides, colors & additives

so, the latino comes to the rescue of the population of america ...


I can see where this would alarm some people, but it doesn't bother me even a little bit. I was taught way back when as a child that America is a melting pot. So having Americans of all different races is really the goal, when you think about it. Afterall, America is in fact the land of immigrants. At the end of the day, we're all Americans.


american citizens have less and less children, sperm liveability ... thanks to all the GMO foods, overweight, pesticides, colors & additives

so, the latino comes to the rescue of the population of america ...

Mexicans have the highest obesity rate in the world. And Latinos are the most obese group in the US. Diabetes is the number one killer of Mexicans. Mexicans and Latinos aren't going to "save" anybody. They're going to add to the welfare and medicaid rolls, especially for things such as kidney dialysis.



So Latinos now back in majority, like it was pre gold rush, but after US stole it from Mexico..... USA is nation of immigrants (even Native Americans are immigrants, albeit much much earlier ones). I'm American and see no problem.

Get out of here...

When I said "do not bark up the wrong tree" - I meant nothing more or less.

Many Nations are made of immigrants. No problem.

Problem starts with the types of immigrants. And it never ends to the very end.

Look at France, England, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Germany and your own USA.

At some stage in the past all of them have been formed by immigrants, newcomers, conquerors.

Even Ancient Greeks and Romans fate was the same.

Romans were barbaric compared to Greeks. Goths were barbaric compared to Romans. Yet, the Civilization survived.

If one day American Civilization falls - it won't be because of Mexicans.

If one day European Civilization falls - it won't be because of Russians.

Emster23, Berkshire and others, believe me - there is a problem! You either can not see it or do not want to name it. Sorry, mates.


I can see where this would alarm some people, but it doesn't bother me even a little bit. I was taught way back when as a child that America is a melting pot. So having Americans of all different races is really the goal, when you think about it. Afterall, America is in fact the land of immigrants. At the end of the day, we're all Americans.

What you are saying is true. And I agree with it. I believe Mexicans contribute greatly to the US economy and culture. I think they are a real plus. I work with a lot of Mexicans, and they work hard, are honest, and are dependable. Plus they have big hearts, unlike alot of the so called white population. I also believe that Tiny George II gave Americans an excuse to demonstrate xenophobia and racist hatred, after 9/11. And a lot of people jumped on the hating bandwagon. America might be the most mixed country in the world, in terms of race, color, religion, etc. It is a tough country to be a racist, as the country is full of different races. They add color, culture, and flavor to the mix. And I find most to be far, far warmer and friendlier than the white population. I say all this as a white man.

All I can say, is get a life. There are more important things to dwell on, and the races in the US is not one of them.

Lastly, there would be a lot less illegal immigration in the US, if two things took place:

1. The incredibly weak and feeble US Senate and US Congress came up with a viable immigration reform plan, and allowed more legal immigration of people who were vetted, and were hard workers.

2. The American people decided they were willing and able to do the kinds of jobs many illegal immigrants are the only ones willing to perform.

It is not about sealing up the border, or giving the border patrol billions more to spend. It is about reforms that need to take place within the US. It is time to take some responsibility for our own problems.


Oh yeah, before any "purist" or a member of an apologists here attacks my expression: "types of migrants" I better explain.

Believe it or not but I am not racist! The race, colour or facial features of the migrants are immaterial.

There are and always were only two types of migrants through World history.

One type - come to use, to steal, to partake. This type is no problem. So leave your Latinos alone. Your ancestors were the same.

Second type - come to destroy, convert, subjugate in the name of their one and only pretty limited backward Idea. There lies a big Problem!

This Problem existed from VII Century to XII Century in active phaze. Now it has been revived. Revived by your own stupidity.

But of course you deny it being stupidity. You prefer to call it Liberalism, Multiculturalism, Tolerance etc. Good Luck!


Not surprising that California has by far the greatest welfare spending in the US, at $38.6 billion USD per year... All those Mexicans needs real, working Americans to keep paying their taxes so they can keep beans and rice on the table... And yet securing the borders is not a priority for either political party in the US...


Only made one comparison, just for the fun of it: according to your link, per head of the population North Dakota, a state well know for the high number of blacks and latino's, is spending more per head of the population on welfare than California is.

And I don't care about a debate about that, only mentioned this to indicate how totally meaningless it is to just state the spending per year.


With the ever increasing numbers of Latinos running the open borders of the US, soon the whole

of the US will be a Latinos majority,,,, try to get a visa to visit the state, and here you have

millions just walking in and getting aid, food shelter and education and social benefits,

shame on you Obama and others that let this to go on for so long just so to win the Latinos


One, the article states that legalized Latinos now outnumber whites in California. Two, the porous US borders are indefensible, which is a security issue more than a political one, and that problem has existed for as long as the US has been a nation. Three, what does Obama have to do with a flood of illegal immigrants that is a legacy issue all the way back to Eisenhower?

You just couldn't resist a poke at a president you do not like, even when the poke ended up in your own eye.



With the ever increasing numbers of Latinos running the open borders of the US, soon the whole

of the US will be a Latinos majority,,,, try to get a visa to visit the state, and here you have

millions just walking in and getting aid, food shelter and education and social benefits,

shame on you Obama and others that let this to go on for so long just so to win the Latinos


One, the article states that legalized Latinos now outnumber whites in California. Two, the porous US borders are indefensible, which is a security issue more than a political one, and that problem has existed for as long as the US has been a nation. Three, what does Obama have to do with a flood of illegal immigrants that is a legacy issue all the way back to Eisenhower?

You just couldn't resist a poke at a president you do not like, even when the poke ended up in your own eye.


That said, if the number of legalized Latinos now outnumber whites in California then the total number of Latinos really outnumbers whites in California.

You are correct that illegal immigration has been going on for years....and Obama's attempting to legitimize the practice through his Executive proclamations.

If the Dems don't like the immigration laws, then they should change the laws. Giving a sly wink and a nod to illegals is not the way to do it, in many folks' opinions.


So Latinos now back in majority, like it was pre gold rush, but after US stole it from Mexico..... USA is nation of immigrants (even Native Americans are immigrants, albeit much much earlier ones). I'm American and see no problem.

they are only re-claiming what was stolen from them..


Not surprising that California has by far the greatest welfare spending in the US, at $38.6 billion USD per year... All those Mexicans needs real, working Americans to keep paying their taxes so they can keep beans and rice on the table... And yet securing the borders is not a priority for either political party in the US...


I guess economic literacy isn't a strong point..

California is the worlds 8th largest economy. Everything is relative.


I don't see where the OP specifically uses the term "legal/lawful immigrants". The use of the words "Hispanic", "Latino" and even "immigrant" doesn't do it for me. The OP looks more like a morale piece for La Raza, unlawful immigrants and their cohorts.

The term "race" does not have any scientific basis. To me this is about a clash of cultures and values and it could end badly. Let's not forget that the American Civil War was caused essentially by a similar clash.

Los Angeles Almanac Article:

"According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Secuity (DHS), an estimated 2,830,000 unlawful immigrants resided in California in 2011, compared to 1.5 million in 1990 and 2.5 million in 2000. This number represents about 24 percent of the entire estimated unlawful immigrant population in the United States (11.5 million in 2011). This estimate puts the percentage of California's population that are unlawful immigrants to be about 7.5 percent, with a majority (about 60 percent) being from Mexico. Across the entire United States, an estimated 6.8 million unlawful immigrants were from Mexico, up from 4.7 million in 2000."

Ref: Unlawful Immigrants in California - LA Almanac


I don't see where the OP specifically uses the term "legal/lawful immigrants". The use of the words "Hispanic", "Latino" and even "immigrant" doesn't do it for me. The OP looks more like a morale piece for La Raza, unlawful immigrants and their cohorts.

The term "race" does not have any scientific basis. To me this is about a clash of cultures and values and it could end badly. Let's not forget that the American Civil War was caused essentially by a similar clash.

Los Angeles Almanac Article:

"According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Secuity (DHS), an estimated 2,830,000 unlawful immigrants resided in California in 2011, compared to 1.5 million in 1990 and 2.5 million in 2000. This number represents about 24 percent of the entire estimated unlawful immigrant population in the United States (11.5 million in 2011). This estimate puts the percentage of California's population that are unlawful immigrants to be about 7.5 percent, with a majority (about 60 percent) being from Mexico. Across the entire United States, an estimated 6.8 million unlawful immigrants were from Mexico, up from 4.7 million in 2000."

Ref: Unlawful Immigrants in California - LA Almanac

I guess the 'Latinos' aren't looking to keep their slaves and don't get their backs up about being ruled by Yankees.

I think you are fine on avoiding a civil war.


With the ever increasing numbers of Latinos running the open borders of the US, soon the whole

of the US will be a Latinos majority,,,, try to get a visa to visit the state, and here you have

millions just walking in and getting aid, food shelter and education and social benefits,

shame on you Obama and others that let this to go on for so long just so to win the Latinos


Be happy with them....we in Europe let all the Muslims in. I would love to exchange them with your Latinos.....


So Latinos now back in majority, like it was pre gold rush, but after US stole it from Mexico..... USA is nation of immigrants (even Native Americans are immigrants, albeit much much earlier ones). I'm American and see no problem.

Get out of here...

When I said "do not bark up the wrong tree" - I meant nothing more or less.

Many Nations are made of immigrants. No problem.

Problem starts with the types of immigrants. And it never ends to the very end.

Look at France, England, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Germany and your own USA.

At some stage in the past all of them have been formed by immigrants, newcomers, conquerors.

Even Ancient Greeks and Romans fate was the same.

Romans were barbaric compared to Greeks. Goths were barbaric compared to Romans. Yet, the Civilization survived.

If one day American Civilization falls - it won't be because of Mexicans.

If one day European Civilization falls - it won't be because of Russians.

Emster23, Berkshire and others, believe me - there is a problem! You either can not see it or do not want to name it. Sorry, mates.

I suggest you read a bit of US history, mate. Many many times new flood of immigrants was seen as threat to US values: those Catholic Irish, those socialist and anarchist Eastern Europeans, those sneaky Jews from where ever, those clannish Scandinavians, and don't leave out Chinese exclusion laws (after they built the railroads).... but somehow America survived it's typical xenophobia.


So Latinos now back in majority, like it was pre gold rush, but after US stole it from Mexico..... USA is nation of immigrants (even Native Americans are immigrants, albeit much much earlier ones). I'm American and see no problem.

Get out of here...

When I said "do not bark up the wrong tree" - I meant nothing more or less.

Many Nations are made of immigrants. No problem.

Problem starts with the types of immigrants. And it never ends to the very end.

Look at France, England, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Germany and your own USA.

At some stage in the past all of them have been formed by immigrants, newcomers, conquerors.

Even Ancient Greeks and Romans fate was the same.

Romans were barbaric compared to Greeks. Goths were barbaric compared to Romans. Yet, the Civilization survived.

If one day American Civilization falls - it won't be because of Mexicans.

If one day European Civilization falls - it won't be because of Russians.

Emster23, Berkshire and others, believe me - there is a problem! You either can not see it or do not want to name it. Sorry, mates.

I suggest you read a bit of US history, mate. Many many times new flood of immigrants was seen as threat to US values: those Catholic Irish, those socialist and anarchist Eastern Europeans, those sneaky Jews from where ever, those clannish Scandinavians, and don't leave out Chinese exclusion laws (after they built the railroads).... but somehow America survived it's typical xenophobia.

The evangelicals were shit scared of Kennedy becoming president. Their rationale was that as a catholic, he'd listen to the pope over the American people.

There are always people who will be scared change. Always has been.


So Latinos now back in majority, like it was pre gold rush, but after US stole it from Mexico..... USA is nation of immigrants (even Native Americans are immigrants, albeit much much earlier ones). I'm American and see no problem.

Get out of here...

When I said "do not bark up the wrong tree" - I meant nothing more or less.

Many Nations are made of immigrants. No problem.

Problem starts with the types of immigrants. And it never ends to the very end.

Look at France, England, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Germany and your own USA.

At some stage in the past all of them have been formed by immigrants, newcomers, conquerors.

Even Ancient Greeks and Romans fate was the same.

Romans were barbaric compared to Greeks. Goths were barbaric compared to Romans. Yet, the Civilization survived.

If one day American Civilization falls - it won't be because of Mexicans.

If one day European Civilization falls - it won't be because of Russians.

Emster23, Berkshire and others, believe me - there is a problem! You either can not see it or do not want to name it. Sorry, mates.

I suggest you read a bit of US history, mate. Many many times new flood of immigrants was seen as threat to US values: those Catholic Irish, those socialist and anarchist Eastern Europeans, those sneaky Jews from where ever, those clannish Scandinavians, and don't leave out Chinese exclusion laws (after they built the railroads).... but somehow America survived it's typical xenophobia.

Actually almost everyone in USA is a almost recent immigrant (beside the American Indian).


My friends, Samran, Emster23, - I am on your side. I wish you (meaning USA) every success and prosperity.

But I do not believe in it. It is not a change you should be afraid of.

If you think Catholics, Irish, Protestants, French, British, Chinese, etc. were ever at any point a threat to USA values - you should do more reading.

Your Greatest Wars - against British and against South (Civil War) results - were immaterial. I mean that if the GB Crown have won - your Civilization would have survived. Just look up England now.

And if General Lee have won the Civil War - the same result - USA would still be there as a Civilization.

Now look across the Atlantic at Europe. Do you really believe it will survive as a Western Civilization? Not a chance! And no nukes will help them now with 45 million Muslims in their streets.

I do not think you are stupid. I do not think you are blind. It is very hard and unpleasant for anyone to admit a slow suicide coming imminently..


My friends, Samran, Emster23, - I am on your side. I wish you (meaning USA) every success and prosperity.

But I do not believe in it. It is not a change you should be afraid of.

If you think Catholics, Irish, Protestants, French, British, Chinese, etc. were ever at any point a threat to USA values - you should do more reading.

Your Greatest Wars - against British and against South (Civil War) results - were immaterial. I mean that if the GB Crown have won - your Civilization would have survived. Just look up England now.

And if General Lee have won the Civil War - the same result - USA would still be there as a Civilization.

Now look across the Atlantic at Europe. Do you really believe it will survive as a Western Civilization? Not a chance! And no nukes will help them now with 45 million Muslims in their streets.

I do not think you are stupid. I do not think you are blind. It is very hard and unpleasant for anyone to admit a slow suicide coming imminently..

I think you should read this. Sound familiar?

" The impact of Kennedy's speech can be fully understood only in light of the situation of American Catholics in his day and earlier. Ensconced in what has been called the "Catholic ghetto" a pre-Vatican II world of May crownings, Corpus Christi processions, and Friday fish fries Catholics were largely insulated from a larger Protestant culture that was deeply suspicious of their faith. Catholics had always been different from America's Protestant majority: They had their own schools and hospitals, their own holidays and heroes, even their own religious lexicon. In a nation shaped by the Protestant rejection of authority and tradition, Catholics looked to their priests, bishops, and pope for guidance on life's most intimate and important questions. American Anti-Catholicism had waxed and waned through the centuries it reached fever pitch with the massive influx of Catholic immigrants in the 19th century but Catholics had survived by relying on a closely knit religious subculture for shelter, support, and a sense of belonging."



My friends, Samran, Emster23, - I am on your side. I wish you (meaning USA) every success and prosperity.

But I do not believe in it. It is not a change you should be afraid of.

If you think Catholics, Irish, Protestants, French, British, Chinese, etc. were ever at any point a threat to USA values - you should do more reading.

Your Greatest Wars - against British and against South (Civil War) results - were immaterial. I mean that if the GB Crown have won - your Civilization would have survived. Just look up England now.

And if General Lee have won the Civil War - the same result - USA would still be there as a Civilization.

Now look across the Atlantic at Europe. Do you really believe it will survive as a Western Civilization? Not a chance! And no nukes will help them now with 45 million Muslims in their streets.

I do not think you are stupid. I do not think you are blind. It is very hard and unpleasant for anyone to admit a slow suicide coming imminently..

I think you should read this. Sound familiar?

" The impact of Kennedy's speech can be fully understood only in light of the situation of American Catholics in his day and earlier. Ensconced in what has been called the "Catholic ghetto" a pre-Vatican II world of May crownings, Corpus Christi processions, and Friday fish fries Catholics were largely insulated from a larger Protestant culture that was deeply suspicious of their faith. Catholics had always been different from America's Protestant majority: They had their own schools and hospitals, their own holidays and heroes, even their own religious lexicon. In a nation shaped by the Protestant rejection of authority and tradition, Catholics looked to their priests, bishops, and pope for guidance on life's most intimate and important questions. American Anti-Catholicism had waxed and waned through the centuries it reached fever pitch with the massive influx of Catholic immigrants in the 19th century but Catholics had survived by relying on a closely knit religious subculture for shelter, support, and a sense of belonging."


OMG! Are you listening to me? For crying out loud, take that finger out of your Avatar's nose!.

I am talking about Western Civilization. And you want me to read about Catholics/Protestants differences.

Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Jews, Russians, Chinese - ALL ARE FROM ONE CIVILIZATION.

OK, let us stop this pointless discussion because we cannot hear each other.

Have a nice day.


I have a Spanish surname, hail from California and have never considered myself anything but a US citizen. What is Latino and what is white? The article is rife with questions..

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