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What is police in Jomtien-Beach good for?


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We are living in a private resort in Jomtien-Beach in our own house. Today, August 5th, 2015 at around 16.30 the owner of a curtain shop pushed in the door of our house with the help of her son and a third man and entered without our permission (break in) in our house. And this only because I cancelled an order, which should have been fulfilled yersterday We have requested these people many time to leave immediately our house, but they refused to leave our house. So I took 3 photos with my mobile phone, proofing that they are inside our house (see attached pictures) and then my girlfriend called the local police in Jomtien-Beach, informing them that 3 people have breaked in our house and asked them to send a police patrol to take these 3 peoples out of our house. But the the local police in Jomtien-Beach refused to help us and told us that we have to speak with these peoples and resolve this problem ourselves. What is police in Jomtien-Beach than good for? Do we have to kill first intruders in our house before the local police in Jomtien-Beach is taking any actions?

Edited by Rimmer
Photos removed, irrelevant and prly libellous
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As much as I sympathize with your dilemma, if you think you should cancel an order of curtains because 1 day delay, you surely live in the wrong country.

You are not GERMAN by chance?

Let your wife, I assume she is Thai, deal with Thai-problems or try to come to terms with the fact that pretty much everything you do or start here, might just go wrong or be a bit of a pain to finish and get accomplished.

As I said, I sympathize and suffer daily, but would never make a burglary story up and act like a clown and call the police on some curtain delivery people that show late. One of the more ridiculous stories I have read on TV so far....

Best of luck...... Take it easy.....cheesy.gif MS>

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When your Thai girlfriend called the police she should have said "people have broken into our house and my falang boyfriend's has shot them, at least one of them seems to be dead" then police would have rushed to the scene.

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If u dont pay it they will be holding the bag for stock they dont need. Maybe it was there fault, maybe not. Please just pay them. As for the police arresting them....hahahahha....unless u pay them a lot more than u have to for the curtains.

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I just love doing business with the locals here in Jomtien / Thailand .

so pleasant at times. thumbsup.gif

Send the boys round, give that naughty farang a kicking. you know he deserves it. ph34r.png

People give a deposit for things like this , that's supposed to cover stuff like this, but what the <deleted> do I know !!!!!!!!!

The guy may have been in the right it could have been going on weeks and its just sour grapes by the locals trying it on, lazy Bs shop people, cant be bothered to to do what they said they would do. !!!!!

always two sides to this stuff.

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Replying to What is police in Jomtien-Beach good for?

1. Having a mia noi

2. Asking for a small bottle of Lao whiskey from a random farang

3. Weighing under a buck forty

4. Glancing at three legged dogs negotiating a small soi - en route to somewhere else

That's about it I guess

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one day late? , oh my god... call the army. (show some compassion for these people who ordered for you, people are not rich like you....) this is not the USA....

trespassing? . the door is wide open, someone opened the door for them.

this is not the USA. if you want rule, go to the USA . USA love to put people in jail even for a turn signal.

I don't want to sound an a... but Thai people really struggle and you know you can not have all when you want. just relax a little. let it go... it s ok, don't worry...Make a deal with Thai. just ask for a little discount... or for a free massage.

Edited by VIPinthailand
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Replying to What is police in Jomtien-Beach good for?

1. Having a mia noi

2. Asking for a small bottle of Lao whiskey from a random farang

3. Weighing under a buck forty

4. Glancing at three legged dogs negotiating a small soi - en route to somewhere else

That's about it I guess

5. Collecting bribes.

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Sister-in-Law had her car stolen by Thai lady under pretense of renting it. Culprit was apprehended a year later by family member and taken to Dongtan Police station. Culprit admitted the theft + 2 others. Police wanted 10K to get off their arse. S-i-L could not pay it as she had a bank-loan on the car & has continued to pay this for four more years with no car.

So the question still remains - 'What are Thai police good for except buying gold & counting money under a desk.'

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one day late? , oh my god... call the army. (show some compassion for these people who ordered for you, people are not rich like you....) this is not the USA....

trespassing? . the door is wide open, someone opened the door for them.

this is not the USA. if you want rule, go to the USA . USA love to put people in jail even for a turn signal.

I don't want to sound an a... but Thai people really struggle and you know you can not have all when you want. just relax a little. let it go... it s ok, don't worry...Make a deal with Thai. just ask for a little discount... or for a free massage.

Dude, get some therapy already (VIP that is). Judging by some errors in grammar, I would guess poster not from USA, but possible. "USA love to put people in jail even for a turn signal." Have you ever been to USA? It made news because it was so unusual..... jeez...... I agree rather anal regarding delivery date flap however.

Jomtien police are good for a few things I've noticed over my years here, besides behaviors already listed: putting up signs "fine 2000 baht for littering", beating and rousting out homeless who are harming no one, supervising burying dogs alive near soi 7, shakedown check points... hmm played a little guitar with one once.

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Sad no photos of anyone pointing at anything so I am so confused.

Maybe it would have been a good idea to take a couple photos of you and your wife pointing at the people and the curtains.

Edited by NickJ
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Agree that German are in the wrong country if they think that they can call the police for such stupid reasons as they do at home...

That goes for everyone, not only Germans.

But come one people here love putting down Germans, forgetting they are the best Economy in the EU and make quality products.

Anyway the police was right this was just a domestic dispute. You can't just cancel if a delivery is one day late. Not even in the Netherlands where I am from. Would certainly not considered fair.

Im sure its the same in germany

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German?? I am sorry to be the only one going against that wild guess of nationality!!! To me he sounds to be from Schwitzerland really if you read the contents of his post!! A german man does NOT refer anything what happens in a swiss classroom, forget it...

So Swiss is my thinking!!

But like most of you have said... If we live here in this strange country, maybe it is time to adapt at least a little bit even tough we are living down in the swamp of Jomtien and Pattaya!!!

Act like a man, and negotiate, apologize and bow.... A simple wai can take you a long way and things can be settled smoothly instead of this insane way.... Get off your high horses..


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As much as I sympathize with your dilemma, if you think you should cancel an order of curtains because 1 day delay, you surely live in the wrong country.

You are not GERMAN by chance?

Let your wife, I assume she is Thai, deal with Thai-problems or try to come to terms with the fact that pretty much everything you do or start here, might just go wrong or be a bit of a pain to finish and get accomplished.

As I said, I sympathize and suffer daily, but would never make a burglary story up and act like a clown and call the police on some curtain delivery people that show late. One of the more ridiculous stories I have read on TV so far....

Best of luck...... Take it easy.....cheesy.gif MS>

There is more to this story than you know......don't try to find out anything more, just let your (I assume) Thai wife handle it.......

And may i say that cancelling an order just because it is one day late is just disgusting behavior.....

Edited by AlQaholic
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I live in Jomtien Beach Condominiums. Two days ago, I heard loud screams coming from down the hall. At first I thought it was kids, but then I detected an urgency in the screams and stepped out into the hall to see a man hitting a Woman, (Man from Norway, Thai woman). I ran down the hall but by the time I got there, he had dragged her back in to his room and closed the door. The screams continued. I banged on the door, ..he opened it and said they had no clothes on. She was in bra and panties, so that tells you how badly she wanted to get away from him if she ran into the hall in her underwear.

I demanded to see the girl and talk to her, he closed the door. Other people had come out of their rooms, ABrit that lived alone, ..he started calling the police, and an American that lives with a Thai girl. He went downstairs to get the security guard and the Thai girl came to me at the door. We knocked again and he opened it again. The girl was still screaming and told us she wanted to come out. I forced the door open and him away from her. The other Thai girl pulled her out of the room and took her to safety.

The police never came and neither did the security guard! I wonder what would have happened to that poor girl, if not for me.

Talk about useless security and police! What good are they?

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The question should have included all of Pattaya and the answer is NOTHING. They don't patrol the streets in cars, they don't walk a beat, they don't ticket illegally parked and double parked cars, they don't supervise busy traffic intersections, they don't pull over speeders or red light runners or reckless drivers or motorcycles driving on the sidewalks, they don't police loud boom box cars or loud late night parties in residential areas, they don't enforce businesses using the streets and sidewalks and blocking parking places. Well, basically anything you can think of involving good police work and the answer is no they are not doing that. Every now and then for some extra spending money they are on the street pulling over helmetless riders--a total waste of valuable police time--but that's about the only time you ever see a cop outside except for one or two in front of the police station by central festival mall.

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As usual there must be a bit more to this story.

You go along and order the curtains- my experience ( have had many curtains made up for my condo ) is that the shops do a brilliant job- done in 3 days . They must work hard.

So a day late? You cancel- they have bought the fabric, linings etc and spent hours making up the curtains.

They arrive, ring the bell- probably very apologetic. You shout through the door p*ss off MY curtains are late- you have destroyed my life, I have had to go for counselling and are now suffering from post traumatic non curtain syndrome - what will my neighbours think in my gated community- no curtains!

What on earth happened to good manners, empathy, decency its all been replaced by a sense of entitlement and anger. The good thing about living here is you learn to go with the flow- be patient- everything gets sorted in the end.

We will never find out the truth ( probably could not afford the bill) as these newbie members never seem to follow up their posts - just rant and rave.

PS no pics of smashed door frames?

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Agree that German are in the wrong country if they think that they can call the police for such stupid reasons as they do at home...

That goes for everyone, not only Germans.

But come one people here love putting down Germans, forgetting they are the best Economy in the EU and make quality products.

Anyway the police was right this was just a domestic dispute. You can't just cancel if a delivery is one day late. Not even in the Netherlands where I am from. Would certainly not considered fair.

Im sure its the same in germany

He is NOT from Germany, but from the Netherlands!! 100% sure.

- his first name Rolf

- the construction of the sentences

And check an earlier post: he also has refused to pay management fees for the resort he lives in!!!

And Rolf: you have a contract! 1 day late is NOT a legal reason to cancel an order! In my opinion, your 'crime' is worse than theirs. First impression: they look like kind, good people.

In most countries the next applies:

It’s likely you’ve made a firm agreement to buy if you’ve:

  • signed an agreement, or
  • agreed a delivery date, or
  • paid a deposit or the full amount.

Once you’ve made a firm agreement with a trader, you have a legal contract with them, even if there is nothing in writing.

So be a man, pay the lousy 10,000 (??) baht for the curtains. The shop owner can not sell these curtains anymore... 2-3 days of work for nothing.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself !!!

TV members: shall we do some 'crowd funding' to pay a lawyer to force this guy to pay?

We have the pics of the shop owners, probably from Thepprasit Road, so easy to find.... --> easy to find mr Rolf !!!

(Even better: addresses are in one the pics.... anyone who can translate so almost full identity of mr Rolf is revealed?)

Edited by Kees5555
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Do not forget they also have time to write in the little red mail box outside the hi sos house that they have patroled his house in 10 seconds flat eg turn off his bike get off his bike open box write in book been there leave 10 seconds. The money is paid to some high up police guy and his dogs do the rounds of the red boxes b4 they stop at the local poor food place to demand there free lunch giggle.gif

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Agree that German are in the wrong country if they think that they can call the police for such stupid reasons as they do at home...

That goes for everyone, not only Germans.

But come one people here love putting down Germans, forgetting they are the best Economy in the EU and make quality products.

Anyway the police was right this was just a domestic dispute. You can't just cancel if a delivery is one day late. Not even in the Netherlands where I am from. Would certainly not considered fair.

Im sure its the same in germany

He is NOT from Germany, but from the Netherlands!! 100% sure.

- his first name Rolf

- the construction of the sentences

And check an earlier post: he also has refused to pay management fees for the resort he lives in!!!

And Rolf: you have a contract! 1 day late is NOT a legal reason to cancel an order! In my opinion, your 'crime' is worse than theirs. First impression: they look like kind, good people.

In most countries the next applies:

It’s likely you’ve made a firm agreement to buy if you’ve:

  • signed an agreement, or
  • agreed a delivery date, or
  • paid a deposit or the full amount.

Once you’ve made a firm agreement with a trader, you have a legal contract with them, even if there is nothing in writing.

So be a man, pay the lousy 10,000 (??) baht for the curtains. The shop owner can not sell these curtains anymore... 2-3 days of work for nothing.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself !!!

TV members: shall we do some 'crowd funding' to pay a lawyer to force this guy to pay?

We have the pics of the shop owners, probably from Thepprasit Road, so easy to find.... --> easy to find mr Rolf !!!

(Even better: addresses are in one the pics.... anyone who can translate so almost full identity of mr Rolf is revealed?)

Im Dutch.. so should have seen that one coming and i did not..

But those kind of ppl are crazy the shop making the curtains invested spend time and 1 day late.. just stupid to cancel because of that

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This would rank extremely low on the life annoyance scale - sure in a perfect world, they would have been there yesterday - but maybe they had a legitimate excuse, though one day is not much of a big deal...

I suspect that you might have changed your mind on the curtains?

Maybe it was something you ate…

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