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Forced to return to home country - what would you do?


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Amusing thread. There is no right or wrong answer. Foreign relocation works for some people and doesn't for others. An obvious statement right? The outcome selected should be appropriate for the person's income, tax status, employability, social and health demographic.

I used to wonder how some of the pensioners or 20 somethings survived. What was their secret I wondered?

Well, there was no secret. The young ones leave after the money runs out, or they get burnt in love, or become bored. They move on in life. The old pensioners leave Thailand, either in a box, or in some smoke, or on a sad flight to their countries long before they wanted to go.

Look around. How many very old farangs do you see? I offer that the number aged 80 years and older are a distinct minority. The heat, the lifestyle, the lack of specialized geriatric care, the high salt/high saturated/trans fat food, all kills the older people off. Far fewer older pensioners here than one sees in their home countries. Those that do survive, have established families, with a physical and emotional support network, and the money to pay for good health care. Remember, that once you reach 70 years, one of the largest expenses in Thailand will be medical.

Two subjects that have not been well understood in TVF are;

1. The number of 70+ farangs who do not have comprehensive health insurance. Some who are retired civil servants need not worry. However, for most from the private sector, there is nothing. The health insurance available typically excludes pre-existing conditions or ends after a claim or is too expensive. Have a heart attack on a street corner in Brighton, or Perth or Munich or Abilene and you will be in a hospital cath lab within the hour and a survivor. Do that on a street corner in Thailand and your destination will most likely be the morgue. Develop cancer in Thailand and unless wealthy, your survival rate will be significantly less than what it would be if you required treatment in the UK or France etc.

2. The number of farangs with pre-existing chronic conditions is significant. Diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease are all much harder to live with in Thailand. The climate makes it very difficult for some, especially those with heart failure. Adding to that; are medications may not be of the same quality as those available in the developed world, limited medical expertise (despite all the promotions for Thailand as a medical hub), and the difficulty in following a healthy lifestyle in the land of fried high sodium foods.

The question answers itself for the older foreigners who are in Thailand. They either cannot remain or the decision is made for them when they become ill. IMO, foreigners die at a significantly younger age in Thailand than if they had they remained in their home countries. The foreign retirees who do the best are those who live in Thailand during the cold weather periods of their homelands, and return to their homelands for 6+ months of the year. Those who have functional families also have longer life spans,

You can reduce/avoid your reliance on healthcare/ presciptions at almost any age. Just eat a clean sensible diet consistantly.

The body has an amazing self heal mechanism once you tap into it.

I have no problem buying good food from the markets and cooking it myself. actually taste better than most restaurants.

Our bodies are mostly made up of water and very sensitive to the electrical energy from our thoughts. Those that harbour Negative thoughts will ultimately live in an acidosis state creating perfect building blocks for diseases as outlined in your comments (section 2).

refer http://www.hado-energy.com/about_hado.php

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I would just go back. Always have an exit dont get yourself in that situation. You coukd just cash up and come back for round 2 if you fail at first. I dont really understand these people who get depressed over it. Worse things could happen

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Oh dear me you do waffle.

The advantages of education? You dont have a choice, you must attend school, which your parents pay for.

Health care? Never been to hospital but have visited a doctor a few times. I have paid plenty on private health care so perhaps they may refund me.

I never saved a penny in Oz in more than 25 years working there. I made my money when I lived in NZ, went to uni there, which i paid myself. Then to Malaysia.

When a person is young they have no choice where they live. It took me quite a few years to realise that Oz was not for me. So happy I saw the light and got out of there, best decision I ever made.

What you call "waffle" I call LOYALTY & GRATITUDE.

Of course young people have no choice as to where they live or are brought up but as one grows older, one begins to appreciate how fortunate they've been ESPECIALLY when they live in a country like Thailand where so many would give their right arm for the kind of privilege we had simply by virtue of being lucky enough to come out of a womb in Europe or the US.

I would bet anything you like that if it well and truly kicked off in Thailand - armed conflict in the streets - every last one of you would be beseeching your respective embassies to repatriate you safely

If any of you found yourselves afflicted by a dread disease requiring life-saving surgery and your insurance - if you've got any - wouldn't cover, I doubt you'd be slating your homelands to the ground while being wheeled off the plane at Heathrow to an NHS hossie staffed by those poxy immigrant nurses.

Sure, I live in Thailand - it better suits my needs than Britain does right now - but Britain is the cradle of my birth. It gave me everything. A sense of fair play, an appreciation of the rule of law and a solid education - all of which you people slate Thailand for NOT having

If you wanna bitch your homelands up, go ahead but I'm not going to disavow the motherland just because I can get a piece of farmer tail for £20 and a local beer for 75p.

Well said and I'm living proof of the advanced western medical model [even though driven by corporate greed] can extend your life.

I was Dxed with a viral [HVC] disease in LOS and was offered an archaic cure there as the ONLY option by the best liver specialists in Chiang Mai, but MY research told me that there were cutting edge [e$pensive] drugs in common usage back in the US and when my disease suddenly caught up with me, I had to make the decision to return for the cure, rather than rot away in pain in a Thai hospital. I had to educate my Thai Drs about the latest cure..............[they don't read the journals after they get their degree!]

After 3 months of Tx provided by the Veteran's Administration [thank you VA], I am now free of this deadly virus and my Thai family is with me and I really don't have much of a desire to return to LOS @ 68 yrs of age.

I won't bash Thailand, but I have finally realized that it's a great place to be young and retire early and cheaply, but when you have serious health issues, the West is the best place to be. The Thai medical system is great for patching up yourself after a motorcycle accident or cosmetic surgery, but they are 10+ years behind the West when you get a serious disease.

Asia has been good to me for 25+ years in LOS and the Philippines, but now time to realize that the party is over and life is good here in Hawaii, altho expensive.............NO REGRETS!!

Internet is fast, the air and the land is so much cleaner, people have manners and are friendly, school system is much better for my kids, health care is complicated, but there are ways to save $ etc........

Wish us luck!

Edited by jaideeguy
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I would certainly resist all attempts of German authorities to make decisions for me, most of all these psycho clowns in mental hospitals. They tried this before - and failed. Losers.

Guess most (if not all) medical treatments could be done in Thailand. Fortunately I have no chronical diseases, so future medical treatments will be covered by my health insurance.

In case I should get unconscious, there's a testament which explicitly states that certain ICD-10 or DSM codes must not be applied on me because they contain (hidden) cultural or political norms which are not mine. Certain Western political labels (like "terrorist") must not be applied to me. Economically, all my property and pensions shall go to Thailand / Asia, even when I'm dead.

But I guess that certain Asian nations (including Thailand) will be more developed than Western countries before I die.

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A sense of fair play in Britain????? Tell that to the UK state pensioners who are living here in Thailand and have their annual pension increases frozen.

They have worked and paid NS contributions all their lives and the UK Government are stealing, yes stealing that money from them. like the thieves they are.

You don't understand how your pension system works do you? The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. The contributions paid by these pensioners over the years is not enough to cover the pensions they will receive. Younger workers are forced to cover the shortfall. It is these younger workers who will see reduced benefits and a change in the qualifying age.

The UK government should have frozen pensions and raised the qualifying age long ago.

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I would certainly resist all attempts of German authorities to make decisions for me, most of all these psycho clowns in mental hospitals. They tried this before - and failed. Losers.

Guess most (if not all) medical treatments could be done in Thailand. Fortunately I have no chronical diseases, so future medical treatments will be covered by my health insurance.

In case I should get unconscious, there's a testament which explicitly states that certain ICD-10 or DSM codes must not be applied on me because they contain (hidden) cultural or political norms which are not mine. Certain Western political labels (like "terrorist") must not be applied to me. Economically, all my property and pensions shall go to Thailand / Asia, even when I'm dead.

But I guess that certain Asian nations (including Thailand) will be more developed than Western countries before I die.

You can give whatever instructions you want, but they will be ignored. Thailand uses the ICD system to classify illnesses and it will not stop on your instructions.Are you afraid of an F 60? It's slightly better than an F65.1 cheesy.gif

I don't know what the Thai approach is to the DSM coding. That's a psychiatric/psychological classification and wasn't included in our curriculum. I did get the course on deviant sexual behaviour. It was sort of funny, especially the autopsy pictures. I never knew people had such odd fetishes.

BTW, Thailand has limited palliative care facilities, and has a backward approach on pain management. There is a reluctance to offer proper narcotic dosings to relieve the pain and suffering of terminal patients. Good luck on trying to get someone to respect a do not resuscitate order. You'll get revived and then left to stew in your own urine and feces, and starve to death because the staff won't feed you properly.

When your time comes, you will jump at a chance to go to an advanced German hospital.

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A sense of fair play in Britain????? Tell that to the UK state pensioners who are living here in Thailand and have their annual pension increases frozen.

They have worked and paid NS contributions all their lives and the UK Government are stealing, yes stealing that money from them. like the thieves they are.

You don't understand how your pension system works do you? The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. The contributions paid by these pensioners over the years is not enough to cover the pensions they will receive. Younger workers are forced to cover the shortfall. It is these younger workers who will see reduced benefits and a change in the qualifying age.

The UK government should have frozen pensions and raised the qualifying age long ago.

I try to respect peoples opinion, but I cannot this time, you stick up for people who steal from British OAPs??????

The UK is a country where MPs accept 10% wage increases, while the workers only get 1%. Thieving hypocrites.

I see the UK Government don't freeze OAPs living in the Philipines pensions.

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A sense of fair play in Britain????? Tell that to the UK state pensioners who are living here in Thailand and have their annual pension increases frozen.

They have worked and paid NS contributions all their lives and the UK Government are stealing, yes stealing that money from them. like the thieves they are.

You don't understand how your pension system works do you? The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. The contributions paid by these pensioners over the years is not enough to cover the pensions they will receive. Younger workers are forced to cover the shortfall. It is these younger workers who will see reduced benefits and a change in the qualifying age.

The UK government should have frozen pensions and raised the qualifying age long ago.

The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. ??

​What a lot of nonsense, High paid Ministers worked out the pensions and the years anyone has to pay, for me 30 years = full UK pension [born before 1951]..... if they got there sums wrong it is 100% not my fault, it is the mismanagement of the accounts/ pension or what have you if they run out of money. out of my wages came money for my pension every week/month, there was no option the government/pension office took it, so at 65 I would have a pension, again at what they set as the amount...

I would not be stealing, as the money was paid in for the correct amount of years as set out by the Government.. so is 100% what I am due and paid in for.

Somehow the pension office appear to think OAP's living here don't need the increases, ever a Thai Minister will have you believe the cost of living has gone down.

Edited by ignis
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I would certainly resist all attempts of German authorities to make decisions for me, most of all these psycho clowns in mental hospitals. They tried this before - and failed. Losers.

Guess most (if not all) medical treatments could be done in Thailand. Fortunately I have no chronical diseases, so future medical treatments will be covered by my health insurance.

In case I should get unconscious, there's a testament which explicitly states that certain ICD-10 or DSM codes must not be applied on me because they contain (hidden) cultural or political norms which are not mine. Certain Western political labels (like "terrorist") must not be applied to me. Economically, all my property and pensions shall go to Thailand / Asia, even when I'm dead.

But I guess that certain Asian nations (including Thailand) will be more developed than Western countries before I die.

You can give whatever instructions you want, but they will be ignored. Thailand uses the ICD system to classify illnesses and it will not stop on your instructions.Are you afraid of an F 60? It's slightly better than an F65.1 cheesy.gif

I don't know what the Thai approach is to the DSM coding. That's a psychiatric/psychological classification and wasn't included in our curriculum. I did get the course on deviant sexual behaviour. It was sort of funny, especially the autopsy pictures. I never knew people had such odd fetishes.

BTW, Thailand has limited palliative care facilities, and has a backward approach on pain management. There is a reluctance to offer proper narcotic dosings to relieve the pain and suffering of terminal patients. Good luck on trying to get someone to respect a do not resuscitate order. You'll get revived and then left to stew in your own urine and feces, and starve to death because the staff won't feed you properly.

When your time comes, you will jump at a chance to go to an advanced German hospital.

When I go to a hospital, I'm their customer, and they have to follow my instructions, or throw me out. I will certainly not follow their instructions unless I wish to do so.

In Germany I might show "deviations from the way in which the average individual in a given culture perceives, thinks, feels and, particularly, relates to others" (ICD-10,Disorders of adult personity and behaviour, F60-F69)

Notice "in a given culture" which makes ICD F60 a cultural label.

Extend "culture" to political culture, then you have political psychiatry.

This label was not explicitly applied to me, but it could be because German (average) culture is not my culture, and will never be.

I was only lucky I had studied cultural anthropology and psychology, so I escaped from something that only deserves one name: "White torture".

They came up when I wanted to go back to Thailand and meet my gf there. They never knew if there was anything wrong with me, but one thing they were sure of: "You will not go to Thailand to meet a girl or marry her. This girl exists only in your fantasy. And if you have evidence for the contrary (on laptop), we will now seize your laptop and force you to stay here."

After 6 weeks they found out there was actually nothing wrong with me. I was quite happy about this,.and then they came up and told me that my happiness was a disease - mania.

After half a year they said "Sorry, now please go to Thailand as soon as you can" - which I did. I went back home to Asia - after 44 years in a disgusted system.

Edited by micmichd
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Amusing thread. There is no right or wrong answer. Foreign relocation works for some people and doesn't for others. An obvious statement right? The outcome selected should be appropriate for the person's income, tax status, employability, social and health demographic.

I used to wonder how some of the pensioners or 20 somethings survived. What was their secret I wondered?

Well, there was no secret. The young ones leave after the money runs out, or they get burnt in love, or become bored. They move on in life. The old pensioners leave Thailand, either in a box, or in some smoke, or on a sad flight to their countries long before they wanted to go.

Look around. How many very old farangs do you see? I offer that the number aged 80 years and older are a distinct minority. The heat, the lifestyle, the lack of specialized geriatric care, the high salt/high saturated/trans fat food, all kills the older people off. Far fewer older pensioners here than one sees in their home countries. Those that do survive, have established families, with a physical and emotional support network, and the money to pay for good health care. Remember, that once you reach 70 years, one of the largest expenses in Thailand will be medical.

Two subjects that have not been well understood in TVF are;

1. The number of 70+ farangs who do not have comprehensive health insurance. Some who are retired civil servants need not worry. However, for most from the private sector, there is nothing. The health insurance available typically excludes pre-existing conditions or ends after a claim or is too expensive. Have a heart attack on a street corner in Brighton, or Perth or Munich or Abilene and you will be in a hospital cath lab within the hour and a survivor. Do that on a street corner in Thailand and your destination will most likely be the morgue. Develop cancer in Thailand and unless wealthy, your survival rate will be significantly less than what it would be if you required treatment in the UK or France etc.

2. The number of farangs with pre-existing chronic conditions is significant. Diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease are all much harder to live with in Thailand. The climate makes it very difficult for some, especially those with heart failure. Adding to that; are medications may not be of the same quality as those available in the developed world, limited medical expertise (despite all the promotions for Thailand as a medical hub), and the difficulty in following a healthy lifestyle in the land of fried high sodium foods.

The question answers itself for the older foreigners who are in Thailand. They either cannot remain or the decision is made for them when they become ill. IMO, foreigners die at a significantly younger age in Thailand than if they had they remained in their home countries. The foreign retirees who do the best are those who live in Thailand during the cold weather periods of their homelands, and return to their homelands for 6+ months of the year. Those who have functional families also have longer life spans,

You've obviously never been to Phuket. A sea of grey saai.gif

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Hard to say something about "functional families" in times of full-developed economic egoism.

I know quite a few Farangs here that only hope their parents die as soon as possible and their siblings will get nothing from the heritage. Those Farangs won't get much, either. Farang governments and banks will take it.

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A sense of fair play in Britain????? Tell that to the UK state pensioners who are living here in Thailand and have their annual pension increases frozen.

They have worked and paid NS contributions all their lives and the UK Government are stealing, yes stealing that money from them. like the thieves they are.

You don't understand how your pension system works do you? The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. The contributions paid by these pensioners over the years is not enough to cover the pensions they will receive. Younger workers are forced to cover the shortfall. It is these younger workers who will see reduced benefits and a change in the qualifying age.

The UK government should have frozen pensions and raised the qualifying age long ago.

I try to respect peoples opinion, but I cannot this time, you stick up for people who steal from British OAPs??????

The UK is a country where MPs accept 10% wage increases, while the workers only get 1%. Thieving hypocrites.

I see the UK Government don't freeze OAPs living in the Philipines pensions.

You don't half make yourself look stupid.

Britain doesn't have a fraction of the inequality we see every day in the country you say you'd be willing to take your chances with.

Sure some workers get 1% but some get 3%, 5% or 8%. Yes, they're in the private sector but most employees ARE

Do some bloody research into the living standards of British pensioners who enjoy better living standards than 60% of the population.

Private pensions, dividends, real estate bought & paid for . . . the list goes on.

Anyway, we're never going agree but suffice it to say this; almost every foreign national I've met here who bitches his homeland does so because they've failed in life there.

Whether they blame the weather, the women, the immigrants, political correctness, whatever; the problem is ALWAYS elsewhere, never in themselves.

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I am Australian, i live and work in malaysia. No i do not receive any money from Australia, but I sure have paid a lot to the oz govt.

why would you be paying money to the Aussie government if you live and work in Malaysia?

Comprehension. I have PAID a lot. Past tense.

ok, but at least you get what you paid for....Malaysia sucks. The law system there is a crock of ....just ask any indian or chinese how fair malaysia is. That's why you'll find more malaysia indian/chinese immigrants to australian than you will find australian immigrants to malaysia.

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You don't half make yourself look stupid.

Britain doesn't have a fraction of the inequality we see every day in the country you say you'd be willing to take your chances with.

Sure some workers get 1% but some get 3%, 5% or 8%. Yes, they're in the private sector but most employees ARE

Do some bloody research into the living standards of British pensioners who enjoy better living standards than 60% of the population.

Private pensions, dividends, real estate bought & paid for . . . the list goes on.

Anyway, we're never going agree but suffice it to say this; almost every foreign national I've met here who bitches his homeland does so because they've failed in life there.

Whether they blame the weather, the women, the immigrants, political correctness, whatever; the problem is ALWAYS elsewhere, never in themselves.

So why do you live in Thailand, didnyou fail in your homeland or just taking advantage of the higher living standard?

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I have certainly never failed in the UK, I am not going through everything, but I was active in my last job and dating women right up till I came to live permanently in Thailand.

There are many thousands of OAPs in the UK who die every winter through "cold related illnesses" because they can't afford to heat their home, and that is fact.

Another thing, you are sailing close to the wind in saying I make myself look stupid, if you can't keep this debate civil, then just finish it here.

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You don't half make yourself look stupid.

Britain doesn't have a fraction of the inequality we see every day in the country you say you'd be willing to take your chances with.

Sure some workers get 1% but some get 3%, 5% or 8%. Yes, they're in the private sector but most employees ARE

Do some bloody research into the living standards of British pensioners who enjoy better living standards than 60% of the population.

Private pensions, dividends, real estate bought & paid for . . . the list goes on.

Anyway, we're never going agree but suffice it to say this; almost every foreign national I've met here who bitches his homeland does so because they've failed in life there.

Whether they blame the weather, the women, the immigrants, political correctness, whatever; the problem is ALWAYS elsewhere, never in themselves.

So why do you live in Thailand, didnyou fail in your homeland or just taking advantage of the higher living standard?

No but I'm not slagging off my homeland, am I?

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A sense of fair play in Britain????? Tell that to the UK state pensioners who are living here in Thailand and have their annual pension increases frozen.

They have worked and paid NS contributions all their lives and the UK Government are stealing, yes stealing that money from them. like the thieves they are.

You don't understand how your pension system works do you? The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. The contributions paid by these pensioners over the years is not enough to cover the pensions they will receive. Younger workers are forced to cover the shortfall. It is these younger workers who will see reduced benefits and a change in the qualifying age.

The UK government should have frozen pensions and raised the qualifying age long ago.

It's not stealing because it's all the subject of an agreement that they made between themselves and the government of the day regarding their future benefits. It's unfortunate that they made those agreements with reckless disregard for the ability of future generations to pay for them, and without explicitly linking those benefits to actual deliverable improvements in the economy to provide those benefits.

We're lucky, I suppose, that we can plunder Eastern Europe for their more productive young workers to enhance our tax base, as we did previously from the commonwealth countries


Edited by StreetCowboy
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A sense of fair play in Britain????? Tell that to the UK state pensioners who are living here in Thailand and have their annual pension increases frozen.

They have worked and paid NS contributions all their lives and the UK Government are stealing, yes stealing that money from them. like the thieves they are.

You don't understand how your pension system works do you? The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. The contributions paid by these pensioners over the years is not enough to cover the pensions they will receive. Younger workers are forced to cover the shortfall. It is these younger workers who will see reduced benefits and a change in the qualifying age.

The UK government should have frozen pensions and raised the qualifying age long ago.

It's not stealing because it's all the subject of an agreement that they made between themselves and the government of the day regarding their future benefits. It's unfortunate that they made those agreements with reckless disregard for the ability of future generations to pay for them, and without explicitly linking those benefits to actual deliverable improvements in the economy to provide those benefits.

We're lucky, I suppose, that we can plunder Eastern Europe for their more productive young workers to enhance our tax base, as we did previously from the commonwealth countries


Sorry Mr Cowboy, but when someone works all his life for a pension and pays tax and NI contributions all that time, some for more than forty years, he is entitled to

his annual pension increases like any other OAP, and to take them off him because he lives in a certain country, is just pure theft, there is no other word for it. legalised theft.

The UK pensions forum seems to have stopped at page 37, so I don't know what has happened there, maybe it's me who is not looking it up properly.

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Quite frankly if I have to return to Australia due to pension reductions etc I would feel I have not choice. My family here would get all my assets here and on landing at an Australian Airport in a Wheelchair on an oxygen bottle I would ask to be taken to a hospital as I need oxygen. They would have to admit me and then it becomes Australias expensive problem as they would not be able to release me without adequate housing and 24 hour care which I have here.

Very expensive for them though I do not want to spend the rest of my life in a retirement home.

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A sense of fair play in Britain????? Tell that to the UK state pensioners who are living here in Thailand and have their annual pension increases frozen.

They have worked and paid NS contributions all their lives and the UK Government are stealing, yes stealing that money from them. like the thieves they are.

You don't understand how your pension system works do you? The people who can be accused of "stealing" are the pensioners. The contributions paid by these pensioners over the years is not enough to cover the pensions they will receive. Younger workers are forced to cover the shortfall. It is these younger workers who will see reduced benefits and a change in the qualifying age.

The UK government should have frozen pensions and raised the qualifying age long ago.

I try to respect peoples opinion, but I cannot this time, you stick up for people who steal from British OAPs??????

The UK is a country where MPs accept 10% wage increases, while the workers only get 1%. Thieving hypocrites.

I see the UK Government don't freeze OAPs living in the Philipines pensions.

You don't half make yourself look stupid.

Britain doesn't have a fraction of the inequality we see every day in the country you say you'd be willing to take your chances with.

Sure some workers get 1% but some get 3%, 5% or 8%. Yes, they're in the private sector but most employees ARE

Do some bloody research into the living standards of British pensioners who enjoy better living standards than 60% of the population.

Private pensions, dividends, real estate bought & paid for . . . the list goes on.

Anyway, we're never going agree but suffice it to say this; almost every foreign national I've met here who bitches his homeland does so because they've failed in life there.

Whether they blame the weather, the women, the immigrants, political correctness, whatever; the problem is ALWAYS elsewhere, never in themselves.

You are correct, pensioners nowadays are better off,"Why"because most of them saved for their pension instead of wasting Their money down the pub, and I think those in countries like Thailand are correct to complain about the policy of successive British governments freezing pensions in Some countries.

So I've just bitched about my home country, this must mean according to you that I failed in life there. Sorry! You could't be more wrong.

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I have also worked for a long time and saved all my money.

Just to have a good life in Asia when I'm old. Certainly not for banks and bureaucrats in Europe.

Edited by micmichd
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You don't half make yourself look stupid.

Britain doesn't have a fraction of the inequality we see every day in the country you say you'd be willing to take your chances with.

Sure some workers get 1% but some get 3%, 5% or 8%. Yes, they're in the private sector but most employees ARE

Do some bloody research into the living standards of British pensioners who enjoy better living standards than 60% of the population.

Private pensions, dividends, real estate bought & paid for . . . the list goes on.

Anyway, we're never going agree but suffice it to say this; almost every foreign national I've met here who bitches his homeland does so because they've failed in life there.

Whether they blame the weather, the women, the immigrants, political correctness, whatever; the problem is ALWAYS elsewhere, never in themselves.

So why do you live in Thailand, didnyou fail in your homeland or just taking advantage of the higher living standard?

No but I'm not slagging off my homeland, am I?

My question seems to have confused you.

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So why do you live in Thailand, didnyou fail in your homeland or just taking advantage of the higher living standard?

No but I'm not slagging off my homeland, am I?

My question seems to have confused you.

No, it hasn't but I don't see what relevance it has to the issue at hand

Living here doesn't equate to slagging off my homeland, does it?

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I guess he means if I was out of money???

Pretty easy question for anyone with some life experience.

Fly in, get food and shelter, hit the road for any menial job you can get. Work your way up from there.

The starting point is under a bridge and the destination is trump tower.

It's a lot like getting out of prison, not easy if your broke.

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I am grateful to the US for a great education and the bit of money I made working there. At the same time I despise living there (incidentally, I also despise the IRS following me around with laws like FATCA when I haven't consumed a single tax dollar in the past decade).

Can't understand Americans not wanting to return.

USA is a big place with plenty of warm areas to live in.

Not to mention guns ..... I love guns, YeeHaa.

If only I weren't a Brit, cold and wet in the south, cold, wet and dark in the north.

(and no guns)

That way, when you get fed up..you can just shoot something.

Besides, America is getting "fitter"...dodging bullets.

Edited by slipperylobster
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