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Is a hatred of Thailand and Thais part of being an expat?


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Expats do not come here to live for the express purpose of Thai bashing...however...over time, having been scammed by every Thai from the noodle vendor to the teller at the bank...one gets understandable pissed at the constant barrage of BS one has to endure to live here...

Until you have a few years of living with the Thais under your belt...do not castigate the expats...it is not "hatred" that causes them to vent here...it is frustration at having to deal with in-your-face corruption on a daily basis...IMHO

"...in-your-face corruption on a daily basis."

Sorry, but this is total BS.

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Hatred of everything is part of being an expat.

That's why they left their home country (hatred of their home country).

('hatred' may be a bit too strong, 'dislike' may be a better word to use)

Attraction to something different is what makes me an expat. I think the hatred comes from those who are inept at dealing with the differences. Many on this forum have been duped by ladies of negotiable virtue; they could not get beyond being a customer.

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Just one comment that sums up the good and the bad

The bad first - linked 99% of time with views about Thai men

Good 99% with views about women

Just thibk about who controls the place


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I Have a few ExPat friends and acquaintances who are on the bitching trail at the moment with regard to living in the LOS.

Rising costs, dual pricing, there is a lot of reason for a genuine moan or rant IMO

Mainly though, although they profess a desire to exit these sunny shores they seldom ever do.

We all have a moan, bitch but if we have any intellect at all we usually "adapt" to any situation which we have no control over, in other words if the frustration is overwhelming to us then we move away from the irritation.

I think in most cases of hardened hatred I have rarely come across, there were no exits from their sad situation, no money left after maybe a medical emergency or their wives had left them after a time, bitter and twisted with their butterflying and over drinking habits.

So in conclusion I dont think that hatred is the operative word here

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i am fairly convinced MANY, not all, people move to Thailand because of the cost-of-living. That's it. Oh, it's cheap, great....let's go. Oh I can live longer on my money? good, let's go....

this is a bad way to decide your future. and i bet they feel scammed when they realize it's not that cheap, weather is very hot, girls don't love them as much as they thought, and things don't go as smoothly......and then they don't speak thai, people don't worship them, and if they die from a car wreck their family might get 100 baht.

they have spun a web of lies in their head, and when they feel like just another dollar bill, i get the "hatred." I like being able to go to plays, opera, big sporting events, talk to academics on (insert) subject, and not worried about too much bad stuff in the fruit. But I also enjoy when I go to Thailand. But I think the "hatred" is from the ones who are stuck.......and the only people they can talk to are ladyboys or a backpacker who is drunk. at noon. and they have to compete with the "two-week millionaires". And where can they go to find quality ex-pats? Who knows.

gotta go, my thai wife's mother's step-brother needs my car. Which reminds me, if you meet 10 ex-pats, i guarantee 1 or 2 will tell many negative stories......listen to those for 10-years and this "hatred" begins to grow.

do not worry my negative ex-pat friends......tomorrow you get rice soup for 30 baht!!!

Edited by puukao
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I used to have a problem with guys here complaining(mostly Brits) till I lived here a while and realized that everything they had been saying was true and then some. Obviously it can be taken too far and should not be a full-time endeavor but we have to make up for the Thais who still haven't learned how to complain properly, they wait till they lose face and then pull out a machete or gun, complaining can be a very good thing.

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i think part of the problem is that many farangs find themselves in isolation. Their wife being the only english speaker in the village and they often pretend to understand just to keep the peace... so forums like this are the only place to vent frustrations...

I think another part of the problem is that we take a lot for granted in our own countries.

We have seen a steady inflation of costs and a steady decline in almost everything else... and what we don't appreciate is that although we have seen a decline in our own countries, they are still a long way off what we get in a developing country.

We leave the home country to get more for our money. But we never really get more for our money. We get a different balance for our money. Some things good and some things bad.

In a developing country everything is a challenge. Everything.

It's about survival.

Should the government put the welfare of it's poverty stricken nationals before the welfare of a wealthy foreigner. Of course it should.

If the balance of benefits no longer outweighs the balance of annoyances, then it's time to move on, but that is a very hard decision to make.

Another problem is that you have a lot of time to sit around thinking and festering

I agree with most of what you said. I think the big issue is most expats dont want to or too lazy to learn Thai and this is what causes allot of the frustration of not understanding and only getting fed what their girlfriend or wife tells them whether it is correct information or not. Sometimes the information is incorrect on purpose because the girl friend or wife is playing things to work in her favor and sometimes it's just she don know how to translate it correctly or don't understand things herself.

Then you have expats that it don't matter where they live they will always complain. They might love / like living in Thailand but it's just their nature to always complain about everything. Then you do have the expats that are living in Thailand and are not happy, but stuck as they have a wife and kid or two or more,

cant move back home as they don't have the money and just making enough money in Thailand to get by. Those guys i feel bad for.

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Hatred of everything is part of being an expat.

That's why they left their home country (hatred of their home country).

('hatred' may be a bit too strong, 'dislike' may be a better word to use)

So it's a vicious circle, misery is infectious perhaps?

Sad because life's so short.

Hatred, like all emotions, comes from within. IMHO when a person blames everything on external matters, it is themselves that they actually hate. Lets face it, nobody can change everything they have no control over,( including matters regarding Thailand), The only thing we all have control over is our own mind. Blaming external matters, are just defense mechanisms for failing to control our own mind, and therefor our own choice to hate and/or to be happy.

Hence, IMHO again, people who continually choose to hate, and choose to live in Thailand whilst hating it, are more to be pitied than they are to be blamed.

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I'm not a complainer. If I step in dog shit once I blame the dog owner for not picking it up. If I step in the same dog shit twice I blame myself.

If you dont like thailand leave and find somewhere you do like. I happen to love thailand and all its faults. If it was perfect and completely wonderful I wouldnt want to visit.

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All Of My EX-PAT friends in Thailand are, mostly, very happy and love their family and wife/GF/LB. A few minor gripes.

None of them are on this site.

Please -- never judge the "temperament" of EX-Pats by this site.

This is a very small "sample size" --- and remember, most of us are just trying to be funny.

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Hatred of everything is part of being an expat.

That's why they left their home country (hatred of their home country).

('hatred' may be a bit too strong, 'dislike' may be a better word to use)

So it's a vicious circle, misery is infectious perhaps?

Sad because life's so short.

What do you mean,"Misery"?

Think everyone having a whinge, belly-ache, grizzle etc., is thoroughly enjoying him/herself.

You fail to understand that having a "Dummy Spit, Moan, Snipe" etc., is all part of the FUN of living as an EXPAT. We don't want to go back to

where we came from, because all the things WRONG with where we came from, were mainly of our own doing.

Much more pleasant to sit here in LOS and blame everyone else for all that we disagree with.

Edited by Torrens54
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Thailand, and Pattaya in particular has attracted a large

Percentage of drunks,low life, xpats due to the cheap

Cost of living. These complainers mostly ran out on

Their families and children because Booz was more

Important, now living on a meager pension and have nothing

To do but belittle Thailand. You can't tell them to return

To their countries, no one wants them there either.

Disregard this small,loud group, lots of happy folks

Retired and living well and enjoying the Thais and


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What a dumbo you are.... you just list all those complaints from residents and then ask if it is an OK place for a holiday!

I suggest Penang to you.

Maybe not so dumb.

My perception of Thailand after being a resident for four years compared to my perception as a visitor for the previous 12 years is much different.

As a " 30 day millionaire" staying mostly in westernized farang Thailand, nothing bothered me and most things amused and entertained me.

Now living my life 24/7 with real Thai people, on a fixed income, in their world, things are much different for me.

It may very well be a great place for a holiday for some people, and not so great a place for the same people to live full time.

Just saying..

maybe not so dumb.

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Maybe you're not living in the right place Will?

Do not misunderstand me.

I am very happy living where I live now and doing what I am doing.

Actually happier than before.

A good wife and wonderful child, living in a beautiful part of the country.

But my perception of Thailand is much different.

It is all good, just different.

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Hey Krisb can you tell me where you are going on holidays as i really do not want to meet a whining expat tosser like you.

Every single person in the world complains about what they do not like no matter what country they are in . Not specific to thailand .

It is what humans do. If nobody ever complains about things that are not right ,nothing will ever improve. When i go back to uk everyone complains of immigrants , house prices ,petrol prices etc..

Are you seriously suggesting that people should not complain of racism or being scammed . If so i think you have serious mental problems you should get checked.

some people try to rip you off , same as all countries and as in all countries you have a duty to complain

The education is terrible even in paid schools ,1 of which i send my son to and as i pay i have a right to complain about some of the bad crazy things they do there same as i would complain if a school in uk did somehing i did not like.

Most hospitals are terrible to western standards . Would you like everyone to they are excellent just for you ?

Racism is obscene and should be complained about and stamped out wherever it rears its ugly head ,in usa ,europe and yes even thailand.

Being in a shop while all the staff ignore you is endemic in thailand and is rude and is rude in any country but do you say complain anywhere in the world but not thailand ?

My electrician sucks means you or a member of your family could be killed .

Thai drivers are so bad they kill and maim people everyday with no punishment . Do you think that is ok?

Taxis overcharge in uk and i have complained but are you saying ok to complain in london or new york but not bangcock ?

Your post is one of the most miserable i have read on here and as there are so many expats here now and you dislike them so much perhaps you should consider living where nobody ever complains. UTOPIA

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Maybe you're not living in the right place Will?

Do not misunderstand me.

I am very happy living where I live now and doing what I am doing.

Actually happier than before.

A good wife and wonderful child, living in a beautiful part of the country.

But my perception of Thailand is much different.

It is all good, just different.

The perception of a tourist is always going to be different from that of a longer term resident, exactly how long a person remains in the tourist mindset varies from person to person, as we see from this forum, eventually however the coin does drop with most people. For my part I'd lived in condo's or rented houses in Muang or Phuket for most of my time in Thailand and I had developed a view of the way things are. Now that I'm in my own home in a slightly more rural area my perception of the way things are has changed, for the better I might add. I have Thai neighbors who are just great with whom we socialize, in fact, I no longer have any farangs that I associate with on a regular basis (except Alan :) ) and that's a big improvement in my quality of life.

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I would rather see hatred in written form than almost any other. It's a sign of at least some restraint in an environment of freedom of speech.

That said, Expats living in Thailand that rejoice in negativity and complaining (almost) constantly, leave me wondering why they stay here at all. Seems like stupidity gone to seed!

Perhaps doing something to make a difference rather than just talking negatively could help make Thailand become a better place?

I love Thailand but I've only been here six years so probably don't "qualify" as the expert some of these old geezers would imagine themselves to be.

I guess I could have plenty of excuses (reasons?) for complaint but I choose to dwell more on the things I love about the place most of the time since happiness is my personally preferred state of mind.

It may be worth pointing out the obvious..... Nobody is forced to log in to this site!

Each to his/her own!

Sawadee khrap! Shalom, Namaste, Etc.

Peace to you all!

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Are you not by definition of your post a winger like all those you are complaining about?

But if you look at the post closely they are made up of people who have nothing better to do with their time.

Lonely and hope that their comments might spark a reaction so that they can feel good about themselves.

Pay little attention to the posts and use Thai visa for some of its valuable information and news update.

I like you see the same in the post so I ignore them 99.999% of the time.

The amount of x pats living in the city I live is about 40 the amount of x pats who have introduced themselves to me about 15. The amount I socialize with 0

Why? Because I came to Thailand to get away from the very same people in my homeland.

Easy really

BTW if you ever find a place on earth where people don’t have an opinion, keep it to yourself.

Opinions are like ass holes everybody has one .

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The OP makes the same mistake every other person bleating on about other people expressing concern or negative views about issues around living in Thailand.

He assumes these views are expressed out of hatered.

Where in truthe they are far more often expressed out of frustration, disappointment, misunderstanding (in bothe directions across the cultural divide) and often out of a genuine concern over an issue (most notably expressed by parents concerned for the future of their children facing serious failngs in Thai soviety).

What the OP fails to understand is TVF is one of the very few places expats in Thailand can discuss life in Thailand.

Thus raising the importance that people can air their concerns.

The OP also misses a point of human psychology.

If he were genuinely happy with his own life in Thailand, the viws of others, no matter how negative would not concern him in the very least.

Fair fukcs to that, except you assumed more than you know.

I don't live there. Never have, but if I wondered how is life as an expat in Thailand? Then read this forum, I'd be hard pressed to make an ultimately life changing decision and move there (Thailand). At least I'd think hmm, maybe not the best place to be full time going on what the huge number of posters say on here.

Just sayin'

"the huge number of posters say on here", and "I don't live there. Never have",

Consider the source, loads of posters who know sod all about Thailand or anything therein, just like you!.

Agree ... Talk about expat bashing and he dont even live here ... wow ... what a crazy.gif

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Are you not by definition of your post a winger like all those you are complaining about?

But if you look at the post closely they are made up of people who have nothing better to do with their time.

Lonely and hope that their comments might spark a reaction so that they can feel good about themselves.

Pay little attention to the posts and use Thai visa for some of its valuable information and news update.

I like you see the same in the post so I ignore them 99.999% of the time.

The amount of x pats living in the city I live is about 40 the amount of x pats who have introduced themselves to me about 15. The amount I socialize with 0

Why? Because I came to Thailand to get away from the very same people in my homeland.

Easy really

BTW if you ever find a place on earth where people don’t have an opinion, keep it to yourself.

Opinions are like ass holes everybody has one .

So you live in the same village as 40 other farangs. Probably married to the same sort of wife the other 40 farangs have. Ended up in that same village for the same reasons as those 40 other farangs you don't like.

Seems to me you have a lot more in common with those other farangs you are so dismissive of than you think.

I think it's weird that someone makes comments like yours " get away from the same people"....it's alright coming from the angst of a 21 year old but a mature adult..

So you are not lonely good for you.....

It is important to have friends who are foreigners...

You are right there is a lot of great info on this thread..

Thailand has been ruined by unsociable foreigners , once you could walk down the street in sukhumvit and nod or just say a polite hello it was so relaxed then..now everybody ignores everybody..it's a shame..

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