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Education ministry setting up center to push for Thailand as education hub

Lite Beer

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Leave the job to Singapore....please. Why on earth would any other country in Asean adopt any policies/curriculum developed in Thailand. The problem for Thailand would be for its students to adopt the work ethic of Singaporean kids.

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Any country which has a "Major General" as the education spokesman will have the rest of planet earth laughing for a start.

Nearly as funny as changing your Minister of Education so regularly that nothing can get done - apart apparently from lots of procurement scams!

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Thailand will become the education hub of the AEC. Is there something wrong with his logic? Wealthy parents will pay through the nose to get their kids PISA scores on a par with Thai students - i.e. the lowest in SE Asia? Are Singaporean schools now quaking in their boots at the thought of this new formidable competitor? Are Gen Prayut and Maj Gen Sansern shining examples of the products of Thai education that can be used on marketing trips to promote this new concept?

Maybe an undergraduate course could be offered, how to not become a patsy for the Thai Mafia police and the politicians on their payroll.

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It's impossible not to do the usual Thai bashing with such ridiculous announcements...

At least they are very consistent. It must be on each official road map:

- Make fake polls

- Cover the truth at any cost

- Create a hub every few weeks

- Finger point at Burmese or Khmer for all problems

- Farangs cannot understand

- Thailand does not need any assistance

What you seems about right. It's sad indeed but in Thailand, the political benefit comes from the announcement not the delivery, becaus Thais have a very short span of attention.

For example, the HIV cure announced a while ago by a Thai hospital (I think it was the one that the ridiculous 'ribbish collector manages). Of course it was commplete BS and had no credibilioty whatsoever outside of Thailand, but among Thais it created the desired imp[ression that Thailand is at the front-line of medical research. Mucg street cred among Thais who know not excrement from clay.

Hence completely nonsensical statements like TL being an "education hub" despite having one of the worst performing education systems in the world.

As someone else here said "Dear God, please make it stop".

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Any country which has a "Major General" as the education spokesman will have the rest of planet earth laughing for a start.

Not just a "Major General" but very likely a very model of a Modern Major General.

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Any country which has a "Major General" as the education spokesman will have the rest of planet earth laughing for a start.

Nearly as funny as changing your Minister of Education so regularly that nothing can get done - apart apparently from lots of procurement scams!

Or being gullible enough to think that's not still going on, but on a vastly increased scale. The pilfering of public coffers is a military art-form that no other body in TL comes close to. Have a little hunt in offshore news (not in Thai media) about what's happening right now 4G spectrums.

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Well, the problem is that the PISA exams in which Thailand lags significantly do not test singing of the National Anthem and marching. If they did Thailand would be among one of the top countries in the world.

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Makes you despair that they actually put this out in the public domain as it is bloody embarrassing, are the powers that be really so naive and do the Thais actually believe any of it....

yeah, they believe it, and what's more they swallow it hook line and sinker..thats the sad part..

Not really suprising, when in their own education system they can freely omit any mention of accurate world history..and replace it with a Thai friendly version of many wars they won, people conquered etc.

One must think that this seriously deluded concept of them being the supposed hub of education will actually be thing that hangs them by the neck, once they are measured up against international standards

It holds just about as much weight as the Thai justice system being called the hub of all is whats proper and correct.

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Well, the problem is that the PISA exams in which Thailand lags significantly do not test singing of the National Anthem and marching. If they did Thailand would be among one of the top countries in the world.

And don't forget the recital of the 12 values!

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Why would a plan be to educate foreign kids in Thai schools. The class sizes are already crazy

Although I realise I may be stretching things a bit, it could be that someone with a

thought towards the future ASEAN/AEC prospects of parents arriving (from surrounding

countries) will no doubt have children that need an education. Yes, I agree that the

classrooms are already monstrously overcrowded, nevertheless, it remains that the

possibility of an even greater influx of students lies in the mix.

I know, I know ... but I did mention ... "I may be stretching thing a bit" .. Mea Culpa rolleyes.gif

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