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Crusading Phuketwan Website Shuts Down as Journalists Face Thai Court

Lite Beer

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If Thailand does inprison these journalists for exercising freedom of speech, then there will be serious repercussions for the country.

Thailand is already on thin ice with both the EU & US, and it continues to act with impunity on other violations. There is now concern that the country is joining the ranks of other repressive regimes upheld in Iran, Mayanmar & North Korea, where similar tactics of silencing the media also take place.

The world will be watching closely on the outcome of the trial of Phuketwan journalists.

They'll be jailed and nothing will happen. You make it seem like this has never happened in Thailand before. Wake up, this isn't america. there's no freedom of speech here.

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It appears that all foreigners commenting on this issue are negative of Thailand.

Why don't you move to another country. You are all guests of Thailand.

I don't remember getting an invitation.

But let's explore the real issue about this case is: If someone commits a crime, then a journalist reports it. Then the journalist goes to jail......You really think that's fair?

And you on your high horse think you have the right to tell others what to do becuase they are critical of this?

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These two are heroes, and Prayuth has very little credibility left. All the cheap talk about reform, and after all the scandals uncovered about the human trafficking in Thailand, they still pursue this case. This case is a classic good versus evil. The "prime minister" could easily stop this crazy case, but instead he lets it continue, which means he supports it. Shame on him!

Edited by BestBitterPhuket
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Why are these criminal defamation charges still in place?

Thai officials prosecuted for human trafficking

Bangkok, Thailand 2015-01-30

BANGKOK: -- More than a dozen Thai government officials -- including senior policemen and a navy officer -- are being prosecuted for human trafficking, junta officials said Friday, as they vowed "zero tolerance" of the trade.

Songsak Saicheua, a foreign ministry official, said at least 15 police officers were facing prosecution, alongside a Royal Thai Navy officer, two local administration officials and a social worker.

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These two are heroes, and Prayuth has very little credibility left. All the cheap talk about reform, and after all the scandals uncovered about the human trafficking in Thailand, they still pursue this case. This case is a classic good versus evil. The "prime minister" could easily stop this crazy case, but instead he lets it continue, which means he supports it. Shame on him!

Why would he get involved? Let the judicial system do its work.
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Why are these criminal defamation charges still in place?

Thai officials prosecuted for human trafficking

Bangkok, Thailand 2015-01-30

BANGKOK: -- More than a dozen Thai government officials -- including senior policemen and a navy officer -- are being prosecuted for human trafficking, junta officials said Friday, as they vowed "zero tolerance" of the trade.

Songsak Saicheua, a foreign ministry official, said at least 15 police officers were facing prosecution, alongside a Royal Thai Navy officer, two local administration officials and a social worker.

No mention of the army general ?

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The staff at PW did a pretty decent job overall, but the site was totally spoiled by the so called editor who came across as the most monumental argumentative bullying sanctimonious PITA I have ever read.

All he needed to do to make this go away was swallow his pride and make a (fake)apology, face would have been saved, life goes on. But no, he wants to stand on principles in a country devoid of them.

Also he kept wearing those short skirts, and going to the beach in his bikini, what did he expect? It was just a matter of time before he got raped and beaten to death, either that or sued into poverty and prison. It's entirely his fault.

I had absolutely no idea that he was a cross dresser. That really does explain a lot. Thank you for your enlightening contribution.

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Ah yes. The US and EU (supposedly) getting all upset by the assumed absence of freedom of speech while at the same time justifying their own mass slaughter or enslavement (pardon me, colonization) of millions of people in the (not too distant) past and the support, tacit or explicit, that they've given to genuinely repressive regimes whose existence served their purposes or their own suppression of indigenous populations.

When it come to being a litigious society, the US in particular is in no position to point fingers at others.

There are several words for all of this and for the pious pontificating in evidence in this thread. One of them pretty well covers it.

the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
synonyms: dissimulation, false virtue, cant, posturing,affectation, speciousness, empty talk, insincerity,falseness, deceit, dishonesty, mendacity, pretense,duplicity;

By that logic I guess just because you were a bully in your youth you should tolerate bullies when you're a grown up??

  1. behavior that shows a lack of good sense or judgment.
    "I can't believe my own stupidity"
    synonyms: lack of intelligence, foolishness, denseness, brainlessness, ignorance,dull-wittedness, slow-wittedness, doltishness, slowness; More
    • the quality of being stupid or unintelligent.
      "a comedy of infantile stupidity"
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Interesting on how many subjects this country tries to bring up other nations against it. Soon there will be just one friend left. However, the real value of this friendship will only be recognized after the friendly take over by the "Big C" is completed.


sadly this seems to be the way it is heading. I guess there a number of people with identity issues I meet in Thailand who want to live Chinese, hell some of them still doing the family inbreeding bit to keep the money in the family. its a shame the latest government seem to need to do it to.

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These two are heroes, and Prayuth has very little credibility left. All the cheap talk about reform, and after all the scandals uncovered about the human trafficking in Thailand, they still pursue this case. This case is a classic good versus evil. The "prime minister" could easily stop this crazy case, but instead he lets it continue, which means he supports it. Shame on him!

Why would he get involved? Let the judicial system do its work.

I can answer that , cos bighat takes an interest in a small court case deciding the police are doing good work. would be jsut as easy for big hat to look at potential loss of face to Thai navy and military when evidence of involvement in profiteering from those issues reported in phuketwan webiste and decide that these journalists need to dissapear quick time, to dissapear quicker than a police general caught red handed with bribe from current region

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Okay, Phuketwan has been taken to court.

Posters here seem to react to a guilty verdict, why does nobody just wait for what the court has to say ?

The right for anyone to sue anyone is also a pillar of a democratic society, and this right does not only work one way - I don't see why institutions cannot sue citizens or journalists, provided that justice is served in court.

The right for anyone to sue anyone is also a pillar of a democratic society

You are not too familiar with Thai defamation laws, and their interpretation are you?

I am familiar with them, and they are similar to laws existing in other countries, for example France.

In this case I am pretty trustful in the courts to dismiss the case against Phuketwan.

If the case is not dismissed or resolved favorably for Phuketwan, it would indeed set a shocking precedent.

If you ask me, I am also in favor of abusive/stupid lawsuits to face a penalty for contempt of the court and implying the judge is an idiot.

Such lawsuits often happen in the US.

In particularly stupid cases, plaintiff(s) and their lawyers should be sentenced to solidarly pay double the defendant's legal fees plus the equal amount to the government...

I think such a sentence could be useful here in this particular case.


with lack of jury in Thailand I'm not sure Thai judges would need such a law, however, perahps they will develop a new law for making police look stupid - as if they need any help -

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""threatens the right to freedom of opinion and expression that is supposed to be the bedrock of Thailand's democratic society."

What democratic society? It disappeared a couple of years ago when the army took over and there is no right to opinion and expression anymore. They even want to give jounalists lessons on how to ask questions that dont offend the rulers !!

Really ?.

It seems to me that we are getting a LOT more articles which are critical of the government than I ever saw against Pheu-Thai despite their absolutely outrageous actions while in government.

A thinking man would put it down to the fact that Mr T and his pals have cronies in every organisation which might be useful. In Thailand virtually everyone can be bought. As we saw with the 310:0 amnesty vote.

Is that 'freedom of expression' you miss ?. Along with the right to be blown up by their UDD thugs throwing grenades if you look like you are going threaten their power ?.

In your naivety, I expect you think this would never have happened before the coup. The reality is that there is far more chance the government will take action now than there ever was before.

EJ. Why oh why do you and a few others like to turn any issue into a Thaksin / PTT/UDD bashing story? actions NOT of a "thinking man"...

The OP is about the Thai Navy taking a small local media to court while leaving the big media giant that wrote the article well alone, because it knows if went after Reuters it would get it's ass kicked, Bravery at it's finest huh?

Also the Aussie media should be making very loud noises and the PM Tony Abbot should be on the phone.

Now have a little intestinal fortitude and try to comment on the post rather than focus your bias against a person or group.

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It appears that all foreigners commenting on this issue are negative of Thailand.

Why don't you move to another country. You are all guests of Thailand.

Now that is an interesting point!

Never heard that one before!coffee1.gif

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nobody can find Thailand on a map... next.

When I mention that I live in Thailand, in the US, most folks will say "So how long have you lived in Taiwan?".

just means that the people who say that are pretty stupip (probably think Europe is a country) doesn't say anything about people in other countries.
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nobody can find Thailand on a map... next.

well for sure americans canttongue.png

My country shares a nearly 9,000km border with the US. I say I am from Canada I get a strange look from the American expats here. Growing up I had a map of North America on my wall. I think by the time I was about 9 years old I knew all provinces and states. Dumb,dumb,dumb!

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nobody can find Thailand on a map... next.

well for sure americans canttongue.png

Which will cause problems for the FAA inspection team due here shortly......

I know I know off topic.

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If Thailand does inprison these journalists for exercising freedom of speech, then there will be serious repercussions for the country.

Thailand is already on thin ice with both the EU & US, and it continues to act with impunity on other violations. There is now concern that the country is joining the ranks of other repressive regimes upheld in Iran, Mayanmar & North Korea, where similar tactics of silencing the media also take place.

The world will be watching closely on the outcome of the trial of Phuketwan journalists.

As far as I can see the "world" doen't know nor does it care about freedom of speech or human rights in Thailand or anywhere else in the world for that matter.

Some sections care more than others but they are paid to care and interfere.

Go online to any one of thousands of newspapers, local, national and international, go to any of thousands of blog sites, web sites etc in 100 countries and ask this simple question:

"What do you think about the trial of the Phuketwan journalists"? Don't give ANY information before you ask the question and see what responses you get.

If even 1% of the people asked know anything about it I would be surprised.

It would be nice to think that the whole world does care but in reality it doesn't.

I have a feeling your belief on the 1% is flawed as journalists all over the world are very interested in their right to continue to do what they do, their freedom to report the truth.

The US in their TIP report have mentioned the two from PW as their case is complicit in the failure to adequately enforce people trafficking in Thailand.

If that is what you think then please select ANY 10 local or regional newspapers at random in any country and look in their files over the last 3 months or so for the "Phuketwan journalists" and then come back and prove me wrong. The US TIP report may talk a lot but just look at any 10 local or state newspapers in the USA to find a full report.

I am sorry but the world doesn't really care about 2 journalists in a small country that perhaps only 5% of people could find on a world map. Most people in the world are more interested in a roof over their heads, a job, food on the table, water in the taps, their children, can they survive until payday, what bills can we put off for a while, what if somebody in the family falls ill and all of the other really important things in life like can I afford a new IPhone etc than 2 people they have never heard of in a country on the other side of the world.

You and I may not like or understand it but I can. Life is reality and to the 2 journalists, you and a few more people that is what is important but to the majority of people in the world it is of no interest at all.

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If Thailand does inprison these journalists for exercising freedom of speech, then there will be serious repercussions for the country.

Thailand is already on thin ice with both the EU & US, and it continues to act with impunity on other violations. There is now concern that the country is joining the ranks of other repressive regimes upheld in Iran, Mayanmar & North Korea, where similar tactics of silencing the media also take place.

The world will be watching closely on the outcome of the trial of Phuketwan journalists.

As far as I can see the "world" doen't know nor does it care about freedom of speech or human rights in Thailand or anywhere else in the world for that matter.

Some sections care more than others but they are paid to care and interfere.

Go online to any one of thousands of newspapers, local, national and international, go to any of thousands of blog sites, web sites etc in 100 countries and ask this simple question:

"What do you think about the trial of the Phuketwan journalists"? Don't give ANY information before you ask the question and see what responses you get.

If even 1% of the people asked know anything about it I would be surprised.

It would be nice to think that the whole world does care but in reality it doesn't.

News sources from around the world have this story on their websites including, the guardian, reuters, abc, huffington post, cnn, voice of america, al jazeera, rfl world.

I can only assume you live in a bubble.

And how many people read, watch and listen to them compared to the world population.

How many local papers around the world are carrying the story.

I don't live in a bubble but I do live in the real world.

That was last week and for how long. 30 seconds on TV in news from abroad?

Was it headline news on the front page or tucked away somewhere in the middle or towards the back of the paper?

How many watchers, listeners and readers said, "That's awful. I must do something about that"?

And what are all those papers and TV stations reporting today?

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'Phuketwan' defamation trial begins Tuesday
By Coconuts Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- An online news site covering Phuket and the south of Thailand announced yesterday it will cease operations as its editor and a reporter go on trial Tuesday for defamation charges brought by the Royal Thai Navy.

Phuketwan announced it will go dark indefinitely, as editor Alan Morison and reporter Chutima Sidasathian go on trial tomorrow for republishing one paragraph from a 2013 Reuters report implicating Thai officials in the trafficking of Rohingya refugees.
The Reuters' story went on to win a Pulitzer Prize, yet no charges were filed against the London-based news agency which had hired Chutima and Morison as fixers to help prepare their report

Read More: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/07/13/phuketwan-trial-begins-tuesday

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-07-13

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Won't miss them coffee1.gif

So, I guess you don't believe in freedom of the press, and think it's okay for the military to bring a bullshite lawsuit against two people who did nothing more than "copy & paste" a quote from a world respected news agency, that actually won a Pulitzer Prize?

Gee, I'd hate to live in your miserable, depressing world.

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isn't it ironic ... republished goes to jail & the original win an international award...

thailand needs many subs, to put all those people in them (out of shame), also ideal to whithen the skin

not ironic, writing a balanced story is completely different then pick a part and don't give any context
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Offers a comment section to his media reports then slags off folk for having an opinion that differs from his.

The fact that his pride is coming before an apology and as a result a jail sentence just about sums the tool up!!

True - could not have written it better. whistling.gif

Edited by ALFREDO
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nobody can find Thailand on a map... next.

well for sure americans canttongue.png

Nor can most Thais. Ask a Thai to name the countries which border Thailand - very few can tell you.

Thainess at its best.

A similar test I made many times, is then surely too difficult,

I always wanted to know the capital towns from the Thailand neighboring countries.

(Rangoon for Myanmar ok)

Nobody had it right, but, I was not in University student circles asking. wink.png

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nobody can find Thailand on a map... next.

well for sure americans canttongue.png

Nor can most Thais. Ask a Thai to name the countries which border Thailand - very few can tell you.

Thainess at its best.

A similar test I made many times, is then surely too difficult,

I always wanted to know the capital towns from the Thailand neighboring countries.

(Rangoon for Myanmar ok)

Nobody had it right, but, I was not in University student circles asking. wink.png

Yangon/Rangoon is not the capital of Myanmar.

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