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Recently went to a well-known hospital for small problem and told I needed test. No problem with that. Today the nurse in the clinic phoned me to give me results. As expected nothing serious but I need a course of antibiotics. Nurse asked me to go in today - I assumed to pick up prescription. When I got there I was ushered straight into the doctor's office where I sat down for all of 45 seconds while he repeated what the nurse had told me earlier by phone. Of course, the next stop was the cashier's office where I was charged not only for my antibiotics, but also for the doctor's consultation. Now we're not talking a lot of money here, but I still feel ripped off to the tune of 600 baht (doc's fee and "Other medical charges") on top of my medication costs.

I don't know if I could have refused to see the doctor and insist on only picking up a prescription. I'm not a regular to the doctor, thank goodness, so not sure whether I had other options.

Oh, and the REALLY bad news ... absolutely no alcohol for the duration of the course of treatment. sad.png

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No I think it is complete OK.

It is the normal Doc consultation. What the nurse told you on the phone is what the Doc told her before and was just for you are not worried.


To be honest... the hospitals love to add on charges wherever possible...

In the example the Op provided I don't see why it was necessary to see the Dr again, just for the Dr to tell him... ok take this medicine.


Sounds like an extortionate amount to me.. last (private) hospital visit I had was under 300 for a 15 min consultation with a specialist, an xray, analysis of it, and a medical report.


They will try and on charges here and there if they can but at least you have the right medicine. An alternative is to find a good pharmacy and describe the symptoms, they may know what you need but then again they may not and give you the wrong medication.

We've all been had from time to time, at least it was only 600 Baht.


I always feel ripped off when I visit a private hospital in Thailand. As I have insurance, I notice that the hospital always charges up to the maximum that the insurance will cover. I check the bills and they seem to just randomly bump up certain items to make the amount, like paracetamol for 490 baht and so on. No idea how they get away with it and why the insurance companies don't kick up a fuss.
Last month, I needed to get a medical check up called a PERF to get a visa for China. I went to Sikarin hospital and I was totally ripped off. The bill even read 'Payer Group: Foreigner'. Hope that makes the OP feel betterthumbsup.gif


Sounds like an extortionate amount to me.. last (private) hospital visit I had was under 300 for a 15 min consultation with a specialist, an xray, analysis of it, and a medical report.

9 US-Dollars for a consultation, an x-ray with most probably the analysis of a radiologist? please, gimme a break! dry.png


Sounds like an extortionate amount to me.. last (private) hospital visit I had was under 300 for a 15 min consultation with a specialist, an xray, analysis of it, and a medical report.

9 US-Dollars for a consultation, an x-ray with most probably the analysis of a radiologist? please, gimme a break! dry.png

Not joking, can scan the bill if you like (well, if I can find it - was at least 18 months ago). Thaksin in Surat.

I was surprised as well.

To be fair the analysis didn't take long, it was just to confirm that a broken bone had healed properly for the purpose of health insurance, and it clearly had. Certificate was just confirming this.


OMG...stopped reading after the second sentence...all I have seen 600baht- totally rip off...

well... when you translate that into bottles of Chang on the steps of a 7/11 then... laugh.png


OMG...stopped reading after the second sentence...all I have seen 600baht- totally rip off...

well... when you translate that into bottles of Chang on the steps of a 7/11 then... laugh.png

I start already crying for this rip off...


I always feel ripped off when I visit a private hospital in Thailand. As I have insurance, I notice that the hospital always charges up to the maximum that the insurance will cover. I check the bills and they seem to just randomly bump up certain items to make the amount, like paracetamol for 490 baht and so on. No idea how they get away with it and why the insurance companies don't kick up a fuss.

Last month, I needed to get a medical check up called a PERF to get a visa for China. I went to Sikarin hospital and I was totally ripped off. The bill even read 'Payer Group: Foreigner'. Hope that makes the OP feel betterthumbsup.gif

Thanks Jadee. As I mentioned in my OP, it wasn't the amount of money, but the fact that it was unnecessary - and I did feel as if it was simply a way of making money out of me for nothing. With the private hospital fees in the news and the government spotlight at them at the moment, I guess I was just more attuned to this than usual.


You were charged, 600 baht ($17) (£11) for a medical test, personal phone call from the hospital, doctor consultation and medication drugs, and this you consider a rip off? Unless you mean, charged 600 baht just for the doctor consultation? Otherwise; are you for real?

When you first had the test, a doctor had to analyse the results and prescribe the appropriate treatments prior to your consultation.

Out of interest, how mush would you expect to pay for this medical care?


Redmouse, you feel ripped off because you were ripped off, why should the doctor charge you for repeating to you what the nurse said? Never be afraid to question anybody if you think they are wrong, but do it in a nice way. I'm not you, but I would be looking for that 600 Bt back, in fact I would not have paid it the first time, because the nurse had already told you what you need to know.


You were charged, 600 baht ($17) (£11) for a medical test, personal phone call from the hospital, doctor consultation and medication drugs, and this you consider a rip off? Unless you mean, charged 600 baht just for the doctor consultation? Otherwise; are you for real?

When you first had the test, a doctor had to analyse the results and prescribe the appropriate treatments prior to your consultation.

Out of interest, how mush would you expect to pay for this medical care?

No, I already paid nearly 3000 baht for the doctors consultation, tests, etc at my last visit. It is their choice to phone me - not my request. I was simply noting that today, when all I needed was the prescription as a result of the tests (already paid for) that I considered the additional doctor's consultation and fee unnecessary. BTW, it wasn't even my doctor that saw me - but another one in the clinic that I've never laid eyes on before.

In my home country, we pay 50 euro to see the doctor. Tests are free and when the results are back, if you only need medication you don't see the doctor, but just pick up the prescription. That is why I was surprised by today's events.

Recently went to a well-known hospital for small problem and told I needed test.

Don't go to 'well known hospitals' for small problems. Your local clinic can handle it. If you want to go to the well known hospital be prepared to pay.

In my home country, we pay 50 euro to see the doctor. Tests are free and when the results are back, if you only need medication you don't see the doctor, but just pick up the prescription. That is why I was surprised by today's events.

Your home country has government health care. Thailand also has government health care, you can go to a government hospital for a fraction of the price you paid. You chose not to use it. If you go to an expensive private hospital...be prepared to pay higher prices.

Recently went to a well-known hospital for small problem and told I needed test.

Don't go to 'well known hospitals' for small problems. Your local clinic can handle it. If you want to go to the well known hospital be prepared to pay.

In my home country, we pay 50 euro to see the doctor. Tests are free and when the results are back, if you only need medication you don't see the doctor, but just pick up the prescription. That is why I was surprised by today's events.

Your home country has government health care. Thailand also has government health care, you can go to a government hospital for a fraction of the price you paid. You chose not to use it. If you go to an expensive private hospital...be prepared to pay higher prices.

I appreciate the advice about choosing more wisely in future. Thankfully I am young and healthy so far so my medical needs are few and far apart.

You presume too much, however, in regards to my home country. We do not have government health care that is accessible to all. If you qualify for government assistance, all medical attention and drugs are free.


You were charged, 600 baht ($17) (£11) for a medical test, personal phone call from the hospital, doctor consultation and medication drugs, and this you consider a rip off? Unless you mean, charged 600 baht just for the doctor consultation? Otherwise; are you for real?

When you first had the test, a doctor had to analyse the results and prescribe the appropriate treatments prior to your consultation.

Out of interest, how mush would you expect to pay for this medical care?

No, I already paid nearly 3000 baht for the doctors consultation, tests, etc at my last visit. It is their choice to phone me - not my request. I was simply noting that today, when all I needed was the prescription as a result of the tests (already paid for) that I considered the additional doctor's consultation and fee unnecessary. BTW, it wasn't even my doctor that saw me - but another one in the clinic that I've never laid eyes on before.

In my home country, we pay 50 euro to see the doctor. Tests are free and when the results are back, if you only need medication you don't see the doctor, but just pick up the prescription. That is why I was surprised by today's events.

Ok, I wasn`t sure if you meant 600 baht for the whole Caboodle or just for the quicky doctor consultation..

Now you have explained, yes, it appears you have been ripped off good and proper. Quite frankly, I would have argued the point regarding the doctor fee. I have experienced similar at certain hospitals in the past, always make a protest if I considered some fees were too extreme and have won.

Unfortunately you should had queried the fee while on the scene and prior to paying it, but it`s too late now. At least it`s an experience and you will be more savvy for the next time.


You do realize that it is not the nurse that prescribes the medication but the doctor.

This is likely the reason you saw him, to answer any questions you may have had if that was your want.

Twice I have been handed somebody else's medical files by nurses because the other person's name was Christopher. With the additional training the doctor had over the nurse, he was able to determine they were in fact the wrong docs by reading the surname on the cover.

Lot to be said for doctors.........................wink.png


You do realize that it is not the nurse that prescribes the medication but the doctor.

This is likely the reason you saw him, to answer any questions you may have had if that was your want.

Twice I have been handed somebody else's medical files by nurses because the other person's name was Christopher. With the additional training the doctor had over the nurse, he was able to determine they were in fact the wrong docs by reading the surname on the cover.

Lot to be said for doctors.........................wink.png

I agree with this. Now I never take the word of a nurse or assistant. Burned once, shame on them, burned twice, shame on me...as they say.


"50 euros", "$17", "£11" why do you guys mention these prices? This is Thailand not Usa or Europe.

When I lived in Europe my hospitals were free so even 10 baht would be extortionate compared with that.

The OP feels ripped off because he paid 600 baht for Doctor's fees and other medical charges. I agree with him. I had to have a wound attended to every day for a week and each time they tried to weigh me, take my temperature and blood pressure for a total of about 900 Baht . I told them that there was no need to do that. I only wanted my wound cleaned and a new dressing. I still received the bill with about 1000 Baht for "other medical fees", Everytime I had to fight to have the amount removed from my bill.

I couldn't give a #$%^ if you say it "is only 50 dollars" " 10 pounds" . This is Thailand and 1000 Baht is a rip off just to be weighed and have one's temperature taken.


Yes you were ripped off, next time do what the Thais do, take a photo of the prescription and go and buy it from a pharmacy.

I once queried a hospital bill of 80 baht, it was for some girl to take me from the doctors room to the cashier to pay the bill, I said no need I can go myself, it was no more than 20 feet away.

This has been in the Thai news of late,


You were charged, 600 baht ($17) (£11) for a medical test, personal phone call from the hospital, doctor consultation and medication drugs, and this you consider a rip off? Unless you mean, charged 600 baht just for the doctor consultation? Otherwise; are you for real?

When you first had the test, a doctor had to analyse the results and prescribe the appropriate treatments prior to your consultation.

Out of interest, how mush would you expect to pay for this medical care?

No, I already paid nearly 3000 baht for the doctors consultation, tests, etc at my last visit. It is their choice to phone me - not my request. I was simply noting that today, when all I needed was the prescription as a result of the tests (already paid for) that I considered the additional doctor's consultation and fee unnecessary. BTW, it wasn't even my doctor that saw me - but another one in the clinic that I've never laid eyes on before.

In my home country, we pay 50 euro to see the doctor. Tests are free and when the results are back, if you only need medication you don't see the doctor, but just pick up the prescription. That is why I was surprised by today's events.

If the Doctor is prescribing medication then IMHO he has an obligation to discuss it with the patient regardless of what the nurse has already told you. Even if he is prescribing an every day medication he should be explaining to you why he is doing so and giving you an opportinity to ask any questions.

I'm nor so sure about the cost though. I went to the local hospital up country with a sore elbow. Had a consultation with the Doctor and was presribed 3 different meds. Anti inflammatory, paracetamol and some alternative nonsense that has never been scientifically proved to work. In all I was charge 120 bhat. I was very happy and pleasantly surprised with the service. The doc was also a fine looking lady who spoke great English which was a bonus


You were charged, 600 baht ($17) (£11) for a medical test, personal phone call from the hospital, doctor consultation and medication drugs, and this you consider a rip off? Unless you mean, charged 600 baht just for the doctor consultation? Otherwise; are you for real?

When you first had the test, a doctor had to analyse the results and prescribe the appropriate treatments prior to your consultation.

Out of interest, how mush would you expect to pay for this medical care?

No, I already paid nearly 3000 baht for the doctors consultation, tests, etc at my last visit. It is their choice to phone me - not my request. I was simply noting that today, when all I needed was the prescription as a result of the tests (already paid for) that I considered the additional doctor's consultation and fee unnecessary. BTW, it wasn't even my doctor that saw me - but another one in the clinic that I've never laid eyes on before.

In my home country, we pay 50 euro to see the doctor. Tests are free and when the results are back, if you only need medication you don't see the doctor, but just pick up the prescription. That is why I was surprised by today's events.

If the Doctor is prescribing medication then IMHO he has an obligation to discuss it with the patient regardless of what the nurse has already told you. Even if he is prescribing an every day medication he should be explaining to you why he is doing so and giving you an opportinity to ask any questions.

I'm nor so sure about the cost though. I went to the local hospital up country with a sore elbow. Had a consultation with the Doctor and was presribed 3 different meds. Anti inflammatory, paracetamol and some alternative nonsense that has never been scientifically proved to work. In all I was charge 120 bhat. I was very happy and pleasantly surprised with the service. The doc was also a fine looking lady who spoke great English which was a bonus

Had a consultation with the Doctor and was presribed 3 different meds. Anti inflammatory, paracetamol and some alternative nonsense that has never been scientifically proved to work. In all I was charge 120 bhat.

Please feel free to tell us of such a hospital where for 120 baht you had a consulatation with a doctor and a bag of drugs for 120 baht.

Private or gov't?


Government. Small hospital Phrae province. No private hospitals for miles.

Same for me.

I always use the Government hospitals and clinics, and that way pay the same medical fees as Thai people, but obviously not eligible for the 30 baht scheme.

It would have to be something very extreme before having medical treatment at a private hospital, where I could be held for ransom until I coughed up whatever exorbitant fees they decided to demand from me.


Got ripped off for 600 baht !!WOW!! shocking. Are you joking? Get over it.

You chose private not government.

Why do so many farangs choose private hospitals/ clinics when they know it will be expensive?

Most government hospitals give first class treatment for a fraction of the cost of private hospitals.


Less than $18 usd for a doctor's visit, what did your prescription cost? Let me guess , another 100 baht?

In the USA you would pay over $100 usd to see the doctor before you could even talk to a pharmacist about a prescription, even if you know you only need an antibiotic, and then probably another $100 usd for the drugs!

In most cases in Thailand you can skip the doctor's visit if you have a good idea of what your problem is and go directly to the pharmacist, again for usually about 100 baht or $3 usd.

and you feel ripped off?

Just curious, how much do you spend on alcohol?

The medical system in Thailand is very inexpensive for everyday needs!


Hospitals a?...... I have been in and out of the hospital here more in the last month than I've been in my whole life, (no exaggeration).... Company medical. Eye surgery, Kidney stone, Chest infection and another Minor surgery.... Happy to report all good now, (back in to day for check-up) In total the cost to my company Insurance 210,000 Baht! Have to say.... So glad the insurance picked up the tab..... But have to say, the service and care I received on every single visit was really, really good.

Being from the UK, its a little alien to have to pay medical bills, Poor old NHS is so underfunded.... but enough of that though!

I agree with the OP about the feeling of being manoeuvred into positions to pay more out.....But we have to remember private hospitals are a business, (sorry, you know that) But as we are dripping...... The one thing that I find funny, (in a bemused way) is no mater what I go in there for the take my blood pressure, temp and pulps............ Thank God I'm not the DHL delivery guy!

Got to give credit where its due; Bangkok Hospital Chiangmai has been very good, (I used to go to RAM)



I can't believe what i'm hearing ...... is it just me or are there more & more cheap charlies in Thailand than originally thought ??

Many posts now seem to note similar occurrences such as food prices, groceries, hotels etc ... $18 and got a call from the hospital, extremely cheap service I would say.

how the heck would they survive back in their home country ?? whistling.gif

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