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Some of the women and other family members ( i have been exposed to on a daily regular basis, in laws and outlaws included) has made me review my approaching death as a possible relief from what resimbles a sh.t storm presently being the norm.

Now if i could pick and chose a few to travel with me it might make for a more interesting new adventure which i have no knowledge of ever experienceing before. I do hope to pat the nnice beautiful nursee who looked after me on the butt and say think you. The butcher or doctor (as some are referred to) who made the mistakes, acted like he was god and told me its all mental, you will be up and around in a few days, I would like to give him a drano enema with glass tubing, while assuring him it hurts me as much as it does him.

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i have enjoyed my life over the past 31yrs.and its got better,but having not long past the point of no return i am now wondering how much longer i have.

every day i tell my wife and beloved dog how much i love them,it then hits home when he kisses me[bIG LICKS].

Funny enough...a Dog knows before you, if anything is wrong....So if the dog is showing you love and affection....lookout!biggrin.png

Or you might have been cooking bacon.tongue.png


I don't fear death. I just hope it is quick and painless.

I wonder though how all the greedy bastards feel on their death beds knowing they can't take it with them and someone else will be spending the nickels and dimes they squeezed all their lives.... Funny how we start life with nothing and end with nothing.


I don't fear death. I just hope it is quick and painless.

I wonder though how all the greedy bastards feel on their death beds knowing they can't take it with them and someone else will be spending the nickels and dimes they squeezed all their lives.... Funny how we start life with nothing and end with nothing.

Most of them greedy bastards have greedy successors. A cycle of greed which can be found anywhere in the world.


i have enjoyed my life over the past 31yrs.and its got better,but having not long past the point of no return i am now wondering how much longer i have.

every day i tell my wife and beloved dog how much i love them,it then hits home when he kisses me[bIG LICKS].

Funny enough...a Dog knows before you, if anything is wrong....So if the dog is showing you love and affection....lookout!biggrin.png

oh shit i still have 4 cases of cider leftburp.gif thanks for that wg.


I don't fear death. I just hope it is quick and painless.

I wonder though how all the greedy bastards feel on their death beds knowing they can't take it with them and someone else will be spending the nickels and dimes they squeezed all their lives.... Funny how we start life with nothing and end with nothing.

Yep …same for me. Hope it's quick and painless…like crossing a road and run over and reversed over by an out of control steamroller.


I feel there's no reason to fear death. I just don't want the dying to be messy or painful. My mother, at age 69, decided to have an afternoon nap and never woke up - way to go. 16 years agoo I had a triple bypass, one of them failed 3months later and they were unable to repair it. The cardiologist told me I had less than a year to live. So, actively worked on the bucket list, did the reasonable things, including moving all over NZ and learning to ride big bikes, and owning a few, finally moving to Thailand. Once you are told by an authority that there is a finite amount of time left, you can accept it and wither away or rebel against it and truly live. Death is just the last part of living, as natural as the stars which have exploded and died, scattering their stardust from which we are all made, we go back to dust and become one with the universe once again.

A dec'd Australian businessman, Kerry Packer said that he died & returned. His observation was that there is NOTHING there

Then who was it that was aware that there was 'NOTHING' there? huh.png

This requires critical thinking, I won't hold my breath coffee1.gif


I fear death every day because I know it will be the end.

I love life every day because I cant get enough of it. I don't care if I'm in pain, I want to wake up to this beautiful planet as much as possible.


I am amazed!

Posters to date have supreme wisdom & absolutely no fear.

Where do you buy the formula?

That's because death is not a reality for us because we are not expecting it tomorrow.No one truly knows how we will react to death until it is upon us.


Its interesting to read all the responses about not being scared and yet many of the same people would not put their neck out in fear of being killed.

Sure i fear death, but it can not be avoided.

I have had the pleasure and displeasure of seeing people die in my arms, so i no longer fear the dying moments, but rather fear knowing this moment to come


I fear death every day because I know it will be the end.

I love life every day because I cant get enough of it. I don't care if I'm in pain, I want to wake up to this beautiful planet as much as possible.

It was some guy's tag line on here -- apologies that I cannot remember who:

Despite the cost of living, it still remains popular.

Once you are told by an authority that there is a finite amount of time left, you can accept it and wither away or rebel against it and truly live.

I understood there is finite amount at the age of 16... been rebeling and truly living since then.


Going unconscious will be no different from falling asleep each night, I'm sure. Lights out. We don't tremble at that, but then again there is admittedly an 'expectation' that we will wake up again next morning (no guarantee of course, some die in their sleep. Even teenagers) as others have said, thoughts about it conjuring fear are more likely to be about the physical process, nasty scenarios such as in a burning car wreck, going down in a plane crash or a knife cutting into our jugular. Everything with a physical body will be in terror in such a scenario. I don't care how wise and calm Sensei is, he will roar in pain and terror unless drugged in advance.

Plenty of people seem very confident that there is an either another room or absolutely nothing more. Neither know, because they are alive and just chose to take a position on this either way. The 'nothing' crowd base everything on physical death / lights out, assuming that our total is that physical mechanism. The 'something' crowd base everything on a gamble that once the physical body dies, it is dropping a used coil and the smoke continues. I had 'out of body' experiences, but I was alive so it is not evidence of continuance after physical death. To me, that is the problem with people's confidence on either claim. Both haven't been truly dead.

(although too much Chang can feel convincingly close, the next morning).

So, I don't fear the lights out, but I do fear the bulb being smashed / mangled.


Nothing to do with afterlife- just have regret that I didn't do everything I wanted to.

Wish there was legal euthanasia so I could go when I want to without risking brain damage from a botched job, and no way jumping off a building as I might kill someone else.

Death is inevitable- no point fearing it.


I would like to know the approximate date in advance.

Pain & suffering - exemption

When my time is up, a quick departure

No mourning

Plenty of BS about what a great guy I was

Cremation v burial?

Thai style ie procession - good


I look forward to dying. Someday, when my penis stops working, I'll overdose on painkillers. I figure if I take one every hour and meditate on my life, I'll enter a dream-like state and eventually forget to breathe.


Did the Buddha actually say that there was rebirth? If so, what actually is rebirth? Is it literal or just the loss of the trancendental (non-self) state of mind so that suffering returns? If there is rebirth, then suffering would cease when one again achieves the transcendental (non-self) state. I think that in many Buddhist religions, a simplistic interpretation of rebirth exists. It is believed that an individual will actually be PHYSICALLY reborn based on the quality of the life that he/she has lived and that rebirth as an animal or an insect is possible.


Death is natural.. but there is nothing after death, its the end. There never has been any proof from any of the religions but the afterlife is used to keep the people in the now under control. Make them behave the way the ones in power want.

robblok: I see you espouse that, "There never has been any proof from any of the religions but the afterlife is used to keep the people in the now under control."

You seem to like it when there is no proof - so please prove why you know that the afterlife is used to keep the people in the now under control.

Sounds like to have a direct line to God.

Must be nice.


I look forward to dying. Someday, when my penis stops working, I'll overdose on painkillers. I figure if I take one every hour and meditate on my life, I'll enter a dream-like state and eventually forget to breathe.

we should distribute this one to the masses as a new quasi religion

the penis religion

by hornyskunk

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