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Prayuth likens Uighur refugees to breeding animals

Lite Beer

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Quite funny how many people post against sending these illegal immigrants back to their country, yet the same people post about getting rid of all the Muslim immigrants in Europe as it is being taken over.

These Uighur are muslims. They come here illegally. The muslims are all told by their clerics to go around the world and populate as much as possible and take over. Which is what they are doing!!!

I say send them back home. The muslims make problems for themselves wherever they are and wherever they go. Then when it hits the fan in some places they play the victims.

It is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of hate and extreme prejudice.

Give them enough rope they will hang us all. Sorry but no sympathy for any muslims ever.

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Quite funny how many people post against sending these illegal immigrants back to their country, yet the same people post about getting rid of all the Muslim immigrants in Europe as it is being taken over.

These Uighur are muslims. They come here illegally. The muslims are all told by their clerics to go around the world and populate as much as possible and take over. Which is what they are doing!!!

I say send them back home. The muslims make problems for themselves wherever they are and wherever they go. Then when it hits the fan in some places they play the victims.

It is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of hate and extreme prejudice.

Give them enough rope they will hang us all. Sorry but no sympathy for any muslims ever.

I dont have any for christians or jews either

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I dont agree with Prayut on anything really except this he is exactly right and you only have to look at what these people are doing in China Europe and all he is doing is nipping it in the bud and avoiding any future issues with Muslims who do not agree with with the culture of any country they infest and as soon as numbers allow they will start forcing their beliefs on the indigenous population and if you resist well we all know what happens then.

Never thought I would say this but well done Prayut

muslims are already indigenous to thailand

No they are not. They were indigenous to Malaysia. They became part of Thailand after WW2.

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I dont agree with Prayut on anything really except this he is exactly right and you only have to look at what these people are doing in China Europe and all he is doing is nipping it in the bud and avoiding any future issues with Muslims who do not agree with with the culture of any country they infest and as soon as numbers allow they will start forcing their beliefs on the indigenous population and if you resist well we all know what happens then.

Never thought I would say this but well done Prayut

muslims are already indigenous to thailand

No they are not. They were indigenous to Malaysia. They became part of Thailand after WW2.

they are indigenous to the land they inhabit. try again and while youre at it , read some thai history! malaysia until 1945!! lol

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Could he be anymore of a mouth peice for the uppity elites he serves? He no doubt thinks the same of some of his own people.

Really ratifying the principals of Buddhism right there folks.

I have known Thais of many different economic social levels, education, gender, politics, ethnicity, etc. And am fluent in Thai, and a couple other languages besides English. Recently I had the experience of meeting a Thai Senator under unfortunate circumstances. I was peripheral to the issues and players in the business conversation, but did participate. The first thing the Senator squawked as the meeting began was "I am Thai and I am a Senator and I know everyone and no one can cheat me!".

Hearing things like this and the comments of our handsome PM, I am still astounded at some elite Thai people's and their sense of privilege, arrogance, and cruelty to other human beings. It happens all over the world, to be sure. But the lack of shame and self awareness among elites here is remarkable.

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I dont agree with Prayut on anything really except this he is exactly right and you only have to look at what these people are doing in China Europe and all he is doing is nipping it in the bud and avoiding any future issues with Muslims who do not agree with with the culture of any country they infest and as soon as numbers allow they will start forcing their beliefs on the indigenous population and if you resist well we all know what happens then.

Never thought I would say this but well done Prayut

muslims are already indigenous to thailand

No they are not. They were indigenous to Malaysia. They became part of Thailand after WW2.

History & Politics of Islam in Thailand...


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Quite funny how many people post against sending these illegal immigrants back to their country, yet the same people post about getting rid of all the Muslim immigrants in Europe as it is being taken over.

These Uighur are muslims. They come here illegally. The muslims are all told by their clerics to go around the world and populate as much as possible and take over. Which is what they are doing!!!

I say send them back home. The muslims make problems for themselves wherever they are and wherever they go. Then when it hits the fan in some places they play the victims.

It is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of hate and extreme prejudice.

Give them enough rope they will hang us all. Sorry but no sympathy for any muslims ever.

I dont have any for christians or jews either

Well I don't see Christians killing gays. I don't see them killing women for being raped or marry 12 year old girls, etc etc.

The worst things I have seen from Christians is being annoying with their talks.

I can't see some Christians hang me, even I am an Atheist....

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Could he be anymore of a mouth peice for the uppity elites he serves? He no doubt thinks the same of some of his own people.

Really ratifying the principals of Buddhism right there folks.

I have known Thais of many different economic social levels, education, gender, politics, ethnicity, etc. And am fluent in Thai, and a couple other languages besides English. Recently I had the experience of meeting a Thai Senator under unfortunate circumstances. I was peripheral to the issues and players in the business conversation, but did participate. The first thing the Senator squawked as the meeting began was "I am Thai and I am a Senator and I know everyone and no one can cheat me!".

Hearing things like this and the comments of our handsome PM, I am still astounded at some elite Thai people's and their sense of privilege, arrogance, and cruelty to other human beings. It happens all over the world, to be sure. But the lack of shame and self awareness among elites here is remarkable.

The elites meddle in every nation on earth but here in Thailand they openly and directly do it (look at all these coups) and openly murder and kill normal citizes without re-approach. Their attitude is abhorrent and reprehensible.

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Could he be anymore of a mouth peice for the uppity elites he serves? He no doubt thinks the same of some of his own people.

Really ratifying the principals of Buddhism right there folks.

I have known Thais of many different economic social levels, education, gender, politics, ethnicity, etc. And am fluent in Thai, and a couple other languages besides English. Recently I had the experience of meeting a Thai Senator under unfortunate circumstances. I was peripheral to the issues and players in the business conversation, but did participate. The first thing the Senator squawked as the meeting began was "I am Thai and I am a Senator and I know everyone and no one can cheat me!".

Hearing things like this and the comments of our handsome PM, I am still astounded at some elite Thai people's and their sense of privilege, arrogance, and cruelty to other human beings. It happens all over the world, to be sure. But the lack of shame and self awareness among elites here is remarkable.

The elites meddle in every nation on earth but here in Thailand they openly and directly do it (look at all these coups) and openly murder and kill normal citizes without re-approach. Their attitude is abhorrent and reprehensible.

Well the elite is "I am the best friend of Bush" Thaksin.....And he killed a fair share of people.....

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Could he be anymore of a mouth peice for the uppity elites he serves? He no doubt thinks the same of some of his own people.

Really ratifying the principals of Buddhism right there folks.

I have known Thais of many different economic social levels, education, gender, politics, ethnicity, etc. And am fluent in Thai, and a couple other languages besides English. Recently I had the experience of meeting a Thai Senator under unfortunate circumstances. I was peripheral to the issues and players in the business conversation, but did participate. The first thing the Senator squawked as the meeting began was "I am Thai and I am a Senator and I know everyone and no one can cheat me!".

Hearing things like this and the comments of our handsome PM, I am still astounded at some elite Thai people's and their sense of privilege, arrogance, and cruelty to other human beings. It happens all over the world, to be sure. But the lack of shame and self awareness among elites here is remarkable.

The elites meddle in every nation on earth but here in Thailand they openly and directly do it (look at all these coups) and openly murder and kill normal citizes without re-approach. Their attitude is abhorrent and reprehensible.

Well the elite is "I am the best friend of Bush" Thaksin.....And he killed a fair share of people.....

Him and all his cronies, the current pm and all of his. They are all as bad as each other.

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Quite funny how many people post against sending these illegal immigrants back to their country, yet the same people post about getting rid of all the Muslim immigrants in Europe as it is being taken over.

These Uighur are muslims. They come here illegally. The muslims are all told by their clerics to go around the world and populate as much as possible and take over. Which is what they are doing!!!

I say send them back home. The muslims make problems for themselves wherever they are and wherever they go. Then when it hits the fan in some places they play the victims.

It is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of hate and extreme prejudice.

Give them enough rope they will hang us all. Sorry but no sympathy for any muslims ever.

There is a big difference between the movement of bogus refugees (economic migrants) to Europe and the genuine refugees entering Thailand in the belief the country will offer them relief from persecution.
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Poor choice of words... and the PM certainly needs a script writer... but not a politically correct one -- but not shoot himself in the foot.

But despite the gaff and despite the often non workable UN policies ... I think Thailand and any other nation has a right to say who comes and who goes in the country...

The Ughurs / Uighurs want to carve out part of China for a budding Muslim nation and have done violence in support of that goal... I suggest that they don't do that -- then they won't have to become political refugees.

Only insane leaders of America, the U.K. and the EU see fit to import Muslim disgruntlement and hatred...

Especially when Muslim mullahs in European countries and the UK state these countries WILL be ISLAMIC countries within 50 or so years just due to the birthrate!


Europe’s Muslim population, boosted by large families and immigration, will nearly double, from less than 6% (43 million people) in 2010 to more than 10% (71 million people) in 2050, the forecast estimates.


Off topic I know. You are usually such an advocate of PEW. You should have used the article in its full context,



Not so funny now is it ?

How many years will it be before Muslims represent 50% of the European population; most definitely not within 50 years. It is estimated by 2100 Muslims worldwide will represent 34.9% of the global population, Christians 33.8%

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No they are not. They were indigenous to Malaysia. They became part of Thailand after WW2.

Rubbish. Muslims who originated from Persia, the Levant/Middle East, India etc have been living in 'Siam' for as long as the Chinese. And Mokun have been living in 'Siam' longer than the Chinese and Muslims.

I think you are getting confused about the Muslims in the southern border area, who are generally of Malay ethnic origin, and found themselves on 'the wrong side of the border' due to no fault of their own.

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I am sure he made some Turkish people very angry. he had better watch his back.

And he said this after the embassy was attacked. Can't even think of anything more stupid.

You keep on asking for trouble. One day you can't handle it anymore.

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I dont agree with Prayut on anything really except this he is exactly right and you only have to look at what these people are doing in China Europe and all he is doing is nipping it in the bud and avoiding any future issues with Muslims who do not agree with with the culture of any country they infest and as soon as numbers allow they will start forcing their beliefs on the indigenous population and if you resist well we all know what happens then.

Never thought I would say this but well done Prayut

muslims are already indigenous to thailand
No they are not. They were indigenous to Malaysia. They became part of Thailand after WW2.

they are indigenous to the land they inhabit. try again and while youre at it , read some thai history! malaysia until 1945!! lol

This is what I meant. They considered themselves more Malay than Thai (many still do)

" The National Culture Act was enforced as a result of the Thaification process, promoting the concept of 'Thai-ness' and its centralist aims. Its 'Mandate 3' was directly aimed at the Patani people.[20] By 1944, Thai civil law was enforced throughout the land including the Patani region over-riding earlier concessions to local Islamic administrative practices.[21] The school curriculum was revised to that of a Thai-centric one with all lessons in the Thai language, to the detriment of the local Jawi. Traditional Muslim courts that used to handle civil cases were removed and replaced with civil courts run and approved by the central government in Bangkok. This forced assimilation process and the perceived imposition of Thai-Buddhist cultural practices upon their society became an irritant for the harmonious relationship between the ethnic Malay Patani people and the Thai state.[22]"

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Thailand_insurgency

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He has a way with words...........

Yup, the developed world is not ready for the stark naked truth. Those who disagree should explain why.

The motto of the developed world is - Do as I told you to do, don't do what I do.

We all know about the developed do-gooders!!!


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All of you out there have remember one thing. And this is very important. He is not a politician, he is a soldier. He has be a soldier all his life. So he has no other way of answering. Except with what i would call GI language.

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What Prayut tells is surely not Political Correct, but it is true

Good grief H90. You are totally confused with the term politically correct and the appropriateness of the speaker. He is the PM and should be careful and have the smart to avoid expression that may marginalized particular group of people. He represent the country in the world arena and stupid off the cuff remark like this bring shame to the country.

I don't need any sweet talking politicians, I need honest one. The true often hurts. Contraception is not allowed. And you have some Imam in Europe who are boasting about the degenerated western and how they'll win with the wombs of their women.

So what Prayut tells is complete true or at least a valid concern even you don't like to hear it.

Those are not honest but degratory words spoken by most uncouth person and certainly not from your Prime Minister. He is an arrogant and pompous and unbefitting to assume the high office. He is an ambarassment every time he speak. That is true even if you don't like to hear.

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After reading many of the replies no doubt this will rile some of you up:

Many countries would be over ran by immigration from people fleeing a country they were born in. Muslim immigrants leave their countries of birth because of civil and political unrest . . . "CREATED BY THE VERY NATURE OF THEIR CULTURE.

IMO if Muslims do not wish to accept another culture and the new host countries cultural ways, the answer is simple; "STAY WHERE YOU ARE; NO COUNTRY NEEDS OR WANTS YOU AND YOUR FORM OF RELIGIOUS B.S.!!!"

Maybe Japan and their immigration policies are actually a road map that the rest of the world should look at.... for the whole multiculturalism with certain segments of the worlds population is a failure already happening.

The General used a poor choice of words (not politically correct in many countries of the world) but nevertheless the truth of the matter is Thailand has enough problems with certain Muslims and its own ability to provide for CITIZENS in meaningful ways.

At least the majority of the Expats bring a sustainable retirement with them and do not ask for hand-outs or social services from the government..

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What Prayut tells is surely not Political Correct, but it is true

Good grief H90. You are totally confused with the term politically correct and the appropriateness of the speaker. He is the PM and should be careful and have the smart to avoid expression that may marginalized particular group of people. He represent the country in the world arena and stupid off the cuff remark like this bring shame to the country.

I don't need any sweet talking politicians, I need honest one. The true often hurts. Contraception is not allowed. And you have some Imam in Europe who are boasting about the degenerated western and how they'll win with the wombs of their women.

So what Prayut tells is complete true or at least a valid concern even you don't like to hear it.

Those are not honest but degratory words spoken by most uncouth person and certainly not from your Prime Minister. He is an arrogant and pompous and unbefitting to assume the high office. He is an ambarassment every time he speak. That is true even if you don't like to hear.

What did he say? Have you actually asked a Thai about the words spoken?

I've spoken to two who don't even recognize the written Thai word. Possibly because they have never heard it used.

Google translate says "litter,brood,covey" but as I understand Thai, the words are used in context to the sentence.

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Could he be anymore of a mouth peice for the uppity elites he serves? He no doubt thinks the same of some of his own people.

Really ratifying the principals of Buddhism right there folks.

I have known Thais of many different economic social levels, education, gender, politics, ethnicity, etc. And am fluent in Thai, and a couple other languages besides English. Recently I had the experience of meeting a Thai Senator under unfortunate circumstances. I was peripheral to the issues and players in the business conversation, but did participate. The first thing the Senator squawked as the meeting began was "I am Thai and I am a Senator and I know everyone and no one can cheat me!".

Hearing things like this and the comments of our handsome PM, I am still astounded at some elite Thai people's and their sense of privilege, arrogance, and cruelty to other human beings. It happens all over the world, to be sure. But the lack of shame and self awareness among elites here is remarkable.



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