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Fired because I look Asian

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Yesterday I started a job to finish out the semester with a school.

I taught a few classes but when I met the manager I knew something was wrong.

In the middle of the day the agency spokesperson told me that the school didn't want me. I asked and they basically said it's because I look Asian. I am Asian.

What the hell is wrong with Thailand? Why are do many people so dumb and racist? I love this place but too many people are brought up to be imbeciles.

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Ops - this is quite disgusting... Are you a Native English Speaker ? Where were you born?

The reason I ask: You mention that you are Asian, if you speak English with an accent the School may not want this. I don't think this would be racist.

However, if your Accent is perfect (i.e. a Perfect and fluent English Accent) then I'd suggest the School are being highly racist and you could take this as a Complaint to the relevant authority (employment board).

Before you make a formal complaint: Did you have a Work Permit and Contract in place?

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Ops - this is quite disgusting... Are you a Native English Speaker ? Where were you born?

The reason I ask: You mention that you are Asian, if you speak English with an accent the School may not want this. I don't think this would be racist.

However, if your Accent is perfect (i.e. a Perfect and fluent English Accent) then I'd suggest the School are being highly racist and you could take this as a Complaint to the relevant authority (employment board).

Before you make a formal complaint: Did you have a Work Permit and Contract in place?

Do not waste your time, just look at his recent threads



Edited by konying
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Yet another troll post from the resident troll.rolleyes.gif

Well done I love to see the sharpest pencil in the pencil case,have you ever thought that if you did not have fodder to feed of then your sad life might be more vacant than it is now.You must be a hawk waiting for prey.You and the others keep this miserable site going.

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Ops - this is quite disgusting... Are you a Native English Speaker ? Where were you born?

The reason I ask: You mention that you are Asian, if you speak English with an accent the School may not want this. I don't think this would be racist.

However, if your Accent is perfect (i.e. a Perfect and fluent English Accent) then I'd suggest the School are being highly racist and you could take this as a Complaint to the relevant authority (employment board).

Before you make a formal complaint: Did you have a Work Permit and Contract in place?

I am a Native English speaker. I have that California accent everyone (totally) loves so much.

Since it was the first day I had none of those things.

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Yet another troll post from the resident troll.rolleyes.gif

Well done I love to see the sharpest pencil in the pencil case,have you ever thought that if you did not have fodder to feed of then your sad life might be more vacant than it is now.You must be a hawk waiting for prey.You and the others keep this miserable site going.

A translation would be good , thanks in advance

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Yet another troll post from the resident troll.rolleyes.gif

Well done I love to see the sharpest pencil in the pencil case,have you ever thought that if you did not have fodder to feed of then your sad life might be more vacant than it is now.You must be a hawk waiting for prey.You and the others keep this miserable site going.

A translation would be good , thanks in advance

I think he's saying you are like the resident troll here.

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Yet another troll post from the resident troll.rolleyes.gif

Well done I love to see the sharpest pencil in the pencil case,have you ever thought that if you did not have fodder to feed of then your sad life might be more vacant than it is now.You must be a hawk waiting for prey.You and the others keep this miserable site going.

A translation would be good , thanks in advance

I think he's saying you are like the resident troll here.

You think? and there i thought you were a teachergiggle.gif

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Ops - this is quite disgusting... Are you a Native English Speaker ? Where were you born?

The reason I ask: You mention that you are Asian, if you speak English with an accent the School may not want this. I don't think this would be racist.

However, if your Accent is perfect (i.e. a Perfect and fluent English Accent) then I'd suggest the School are being highly racist and you could take this as a Complaint to the relevant authority (employment board).

Before you make a formal complaint: Did you have a Work Permit and Contract in place?

I am a Native English speaker. I have that California accent everyone (totally) loves so much.

Since it was the first day I had none of those things.

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Ops - this is quite disgusting... Are you a Native English Speaker ? Where were you born?

The reason I ask: You mention that you are Asian, if you speak English with an accent the School may not want this. I don't think this would be racist.

However, if your Accent is perfect (i.e. a Perfect and fluent English Accent) then I'd suggest the School are being highly racist and you could take this as a Complaint to the relevant authority (employment board).

Before you make a formal complaint: Did you have a Work Permit and Contract in place?

I am a Native English speaker. I have that California accent everyone (totally) loves so much.

Since it was the first day I had none of those things.

Must be a troll California accent is hardly Engish old chap

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Can the OP post his photo and allow us to judge his looks properly?

Maybe include a you tube link of him speaking to see if his California accent (totally, dude, whoaa) is truly loved by all or ear - grating annoying?

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Still not real English,, Most is just English slang that all. Nothing sound worse than an asian speaking English with a American/Asian accent.

Cowboy films ok. Thats the reason Ridly Scot insited on English accents for his films Like Gladiator ect Nothing more reduculous as a Roman solder with a

Accent like a Cowboy.

once on a flight (don't remember what airline) i heard an elderly lady loudly exclaiming "we don't speak English in Texas, we speak American or Texican!"

but NeverSure is right; American English has more or less conquered the world. and that inspite of the fact that some of its grammar, word creations, in a ridiculous way pronounced adopted foreign words (especially Latin and French) and misused expressions gives an educated native English speaker cold shivers.


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Ops - this is quite disgusting... Are you a Native English Speaker ? Where were you born?

The reason I ask: You mention that you are Asian, if you speak English with an accent the School may not want this. I don't think this would be racist.

However, if your Accent is perfect (i.e. a Perfect and fluent English Accent) then I'd suggest the School are being highly racist and you could take this as a Complaint to the relevant authority (employment board).

Before you make a formal complaint: Did you have a Work Permit and Contract in place?

I am a Native English speaker. I have that California accent everyone (totally) loves so much.

Since it was the first day I had none of those things.

Must be a troll California accent is hardly Engish old chap

When did Americans lose their British accents?

Strangely, it wasn't a question of American's losing their accents, but the Brits changing theirs.


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Perhaps , If the manager is a westerner.

He is a member of TV and has read your threads. Easy to figure out if thats the case.

As you have linked your web page with your video and resume...........

A few times I have been in a bar in Bkk and have been engaged in random conversations and recognized people from there posts. Floored thwm both times. But Bangkok is not as big as people think.

Edited by NickJ
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Still not real English,, Most is just English slang that all. Nothing sound worse than an asian speaking English with a American/Asian accent.

Are you... ?? He says he's an NES from California. What's this Asian thing about? There are more than 1/2 as many NES's in California as there are in all of England.

America is known as a melting pot and Asians may be several generations into being Americans and may never have been to Asia.

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I feel for you, I feel much the same, but wonder about the ignorance and imbecility of it all.

I would have to agree with richard smith poster 3. itis illegal to be racist and the law states that protection exists for any treated in a racist manner. The big problem will be, in the first 6 months you'll be under a probation or something so they can just say not suitable with no reason.

However, you've already seen what the place is like, and the attitude of the manager. you are better off without it.

on the language debate, I like the way the colonies have helped evolve the English language. its so quaint, and I also know whenever I visit ( which I really try to avoid) the girls love my accent. even better, there are so many single woman who are still bangable.

Edited by mmh8
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I feel for you, I feel much the same, but wonder about the ignorance and imbecility of it all. I would have to agree with richard smith poster 3. itis illegal to be racist and the law states that protection exists for any treated in a racist manner. The big problem will be, in the first 6 months you'll be under a probation or something so they can just say not suitable with no reason.However, you've already seen what the place is like, and the attitude of the manager. you are better off without it.

He was fired before he was hired and rest assured nothing to do with being Asian , everything to do with his attitude and lack of any/all skills

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I feel for you, I feel much the same, but wonder about the ignorance and imbecility of it all.

I would have to agree with richard smith poster 3. itis illegal to be racist and the law states that protection exists for any treated in a racist manner. The big problem will be, in the first 6 months you'll be under a probation or something so they can just say not suitable with no reason.

However, you've already seen what the place is like, and the attitude of the manager. you are better off without it.

on the language debate, I like the way the colonies have helped evolve the English language. its so quaint, and I also know whenever I visit ( which I really try to avoid) the girls love my accent. even better, there are so many single woman who are still bangable.

Which law?

It is unfortunately a bit short-sighted to assume that Thailand has the same kind of equal protection laws as in the USA. It doesn't. PC just doesn't exist here and I'm not aware of any anti-discrimination board or tribunal. Even if it does exist, I highly doubt they would pursue cases with any diligence like they would in Australia or the USA.

Look around you. Thailand is like an Asian version of the USA in the 1890s or so. Basically 99% homogeneous, yes there are some mixtures of different Asians but for all intents and purposes they are one and the same race and racial diversity is not something you'll find in Thailand. Less than 1% of the population is from a different racial/national background, compare that to like 20-30%? that are non-white in America (depends if you consider Hispanic to be white or not). In Thailand anyone who doesn't look like a local can be assumed to be a foreign tourist or expat; try assuming that in America! You'd be accused of all sorts of ignorance.

I would say what happened to the OP sucks and he should try to find work with another employer, but hey, the only thing I can say it's Thailand and never expect this country to be like the USA. If you accept this difference, you'll have a better time trying to cope with bad treatment and disappointment.

Another case in point - they are allowed to get away with things that would never fly back home - like dual pricing at tourist attractions, where racial profiling is used to determine whether or not you are entitled to the "local" price or not. Even if in principle it's a nationality thing, we all know that in reality only westerners/Africans/anyone who doesn't look Thai needs to show a Thai driver's licence to "prove" they are living here (and quite often these are not even accepted), whereas a Thai or someone who looks Thai (for example a Lao/Cambodian/Burmese citizen?) can just enter without needing any proof other than their skin color and physical appearance, even if they can't even speak Thai. No way that would be allowed to happen in America (or Australia, or Canada etc.) but this is Thailand. The "farang" this, "farang" that talk you hear all the time. Again, it's further proof of the separation that society puts between locals and foreigners.

One rarely even hears the word "foreigner" being spoken in the USA, Australia etc. even at passport control this word isn't used. In America they use "visitors", in Australia "non-Australian passport holders"; in Thailand it's just "foreign passport". Not quite the welcome one would have hoped for, right?

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Yet another troll post from the resident troll.rolleyes.gif

Well done I love to see the sharpest pencil in the pencil case,have you ever thought that if you did not have fodder to feed of then your sad life might be more vacant than it is now.You must be a hawk waiting for prey.You and the others keep this miserable site going.

A translation would be good , thanks in advance

Translation: He means that every topic you participate in you area know all <deleted>. Understand now?

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I feel for you, I feel much the same, but wonder about the ignorance and imbecility of it all.

I would have to agree with richard smith poster 3. itis illegal to be racist and the law states that protection exists for any treated in a racist manner. The big problem will be, in the first 6 months you'll be under a probation or something so they can just say not suitable with no reason.

However, you've already seen what the place is like, and the attitude of the manager. you are better off without it.

on the language debate, I like the way the colonies have helped evolve the English language. its so quaint, and I also know whenever I visit ( which I really try to avoid) the girls love my accent. even better, there are so many single woman who are still bangable.

Which law?

It is unfortunately a bit short-sighted to assume that Thailand has the same kind of equal protection laws as in the USA. It doesn't. PC just doesn't exist here and I'm not aware of any anti-discrimination board or tribunal. Even if it does exist, I highly doubt they would pursue cases with any diligence like they would in Australia or the USA.

Look around you. Thailand is like an Asian version of the USA in the 1890s or so. Basically 99% homogeneous, yes there are some mixtures of different Asians but for all intents and purposes they are one and the same race and racial diversity is not something you'll find in Thailand. Less than 1% of the population is from a different racial/national background, compare that to like 20-30%? that are non-white in America (depends if you consider Hispanic to be white or not). In Thailand anyone who doesn't look like a local can be assumed to be a foreign tourist or expat; try assuming that in America! You'd be accused of all sorts of ignorance.

I would say what happened to the OP sucks and he should try to find work with another employer, but hey, the only thing I can say it's Thailand and never expect this country to be like the USA. If you accept this difference, you'll have a better time trying to cope with bad treatment and disappointment.

Another case in point - they are allowed to get away with things that would never fly back home - like dual pricing at tourist attractions, where racial profiling is used to determine whether or not you are entitled to the "local" price or not. Even if in principle it's a nationality thing, we all know that in reality only westerners/Africans/anyone who doesn't look Thai needs to show a Thai driver's licence to "prove" they are living here (and quite often these are not even accepted), whereas a Thai or someone who looks Thai (for example a Lao/Cambodian/Burmese citizen?) can just enter without needing any proof other than their skin color and physical appearance, even if they can't even speak Thai. No way that would be allowed to happen in America (or Australia, or Canada etc.) but this is Thailand. The "farang" this, "farang" that talk you hear all the time. Again, it's further proof of the separation that society puts between locals and foreigners.

One rarely even hears the word "foreigner" being spoken in the USA, Australia etc. even at passport control this word isn't used. In America they use "visitors", in Australia "non-Australian passport holders"; in Thailand it's just "foreign passport". Not quite the welcome one would have hoped for, right?


ohhh the employment laws are quite strong here.

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Americans don't speak native English, they speak and use native American English, that's why America is called America and not called England, end of!


native American English

is this a reference to them Apache, Comanche, Sioux and Blackfoot Injuns? huh.png

Yes agree. Even Wild Bill His family came from Stratford apon Avon. Its native American Asian English.....Darring Darring!! Drawl Drawl Why you call me srope all the time?

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Americans don't speak native English, they speak and use native American English, that's why America is called America and not called England, end of!


native American English

is this a reference to them Apache, Comanche, Sioux and Blackfoot Injuns? huh.png

Yes agree. Even Wild Bill His family came from Stratford apon Avon. Its native American Asian English.....Darring Darring!! Drawl Drawl Why you call me srope all the time?

Wild bill would of got a job over here, Would of made a great security guard for Soy Cowboy

I think it must be hard for an Asian to get a teaching job here,as the seem to want Falangs ( so ive been told )

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