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Owner keeps Deposit and asks to me to pay utilities?

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Moved out on the first of the month, cleaned up the place properly and it had the usually holes in the wall from one or the other picture of course, but besides that the place was just like when I moved in.

I would say the total cost to fix the holes from 2 pictures and a TV wall mount would not exceed 2,000 baht at the very most.

Now the owner is refusing to return my deposit - 150,000 baht. I already wrote it off when i moved into that place but now the management contacts me about an outstanding water and electricity bill which is below 5,000 baht combined since I didn't even live in the building during the time. It's one of those cut-off notices.

The management cc'd the landlord in the email of course, so what I am supposed to do?

Simply ignore it?
Forward it to my lawyer and fight to get my deposit back (which I doubt will happen since I am a foreigner)

I basically just don't want to hear anything from the management and this terrorist / mafia style landlord again.

If I don't pay up, can I face any legal trouble and what is the total worst thing that could happen?

PS: I moved out of that place 2 months ago (so maybe 1 half day from moving out is part of the electricity that I used, which is barely anything).

Edited by NewInPatts
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You will never get your deposit back,already spent, but that's a hell of a lot

to just walk away from,not worth getting lawyers involved just more money

down a black hole.

regards worgeordie

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Thats what I am thinking too.

But whats the worst that can happen if I simply ignore the calls / emails ?

I don't need (legal) drama over 5,000 baht if I already lost 150,000 baht on my deposit.

Just trying to figure out my options here. I think ignoring is the way to go but what if they want to involve the authorities and so on?

I am sure it happens 1000 times a day that foreigners get stiffed from their deposit or break the lease and the police doesn't care.

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blackcab is the man it's the obvious thing to do and this happens a lot i'm afraid as far as is the norm is from said deposit you pay a team to clean room but then you say some damage he gotcha against the wall so deposit lost man.

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150,000 baht deposit? What kind of palace were you renting. Usually a deposit is one months rent.

Plus 2 months in advance. I'm guessing the rent per month was 50k.

2 months deposit and one month rent in advance.

150k deposit

75k rent in advance, so 225,000 to move in

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I think your crazy to walk away from your deposit and you seem more upset about the utility bill ? You should put more effort into getting your deposit back, less any damages.

Like another poster , I have never had a deposit not repaid and you should not let the Landlord get away with this theft.

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Again always had deposits returned, minus fair deductions for cleaning/damages if applicable.

Slightest pressure to get the full deposit returned and landlord will soon agree to forget the utility bill assuming you are happy to lose the whole deposit (I wouldnt!)

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Utilities are likely in the name of the residence owner.

Owner is then liable for unpaid utilties. Since you conceded your full deposit on the residence, there's nothing you should be concerned with by not paying the outstanding utilities.

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Advise the owner that if he doesnt return your deposit (less reasonable costs for repairs, utilities etc) you will take the matter up with the consumer complaints office, and file a case at Pattaya Tourist Court and report him to the local tax office.

Then when he pays you back you should report him anyway.

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glad you can walk away from 150k.

i have never lost a deposit in 18 years of renting in thailand.

but, up to you.

Alright smarty pants

Bet you have never caught your pecker in your zip as well

Typical Troll comment, do you actually have a pecker to catch in your zipper.

Like HooHaa I have been here over 18 years, moved many times before I left Bangkok and never lost a deposit yet. Simple threat of lawyers is enough for most landlords. There use to be a lawyer in Bangkok who guaranteed to get your deposit back in return for 50% of it, she had a great reputation for success.

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This is a perfect example of why playing an exorbitant deposit is just stupid. Two months rent makes send if it's a 10-20,000 baht rent. But for that money, they can afford the plasterer to plug those holes, paint the entire house, etc. Walk away! And don't be so stupid yourself on the next place. Negotiate a lower amount.

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Thats what I am thinking too.

But whats the worst that can happen if I simply ignore the calls / emails ?

I don't need (legal) drama over 5,000 baht if I already lost 150,000 baht on my deposit.

Just trying to figure out my options here. I think ignoring is the way to go but what if they want to involve the authorities and so on?

I am sure it happens 1000 times a day that foreigners get stiffed from their deposit or break the lease and the police doesn't care.

Just ignore. Deposit you left is enough to cover bills and more.

Do not worry no legal actions will be taken against you.

Water and all else was in landlords name

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With the figures quoted it sounds more like a company paid rent and 'Newinpats" won't actually loose anything. If company rent, deposit normally two to three months of value of monthly rent.

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My last landlord tryed to stiff me and Had told me he was going to keep the deposit. So I just did not pay the last months rent

and on top of that I did not pay the electrical and water. Total after all was said and done He owed me 25000

His lawyer had called me and said I should pay the last month rent I told the lawyer that he wanted to stiff me for the rest of the money

He said OH no he cannot do that Ok I will talk to him

And I did get the remaining 25000 There is a consumer protection bureau here and they do good work File a complaint with them and

I am sure you will get your money back

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The damage to the wall you describe would not be more than 200-500 baht to repair in Thailand.

You should have taken many pictures of the place before you vacated to prove it's condition, but I'm sure this is now too late.

I'd write a letter to the owner demanding your deposit back explaining whatever damage you see should be deducted from your deposit and also point out the dates for the utility bills comparing them to when you moved out. He has given you copies of the bills, yes? If the bills cover one or two days of you being in there then prorate the bills for what you owe.

Tell him if he persists in bothering you then you will take him to court for your deposit back which will force him to hire a lawyer and waste money. Also, as another poster said, tell him to take the money for the utilities out of your deposit if you are willing to walk away from the deposit.

The point is to put all this (your side, your point-of-view) in writing and send it with tracking and signature receipt for your records in case he is stupid enough to come after you.

Let him try to make counter-claims and prove it. IF you can find a good lawyer then the Thai legal system is not usually biased against the falang...at least from my reading over 6 years. The problem is finding a good lawyer...there are many bad ones.

Edited by oneday
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When you rent a property you don't put holes in walls and then leave them for the landlord to fix, You could have a least had them fixed before leaving or bought a small tub if filler (Bosney) and do it yourself. If you want to hang pictures would't it be simple courtesy and respectful to get permission first from the owner of the property. If every renter were to put holes wherever they wished he wouldn't have a nice property when they leave. I think it goes without saying that whatever bills you build up ...you should be the one to pay them.

Your deposit seems very high, does it include first two months rent in advance.

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A lot of good Thai Teachers on board here. Yes, everyone who think "Forget the deposit!!!" is a good teacher for Thais.

YOU teach them all how they can press out farangs because this stupid farangs accept every shit.

Go to the consumer protection board and tell what happen. They would help you to get your deposit back. Also you can hire a lawyer. If you pay 20.000 THB for got 150.000 THB back it is a better deal as NOTHING!!!

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2 months deposit is normal for a furnished property, in this case that happens to be 150k, but all things are relative. It can often be more devastating for a man on a low budget who rents a 10k per month property and loses a 20k deposit. The OP stated clearly that he already wrote off the deposit, so the question is simply should he worry about bills. The short answer is no.

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A good management office would have jot down the meter when you moved in and when you left so you can calculate how much you actually used. Don't know if your condo management office did that. But its good to have the management do that for you when you move in and out, so remember that!

Since you moved out, unless you moved out right at the day you received your bills, the bills would not have reached you on your moved out date. This happens to a lot of my tenants, that is why deposits are only returned after 30 days so we can deduct the water/electricity/cable bills that is received after tenants move out. Usually the landlord will have to go check the mailbox themselves as tenants would have moved out already. Did you have a look at the copy of the bills to see if it corresponds with the date you were there? If not ask for a scanned copy.

If you got all that sorted, just don't pay as there is nothing they can do too if you believe you did not rack up the costs.

If you went through an agent, I would email the agent and CC the landlord that this landlord is not returning your deposit even after 30 days. In fact I would email to all other agents too just to shame the landlord if it passes the 30 days mark and landlord is not going to return for sure.

I have a small list of agents if anyone is interested in for renting/selling purposes.

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I think your crazy to walk away from your deposit and you seem more upset about the utility bill ? You should put more effort into getting your deposit back, less any damages.

Like another poster , I have never had a deposit not repaid and you should not let the Landlord get away with this theft.

Intimidation and day light robbery of your deposit. You should lay a charge of theft if he does not return your deposit !!

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