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Zero Tolerance for Alcohol while driving?

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I apologize in advance if this topic has been covered already. I'm a regular driver, drive often at night and go through checkpoints a few times a week where I have to blow into a wand as they check for alcohol.

I've heard some disturbing, yet unverified word from two different friends that there is a new policy of zero tolerance for alcohol in your system while driving. In other words, I believe the legal limit is .08 percent and now you are not even allowed to have .01 percent. Any alcohol detected means you're going to jail, according to my friends.

Has anyone heard anything about this? Can anyone verify this?

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I've heard nothing about this but I know for sure I wouldn't trust the accuracy of any machine used at the roadside in Thailand.

I guess they will also offer the blood test option down at the station if you demand it.

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Not quite true.

The limit for alcohol concentration is 50 mg/l (in your country it might read as 0.5 promille, 0.5 per mill or the like).

True: there is a big crack down on driving under the influence.

Zero tolerance for being over the limit, 1 month imprisonment and 10000 Baht fine.

Notoriously in Pattaya e.g.

There is a very lively thread about an alcohol checkpoint with breathalyser where a big boss cop (driving in civil car without uniform) refused to do the test because he insisted he is sober. The subordinates were disciplined.

What a country.


Edited by KhunBENQ
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I've heard nothing about this but I know for sure I wouldn't trust the accuracy of any machine used at the roadside in Thailand.

I guess they will also offer the blood test option down at the station if you demand it.

I have to agree with you and this is from experience.

Have a cop friend, well as "friends" as one can be.

Out with him, lawyer and few female companions.

All wasted,i know i had at least 1/2 a bottle of whisky in about 2 hours.

Before going home, asked cop friend to check me and to my surprise it showed the limit. 0.50(or whatever it should be 0.05)

There is no way in hell, i could have been within limit after half a bottle in such a short space, but this is the machines they use.

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As I understand it.... There are two types of breathalyser in use by the Thai Police...

The first is what the Thai's refer to as a 'wand'... its a breathalyser that you 'breathe' onto, it simply recognises the presence of alcohol.

If this 'wand' registers the presence of alcohol on your breath you will then be subject to a more official Breathalyser which measures your BAC - if this is above 0.5 you will be charged.


The accuracy of the Official Breathalyser could be debated, however, if the calibration has drifted it could either register higher or lower (I'm not sure whether or not there is a general and common drift in sensitivity one way or the other).

I have been in a bar where a Heineken promotion stall had a couple of breathalysers, a group of friends and I had a go / blow. My Wife was well over (about 0.8) where as I, who had drank about three times more was still under the Thai 0.5 BAC limit. Unsurprisingly about 1 hour later when I tested again I was well over the limit.

I suspect it depends on how much and how recently you've had a drink, and also how your body metabolises the alcohol.

From a personal perspective, It's all pretty much a moot point - I have no interest in driving after I've had a drink. I have no sympathy or favourable regard for those who do.

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I heard that if you can say "I'M NOT DRUNK" five times your good to go... coffee1.gif

But you have to convince them you are a hiso/boss laugh.png

Can I tell them I was once an extra in Coronation Street (long running British soap opera for those not from UK) laugh.png

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I heard that if you can say "I'M NOT DRUNK" five times your good to go... coffee1.gif

But you have to convince them you are a hiso/boss laugh.png

Can I tell them I was once an extra in Coronation Street (long running British soap opera for those not from UK) laugh.png

Wearing Salvation Army uniform and a badge might do the tricktongue.png

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I heard that if you can say "I'M NOT DRUNK" five times your good to go... coffee1.gif

But you have to convince them you are a hiso/boss laugh.png

Can I tell them I was once an extra in Coronation Street (long running British soap opera for those not from UK) laugh.png

I would keep that to yourself if I was you.

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My wife was caught over the limit at that weekend checkpoint at the top of soi 71.After alot of negotiating and making her sit at a desk on the other side of the road while I waited in the car, 500 baht fine.

Another time I was driving and had a little to drink, the wife was to tired to drive. We hit a one of those dodgy looking half arsed checkpoints out near srinakarin. The type that you know the police probably don't have the rank to stop traffic but just need bribe money. I was almost through when a cop jumped out and hit the A pillar really hard with his truncheon. I just put my foot down, luckily the car is registered to an army dad.

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My wife was caught over the limit at that weekend checkpoint at the top of soi 71.After alot of negotiating and making her sit at a desk on the other side of the road while I waited in the car, 500 baht fine.

Another time I was driving and had a little to drink, the wife was to tired to drive. We hit a one of those dodgy looking half arsed checkpoints out near srinakarin. The type that you know the police probably don't have the rank to stop traffic but just need bribe money. I was almost through when a cop jumped out and hit the A pillar really hard with his truncheon. I just put my foot down, luckily the car is registered to an army dad.

The type that you know the police probably don't have the rank to stop traffic

Never heard about that kind of police.

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My wife was caught over the limit at that weekend checkpoint at the top of soi 71.After alot of negotiating and making her sit at a desk on the other side of the road while I waited in the car, 500 baht fine.

Another time I was driving and had a little to drink, the wife was to tired to drive. We hit a one of those dodgy looking half arsed checkpoints out near srinakarin. The type that you know the police probably don't have the rank to stop traffic but just need bribe money. I was almost through when a cop jumped out and hit the A pillar really hard with his truncheon. I just put my foot down, luckily the car is registered to an army dad.

The type that you know the police probably don't have the rank to stop traffic

Never heard about that kind of police.

Check points must have a ranking officer for stops and search.

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The crackdown is first and foremost about putting money in the pockets of the police and number two providing face to the govt to make it look like they are actually cracking down on drunk drivers. And you can bet that no farang will ever get off with a 500 baht fine like the Thai mentioned earlier in a post. I heard most can't buy their way out and one who did paid 10k. There is good money in the bail of 20k because they generally don't return it. Here is a tip if anyone is unfortunate enough to get stopped: Bail can be provided by any govt employee simply by signing for you no money needs to be provided. So if you know any govt employees call them to post your bail. Don't let the police scam your bail money. Good luck. Best not to drink and drive.

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I believe the legal limit is .08 percent and now you are not even allowed to have .01 percent.

When studying for my driving test years ago I remember reading those are the legal limits for a permanent (5 year) and temporary (1 year) license respectively.

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Down Pattaya way they have road blocks every night testing car and bike drivers, I know two people personally that have been caught DD, both held overnight till court the next day

Where? I visit Pattaya on Monday/Wednesday night. I am careful about what I drink but don't want to fall foul of a dodgy meter/cop.

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I heard that if you can say "I'M NOT DRUNK" five times your good to go... coffee1.gif

But you have to convince them you are a hiso/boss laugh.png

Can I tell them I was once an extra in Coronation Street (long running British soap opera for those not from UK) laugh.png

Only if your stopped with your fur on...


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The BAC for Thailand is .05%

Yes, .5 is very dead drunk.. Don't see a problem? Good to see a sensible crack down. Simple enough to avoid problems, don't drive after drinking, make other arrangements and no problem.

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I've heard nothing about this but I know for sure I wouldn't trust the accuracy of any machine used at the roadside in Thailand.

I guess they will also offer the blood test option down at the station if you demand it.

I have to agree with you and this is from experience.

Have a cop friend, well as "friends" as one can be.

Out with him, lawyer and few female companions.

All wasted,i know i had at least 1/2 a bottle of whisky in about 2 hours.

Before going home, asked cop friend to check me and to my surprise it showed the limit. 0.50(or whatever it should be 0.05)

There is no way in hell, i could have been within limit after half a bottle in such a short space, but this is the machines they use.

Are you suggesting high or low? Sounds like it was low, in your favor to me..

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As I understand it.... There are two types of breathalyser in use by the Thai Police...

The first is what the Thai's refer to as a 'wand'... its a breathalyser that you 'breathe' onto, it simply recognises the presence of alcohol.

If this 'wand' registers the presence of alcohol on your breath you will then be subject to a more official Breathalyser which measures your BAC - if this is above 0.5 you will be charged.


The accuracy of the Official Breathalyser could be debated, however, if the calibration has drifted it could either register higher or lower (I'm not sure whether or not there is a general and common drift in sensitivity one way or the other).

I have been in a bar where a Heineken promotion stall had a couple of breathalysers, a group of friends and I had a go / blow. My Wife was well over (about 0.8) where as I, who had drank about three times more was still under the Thai 0.5 BAC limit. Unsurprisingly about 1 hour later when I tested again I was well over the limit.

I suspect it depends on how much and how recently you've had a drink, and also how your body metabolises the alcohol.

From a personal perspective, It's all pretty much a moot point - I have no interest in driving after I've had a drink. I have no sympathy or favourable regard for those who do.

Size, eating before or after, all determining factors as well.

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The crackdown is first and foremost about putting money in the pockets of the police and number two providing face to the govt to make it look like they are actually cracking down on drunk drivers. And you can bet that no farang will ever get off with a 500 baht fine like the Thai mentioned earlier in a post. I heard most can't buy their way out and one who did paid 10k. There is good money in the bail of 20k because they generally don't return it. Here is a tip if anyone is unfortunate enough to get stopped: Bail can be provided by any govt employee simply by signing for you no money needs to be provided. So if you know any govt employees call them to post your bail. Don't let the police scam your bail money. Good luck. Best not to drink and drive.

And? When the law (that has been on the books for a long time though mostly ignored by Thai police to your favor so as not to effect tourism) is finally enforced in Thailand it is some sort of scam? When it's not and driving drunk is the habit of some many who think it's their privileged to do so and endanger others then that's ok? Is it Ok in your own country?

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Driving while on mobile phone causes more deaths than drink driving, yet they do nothing abut that.

Not true but very close, more justification then actual fact. So then are you suggesting they do nothing about either? I suggest they do something about both, just read all the nasty comments here already from people who aren't even Thai's but instead merely guests and it becomes easy to understand how difficult it is for them to enforce anything on anyone who feels so entitled to endanger others with their careless, self centered behavior...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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I will continue to put 3 Liters of Beer into my 230 pound 6 ft 6 ins frame as ive done for 60 years with total concern for others. If this is not acceptable by strange Wimpy Folk who seem rather Vocal these days and make control freak one liners,n laws arrest Me.

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Feeling defensive Ace? No one suggested not drinking, have at it, but driving afterwards is unacceptable. Anyway who is it you're referring too "wimpy folk"? Beside being none of the things you mentioned, I personally have hardly even posted lately, way too much moderation imbalance for my taste.

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