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Prince Philip lets fly with F-word during Battle of Britain event

Jonathan Fairfield

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What an old tosser, what was he doing at a 'Battle of Britain' event? Neither him nor any other member of his family with all the medals on their chests

fought in any wars.

Well you're wrong aren't you.

Philip fought in WW2. Andrew in Falklands. Harry in Afghanistan. And Queen Elizabeth (then Princess) was in the RTS like many other British females her age.

There are others as well.


Wouldn't give you tuppence for Harry. His stint in Afghanistan involved sitting in the most secure place in the country. We never saw this of course : one day he made a quick trip to a machine gun and sat posing as if he was ready to fire it and it was in every newspaper and news report.

Utter hypocrisy. Not his fault I know but is a pointer to the BS we get fed to maintain the Royal Family (or rather the privileged thousands who benefit from them).

I was told what happened with royalty in the Falklands which would back up just what you are saying.

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What an old tosser, what was he doing at a 'Battle of Britain' event? Neither him nor any other member of his family with all the medals on their chests

fought in any wars.

Well you're wrong aren't you.

Philip fought in WW2. Andrew in Falklands. Harry in Afghanistan. And Queen Elizabeth (then Princess) was in the RTS like many other British females her age.

There are others as well.


Wouldn't give you tuppence for Harry. His stint in Afghanistan involved sitting in the most secure place in the country. We never saw this of course : one day he made a quick trip to a machine gun and sat posing as if he was ready to fire it and it was in every newspaper and news report.

Utter hypocrisy. Not his fault I know but is a pointer to the BS we get fed to maintain the Royal Family (or rather the privileged thousands who benefit from them).

I was told what happened with royalty in the Falklands which would back up just what you are saying.

I agree it was madness sending him there, there was no way any commander could allow him to get killed let alone captured. He probably wanted to get into it but it wasn't going to happen.

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What an old tosser, what was he doing at a 'Battle of Britain' event? Neither him nor any other member of his family with all the medals on their chests fought in any wars.

Seems there is only one tosser putting his Bass G string on this topic. Stick to bass playing because your knowledge of history must blow your chords away.

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Its great that some people are not afraid to say what they think.

I looked up a few of his so called gaffs, when asked if he would like to visit the Soviet Union he apparently replied "yes, I would like to visit Russia very much but the bastards killed half of my family"

If more people said what they genuinely thought the world would be a better place

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I remember seeing a documentary about the Iranian embassy siege in London. In the briefing afterwards one of the SAS soliders (recently deceased I believe) said to the late Margret Thatcher who was blocking his view, words to the effect of "get you efing head out of the way" which she did.

Much better to say speak your thoughts than to bottle them up and complain about it later

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I think Prince Philip is the greatest. He was never one to be discrete with his thoughts and words and because he don`t give a rat`s behind what anyone thinks, he`s always got away with it as no one dare answer him back, the man commands respect.

Wonderful, 94 years old and still doing the rounds. Don`t care about his ancestry, for me he is the front person for what being British is all about. I love our British Royal family as much as the Thais love their monarch and can`t help feeling patriotic every time I see them.

The Duke of Edinburgh is someone that has to be admired, long may the Queen and the Prince reign.

One of his first sayings was,,, I think its time we pulled our finger out, and many many more

Over to you PC brigade Get your fingers out 555

Except the "WE" didn't include him.

He has probbly put in more hours ( work ) than you will have,in your whole life.

Are you really that naive?

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What an old tosser, what was he doing at a 'Battle of Britain' event? Neither him nor any other member of his family with all the medals on their chests

fought in any wars.

Well you're wrong aren't you.

Philip fought in WW2. Andrew in Falklands. Harry in Afghanistan. And Queen Elizabeth (then Princess) was in the RTS like many other British females her age.

There are others as well.


Wouldn't give you tuppence for Harry. His stint in Afghanistan involved sitting in the most secure place in the country. We never saw this of course : one day he made a quick trip to a machine gun and sat posing as if he was ready to fire it and it was in every newspaper and news report.

Utter hypocrisy. Not his fault I know but is a pointer to the BS we get fed to maintain the Royal Family (or rather the privileged thousands who benefit from them).

You must of missed the doco of when Captain Wales was an Apache co pilot / gunner on active duty combat missions.

Edited by simple1
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Wouldn't give you tuppence for Harry. His stint in Afghanistan involved sitting in the most secure place in the country. We never saw this of course : one day he made a quick trip to a machine gun and sat posing as if he was ready to fire it and it was in every newspaper and news report.

Utter hypocrisy. Not his fault I know but is a pointer to the BS we get fed to maintain the Royal Family (or rather the privileged thousands who benefit from them).

And you know where he was stationed? His 2nd posting of 4 months was in Helmand province at Camp Bastion. Aside from it being one of the most taliban active provinces it was the most important airbase for the UK. Capt. Wales flew an Apache helicopter which provided support for ground troops and cover for medevac operations. Camp Bastion was the most important medical facility in the region. It was also repeatedly targeted by the Taliban and the location of betrayal attacks by members of the worthless Afghani Army.

When were you ever at Camp Bastion? When were you posted to Helmand province? How can you describe it as the most secure place in the country, when it was considered one of the worst? Do you think the 450 dead UK personnel over 8 years in Helmand province is an indication of a safe place? Before the UK personnel had been redeployed to Helmand province, they had a total of 5 fatalities in 4 years. That's a rather telling stat. How can you post a lie? Don't you think the journalists who were embedded with the UK forces at the base would have reported that Capt. Wales was shirking his duty if he had been?

As for the continued swipes at the Queen's husband, the man is 90+ years old and harmless. Why anyone gets a thrill out of denigrating the veteran is beyond my comprehension. I'm not even a monarchist, but I respect the man and his war service. He did his duty, which is a lot more than some.

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What an old tosser, what was he doing at a 'Battle of Britain' event? Neither him nor any other member of his family with all the medals on their chests fought in any wars.

I got an e-mail saying that teatree liked this post. So where is my yellow star?

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It is normal for mambers of the UK royal family to serve in the armed forces, but I suspect they are given special treatment and kept out of the more dangerous places.

How many members of the royal family have died fighting wars? I bet they were not the ones 'going over the top' during WWI.

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While I concede that sometimes this guy's comments do make me laugh at the zero political correctness. However, the guy needs a taste of his own medicine at some point to see how he'd react. Twitter was apparently 'alight' about him asking who some Women sponged off when he visited a care centre. Tweets were saying - "the same people you are", of course said in hindsight.

If somebody had been quick enough at the time to turn the tables on him with cameras and sound recording, twitter really 'would' have been alight and we would have seen how he would actually react to his own game turned upon him. If he rolled wjth the banter, good on him but it remains to be seen if he would.

Unfortunately, people probably find themselves on the day intimidated by this aura of 'Royalty' that will pervade at such events, and this man knows it only too well IMO. War service is irrelevant. An arrogant condescending piece of work is an arrogant condescending piece of work.

The British media with its masturbatory spin of - "oh ain't he a charming larf with his gaffes!" reminds me of how bullied people in an attempt to save face will laugh along with the bully, pretending it is all in joke between friends. Again, comedy is comedy but is also a convenient vehicle to hide malice behind. I do get the impression that this man is supremely arrogant and sees us as peasants to be mocked. Media play along.

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What an old tosser, what was he doing at a 'Battle of Britain' event? Neither him nor any other member of his family with all the medals on their chests fought in any wars.

I got an e-mail saying that teatree liked this post. So where is my yellow star?

First engage brain before posting bull, A lot of people have great respect for Prince Philip,and also the British Royal family.To call someone an old tosser (somone you obviosly know nothing about,is out of order.

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