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Huge Loss Of Face


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why? He is surrounded by his buddies...dictators and tyrants that make up most of the united nations. Did you know that 111 of 181 countries in the U.N. support Iran in the whole nuclear issue? And that most of them think that Hezballah is a political party and that Israel shouldn't exist as a nation. And, most important to Thaskin, they rape their countries raw of money and resources.

It strikes me as an interesting comment on the awareness of foreign politics in US that you don't think your statements are controversial.

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I have to say, although I didn't really like the guy and felt he had to go I do feel kinda sorry for the chap.

Imagine finding out when you're in the full frontal glare of the United nations. I would be gutted and with the Thai concept of face quite possibly suicidal.

Not a nice way to go out.

Yes, poor chap... maybe we should send him some flowers?

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I have to say, although I didn't really like the guy and felt he had to go I do feel kinda sorry for the chap.

Imagine finding out when you're in the full frontal glare of the United nations. I would be gutted and with the Thai concept of face quite possibly suicidal.

Not a nice way to go out.

What about if Taksin had himself planned the coup, along with Sondhi and the big man?

No real loss of face.

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I caught the tail end of this report on Skynews.

Taksin went to get on the Thai aircraft in NY for his flight to London

They said "sorry sir you can't get on"

Taksin said "but i am the prime minister"

They said “sorry sir you aren't PM anymore, you had better take economy class"

Taksin had to fly to London on Virgin airlines

If it’s true then that’s Loss of Face big style

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"....the urban professionals who fought so hard to reclaim their rights to a higher place in the Thai economic food chain."

I was going to make the point that urban professionals have no 'rights' to exploit rural yeomen, but then I drove down to the ATM and a 'siplor' reminded me that 'might is right'!!!

However, the boot will be on the other foot ere long.

The end of cheap oil will alter the urban-rural balance entirely, and a lot of urban professionals will have to come home from the villages to get fed and sheltered, and be given work to do in the fields.

Enrolments for Peasantry 101: please queue on the left.

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The problem with Politicians from all over the world is that they start off with good intentions, do a few things good and then start to beleive that they are untouchable.

In working life, if you don't perform you are out....why do these people time and again hang around for too long? Because, they love the power and prestige and they beleive there own bullshit.How many politicians live on past acheivemnts but in the present do nothing? I can think of one or two.

He's lost face, so what. He had plenty of opportunities to go gracefully, which he could and should of done. That would have probably given him an opportunity to come back at a later date, but he just couldn't do it, and in the end it was purely out of self interest to stay on and fight. It's his own fault. Sorry no, Happy yes.

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What certainty is there that he has lost face? He has been dumped undemocratically, but that may only be temporary.

For most voters, Thaksin was the Prime Minister who did most for them.

In my amphoe, we look at the big hospital extension that has been built, and the way that people come to be outpatients, who would have just suffered in their villages before. And we see money coming in, thanks to OTOP having been organised. And there are a lot of people taking half a dozen cattle out to grazing, who only had a couple before---that is, a 300% increase in productivity.

We contrast that with the naught that Chuan ever did--he wouldn't even talk with the folk from up here who traipsed down to Bangkok to see if things couldn't be arranged a bit fairer.

If the interim government cocks up the economy in the next twelve months (and, remember, putting people in seats at conference tables does nothing to change economically incompetent ones into competent ones) my neighbours will vote for Thaksin again, if he cares to come back.

Just because he was a greedy goose, and a bossy one and ruffled all the feathers of the chattering ducks in Bangkok doesn't mean that my neighbours will lose sight of the fact that he is the only goose they ever had who laid golden eggs for them.

If the choice is between imperfectly-behaved competence and well-behaved incompetents, people with their feet on the ground can be expected to choose the former, not the latter.

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Why did he not step aside in time? He should have known the tables were more and more turned against him.

Because he had no sensitivity, because he could not listen, because he was an autocrat, and last but not least because he had no real friends.

Feel sorry for him? I could imagine better people or objectives to direct your sentiment to.

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you can be sure that toxin knew about the impending coup before he left for globe trotting.

btw there were some serious rallies planned for wednesday remember. had these taken place, the crowds would have confronted each other with serious bloodshed. thats why the army took control, to prevent this appalling prospect. IMHO what a relief

i hope the army keeps to its words and appoints a neutral pm - my bewtting is on that. i also believe it will go a long way to solving the southern unrest - expect to see an end to open hostilities while civilised negotiations take place - sondhi is a muslim and well respected down there.

the farmers arent going anywhere and have to be led by the nose (with money) like buffalos.

And yes it will take a year to patch up loopholes in the constituion and put in place a new electoral system so that such abuse of power cannot occur again.

I have faith and God bless HM

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He could have gone out gracefully he had several chances, but he had to cling to power and insist he was right at all costs. he's lucky the cost wasn't his life. Also he probably knew this was coming.

He didn't have enough common sense to take the money and run.He still has the money but his ego has to be deflated a little. :o:D:D

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the healthcare scheme , whilst far from perfect , was a good start and will hopefully form the foundation of a decent public health service in the future. it may turn out to be his only legacy.

Yes, good idea. Only problem is the level of funding (er ... pretty much none since it started).

Have you had a loved one in a 30 baht hospital?

I have ... I really liked the dogs and cats in the ward (yes, they pissed and shat there) and the complete lack of soap and/or towels/tissues ANYWHERE in the public areas (er ... where the 30 baht patients go).


It was so bad it reminded me of Thatcher.

Yes, come back Thaksin, all is forgiven. You were merely ''misunderstood'' ... (not a robbing, thieving bastard at all).

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Again I will say, that if I had to choose among Thaksin, Blair or Bush to run my business, I would choose Thaksin every time. In fact, I may have asked 20 people who they would choose and most don't answer, they just try to start up another topic. The rest, choose Thaksin.

And every time, Thaksin's brain would interpret that as "run away with your business" :o

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Have you had a loved one in a 30 baht hospital?

.....lack of soap and/or towels/tissues ANYWHERE in the public areas (er ... where the 30 baht patients go).


Lovlier than where they had to go before... and will likely be going again soon. Unlicensed clinics, herbal medicine shops, and probably saddest of all.... those witch doctors who chant and sprinkle you with holy water (for a fee) until you are cured, sick and bitter (whereas you were only sick before), or more likely dead.

That said, on topic: there was certainly a potential for a loss of face, but being out of the country, all immediate family members accounted for, a good portion of their liquid funds safely tucked away... IMO the loss of face would be about on par with one being CEO of a public company being a successful target of a hostile takeover. Yeah, it's a bit embarrassing, but in the end it's just part of the game... and most well know that he and his family will live to the end of their days better and more comfortably than a good majority of the 5 billion folks on earth. It could have been worse.... they could have been rounded up in country.


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