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US political posturing kills Thai-US relations

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If the USA were a person, that person would be diagnosed as having Multiple Personality Disorder.

Don't worry about it.

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Since Mr. Obama was elected, the US' relationship with every country on the face of the earth has deteriorated.

Why should Thailand be any different?

What metrics are you using? Party invitations?

Party invitations? Really? Wow! Where do I begin?

B. Hussein Obama II, had/has no idea about foreign policy before or after he became POTUS.

His former and current Secretaries of State, Clinton and Kerry, are dilettantes (look up the definition).

He, using his authority as Commander in Chief and without participation of Congress, actively assisted the overthrow of the governments of Egypt and Libya; the former now has a military dictatorship and the later has five different factions warring for control. In neither country are the citizens better off.

In a failed attempt to overthrow the government of Bashar al-Assad, he armed the Syrian rebels who then morphed into ISIS.

The US, under the President's direct control, conducts illegal drone strikes on anyone they feel like with total impunity.

He's certainly alienated Putin of Russia with his meddling in Ukraine and the Baltic States.

He's spied on the governments of Brazil, France, Germany, and all the US's other 'allies'; even going so far as tapping the private phones of the leaders of those countries and monitoring those countries' business interests.

He's working like mad to get on the wrong side of China when just a little respect would go far. He has alienated every country in the Middle East with his facilitating the Iranian government's efforts to acquire a nuclear weapon and a missile system to deliver it.

I could go on but even you can see what a disaster US foreign policy has been.

The US's foreign policy is being directed by the former leader of the 'Choom Gang' http://www.breitbart.com/sports/2014/08/02/choom-gang-reunion/, whose total government experience before becoming POTUS consisted of one partial term as a State Senator and one partial term as a US Senator (who voted 'present' 90% of the time). He has proved to be an unmitigated disaster.

Thailand may not be of great strategic importance but is was willing to be the US's friend if allowed.

Now, tell me which country has better relations with the US since Obama took office. (Please don't say he's better than Geo. Bush because that's like saying he's better than a cow flop)



<deleted> the US,who care what they say or think.

Do you have any understanding of the Thai economy? If you did, you would be concerned about anything that could disrupt access to the US market.

Here's a hint: Thailand exports some of its most profitable exports to the USA and makes a greater profit on those exports than it does on the raw materials it exports to China, only to purchase at a higher cost the finished goods China manufactures.

Thailand needs the USA. The USA does not need Thailand.

The USA need Asia.


US posturing my ass. What it is that is staring this country straight in the eye is that the other countries have have enough of this endless Thai b-ll sh-t. The constant cry's of we are different, we are special have worn thin and are substitutes for we are incompetent and we are inept and we are full of ourselves. This country has absolutely no comprehension on consequence, accountability and integrity.


"In retrospect, Laos proved to be a trustful friend fulfilling all the promises — with some lapses, of course — given to the Abhisit government and literally allowing some breathing room to Thailand in the global arena later on."

"with some lapses, of course" So the Thai goverment expected lapses in the agreement with China. When is a promise not a promise, when it has lapses. Thai diplomacy at it's Thainessness.


The author writes with the typical Thai attitude of a juvenile that wishes to accept no responsibility for their actions.

Thailand's behavior on most of the items mentioned deserves International condemnation for not adhering to norms of acceptable behavior. The comment regarding human trafficking is laughable - who has been prosecuted for what appears to be a well organised and undoubtedly very profitable slave labor ring?

You talk about military purchases but Thailand does not register on the US arms purchase list of customers - the last aircraft Thailand bought were from Sweden and I doubt whether the US is concerned about where Thailand buys its arms, especially as they seem to be used mainly to control the population.

As one commentator pointed out, Thailand needs the US a lot more than the US needs Thailand. Thais need to grow up and act with maturity and compassion, rather than acting like a spoilt brat.


"Despite the mutual desire to improve relations, Washington's continued unwarranted political posturing continues to undermine the Thai government at every turn."

Whereas the Junta's political posturing is warranted?

Regardless of whether political posturing is warranted or not, a nation does not have to give up its right to freedom of expression in its relationship with any other nation. The Junta wouldn't do so, why should the USA? Prayut has adopted the "If you're not with us, you're against" attitude. So be it and deal with the consequences.

If it's one thing a country can expect from any American government, it is confrontation and challenge to its own national security and ideals. Maybe the Junta is frustrated that it can't control that nation's opinions. So go ahead Junta, show the USA that you chose to put the security of your nation into the hands of China and/or Russia. But if the USA decides the Junta is creating a security threat to the USA, the Junta may experience economic and political "difficulties."


Let's face the reality. Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha is not going anywhere soon,

Fifth, Washington has not shown sufficient appreciation of Bangkok's relentless efforts to stabilise the country and move towards democracy.

Which side of his mouth is this guy talking out of???


"Despite the mutual desire to improve relations, Washington's continued unwarranted political posturing continues to undermine the Thai government at every turn."

Whereas the Junta's political posturing is warranted?

Regardless of whether political posturing is warranted or not, a nation does not have to give up its right to freedom of expression in its relationship with any other nation. The Junta wouldn't do so, why should the USA? Prayut has adopted the "If you're not with us, you're against" attitude. So be it and deal with the consequences.

If it's one thing a country can expect from any American government, it is confrontation and challenge to its own national security and ideals. Maybe the Junta is frustrated that it can't control that nation's opinions. So go ahead Junta, show the USA that you chose to put the security of your nation into the hands of China and/or Russia. But if the USA decides the Junta is creating a security threat to the USA, the Junta may experience economic and political "difficulties."

How could Thailand become a security threat to USA if USA don't need Thailand?

OK, so "...the US often offers self-serving comments on issues in its own interest." True enough.

But of course, Thailand, China and Russia never offer self serving comments!! Right.

What injured US-Thai relations was actually coup that overthrew a government elected democratically and by a huge majority. The main opposition party of the ammart has been unable to win an election for about 20 years. And so the Army established what appears to be a total dictatorship, and which appears to be determined to create a government designed to ensure that the ammart will be able to retain power indefinitely. Unfortunate for Thailand from most Western viewpoints.

What Thais generally fail to grasp is that Thailand is a small country, with little economic or strategic interest to most Western countries. New flash: the world does not revolve around Thailand.


yes how dare the US condemn the hooding and handcuffing of refugees forced to go back to China and face their wonderful system of justice? I mean it was a humane and compassionate act! more trash from The Nation

Terrible. But o k to hood and handcuff and force some people to the US where they can enjoy free board and lodging and even waterboarding, All without trial or access to legal representation.

It's wrong, but time all the hypocrisy was stopped. America is not the moral role model of the world, nor beyond immoral and sometimes illegal acts when it suits. Certainly no longer has any moral high ground with which to chastise any other country.


<deleted> the US,who care what they say or think.

It's become very popular to take cheap shots at the U.S. Yes, the current government has become corrupt at an unprecedented rate and there are plenty of targets at which to aim. However, it's still the biggest economy on earth and its decisions create huge ripples around the planet. The very fact we're even posting about it means that we ALL care about what is said or thought.

I am not proud of how 'Merica has turned into a powerful corporatocracy but that fact remains. Taking glib shots do nothing to fix the situation. Noble debate can help spread ideas that CAN be turned into positive action and influence. And, isn't that what we mostly attempt to do here?


OK, so "...the US often offers self-serving comments on issues in its own interest." True enough.

But of course, Thailand, China and Russia never offer self serving comments!! Right.

What injured US-Thai relations was actually coup that overthrew a government elected democratically and by a huge majority. The main opposition party of the ammart has been unable to win an election for about 20 years. And so the Army established what appears to be a total dictatorship, and which appears to be determined to create a government designed to ensure that the ammart will be able to retain power indefinitely. Unfortunate for Thailand from most Western viewpoints.

What Thais generally fail to grasp is that Thailand is a small country, with little economic or strategic interest to most Western countries. New flash: the world does not revolve around Thailand.


America has always acted in America's interests, just like all nations act in their own interests.

Again the old lie about a "huge majority" is trotted out. Keep it up. One day someone might believe it. 48% - wow what a huge majority. clap2.gif

Noticed all the activity on foreign investment, projects and discussions with Western countries since the coup?

Little economic interest - guess you missed the bit about VW then.


<deleted> the US,who care what they say or think.

It's become very popular to take cheap shots at the U.S. Yes, the current government has become corrupt at an unprecedented rate and there are plenty of targets at which to aim. However, it's still the biggest economy on earth and its decisions create huge ripples around the planet. The very fact we're even posting about it means that we ALL care about what is said or thought.

I am not proud of how 'Merica has turned into a powerful corporatocracy but that fact remains. Taking glib shots do nothing to fix the situation. Noble debate can help spread ideas that CAN be turned into positive action and influence. And, isn't that what we mostly attempt to do here?

I am not American - but I would freely admit that America is by far the best country in the world. American people, most IME, are warm, friendly, generous, have a natural sense of justice and fair play and have a work and competitive ethic to be admired. Look at what America and American people have given the world over the last couple of hundred years. Far more positives than negatives.

The criticism is of the government, which like many Western "democracies" seems to be more controlled by the big banks, finance and corporations. And adheres to their agenda not that of the people.


Washington's continued unwarranted political posturing

well that depends on if you think Thailand is respecting human rights and international agreements...

Like it or not, the Thai military is part of the country's political DNA as its evolution has long demonstrated. Washington continues to view the military's intervention as an illegitimate act. Therefore, with this different basic understanding, the two countries will drift further apart.

ah, this poor royalist sap wants to pretend that it is Thailand versus the USA and he ignores the fact that many Thais don't agree with the military being part of the country's political DNA as the author so disingenuously states the situation....



This is this bizarre delusion amongst many of the Thai elite, and a percentage of TVF, that actually believe that Thailand has some unusual strategic advantage to the US.

Well playmates, that ship sailed long time ago, during the Vietnam war and the age of falling domino's in Asia, Thailand was one of the 'useful' regimes in the region. Now I don't think anyone in the White House, State Dept, let alone anyone in Congress actually gives Thailand a second glance. Much more useful to be friends with the current 'useful' regimes; Singapore, Philippines, S. Korea, Japan and ironically..Vietnam. They are the folks who align against the twin threats of DPRK & China. Thailand was never regarded as a reliable fighting partner, military, 'too inwardly focused' to rely on to fight an external threat.

So poisoned it may be, but from the US side, I sincerely doubt anyone cares much.

On a side topic. My gym has for the past several weeks had CCTV4 (tagline, All The News the Party Deems Suitable to See) playing on one of the TV's. Curiously our new BFF doesn't seem to have carried one single story about Thailand on the morning news! How sad we're even ignored my our 'Bestie'


Where do Thai-US relations rank?

Thailand US relations are so far down on the list of importance for US citizens and government, they do not even make a byline. Sadly all US reactions were known in advance, what has happened was no mystery and if something different was expected it was at best; wishful thinking. The Nation writer gets in a snit about things that were known, could have been expected and planned for. Look I am sorry the world does not conform to how you would like it to. Time to pick up your toys and back to your cubicle.

Let’s check online … and see what the US really cares about

Whats all this then with that brit golf thingy ... Twinkies Santana looks good. Nuclear Deal with the Iranians, Religion of Peace in Chattanooga outrage. Trump continues to run amuck, Mexican Drug Lord's Tunnel to freedom, Greece gets greasier for the EU, China bubble deflation scares Wall Street. 3 weeks to start of NFL preseason (Go Squawks!). US and Cuba restore full diplomatic ties ….

Not even registering biggrin.png


"Fifth, Washington has not shown sufficient appreciation of Bangkok's relentless efforts to stabilise the country and move towards democracy." cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

But doncha see, fair or not, the US holds all the aces !


"Fifth, Washington has not shown sufficient appreciation of Bangkok's relentless efforts to stabilise the country and move towards democracy." cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

But doncha see, fair or not, the US holds all the aces !


<deleted> the US,who care what they say or think.

The world certainly doesn't care what European countries say or think. Haven't seen any of their military out there; especially not so great Britain.


"...Washington's continued unwarranted political posturing continues to undermine the Thai government at every turn..."

cheesy.gif This government is doing a great job of that all by themselves.

And if they don't the Army By-God will.


Where do Thai-US relations rank?

Thailand US relations are so far down on the list of importance for US citizens and government, they do not even make a byline. Sadly all US reactions were known in advance, what has happened was no mystery and if something different was expected it was at best; wishful thinking. The Nation writer gets in a snit about things that were known, could have been expected and planned for. Look I am sorry the world does not conform to how you would like it to. Time to pick up your toys and back to your cubicle.

Let’s check online … and see what the US really cares about

Whats all this then with that brit golf thingy ... Twinkies Santana looks good. Nuclear Deal with the Iranians, Religion of Peace in Chattanooga outrage. Trump continues to run amuck, Mexican Drug Lord's Tunnel to freedom, Greece gets greasier for the EU, China bubble deflation scares Wall Street. 3 weeks to start of NFL preseason (Go Squawks!). US and Cuba restore full diplomatic ties ….

Not even registering biggrin.png

biggrin.png I think US-Cuban ties will now suffer being that the US beat hell out of them in soccer. (football to all you not-so-Great countries)


coffee1.gif The US should let China and Russia have Thailand. The US can buy shrimp from Texas/Gulf states like the old days. We will be buying from Vietnamese fishermen, but what the hell, it is almost American!cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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