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Bangkok traffic cops told to respect bosses' privilege


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Birds of a feather flock together

The military masters are not going to do anything about this since they need the support on the ground from the Royal Thai Police

Article 44 could be invoked and this yahoo would be in an inactive post before the ink dried, but that is not going to happen in a country that is governed by force, and the police are the guns in the trenches

I am not so pessimistic.
Not all cops are bad.
Many police officers are also very unhappy with the reputation they have in the general population.
There are also police officers who managed the entrance exam without cheating.
There were already sorted out some bad apples.
That must now proceed quickly and efficiently.
Who really stand out for corruption and / or violation of the law, degrade immediately, replace, throw them out or in the prison.
Many of the inflated clowns are not covered by colleagues.
But the police can not reform itself, that has to come from outside.
Edited by tomacht8
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This sums up - in a nutshell - why the Thai police are considered by many to be totally corrupted

I also want to add that I asked my Thai family if this news story had featured on Thai language TV news reports.

They had not seen any news reports about this, (although maybe the cartoon channels don't run news stories...)

This is the interesting aspect of this case. All of us here on TV are aghast that the police chief could be so brazen as to state publicly that he is above the law and then instruct his subordinates to conduct training of these volunteer officers so that they will not repeat the "mistake" of asking a senior officer to take a breathalyzer again. We cannot fathom how the police chief could say this and not get his head knocked off by the PM.

But the case doesn't make the Thai news. Why? I presume because it's not news... A police chief announces that he's above the law. All Thai people know this already. Moreover, they probably accept that this is the natural order of things. So why would this qualify as news-worthy?

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This sums up - in a nutshell - why the Thai police are considered by many to be totally corrupted

I also want to add that I asked my Thai family if this news story had featured on Thai language TV news reports.

They had not seen any news reports about this, (although maybe the cartoon channels don't run news stories...)

This is the interesting aspect of this case. All of us here on TV are aghast that the police chief could be so brazen as to state publicly that he is above the law and then instruct his subordinates to conduct training of these volunteer officers so that they will not repeat the "mistake" of asking a senior officer to take a breathalyzer again. We cannot fathom how the police chief could say this and not get his head knocked off by the PM.

But the case doesn't make the Thai news. Why? I presume because it's not news... A police chief announces that he's above the law. All Thai people know this already. Moreover, they probably accept that this is the natural order of things. So why would this qualify as news-worthy?

That is true.
Thai media, Pantip and social media do not talk about.
And here is the unanimous outcry from all camps.
Probably we know from our own countries how police can or have to work.
We reflect the public statements made by the Thai police bosses in our systems.
In our home countries were these statements scandalous.
Certainly the end of the career as police chief/general.
Not here.
Guess the Thai general population does not know how police can be otherwise.
Follow, maintain and protect laws.
But why are other Asian countries, ASEAN is around the corner, here further than Thailand?
Edited by tomacht8
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This sums up - in a nutshell - why the Thai police are considered by many to be totally corrupted

I also want to add that I asked my Thai family if this news story had featured on Thai language TV news reports.

They had not seen any news reports about this, (although maybe the cartoon channels don't run news stories...)

This is the interesting aspect of this case. All of us here on TV are aghast that the police chief could be so brazen as to state publicly that he is above the law and then instruct his subordinates to conduct training of these volunteer officers so that they will not repeat the "mistake" of asking a senior officer to take a breathalyzer again. We cannot fathom how the police chief could say this and not get his head knocked off by the PM.

But the case doesn't make the Thai news. Why? I presume because it's not news... A police chief announces that he's above the law. All Thai people know this already. Moreover, they probably accept that this is the natural order of things. So why would this qualify as news-worthy?

That is true.
Thai media, Pantip and social media do not talk about.
And here is the unanimous outcry from all camps.
Probably we know from our own countries how police can or have to work.
We reflect the public statements made by the Thai police bosses in our systems.
In our home countries were these statements scandalous.
Certainly the end of the career as police chief/general.
Not here.
Guess the Thai general population does not know how police can be otherwise.
Follow, maintain and protect laws.
But why are other Asian countries, ASEAN is around the corner, here further than Thailand?

You mention ASEAN being "around the corner". My gut feeling is that once ASEAN fully kicks in, Thailand is going to be in for a serious shock.

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This sums up - in a nutshell - why the Thai police are considered by many to be totally corrupted

I also want to add that I asked my Thai family if this news story had featured on Thai language TV news reports.

They had not seen any news reports about this, (although maybe the cartoon channels don't run news stories...)

This is the interesting aspect of this case. All of us here on TV are aghast that the police chief could be so brazen as to state publicly that he is above the law and then instruct his subordinates to conduct training of these volunteer officers so that they will not repeat the "mistake" of asking a senior officer to take a breathalyzer again. We cannot fathom how the police chief could say this and not get his head knocked off by the PM.

But the case doesn't make the Thai news. Why? I presume because it's not news... A police chief announces that he's above the law. All Thai people know this already. Moreover, they probably accept that this is the natural order of things. So why would this qualify as news-worthy?

That is true.
Thai media, Pantip and social media do not talk about.
And here is the unanimous outcry from all camps.
Probably we know from our own countries how police can or have to work.
We reflect the public statements made by the Thai police bosses in our systems.
In our home countries were these statements scandalous.
Certainly the end of the career as police chief/general.
Not here.
Guess the Thai general population does not know how police can be otherwise.
Follow, maintain and protect laws.
But why are other Asian countries, ASEAN is around the corner, here further than Thailand?

You mention ASEAN being "around the corner". My gut feeling is that once ASEAN fully kicks in, Thailand is going to be in for a serious shock.

You might be right, the Thai preparation is almost imperceptible, perhaps they expect ASEAN to gather around exceptional Thailand. The reality in so far as I can see it, is that Thailand has no friends. and those who 'understand' and 'support' Thailand have their own reasons for saying so, but in my estimation, the other countries either despise Thailand and Thais or simply regard them as loud but unimportant.

I suspect a shock is coming. but given the legendary Thai ability to refuse to hear and refuse to see what doesn't suit them... it's the only way to explain what would otherwise be akin to delusional behaviour - certainly they try to box above their weight, now they appear to think they have a shot at the UN Security Council, though how they would square that with what the world knows about Thailand (vide the current thread about a bent copper) would be interesting to watch.

Meanwhile, Prayuth appears to be trying to work towards a seat on the Privy Council.

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In the United States had this happened the General would have bee Hand cuffed and jailed

Karma is a bitch I I see it coming for this guy

Just like Ted Kennedy and Mary-Jo?

Power and privilege isn't confined to Thailand.

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Sign me up! BIB here I come!!

Perhaps they should change their name to Carte Blanche Police.

Sure we all know they do this. Seeing it in print is the real surprise... To be fair though, it goes on everywhere, not just TL.

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What a croc of bullshit, next they will want sex of all women because they are special, and they will be able to transport drugs and not get stopped because the are special, third world stupid country rules

Pretty sure they're already doing that too. No, ipso facto, I know they are...but that's all I'm going to say about that.

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At the very least Somyot should have a word in his shell like and tell him to keep his mouth shut if for nothing else than not spoiling things for the rest of them.

Privilege, special treatment, perks etc are well known but it doesn't do to rub the have not's noses in it and what can be worse than making it public that orders to ensure special treatment have been issued ?

Stupidity, arrogance or a combination of both ?

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Peter Drucker says that “rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility.”

I think he’s never been to Thailand. coffee1.gif

Only in a society ruled by real men. In others, absolute goombahs like this guy rule the day. That he has not been sacked over this, says alot. Also, the fact that he is not even being criticized by the higher powers speaks volumes as to how broken the RTP really is. And the fact that he is speaking so openly about this says even more.

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Well so much for the generals fight against corruption .......In other countries that cop would have been charged with disobeying an order by a police officer and refusing a breath test ...this matter has to go higher in authority...corruption in the police force has to be stamped out even if it means removing all the corrupt police hierarchy....get rid of them and have the police force honest and give them back the respect that has gone through corruption

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When will people realize that if a superior officer ignores a legal request to take a breath test, thus not abiding to a law that impacts on all people residing in Thailand, is just another form of corruption. Is this his take on what Thainess encompasses ?

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What a croc of bullshit, next they will want sex of all women because they are special, and they will be able to transport drugs and not get stopped because the are special, third world stupid country rules

Next? I suspect you would find that it is already the case.
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This sums up - in a nutshell - why the Thai police are considered by many to be totally corrupted

I also want to add that I asked my Thai family if this news story had featured on Thai language TV news reports.

They had not seen any news reports about this, (although maybe the cartoon channels don't run news stories...)

The cartoon channels are the news,it's the only thing they can relate to plus the soaps.

Does this mean all cabinet ministers and the PM's face must be memorised as well?


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Crazy to the extreme I bet everyone agrees.. pro junta .. pro Thaksin.. everyone with half a brain agrees that this is stupid.

I wouldn't say stupid, but arrogant to the extreme fits the bill well ... and this crosses all "color" divides, they're all as bad as each other once they get a little power.

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Really....Really really really...jing jing maak....If there are some shadowy government appointed people reading these pages....Please, please can you please try and see what's so very wrong with policemen, especially ranking policemen, being convinced that they are above the law.

I promise you, there is not a single sane Westerner that does not know that it is so very very wrong.

Please tell your boss. Plead with him to see the sense in what everyone is saying here.

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When will people realize that if a superior officer ignores a legal request to take a breath test, thus not abiding to a law that impacts on all people residing in Thailand, is just another form of corruption. Is this his take on what Thainess encompasses ?

Several years ago either the Bangkok Post or the Nation, ran a poll asking the question (to the likes of), "do they believe that corruption is acceptable ?". I was gob-smacked by the result (from quite a large sample).

70% of the poll came back and said that they found corruption acceptable, as long as they as an individual benefited from it. How can you beat, which is more than probable to be a national psych, a social attitude like that ?

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Anyone else see the news on television today showing a copper body checking someone they'd pulled over. Guy was arguing about being charged so the BIB knocked him backwards, may have put a head butt in as well but very fuzzy images so can't say he did.

I reckon the guy pulled over was wearing a lot of perfume and was therefore clearly drunk, or at least is according to the OP statements.

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I generally wish no ill for Thailand, but in this case, I wish the story is picked up overseas and goes viral to the point where the country is deeply shamed. I wish a whole bunch of TV stations, newspapers, and online services in a host of countries take it up and give Thailand a real big roasting over it. Make a real big issue over it from several angles, including "Tourists should not go there because any ranked policeman is totally allowed to drive drunk and will not be stopped by any lower ranked cop...in fact, the lower ranked cops have been ORDERED not to stop any ranking cop, at any time!"

Overseas journos, Please make a mockery of this farce.

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