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GOP presidential hopeful Walker signs abortion ban bill


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GOP presidential hopeful Walker signs abortion ban bill

OSHKOSH, Wis. (AP) — Republican Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, one week after launching his bid for the 2016 presidential nomination, signed a bill Monday that outlaws non-emergency abortions at or beyond 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Abortion is a core issue for the conservative Republican base whose support Walker will seek as he tries to stand out in a crowded presidential field that also includes former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and billionaire Donald Trump.

While Walker has a long history of opposing abortions, it's an issue where he could be targeted by rivals: Just nine months ago he ran a television ad during his gubernatorial re-election campaign where he expressed support for a bill that would leave abortion decisions between a woman and her doctor.

Walker's record includes defunding Planned Parenthood; requiring abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals, a law currently blocked by a federal court judge; and requiring women to have ultrasounds and be shown images of the fetus before having an abortion.

Walker last year, during his re-election campaign, refused to say last year whether he would support a 20-week abortion ban.

But in the face of questions from anti-abortion conservatives over his commitment to the issue in the light of the campaign ad, Walker in March came out in support of the 20-week abortion ban.

"The truth is that Scott Walker lied to Wisconsin voters when he was elected governor after saying that abortion is between a woman and her doctor," said Sasha Bruce with NARAL Pro-Choice America, a leading abortion rights advocacy group. "Now, in an effort to win the votes of the extreme base of the Republican Party, Walker has traded the health and well-being of women and families to score cheap political points."

The governor's signature makes Wisconsin the 15th state to pass similar bans. There is no exception for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest.

The new law — which cleared the Legislature without any Democratic support — is expected to be challenged in court. Walker, speaking with reporters after the bill signing, said he was confident it would survive any legal challenge, calling the five-month ban a "reasonable standard."

"For people, regardless of where they might stand, when an unborn child can feel pain I think most people feel it's appropriate to protect that child," Walker said.

But Kaylie Hanson, speaking for the Democratic National Committee, said the new law was nothing more than a "timely favor" for the Republican base days after Walker joined the presidential race.

"The harsh reality is that this law will hurt women, as it puts up barriers to care for rape and incest survivors - no exceptions - and threatens the health of the mother," Hanson said in a statement. "This law doesn't only undermine the most basic women's health services. It's radical, dangerous, and lacks respect for half the population of Wisconsin."

Bans on abortion after 20 weeks are popular, at least on the surface. A Quinnipiac University poll conducted in November of 2014 found that 6 in 10 Americans support banning abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, except in cases of rape or incest.

On the other hand, a 2012 CNN/ORC poll found the vast majority of Americans — more than 8 in 10 — said abortion should be legal in cases of rape or incest.

An Associated Press-GfK poll conducted in January and February found that 51 percent of Americans think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 45 percent think it should be illegal in most or all cases.

Under the new Wisconsin law, doctors who perform an abortion at or after 20 weeks in non-emergency situations could be charged with a felony punishable by up to $10,000 in fines and 3½ years in prison. Doctors could also be sued for damages.

Doctors would be allowed to perform abortions beyond 20 weeks only if the mother is likely to die or suffer irreversible injuries within 24 hours.

The law's supporters say fetuses can feel pain after 20 weeks. They say the ban will spare those unborn children an excruciatingly painful death. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, however, says fetuses can't feel pain until the third trimester starts at 27 weeks. Minority Democrats have complained that Republicans should leave women alone and let them decide how to handle their own bodies.

Abortions after 20 weeks are rare in Wisconsin. According to the most recent state Department of Health Services information, 89 of nearly 6,500 abortions performed in Wisconsin in 2013, or roughly 1 percent, occurred after the 20-week mark.

The U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision established a nationwide right to abortion but allowed states to restrict the procedures after the fetus reaches viability, the point where it could survive outside the womb. The ruling offered no legal definition of viability but said it could range from the 24th to 28th week of pregnancy.

Courts have blocked bans in Georgia, Idaho and Arizona. Litigation in other states is ongoing. A federal appellate court in May struck down Arkansas' ban on abortions after the 12th week of pregnancy if a doctor can detect a fetal heartbeat, finding that prohibition unconstitutionally burdens women.

Bauer reported from Madison, Wisconsin. Associated Press news survey specialist Emily Swanson contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-07-21

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Every woman, every gay, every black, every Latino, every Transgender...who votes Republican, may also put a gun in his /her mouth straight away and blow their head off!

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Every woman, every gay, every black, every Latino, every Transgender...who votes Republican, may also put a gun in his /her mouth straight away and blow their head off!

And makes under $300k a year, isn't paranoid, doesn't believe everyone should be packing a gun, isn't racist, believe in diplomacy instead of war, that the hungry should be fed, the homeless should be housed, returning soldiers deserve assistance, that torture should never be used, that climate change is real and should be addressed, that the rich should not receive tax breaks, that corporations are not people, etc, etc, etc.

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Each Republican of the Gone Old Party that is running for the prez nomination has already irreparably isolated himself from everyone except the crowd clamoring for more guns, no gays, lotsa grits and more gravy, the Confederacy, teabags, the gods of war, and the very white male off center right who see only a gender card in their already black and brown future.

The good news is that there aren't enough of 'em any more to add up to a win. Going in to this election the Baby Boomer right had already lost decisively on all of their issues of a lifetime, and on all fronts with no end of it in sight.


Gone with the wind.

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Abortion is murder. Good on Scott Walker.

According to the OP, 20% of Americans don't want to allow abortion in cases of rape and incest.

That's a relatively large number of heartless religious nutters who care not about the woman involved.

When G Dubbya Bush was asked about his thoughts on Rowe vs Wade, he replied "Row, wade, swim...I don't care, they just have to get out of New Orleans." This was during the Katrina crisis, so we can't blame him too much for it.

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Abortion is murder. Good on Scott Walker.

According to the OP, 20% of Americans don't want to allow abortion in cases of rape and incest.

That's a relatively large number of heartless religious nutters who care not about the woman involved.

When G Dubbya Bush was asked about his thoughts on Rowe vs Wade, he replied "Row, wade, swim...I don't care, they just have to get out of New Orleans." This was during the Katrina crisis, so we can't blame him too much for it.

Wow! Comedy is not your forte. Tell you what; cut out your eye, I mean it is only a collection of cells. Right?

Despite your ignoramic comment about George Bush, you do know that Roe vs Wade did not allow abortions?

Aborting an unborn child is murder. To put abortion in perspective for you personally; if abortion is so categorically a 'right,' why did your parents allow you to live if abortion was an option?

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Abortion is murder. Good on Scott Walker.

According to the OP, 20% of Americans don't want to allow abortion in cases of rape and incest.

That's a relatively large number of heartless religious nutters who care not about the woman involved.

When G Dubbya Bush was asked about his thoughts on Rowe vs Wade, he replied "Row, wade, swim...I don't care, they just have to get out of New Orleans." This was during the Katrina crisis, so we can't blame him too much for it.

As is now the case with Blundering Barry Obama, Tiny George II was never very good on his feet. Regardless, as long as you are not pumped full of church doctrine, it is very clear that abortion within the first two months is not only not murder, but it is a morally correct decision for the woman, under a large variety of circumstances. It is her body, and the fetus is not well formed yet. After two months, it is a whole different argument, religious or not. In the case of rape, I would be very comfortable extending that out another month or two, as the circumstances are exceptional. It is traumatic enough for a woman to have to endure rape. Can you imagine having to face the baby of the rapist on a daily basis?

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Each Republican of the Gone Old Party that is running for the prez nomination has already irreparably isolated himself from everyone except the crowd clamoring for more guns, no gays, lotsa grits and more gravy, the Confederacy, teabags, the gods of war, and the very white male off center right who see only a gender card in their already black and brown future.

The good news is that there aren't enough of 'em any more to add up to a win. Going in to this election the Baby Boomer right had already lost decisively on all of their issues of a lifetime, and on all fronts with no end of it in sight.


Gone with the wind.

True. Amazing that Walker wants to bring back into the spotlight an issue that will crucify the GOP in the general election. The far right sees abortion as murder, everyone else sees it as a women's rights issue. "Everyone else" outnumbers the far right every time.

The irony is that there is one block of voters who might be sympathetic on this particular issue--the largely Catholic Hispanic folks. So what's the GOP's stance on immigration? Oh nevermind.

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Abortion is murder. Good on Scott Walker.

Righteous old conservative white men don't get to decide what women can do with their bodies. I know that's hard to grasp, but try and deal with it. That battle has been fought and won and there ain't going to be any more back alley butchers performing abortions. Well...except inTexas. sad.png

Hypocrisy rules Republicans, they know it and they don't care. This is a political party that allows the actual absurdly high murder rate to always be rising with their stance on guns and more guns. Yet, they try and use "murder" to justify their archaic abortion stance. sad.png

Republicans are concerned about zygotes, embryos and fetuses, but have always hated the mother. It's been shown that a woman would be more likely to carry a baby to term, but is afraid of the medical costs that Republicans are dead set against. They also don't want contraceptives available or even to let young people know about sex. Mai kajai???

There is no logic for Republicans, only dogma.

Walker is another great candidate for the democrats to run against. Actually, any of them will do. It doesn't matter. gigglem.gif

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Walker Schmalker.

I hope we get a new thread about JOHN KASICH.

Now that is a man who could definitely beat Hillary.

Of course he's plenty right wing, very right wing actually, but he packages his message in a very positive way.

That would definitely play with the SWING VOTERS and of course he would take Ohio, a vital state.

Edited by Jingthing
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I'd suppose that for those who think that abortion is murder, it's all or nothing. If that's the conviction, then setting a 20 week limit is nonsensical. It's not as if murder is better if done sooner rather than later. Setting a 20 week limit seems like an admission that in this difficult issue there are degrees propriety to be dealt with. Otherwise, it would have to be an all out prohibition on any and all abortions. Anything less is a clear, callow,and reckless caving in to political expediency at the expense of deeply held values. Thank you Mr. Walker for showing your true colors.

Do you have a right to evict an uninvited guest from your house even if that uninvited guest will surely die if so ejected? (Body/house).

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Walker Schmalker.

I hope we get a new thread about JOHN KASICH.

Now that is a man who could definitely beat Hillary.

Of course he's plenty right wing, very right wing actually, but he packages his message in a very positive way.

That would definitely play with the SWING VOTERS and of course he would take Ohio, a vital state.

The new thread about Kasich is already here.


Another thread for lib progs to vent their collective venom at anything conservative.

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Abortion is murder. Good on Scott Walker.

According to the OP, 20% of Americans don't want to allow abortion in cases of rape and incest.

That's a relatively large number of heartless religious nutters who care not about the woman involved.

When G Dubbya Bush was asked about his thoughts on Rowe vs Wade, he replied "Row, wade, swim...I don't care, they just have to get out of New Orleans." This was during the Katrina crisis, so we can't blame him too much for it.

Wow! Comedy is not your forte. Tell you what; cut out your eye, I mean it is only a collection of cells. Right?

Despite your ignoramic comment about George Bush, you do know that Roe vs Wade did not allow abortions?

Aborting an unborn child is murder. To put abortion in perspective for you personally; if abortion is so categorically a 'right,' why did your parents allow you to live if abortion was an option?

....probably in your case because your parents were unfortunately misinformed about the law (assuming that you were born after Roe Vs Wade), unless of course it was a religious conviction.

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Abortion is murder. Good on Scott Walker.

According to the OP, 20% of Americans don't want to allow abortion in cases of rape and incest.

That's a relatively large number of heartless religious nutters who care not about the woman involved.

When G Dubbya Bush was asked about his thoughts on Rowe vs Wade, he replied "Row, wade, swim...I don't care, they just have to get out of New Orleans." This was during the Katrina crisis, so we can't blame him too much for it.

When G Dubbya Bush was asked about his thoughts on Rowe vs Wade, he replied "Row, wade, swim...I don't care, they just have to get out of New Orleans." This was during the Katrina crisis, so we can't blame him too much for it.

How about providing a link to this quotation you are citing.

You're using it as a direct quote, note your quotation marks, and I really don't believe he said it.

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I'd suppose that for those who think that abortion is murder, it's all or nothing. If that's the conviction, then setting a 20 week limit is nonsensical. It's not as if murder is better if done sooner rather than later. Setting a 20 week limit seems like an admission that in this difficult issue there are degrees propriety to be dealt with. Otherwise, it would have to be an all out prohibition on any and all abortions. Anything less is a clear, callow,and reckless caving in to political expediency at the expense of deeply held values. Thank you Mr. Walker for showing your true colors.

Exactly. I can never get an anti-abortionist to explain this one to me. If they really believe that abortion is murder, then they can't possibly agree to abortion under any circumstance, including rape and incest. Saying that it's for political expediency or that it's "better than nothing" doesn't cut it. Another example of how the far right is morally inconsistent.

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Abortion is murder. Good on Scott Walker.

According to the OP, 20% of Americans don't want to allow abortion in cases of rape and incest.

That's a relatively large number of heartless religious nutters who care not about the woman involved.

When G Dubbya Bush was asked about his thoughts on Rowe vs Wade, he replied "Row, wade, swim...I don't care, they just have to get out of New Orleans." This was during the Katrina crisis, so we can't blame him too much for it.

Wow! Comedy is not your forte. Tell you what; cut out your eye, I mean it is only a collection of cells. Right?

Despite your ignoramic comment about George Bush, you do know that Roe vs Wade did not allow abortions?

Aborting an unborn child is murder. To put abortion in perspective for you personally; if abortion is so categorically a 'right,' why did your parents allow you to live if abortion was an option?

....probably in your case because your parents were unfortunately misinformed about the law (assuming that you were born after Roe Vs Wade), unless of course it was a religious conviction.

Since I've read the ruling and subsequent rulings, acts, bills, laws, etc., please explain how I am misinformed. In a nutshell, the Supreme Court threw it back to the states. Since most liberals don't seem to understand judicial rulings, I'll let your weak attempt at lawyerin' slide.

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I'd suppose that for those who think that abortion is murder, it's all or nothing. If that's the conviction, then setting a 20 week limit is nonsensical. It's not as if murder is better if done sooner rather than later. Setting a 20 week limit seems like an admission that in this difficult issue there are degrees propriety to be dealt with. Otherwise, it would have to be an all out prohibition on any and all abortions. Anything less is a clear, callow,and reckless caving in to political expediency at the expense of deeply held values. Thank you Mr. Walker for showing your true colors.

Exactly. I can never get an anti-abortionist to explain this one to me. If they really believe that abortion is murder, then they can't possibly agree to abortion under any circumstance, including rape and incest. Saying that it's for political expediency or that it's "better than nothing" doesn't cut it. Another example of how the far right is morally inconsistent.

Could you be any more morally ambiguous? As a man, Walker has his personal convictions, as a governor, he has a job to perform. Are you really that naive?

But, I throw it back at you. Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? Anytime, anyplace, anywhere? So you as well become morally inconsistent.

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I'd suppose that for those who think that abortion is murder, it's all or nothing. If that's the conviction, then setting a 20 week limit is nonsensical. It's not as if murder is better if done sooner rather than later. Setting a 20 week limit seems like an admission that in this difficult issue there are degrees propriety to be dealt with. Otherwise, it would have to be an all out prohibition on any and all abortions. Anything less is a clear, callow,and reckless caving in to political expediency at the expense of deeply held values. Thank you Mr. Walker for showing your true colors.

Do you have a right to evict an uninvited guest from your house even if that uninvited guest will surely die if so ejected? (Body/house).

Yes, I do have that right. Do I have a moral responsibility to help him/her? Yes. As far as moral ambiguity goes, try this; if I let said him/her stay, but it will kill me then what? Me? He/she would stay.

As to your first paragraph see my previous answer.

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I'd suppose that for those who think that abortion is murder, it's all or nothing. If that's the conviction, then setting a 20 week limit is nonsensical. It's not as if murder is better if done sooner rather than later. Setting a 20 week limit seems like an admission that in this difficult issue there are degrees propriety to be dealt with. Otherwise, it would have to be an all out prohibition on any and all abortions. Anything less is a clear, callow,and reckless caving in to political expediency at the expense of deeply held values. Thank you Mr. Walker for showing your true colors.

Exactly. I can never get an anti-abortionist to explain this one to me. If they really believe that abortion is murder, then they can't possibly agree to abortion under any circumstance, including rape and incest. Saying that it's for political expediency or that it's "better than nothing" doesn't cut it. Another example of how the far right is morally inconsistent.

Could you be any more morally ambiguous? As a man, Walker has his personal convictions, as a governor, he has a job to perform. Are you really that naive?

But, I throw it back at you. Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? Anytime, anyplace, anywhere? So you as well become morally inconsistent.

This is not a "liberals" issue. It's a women's rights issue. Why men, like Walker, are even talking about this is the epitome of male chauvinism.

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I'd suppose that for those who think that abortion is murder, it's all or nothing. If that's the conviction, then setting a 20 week limit is nonsensical. It's not as if murder is better if done sooner rather than later. Setting a 20 week limit seems like an admission that in this difficult issue there are degrees propriety to be dealt with. Otherwise, it would have to be an all out prohibition on any and all abortions. Anything less is a clear, callow,and reckless caving in to political expediency at the expense of deeply held values. Thank you Mr. Walker for showing your true colors.

Exactly. I can never get an anti-abortionist to explain this one to me. If they really believe that abortion is murder, then they can't possibly agree to abortion under any circumstance, including rape and incest. Saying that it's for political expediency or that it's "better than nothing" doesn't cut it. Another example of how the far right is morally inconsistent.

Could you be any more morally ambiguous? As a man, Walker has his personal convictions, as a governor, he has a job to perform. Are you really that naive?

But, I throw it back at you. Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? Anytime, anyplace, anywhere? So you as well become morally inconsistent.

The old "I know you are but what am I" argument. Brilliant! Again, Republicans know they're full of shit, they don't care. Dogma trumps all else.

Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? That's your throwback? What are talking about? Republicans are passing laws to prevent abortion, Democrats don't get to hold out for what they want. It's being forced down their throats by the ideologues.

Scott Walker has his personal convictions. The Koch brothers told him what they were. He's far too stupid to get elected President, but would be perfect representing the GOP as its candidate. It doesn't really matter.

I wish him the best of luck. I'm pulling for him.

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I'd suppose that for those who think that abortion is murder, it's all or nothing. If that's the conviction, then setting a 20 week limit is nonsensical. It's not as if murder is better if done sooner rather than later. Setting a 20 week limit seems like an admission that in this difficult issue there are degrees propriety to be dealt with. Otherwise, it would have to be an all out prohibition on any and all abortions. Anything less is a clear, callow,and reckless caving in to political expediency at the expense of deeply held values. Thank you Mr. Walker for showing your true colors.

Exactly. I can never get an anti-abortionist to explain this one to me. If they really believe that abortion is murder, then they can't possibly agree to abortion under any circumstance, including rape and incest. Saying that it's for political expediency or that it's "better than nothing" doesn't cut it. Another example of how the far right is morally inconsistent.

Could you be any more morally ambiguous? As a man, Walker has his personal convictions, as a governor, he has a job to perform. Are you really that naive?

But, I throw it back at you. Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? Anytime, anyplace, anywhere? So you as well become morally inconsistent.

This is not a "liberals" issue. It's a women's rights issue. Why men, like Walker, are even talking about this is the epitome of male chauvinism.

You are very close with the male chauvinism claim. The issue is convenience for liberal males and their inability to be responsible.

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This is just something to ponder. The number of American babies killed by abortion each year is roughly equal to the number of U.S. military deaths that have occurred in all of the wars that the United States has ever been involved in combined. Good for Governor Walker for stepping up to the plate and doing the right thing.

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I'd suppose that for those who think that abortion is murder, it's all or nothing. If that's the conviction, then setting a 20 week limit is nonsensical. It's not as if murder is better if done sooner rather than later. Setting a 20 week limit seems like an admission that in this difficult issue there are degrees propriety to be dealt with. Otherwise, it would have to be an all out prohibition on any and all abortions. Anything less is a clear, callow,and reckless caving in to political expediency at the expense of deeply held values. Thank you Mr. Walker for showing your true colors.

Exactly. I can never get an anti-abortionist to explain this one to me. If they really believe that abortion is murder, then they can't possibly agree to abortion under any circumstance, including rape and incest. Saying that it's for political expediency or that it's "better than nothing" doesn't cut it. Another example of how the far right is morally inconsistent.

Could you be any more morally ambiguous? As a man, Walker has his personal convictions, as a governor, he has a job to perform. Are you really that naive?

But, I throw it back at you. Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? Anytime, anyplace, anywhere? So you as well become morally inconsistent.

The old "I know you are but what am I" argument. Brilliant! Again, Republicans know they're full of shit, they don't care. Dogma trumps all else.

Why didn't the liberals hold out for abortion on demand? That's your throwback? What are talking about? Republicans are passing laws to prevent abortion, Democrats don't get to hold out for what they want. It's being forced down their throats by the ideologues.

Scott Walker has his personal convictions. The Koch brothers told him what they were. He's far too stupid to get elected President, but would be perfect representing the GOP as its candidate. It doesn't really matter.

I wish him the best of luck. I'm pulling for him.

I guess answering the question isn't something you can do.

When liberals get backed into a debating corner, they always start lying like you just did with your comment that governor Walker needed the Koch brothers (who have little say in the Republican party) to set his moral compass. Unless you have evidence to the contrary, you lied.

You are making statements you cannot and do not defend. Abortion is the act of killing an unborn child. Answer the question.

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