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SinSot type payments


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Hi guys,

I'm in a relationship with a girl from BKK, she's not of the bar variety, she's keen to get married but I'm a bit on the lazy side so I'm trying to slow down proceedings.

She tells me she's getting pressure from her mum for us to marry, which I sort of expected.

We've recently got a visa for her to make an extended stay in my homeland, she won't be permitted to work, so obviously I'm going to be supporting her.

She's also made a request for money that I should give to her mum in the same fashion as a SinSot, is this normal ?

If so how much should I be expected to pay ?

Thanks in advance

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"extended stay in your homeland".......I'm already not liking the sound of this. Why not get mum a visa too...you can move them and Uncle Sirikit (yeah you know the one who likes whiskey and chang boilermakers at 6 AM) back home and really have some fun !

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How old is she? What's her educational background? Does she have children? How wealthy is the family?

she''s approaching 40, got a degree from Ramkemheng, her dad passed away when she was young, her 2 brothers aren't as well educated, I wouldn't describe them as rich or high so, just an ordinary work a day family, she's not got kids, not been married before (at least not admitting to it), having seen her visa application I believe that to be true.

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It is a total scam...if what they are expecting is over 100,000 baht.

That is especially true if she was married previously, or had a child.

The 100,000 should be used for your wedding, and it should all come out even.

A gold ring is common in any country...and perhaps some kind of engagement ring.

However...if I were you...I would do what the Thai's do. Make her pregnant first..and then just move in with her.

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Just open a joint bank acct with the Momster. In the meantime. give her an advance payment of one year of your salary. And........throw in a few baht of gold for good measure......

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1 million baht if she's a good Bangkok girl and as much gold as you can afford.

Your lucky gold is really low now and if you wait it could get cheaper. Its Sin Sod not Sot. According to the rules it only serves as bragging rights for the mother and after the ceremony it should be returned to you and your wife but seeing as how your a foreigner don't hold your breath on this one. If your not happy with the girl its none refundable. I would suggest you move on as there are lots of fish in the sea although we are in a drought weather wise but there is no drought with regard to the number of Thai ladies looking for love. Once your a giver always a giver. Never tell Thai ladies how much money you have always plead poverty they will understand that.

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"extended stay in your homeland".......I'm already not liking the sound of this. Why not get mum a visa too...you can move them and Uncle Sirikit (yeah you know the one who likes whiskey and chang boilermakers at 6 AM) back home and really have some fun !

Trust me if you do this they will learn how the American welfare system works from all the other coffee klatching, smoking, drinking, bored, fat wives that sit around the kitchen table all day. Use this as a rule of thumb never take the Thai out of Thailand. Some have done it successfully others well you use your imagination. Pick a bridge.

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How old is she? What's her educational background? Does she have children? How wealthy is the family?

she''s approaching 40, got a degree from Ramkemheng, her dad passed away when she was young, her 2 brothers aren't as well educated, I wouldn't describe them as rich or high so, just an ordinary work a day family, she's not got kids, not been married before (at least not admitting to it), having seen her visa application I believe that to be true.

2 Trolling posts............obviously a troll or one of the dimmer males of Aussie land, the type that can't get a date in a brothel............Just in case your for real i ask you this question....would you give your Aussie GF's mum/family $ when the GF moved interstate to be with you?

Ps your better off keeping them in there own country flying them out once or twice on a short holiday, cheaper and avoids the money tap that you will become.

Pss....to ask for money is a turn off for me, i would loose her fast, on TGF number 4 now and apart from no 3 no money was ever mentioned ( all bar one spent some or a lot of time in AU) , if i allowed TGF3 youth and beauty to seduce me i could have become a tap too but instead the big head now works much better than my little head.

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This may not be a sinsot request. Maybe when she was in LOS and working, she was sending money to mom each month as many daughters do. Now she is in another country and is not making money nor sending money to mom. He should be sending mom a few hundred each month if this is the case and she has no other sisters to share the load

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Give her and her family a big bag of sweet FA.

Getting pressured by her parents to get married. Yeah right that old chestnut.

Where are you from? Tell her and her family that in the Western world the father pays for his daughters wedding. Tell them you need 1 mil baht from them to marry their "not for sale" daughter.

They'll soon change their tune then. The family will then pressure her to leave you and find someone a lot more gullible.

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Well, I am not sure exactly what you mean.

If you are making reference to your Girlfriends's Mother and giving some money to her every month, this would make logical sense to me. Although many may disagree. A Thai Woman is expected to help her Family back home. Thai Men to, but not so much as they are expected to look after their own families. If your gf was working then you can be sure she was sending money home each month. But now that she is with you, and she can't work, it becomes your obligation.

If she was working ask how much money she sent home. Ideally to match this would be fine, but it depends on your personal wealth and how much she sent. If she was not working, ask her how much you should send. It should not be less that $100 USD and no more then $200 USD. But again it depends on your personal wealth as well. One of my better off friends gave her family way to much, which they ended up wasting. The bought a new car that nobody could drive, just to leave outside and to show their wealth.

Sin Sod is another topic. In this case it sort of depends on your wealth as well as there's. It is best to leave this with your gf and see what kid of a figure she can come up with her mother. Many disagree with Sin Sod but it is still very common here. My Wife's Sister got married to a Thai, who was not wealthy but has a good job, and he paid 200,000 Baht, or about $6,600 USD. I paid the same.

I guess you came here to get some idea before you talk to your gf about this, which is a good idea. But now you need to talk to her and find out what she thinks is a fare Sin Sod, and what she thinks is a fare monthly payment to. She will want this monthly payment for a life-time, so don't expect that to disappear as soon as you are married. So be careful with that. If you wife works she will pay that. In this way she can give more.

One last thing to mention. Getting along with your In-laws is a good thing in the West, but not near as important as it is Thailand. A Father or Mother can tell their daughter at any age they do not want her to marry you, and thus a good chance she won't. Not always! But they are raised to listen to their Parents, no matter what, so be careful with that.

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Give her and her family a big bag of sweet FA.

Getting pressured by her parents to get married. Yeah right that old chestnut.

Where are you from? Tell her and her family that in the Western world the father pays for his daughters wedding. Tell them you need 1 mil baht from them to marry their "not for sale" daughter.

They'll soon change their tune then. The family will then pressure her to leave you and find someone a lot more gullible.

luv it a real answer from a real man....................wish there were a few more here like you mate

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40 yrs old and not a virgin, NO SINSOD

I am a great supporter of Thai women

BUT be sensible, you are offering an older woman an opportunity of a new life , she should be paying you

Maybe 3/4000 batt to her mother per month to help, remember her brothers are already contributing

Yes there are horror stories around concerningThai ladies but generally the foreigner has significantly contributed


It will take a few hours to find a replacement

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Hmm...closing 40...not been married yet...hmm...

I have nowadays my own idea how to deal with these kind of situations.

1. I say that this is not my culture and we don't do this where I come from. Actually, in the old times the bride was supposed to pay dowry to the man's household...

2. I say I'll have to think about it. And add that I am willing to 'take care' and so on paying all expenses and so on...and if she feels it's not enough then I have to really think about it.

Other than that, it's all about money grab...

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+ I gave my Thai wife's parents 100,000THB as an "Honor".

+ Since she moved to Maui with me on K1 VISA, I've sent nothing.

+ My wife works here in USA and sends some money. That's HER deal, not mine.

+ Be careful to not set a precedent.

+ Don't try to "impress" Thai people with your money. It gets you nothing.

+ I take care of my Wife. She works. It's her money if she wants to send some of it back to Thailand.

+ Be very careful. Use caution.

+ Go very slow. When it comes to money with Thai women, go slow .... use caution ... and keep your mouth shut!


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Give her and her family a big bag of sweet FA.

Getting pressured by her parents to get married. Yeah right that old chestnut.

Where are you from? Tell her and her family that in the Western world the father pays for his daughters wedding. Tell them you need 1 mil baht from them to marry their "not for sale" daughter.

They'll soon change their tune then. The family will then pressure her to leave you and find someone a lot more gullible.

Great replay

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