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Obama calls GOP criticism of Iran deal 'ridiculous' 'sad'

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Your logic is not that good.

Neither is yours. I have no doubt that that you have no problem with him being an anti-Semite, but he is also a racist, homophobic conspiracy theory wacko.

Just Google his magazines for plenty of evidence. That does not bother you either?

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Your logic is not that good.

Neither is yours. I have no doubt that that you have no problem with him being an anti-Semite, but he is also a racist, homophobic conspiracy theory wacko.

Just Google his magazines for plenty of evidence. That does not bother you either?

With regards to his opinion on Irans behaviour in the region that I read?



On Huckabee's rhetoric, he's doing it to get attention and his core base is Christian fundamentalists. Even though Iran is a threat to the existence of the Jewish state of Israel, his style of rhetoric is not something that most American Jews would endorse as evidenced by the condemnation of his comment by the Anti-defamation League. It's just too much, too literally inflammatory, and also keep in mind the vast majority of American Jews vote democrat and that will remain true in the next election as well.


A right wing Israeli response to Huckabee that makes a lot of sense.

Support of Israel from right wing American Christian fundamentalists is much appreciated, but that kind of rhetoric, not so much.

Of course it wasn't for the Israeli audience ... it was because the Huck is desperate to revive his weak presidential campaign.

It won't work. That's good.


"Respected Mr. Huckabee: nobody marches the Jews to ovens anymore," Katz stated. "To this end we established the State of Israel and the IDF; and, if need be, we will know how to defend ourselves, by ourselves."

Your logic is not that good.

Neither is yours. I have no doubt that that you have no problem with him being an anti-Semite, but he is also a racist, homophobic conspiracy theory wacko.

Just Google his magazines for plenty of evidence. That does not bother you either?

I dont think you can ever cast aspersions on anyone after your comments on the other thread that Palestinian stown throwers deserved to be beaten and have their arms broken.

You can never ever have the high ground in your comments again.


Whether you like it or not, by far the majority of people that come out with this tripe about Obama hating America are rabid, right wing racists.

The whole "racist" line is slander and on the same lines of saying anyone who finds fault with the corrupt slumlord from Chicago must be a Fox News fanatic.

He's been far more cooperative with the dictators/thieves/murderers of countries like Iran and PRC, even the corrupt gov't of Mexico, than with the right-wing at home. That's 150 million Americans.


Whether you like it or not, by far the majority of people that come out with this tripe about Obama hating America are rabid, right wing racists.

The whole "racist" line is slander and on the same lines of saying anyone who finds fault with the corrupt slumlord from Chicago must be a Fox News fanatic.

He's been far more cooperative with the dictators/thieves/murderers of countries like Iran and PRC, even the corrupt gov't of Mexico, than with the right-wing at home. That's 150 million Americans.

And frankly that comment is farcical; the GOP have had it in for him from day one, and have balked him at every move.

You ever wonder why almost 75% disapprove of Congress and only 47% disapprove of Obama?


Whether you like it or not, by far the majority of people that come out with this tripe about Obama hating America are rabid, right wing racists.

The whole "racist" line is slander and on the same lines of saying anyone who finds fault with the corrupt slumlord from Chicago must be a Fox News fanatic.

He's been far more cooperative with the dictators/thieves/murderers of countries like Iran and PRC, even the corrupt gov't of Mexico, than with the right-wing at home. That's 150 million Americans.

And frankly that comment is farcical; the GOP have had it in for him from day one, and have balked him at every move.

You ever wonder why almost 75% disapprove of Congress and only 47% disapprove of Obama?

Obama and his cohorts in the senate, Reid and Pelosi, poisoned the water in the first two years of his administration.

Nobody on the other side of the aisle "balked" him during the first two years. He got everything he wanted.



Whether you like it or not, by far the majority of people that come out with this tripe about Obama hating America are rabid, right wing racists.

The whole "racist" line is slander and on the same lines of saying anyone who finds fault with the corrupt slumlord from Chicago must be a Fox News fanatic.

He's been far more cooperative with the dictators/thieves/murderers of countries like Iran and PRC, even the corrupt gov't of Mexico, than with the right-wing at home. That's 150 million Americans.

And frankly that comment is farcical; the GOP have had it in for him from day one, and have balked him at every move.

You ever wonder why almost 75% disapprove of Congress and only 47% disapprove of Obama?

Obama and his cohorts in the senate, Reid and Pelosi, poisoned the water in the first two years of his administration.

Nobody on the other side of the aisle "balked" him during the first two years. He got everything he wanted.


Republicans were moribund during Prez Obama's first two years and never recovered after that, despite temporary electoral successes in off-year elections which also will be reversed, coming soon.

The failed right is now staring the Obama legacy in the face to include the globally respected Iran deal.

Republicans are crying in their beer while the farthest right cry themselves to sleep.


Republicans now control both the House and Senate. Off-year elections are indicators of the sitting party's status with the American people. But, the leftists here forget their claim that Obamas' first off-year election was their celebration of him. Try not to be too hypocritical..

What is ridiculously sad is Obama waiting 6 years to do anything on the international stage. Obamas' legacy will be, "I wasn't as bad as Carter!"


Whether you like it or not, by far the majority of people that come out with this tripe about Obama hating America are rabid, right wing racists.

The whole "racist" line is slander and on the same lines of saying anyone who finds fault with the corrupt slumlord from Chicago must be a Fox News fanatic.

He's been far more cooperative with the dictators/thieves/murderers of countries like Iran and PRC, even the corrupt gov't of Mexico, than with the right-wing at home. That's 150 million Americans.

And frankly that comment is farcical; the GOP have had it in for him from day one, and have balked him at every move.

You ever wonder why almost 75% disapprove of Congress and only 47% disapprove of Obama?

Not at all. The corrupt slumlord from Chicago is a masterful manipulator of left-leaning people. He flat out buys support from the inner city constituency, meanwhile the gated community liberal elite loves him as well. The younger generation was fooled by him but that is to be expected as they were raised under the public schools, which are steadily degrading (while the administrators - again primarily Democrats - profit via salary raises - scumbag behavior if you ask me).

He had me until 2007 when he announced his vice presidential running mate, at which point it was clear (to anyone who follows politics) that the man's claimed to be "change" was fraudulent, like everything else about him, including his claims to have anything in common with the inhabitants of his pals' slum projects in Chicago. Which part of my comment did you find farcical?


I still think that the third world war will begin somewhere in the Middle East.

If Iran does get the bomb, it will be that much closer to the end.

If any terrorist group such as ISL ever get hold of a bomb, be it a suitcase

bomb or not, the world will see it used, as these animals do not care what they

do to get their own piece of property so that they can expand to rule their world.

I am just glad that I have lived to be a senior citizen, and if the end happens

well I guess, it happens, and I hope that I am on a beach somewhere enjoying

a cool drink when it does.



Whether you like it or not, by far the majority of people that come out with this tripe about Obama hating America are rabid, right wing racists.

The whole "racist" line is slander and on the same lines of saying anyone who finds fault with the corrupt slumlord from Chicago must be a Fox News fanatic.

He's been far more cooperative with the dictators/thieves/murderers of countries like Iran and PRC, even the corrupt gov't of Mexico, than with the right-wing at home. That's 150 million Americans.


How many right wingnuts in the USA?

There are 20 million flying right wingnuts in the US, not 150m.

The whopper of a number is outlandishly too many, yet 20m crackpots out of 330 million is not a shocking number.

Extremism does have a history in the US but not an effective one of seizing government. The two-party system which appeals to the vast mainstream of Americans has neutralized any effectiveness the lunar right has celebrated, to include race and racialism.

Now that however the Republican party has gone off the deep end, we'll have to see how party politics evolves after the next election and during the 2-6 years after it.

Reality is the right are experiencing their last lunar phases


President Obama has allowed the destabilization of Libya and Syria and has failed to negotiate a Standard of Forces Agreement with Iraq, creating a security vacuum. Either unwittingly, or by design, Obama's actions have created the environment for, and facilitated the success of, ISIS and paved the way for a caliphate. ISIS will always be "Obama's War."

Obama has released the al-Qaeda combatants from Guantanamo, the most egregious being the Bowe Bergdahl swap, allowing them the opportunity to return to the radical Muslim jihad.

He is now pushing an agreement with Iran that would provide that government with the return of more than $100 billion in assets, the ability to purchase conventional and ballistic weapons and the installation of a missile defense system from Russia and ultimately would allow it to develop nuclear weapons, all of which would aid the radical Muslim jihad.

The one thing that Obama has done to deter the jihad was the execution of Osama bin Laden.

His foreign policy has also emboldened Russia and weakened Israel.

Obama has undermined our military and placed our national security in jeopardy.

Obama will be recorded not as "one of our best," but rather as the most destructive president in history

As a rule of thumb, count the body bags of US armed forces under GOP and under Obama, who has had a history of extracting US ground troops from conflicts...ones that have usually been started unnecessarily by GOP.

And GOP are all gung ho to start yet another war with Iran.

Yes, the body count of US soldiers has gone down, while the body count of people in countries in which the US started wars has increased dramatically. Well that's OK then, as long as it isn't US bodies.

The simplistic standard that just removing troops from a given area results in peace or decrease in bodies is evidenced no where in history. Thus measuring some form of success by recalling all the troops home results in a false conclusion. To wit, look at Iraq. IMO we should never have been in any of these places. It was just none of our business and the entire premise for warring in Iraq remains a valid point on every single subsequent issue- we should never have been there. But once there, the belief that simply removing the soldiers becomes a cause for celebration is wrong. Its a convenient metric to use, but ultimately says nothing.

40% of the Democratic House supported the call to war. The Democratic Senate approved the call to war. History is not as demagogic as some posters. History will judge the war has already been started and the initial disadvantage went to the West because of their refusal to note it.

You appear to agree with me ..USA should never have been in 2 recent major wars in the first place..which has spawned millions of deaths, injuries, homelessness and misery, plus a civil war and the birth of IS. And who started that war...the GOP!... with a strong input from Israeli friendly neocon advisers, although in the end Israel never sent even a single medic to fight in a war on their behalf.

And now when there is an agreement to limit Iran's nuclear program for 10 years, you and the GOP want to dismiss that and start the whole shemozzle all over again in Iran with wider global repercussions, while widening US involvement in places Obama has withdrawn troops from. The world pays yet again at the behest of the pariah state.

That is the epitome of slow learning and sheer madness.


So what do you have to say about the leaders of the countries that think the Iran deal is a good thing? The EU, the UN, the weapons inspectors?

Ohnsorry, you must just hink it is Obamas deal and no one else matters.

Did he steal your bike when you where a child or something.

Change black to white and anyone would think you were talking about GWB.

"So what do you have to say about the leaders of the countries that think the Iran deal is a good thing? The EU"

I think they are GUTLESS, more interested in trading to make money that to stand on virtue.


I can't imagine being more concerned about an Iranian bomb than the "Samson Option". If Iran were to even think about testing a bomb, they would be vaporized.


President Obama has allowed the destabilization of Libya and Syria and has failed to negotiate a Standard of Forces Agreement with Iraq, creating a security vacuum. Either unwittingly, or by design, Obama's actions have created the environment for, and facilitated the success of, ISIS and paved the way for a caliphate. ISIS will always be "Obama's War."

Obama has released the al-Qaeda combatants from Guantanamo, the most egregious being the Bowe Bergdahl swap, allowing them the opportunity to return to the radical Muslim jihad.

He is now pushing an agreement with Iran that would provide that government with the return of more than $100 billion in assets, the ability to purchase conventional and ballistic weapons and the installation of a missile defense system from Russia and ultimately would allow it to develop nuclear weapons, all of which would aid the radical Muslim jihad.

The one thing that Obama has done to deter the jihad was the execution of Osama bin Laden.

His foreign policy has also emboldened Russia and weakened Israel.

Obama has undermined our military and placed our national security in jeopardy.

Obama will be recorded not as "one of our best," but rather as the most destructive president in history

Pretty rich blaming Obama for not sending in ground troops in Libya and Syria after W invaded Iraq on the orders of Cheney (Halliburton)! I'm sure a lot of Americans would have supported an invasion of those two countries as wellcrazy.gif

And you can be damn sure that if he had sent troops in the biggest critics would have been the same people that now whine about the Iran deal.

We hear a lot of noise coming from the loony right about the Iran deal. Let me ask you guys what a better solution would have been??

Minimum of un notified inspections of ALL sites. Plus releasing the 4 US hostages.

Inspections of all sites including military sites? Theres countries that have the capacity and the willingness to get their hands on the information it would produce - to use it against Iran.

I dont know any country that would allow inspections of their military sites.

Without surprise site inspection the agreement is meaningless and should not have been touted as a success. If military installations are excluded they will just move the nuclear manufacturing there.



Whether you like it or not, by far the majority of people that come out with this tripe about Obama hating America are rabid, right wing racists.

The whole "racist" line is slander and on the same lines of saying anyone who finds fault with the corrupt slumlord from Chicago must be a Fox News fanatic.

He's been far more cooperative with the dictators/thieves/murderers of countries like Iran and PRC, even the corrupt gov't of Mexico, than with the right-wing at home. That's 150 million Americans.


How many right wingnuts in the USA?

There are 20 million flying right wingnuts in the US, not 150m.

The whopper of a number is outlandishly too many, yet 20m crackpots out of 330 million is not a shocking number.

Extremism does have a history in the US but not an effective one of seizing government. The two-party system which appeals to the vast mainstream of Americans has neutralized any effectiveness the lunar right has celebrated, to include race and racialism.

Now that however the Republican party has gone off the deep end, we'll have to see how party politics evolves after the next election and during the 2-6 years after it.

Reality is the right are experiencing their last lunar phases

Does that mean there are 310 million leftie loonies in the US biggrin.png ?



The whole "racist" line is slander and on the same lines of saying anyone who finds fault with the corrupt slumlord from Chicago must be a Fox News fanatic.

He's been far more cooperative with the dictators/thieves/murderers of countries like Iran and PRC, even the corrupt gov't of Mexico, than with the right-wing at home. That's 150 million Americans.

And frankly that comment is farcical; the GOP have had it in for him from day one, and have balked him at every move.

You ever wonder why almost 75% disapprove of Congress and only 47% disapprove of Obama?

Obama and his cohorts in the senate, Reid and Pelosi, poisoned the water in the first two years of his administration.

Nobody on the other side of the aisle "balked" him during the first two years. He got everything he wanted.


Republicans were moribund during Prez Obama's first two years and never recovered after that, despite temporary electoral successes in off-year elections which also will be reversed, coming soon.

The failed right is now staring the Obama legacy in the face to include the globally respected Iran deal.

Republicans are crying in their beer while the farthest right cry themselves to sleep.

You mean accepted by the gutless windbags that run the west. Most of the world's population probably don't know about the capitulation to Iran deal, and would be too busy trying to survive to give a rat's bottom anyway.

quote removed to allow posting


I can't imagine being more concerned about an Iranian bomb than the "Samson Option". If Iran were to even think about testing a bomb, they would be vaporized.

You have admitted to being anti-Israel on pretty much every issue as well as having anti-Semetic issues. Of course you re going to side with the radical Islamic Mullahs in Iran.


Your logic is not that good.

Neither is yours. I have no doubt that that you have no problem with him being an anti-Semite, but he is also a racist, homophobic conspiracy theory wacko.

Just Google his magazines for plenty of evidence. That does not bother you either?

I dont think you can ever cast aspersions on anyone after your comments on the other thread that Palestinian stown throwers deserved to be beaten and have their arms broken.

You can never ever have the high ground in your comments again.

I'm sure your withdrawal of moral endorsement will cause him not a seconds lost sleep. He who lives in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Krauthammer is best known as a Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist. Some intellectually stunted leftists think that anyone who appears on Fox News is the enemy, but there are journalists of every political stripe with numerous different opinions.

Yeah, once upon a time Jimmy Saville was a respected entertainer with awards and all.

Big deal.


I can't imagine being more concerned about an Iranian bomb than the "Samson Option". If Iran were to even think about testing a bomb, they would be vaporized.

You have admitted to being anti-Israel on pretty much every issue as well as having anti-Semetic issues. Of course you re going to side with the radical Islamic Mullahs in Iran.

That is such a ridiculous piece of perverted logic.

Do you not think it's possible for people to dislike elements of Israeli policy and yet want the mad mullahs removed from Iran?

Get a grip man.

You don't have to scream "antisemite" or "mullah lover" every time someone disagrees with you.


Krauthammer is best known as a Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist. Some intellectually stunted leftists think that anyone who appears on Fox News is the enemy, but there are journalists of every political stripe with numerous different opinions.

But the Lefties LOVE MSNBC and hang on every word of the news presenters - a.k.a. LOONIES... And believe that CNN is without a doubt totally unbiased and that the BBC would not purposely take sides on issues -- totally leaving out opposing points of view on every significant political issue presented - BECAUSE the BBC producers know the truth and why would one need to see or hear an alternate point of view?

You know Liberals-Lefties-Progressives think that they are the RIGHT THINKERS on every subject -- there could be no other point of view...

Head in the sand Lefties - who think they are still only liberals - not realizing how far over the LEFTIST cliff they have fallen -- and believe every outrageous lie spewed out about this Wonderful PEACE Deal with Iran ...

Good Grief ...

Have you read the relevant 90 pages after excluding the preamble?


Lets take a look here!

If Israel has the gumption to send their leader to the US to speak to the US congress to vehemently complain about US

foreign policy concerning Iran,I have to ask- what is Israel doing about it?

Complaining is cheap. No blood-no treasure!

What does Israel state is an acceptable agreement? Nothing.

They have an army of great stature. Let them have at it.!!

Let's see their boots on the ground in Syria, Iraq, Iran etc.The answer is obvious, why not!

It's the same regarding the US troops.

Obama knows that as soon as US troops or Israeli troops hit the ground the whole of ISIS will shout out in Glee!

I await the TV onslaught over this most informative post!clap2.gif


Here is something to consider. In order for Obama to get an executive agreement to be accepted by congress unless two thirds voted against it he promised not to go to the security council until after congress had voted on the issue. He lied, yet again. In view of this bad faith congress should reassert that the deal is indeed a treaty and vote on it based upon congressional requirements for ratifying treaties.

Obama has treated congress with contempt, they should treat him likewise.



Krauthammer is best known as a Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist. Some intellectually stunted leftists think that anyone who appears on Fox News is the enemy, but there are journalists of every political stripe with numerous different opinions.

An occasional appearance by Alan Combs doesn't make for numerous different opinions.

You are parading your ignorance for everyone to see. Fox News has 19 paid left-wing contributors - in addition to all the non-paid left-leaning guests who appear on Fox News all the time in various segments, such as Austan Goolsbee and Sen. Bernie Sanders. All points of view are represented. You are so full of hate and foolish rhetoric, but so empty when it comes to factual information.

It's such wonderful spin if take at face value. However most of the time they are relegated to Fox News radio, or on a panel where they are outnumbered (and usually talked over) by at least one host and pro-Right guest.

I don't know why you try and paint Fox as being somehow "fair and balanced" when its business model is obviously extremely vertical market, including, as I mentioned a while back, the commercials.

The average age of a Fox News viewer is 68. It's not called the Angry Old White Man channel for nothing.


Always have to chuckle at how the Republicans and Democrats go after one another with such animosity. When are people going to figure out these politicians are working together pretending to be at odds. In the past, Clinton and Bush would spew campaign rhetoric against one another? Now Bush and Clinton are best buddies.





Here is something to consider. In order for Obama to get an executive agreement to be accepted by congress unless two thirds voted against it he promised not to go to the security council until after congress had voted on the issue. He lied, yet again. In view of this bad faith congress should reassert that the deal is indeed a treaty and vote on it based upon congressional requirements for ratifying treaties.

Obama has treated congress with contempt, they should treat him likewise.


Yes that seems sleazy but with all those other countries involved perhaps too late. Obama sure has gone hard ball in his later term. In a way impressive.

The average age of a Fox News viewer is 68.

It's pretty amusing seeing you complain about spin. Left-wing talking points are just about all you post on here and most of them are not very honest.

A lot of old people watch news on TV and that apples to every channel. The average age of a MSNBC and CNN viewer is 60 years old and 62 to 64 for the broadcast networks - all old. Fox News is a little bit higher. Please try to tell the whole story for a change. rolleyes.gif

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