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Forum raises questions about legal boundaries on the Net

Lite Beer

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I sometimes press LIKE even when I do not agree with the message. I am someone who can appreciate a well thought out and well written commentary, even if I disagree with the content. I guess I should not do that any more.

Especially on an Ipad or just not concentrating; it is very easy to press "like" without meaning to.

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I just hope that they don't start trying to interpret foreigners speaking about sensitive issues like the Junta or the monarchy. Surely Thais do not comprehend sarcasm and jokes nor do they understand criticism is not talking bad about someone or something.

TV is checked on a daily basis, sometime more,

I doubt you actually know, more a guess I'd say.

Unless you're working in that govt department, you're speculating.

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I just hope that they don't start trying to interpret foreigners speaking about sensitive issues like the Junta or the monarchy. Surely Thais do not comprehend sarcasm and jokes nor do they understand criticism is not talking bad about someone or something.

Actually, I have found that many Thai's that I am aquainted with

can be quite sarcastic, and fully understand the concept among

themselves as well as from falang as long as the proper translation

applies smile.png

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"Freedom of Expression" does not really exist in a military government...suppression of opposition is foremost on the minds of those in unelected power...

Take for example: expressing one's disappointment with the ruling family...arrest would be considered medieval in most of the civilized world...yet it is used to control people's conversation by offering jail time if found guilty...anyone can accuse another of this infraction...easy to put away opponents...

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years ago i started a tread on this forum pointing out that everything you post on the web will be attributed to you at some point in the future and will be available for all to see . It already is by the US government. The thread was locked right away by the mods. Many people seem to think this is a joke. Are you posting on this forum from in Thailand? whistling.gif

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Thais will never understand how foreigners vent to release their feelings.

There's a whole industry dedicated to foreigners releasing their feelings.

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"Freedom of Expression" does not really exist in a military government...

That is pure poppycock. Everyone is free to express themselves, Yes, Sir. No, Sir.

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yep thats right ..... beyond belief ..... only people with somwthing to hide act like this ..... just goe's to show how a mature government thailand has .... next there be saying you cant fart in public places ........bah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif ...its all becoming rather silly now ..... move forward thailand ..... ok but how ...???

"The forum also debated whether clicking "Like" on a Facebook posting might violate the Computer Crimes Act, and whether it equals a violation of the lese majeste law. There was no consensus on this matter despite an earlier police warning saying both violations were equal crimes."

Beyond belief. ph34r.png

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I sometimes press LIKE even when I do not agree with the message. I am someone who can appreciate a well thought out and well written commentary, even if I disagree with the content. I guess I should not do that any more.

Are you mad? This isn't MySpace. You don't just go off half-cocked clicking "LIKE" on Facebook. Did you really not "LIKE" that your co-worker "rescued" their 23rd cat? Is your "LIKE" any less useful to sufferers of breast cancer than donations that fund research into treatments and cures?

The Facebook "LIKE" button comes with serious responsibilities. If one goes off all willy nilly liking things on Facebook anarchy can't be far behind.

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yep thats right ..... beyond belief ..... only people with somwthing to hide act like this ..... just goe's to show how a mature government thailand has .... next there be saying you cant fart in public places ........bah.gifbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif ...its all becoming rather silly now ..... move forward thailand ..... ok but how ...???

"The forum also debated whether clicking "Like" on a Facebook posting might violate the Computer Crimes Act, and whether it equals a violation of the lese majeste law. There was no consensus on this matter despite an earlier police warning saying both violations were equal crimes."

Beyond belief. ph34r.png

First they came for the nose pickers, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a nose picker.

Then they came for those that stop at the top of escalators, and I did not speak out—

Because I did not block escalators.

Then they came for the people who stand right in front of the doors to the BTS blocking people exiting the train, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a door blocker.

Then they came for public farters—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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Sounds like Nazism.

I'd rather call it China-ism

With a splash of north Koreaism

With a splash of un-realism

Some of the proclamations are so absurd (in 2015) that they reek of Monty Python.

Who knows - perhaps in 5 years' time, there will be a sketch entitled The Thai Inquisition.

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What they call legal the world takes a dim view.

So called criticism made abroad - or liking a FB page of say Thaksin kissing his sister ...is going to unravel the Junta if they pressure westerners.

Facing a tier report today of most likely no change might make them get even worse .

So we haven't gone too bad here.( yet)

But when sanctions appear as likely ....it might get far more draconian .

Even taxing westerners to make up the short fall......

Though I remind the reader it is a military government best let the Americans running the free world deal with them.

Not us

Edited by Plutojames88
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Says quite a lot about what issues are of concern to us, in that as of this moment this thread has 38/39 posts while the one over two bars being shut down has over 217.

OMG what two bars?

Mars and Snickers.

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Moving backwards again Thailand. Why would anyone outside locals invest here is beyond me.

Archaic at best.

Thailand is still my go to destination in the winters, but I'm seriously considering their neighbors.

What next? Not allowing bars to sell alcohol with 300 metres from schools.

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What they call legal the world takes a dim view.

So called criticism made abroad - or liking a FB page of say Thaksin kissing his sister ...is going to unravel the Junta if they pressure westerners.

Facing a tier report today of most likely no change might make them get even worse .

So we haven't gone too bad here.( yet)

But when sanctions appear as likely ....it might get far more draconian .

Even taxing westerners to make up the short fall......

Though I remind the reader it is a military government best let the Americans running the free world deal with them.

Not us

Perfect droll ! smile.png
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Your answer clearly shows who you are...

Before using names, try to learn a bit about them. May be too demanding, I know...


Just 2 questions:

Do you know what you are talking about?

Did you have to deal with nazism?


Sounds like Nazism.

No I didn't.
Do I care if you did? No.
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Says quite a lot about what issues are of concern to us, in that as of this moment this thread has 38/39 posts while the one over two bars being shut down has over 217.

..or most folks are reluctant to comment on a non-freedom of speech topic.

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"Freedom of Expression" has NEVER existed here in the same sense that it does in true democracies. There is no pretense here of BEING a democracy. It has always been rule from the top down with a facade of representation. Thais do not understand or accept "freedom of speech" anymore than the leadership of China. Defamation and Lese Majeste charges can destroy normal human beings. The recent case of "Uncle SMS" is a sterling example. There is every reason to believe that the Thai gentleman who died in prison did not even know how to send an S-M-S. That certainly didn't keep him out of the monkey house.

"Freedom of Expression" does not really exist in a military government...suppression of opposition is foremost on the minds of those in unelected power...

Take for example: expressing one's disappointment with the ruling family...arrest would be considered medieval in most of the civilized world...yet it is used to control people's conversation by offering jail time if found guilty...anyone can accuse another of this infraction...easy to put away opponents...

Edited by Jools
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