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Trump campaign to reveal wealth details: 'I'm really rich'

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Trump campaign to reveal wealth details: 'I'm really rich'
JEFF HORWITZ, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — As other presidential candidates fight to raise money, Donald Trump is reminding everyone he's already got a lot of it.

The celebrity businessman's campaign is expected to reveal details Wednesday of his fortune, which he estimated last month at nearly $9 million when announcing his Republican presidential candidacy.

If accurate, that number would make Trump the wealthiest person to ever run for president, far surpassing previous magnates like Ross Perot, business heirs like Steve Forbes or private-equity investors like Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican nominee.

"I have a Gucci store worth more than Romney," Trump told the Des Moines Register last month, referring to the fashion company's flagship store in New York's Trump Tower.

How much the personal financial disclosure form will reveal is uncertain. Personal financial disclosures generally require candidates to list the value of their assets within broad ranges, with "above $5 million" as the top bucket. Many of Trump's real estate holdings, or the hundreds of millions he says he holds in cash, would far exceed that upper limit.

Even if Trump were to include a detailed summary of his assets and debts, skepticism about his net worth will likely remain.

Trump, for example, valued his personal brand and marketing deals at $3.3 billion when he announced his candidacy. Forbes Magazine, however, valued his brand at just $125 million. And that was before Trump's comments about Mexican immigrants cost him business partnerships with companies such as Macy's and Univision.

Trump in the past has taken umbrage at suggestions he might not be as fantastically wealthy as he says. In 2009, he sued author Timothy O'Brien for defamation after O'Brien wrote that Trump's net worth might be as low as $150 million.

Trump lost the suit and a subsequent appeal. In a deposition, the panel of appellate judges noted, Trump conceded that his public disclosures of his wealth depended partly on his mood.

"Even my own feelings affect my value to myself," Trump said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-15

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Bat Shit Crazy comes to mind.

In compare with Hillary and another Bush he looks like a respectable candidate....


As usual with this half man creton, it was not so much what he said, as much as the vitriolic way he said it. The man is so hateful and so hostile and so maladjusted, it would be scary to have someone like that in the White House, with the ability to declare war. He needs alot of therapy. He despises non white people, which is the majority in the US. He is truly a goon, a hater, and a freak. Not the good kind of freak either.


Such ridiculous statements. Mexicans are a huge problem on every level? The extent to which Mexicans contribute to American society, and to its economy is vast. They contribute far more money than they take. Even a congressional budget study proved that. If you believe the hyperbole, you have been watching too much Fox news. Nearly all the illegal immigrants contribute cash they will never get back. Wake up please. America is a country of immigrants. There are millions of jobs Americans have no interest in doing. It reminds me of Thailand in a way. The Mexicans in the US are a bit like the Burmese here. They do work the locals do not want to do, and they do it better, with more sweat, less complaints, and more reliability than the locals. America would grind to a halt without immigrants. I have a real ax to grind against current immigration policy. When you make it ridiculously difficult for people from the third world to get work visas, you will have a lot of illegal immigration. The US is causing some of this problem.

And what despicable Donald said about the Mexicans is downright silly. He is a charicature of a man. How do you take a goon like that seriously? OK, he stold a lot of money, from unsuspecting partners over the years. A real accomplishment. It is much easier to become a billionaire if you have no concerns about the lines you cross in the process. He does not.


Clearly, the more money you have, the smarter you are, and that's why Trump is such a well-spoken brilliant man. I think he should skip the presidency and run for Pope.


He's so full of it.

Last night he tweeted about having 20,000 people at one of his "rallies".

In a venue that can take 4,100.

Full of s***.

I believe he has to declare all of his assets and income to officially run, is that right?


He's so full of it.

Last night he tweeted about having 20,000 people at one of his "rallies".

In a venue that can take 4,100.

Full of s***.

I believe he has to declare all of his assets and income to officially run, is that right?

According to the op he has to declare 'within broad ranges'

As usual with this half man creton, it was not so much what he said, as much as the vitriolic way he said it. The man is so hateful and so hostile and so maladjusted, it would be scary to have someone like that in the White House, with the ability to declare war. He needs alot of therapy. He despises non white people, which is the majority in the US. He is truly a goon, a hater, and a freak. Not the good kind of freak either.

Thanks for that, you saved me writing something along similar lines.


If this guy had as much brain and modesty as he's got money, maybe he's be a good candidate,

the way it is.... I don't think so.....


If this guy had as much brain and modesty as he's got money, maybe he's be a good candidate,

the way it is.... I don't think so.....

Modesty? He does not know how to spell the word. The level of self aggrandisement this creep engages in, is only possible for a psychologically damaged man. He is not fit to lead anything other than his own corrupt empire.


the majority of loosers ("democratic" party electorate) would hate a person openly saying that he is rich. envy is a base of socialism - where "democratic" party will take US sooner or later.


Trump's economic plan.

Everyone worth under a billion dollar pays tribute to Trump with 100% of their income, wealth.

The IRS sends them tax returns in the form of Trump's autograph saying it's worth $$$$ and to show the world how Trickle down economics works.


I think he would be an excellent Puppet for the Corporate Elite to stand behind and pull the strings .... cheesy.gif Think about it ... instaed of invading countries to remove their leaders Pres. Trumpy would just say ... Your FIRED !! ... clap2.gif


He's so full of it.

Last night he tweeted about having 20,000 people at one of his "rallies".

In a venue that can take 4,100.

Full of s***.

I believe he has to declare all of his assets and income to officially run, is that right?

One of his top qualifications for president of the US, is that he has never uttered a truth, in his life. He no doubt began lying to his mother and his grandmother at the age of 3 or 4. And he has continued to this day. Lying, cheating and stealing are so ingrained in his blood. He is the perfect candidate, in that respect. Plus, he does not need the money, so he might be less prone to being sold out to lobbyists. He is already a whore, so nobody needs to worry about him becoming transformed either. We would know exactly what we are getting, from the beginning.


The Huffington Post has moved coverage of Donald Trump to its Entertainment section. Hilarious.


Trump retorted that he didn't want to be associated with that "money-losing blog". The Post's statement has given him so much national news coverage that he should pay Huffington for the favor. Trump's supporters don't like Huffington anyway.

There is something about Trump, like him or not, that just won't follow the rules of "good politics" and he just won 37% of the Hispanic "vote" in a Nevada poll. He has vaulted to being #1 over all other Republican contenders and right now he has the momentum. He's getting almost ALL of the national news coverage. He has the money to put where his mouth is. He's long been a master at self-promotion. He has name recognition up the wazoo.

He has turned a very dull race into one where if nothing else a person will tune in to see what he's done or said next, LOL.



The US is just crazy enough to elect him if he is the Republican candidate , whatever you may think he is a very clever guy came from a working class family.

If he sets his mind on something he will get it, thats the man he is


The Huffington Post has moved coverage of Donald Trump to its Entertainment section. Hilarious.


Trump retorted that he didn't want to be associated with that "money-losing blog". The Post's statement has given him so much national news coverage that he should pay Huffington for the favor. Trump's supporters don't like Huffington anyway.

There is something about Trump, like him or not, that just won't follow the rules of "good politics" and he just won 37% of the Hispanic "vote" in a Nevada poll. He has vaulted to being #1 over all other Republican contenders and right now he has the momentum. He's getting almost ALL of the national news coverage. He has the money to put where his mouth is. He's long been a master at self-promotion. He has name recognition up the wazoo.

He has turned a very dull race into one where if nothing else a person will tune in to see what he's done or said next, LOL.


Just before I made this post, I was listening to a radio interview saying pretty much the same thing. Part of the argument was that maybe he should taken more seriously due to his clear success.

I just find him to be such a laughable buffoon that I admit I posted the side of the story that best fit my views. And I also must admit that, as you point out, I am curious to find out what silliness he's wrapped up in when his name hits the headlines. I do that for its entertainment value, though.

It's pretty much impossible to find a country that doesn't have a clown politician appealing to the moronic masses.


Actually, Trump can't be too dumb having turned his father's real estate company into a 9 billion dollar fortune and perhaps being the best self-promoter of a generation with his own TV show no less. I don't know what his name recognition numbers are but I don't know anyone who doesn't know who he is, or who doesn't know who one is talking about when saying, "You're Fired".

It isn't just anyone with his own Boeing 757 and a helicopter for transport.





I remember when people said the same about the Australian Billionaire Alan Bond.

Donald might well find out what Bond found: one day people are saying that the sun shines out of your ass and the next day they're all complaining of sun burn.


Actually, Trump can't be too dumb having turned his father's real estate company into a 9 billion dollar fortune and perhaps being the best self-promoter of a generation with his own TV show no less. I don't know what his name recognition numbers are but I don't know anyone who doesn't know who he is, or who doesn't know who one is talking about when saying, "You're Fired".

It isn't just anyone with his own Boeing 757 and a helicopter for transport.

I'm certainly aware of his wealth, no need to post pics to support your argument. Obviously he is a driven guy with money-smarts. It hardly equates to being a politician who can successfully lead a country. I know that you're clever enough to be well aware of that, so I assume you're playing the devil's advocate, that your point is, "don't dismiss DT as an idiot, because he is clearly more than just an idiot." Based on his success, I can't disagree with you there.
A completely speculative attempt to analyze DT:
I would venture to say that DT was quite a whiz kid, and in his evolution to become who he is, he grew as he had to cooperate with others. Now, with his wealth supposedly proof to his brilliance and clarity of thought, he is surrounded by those who stroke his ego. No more need for him to cooperate to achieve success, those arround him ensure him that everything DT says is right.
I've seen many driven men reach a high level of success, and then become deluded, opinionated morons. I'm sure we all know some? While I suppose their past success is proof of their smarts, those smarts fade as they marinate in the authority their wealth has earned. In the end, they devolve into someone that sounds very much like DT.
But perhaps it is all a performance from DT, that he knows how to get press and how to appeal to a certain type of person that is sadly quite prevalent in population.

Running a country involves social responsibilites and tact. Things Trump does not possess. Being a successful business man is not he same as being a good leader or a good politician. In most cases being a successful business man is actually not good experience to be the leader of a country.

And certainly, ego is a major downside to leading a country.


Running a country involves social responsibilites and tact. Things Trump does not possess. Being a successful business man is not he same as being a good leader or a good politician. In most cases being a successful business man is actually not good experience to be the leader of a country.

And certainly, ego is a major downside to leading a country.

Timmyp is correct - I'm playing devil's advocate.

I've never known a successful person who didn't have good people skills. In fact the most successful I've known had people skills as their number one asset. Trump has put together a team over time and he's also had to deal with bankers even when times were tough. He's had to keep the support of people.

I suspect that Trump has very good people skills and in fact what we are seeing may be a window into that. He may be so good that this act has people eating out of his hand. He's kept people eating out of his hand all of his adult life while he mastered the ropes in New York City. New York ain't easy to master.


Running a country involves social responsibilites and tact. Things Trump does not possess. Being a successful business man is not he same as being a good leader or a good politician. In most cases being a successful business man is actually not good experience to be the leader of a country.

And certainly, ego is a major downside to leading a country.

How does being a Community Organizer stack up on qualifications for the Presidency?

Ego? cheesy.gif


I've never known a successful person who didn't have good people skills. In fact the most successful I've known had people skills as their number one asset. Trump has put together a team over time and he's also had to deal with bankers even when times were tough. He's had to keep the support of people.

I suspect that Trump has very good people skills and in fact what we are seeing may be a window into that. He may be so good that this act has people eating out of his hand. He's kept people eating out of his hand all of his adult life while he mastered the ropes in New York City. New York ain't easy to master.

Certainly at one time, that was the case. It seems more likely that he has degenerated into an excessively egotistical curmudgeon who believes that he can do no wrong? But maybe that's just the character he's trying to present to us?

I've never really paid much attention to him, but nowadays I admit that I'm curious what sorts of silliness he will spout off with. Perhaps that's just what his clever mind has strategically counted on, and I am just being drawn into his web. As it may be effective in getting my attention, it's far from getting any of my respect. His comments have generated all of the talk on this forum, for whatever that's worth. Still, nobody on this forum is saying, "He's makes some really insightful points," or, "He really knows foreign policy," but some saying, "He made himself really rich, maybe he's secretly smarter than his abrasive diatribes suggest."

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