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Former Revenue officials face seizure of assets

Lite Beer

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Former Revenue officials face seizure of assets
The Sunday Nation

BANGKOK: -- Several more state officials will have their assets confiscated in relation to the Bt4.3 billion tax-refund case, National Anti-Corruption Commissioner Supa Piyajitti said yesterday.

She was referring to the NACC fact-finding panel's decision to freeze Bt179 million worth of gold owned by former Revenue Department head Satit Rungkasiri and two other officials from the same department - Suwat Jarumaniroj and Supakij Riyakarn.

A source said the NACC had set up two panels - one to investigate the corruption allegation, led by NACC member Pakdee Pothisiri; and another to look into unusual acquisition of wealth, which is chaired by Supa.

The three officials' assets were frozen as a result of inquiries by these two panels. A source from the panel on the unusually rich said Satit's assets amount to Bt600 million.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Former-Revenue-officials-face-seizure-of-assets-30266228.html

-- The Nation 2015-08-09

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At least the NACC can go after corruption again and try to make a difference. the previous government cut their budget with 50% making sure they had no money for investigations and going after corruption. I wonder why that was. cheesy.gif

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Bt600 million.......similar figure to others

just some sacrificial lambs to take the blame, until things will go back to normalwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

Criminals being prosecuted - when is that a bad thing? When it reflects well on a government you don't like, so their positive actions need to be diminished.

Do you think these "sacrificial lambs" managed that level of corruption in the last 15 months? So is their detection and prosecution more effective governance by this government or the last which ignored it?

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The Chinese got it right when it comes to mega corruptions cases, face the firing squads and done,

right after they have been shame and stripped of every penny they own.... Oh but not here

in the very soft hearted Thailand, so it will go on until someone will get very serous in steaming

the tide of greed and un bridled corruption.....

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The Chinese got it right when it comes to mega corruptions cases, face the firing squads and done,

right after they have been shame and stripped of every penny they own.... Oh but not here

in the very soft hearted Thailand, so it will go on until someone will get very serous in steaming

the tide of greed and un bridled corruption.....

Its not that all the rich guys want to steal they are too afraid that if laws are effective they can't steal when it their turn to be in a position they can abuse.

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We have heard via media news about more asset siezures, removal of illegal stuctures, officals jailed and moved to inactve posts, arrest warrents issued, blacklisting of companies who ignore rules of law, etc than we have seen in past decade.

Power to the man/men/women behind these procedures to try and recover part of what has been plundered from the Thai people.The numbers of recovery and investigation of illegal acts has become a weekly notification to those guilty parties (I would like to see them issued a arrest warrent at the same time) and the Thai public. As the old redneck said to the pack of hounds ''sic em''

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We have heard via media news about more asset siezures, removal of illegal stuctures, officals jailed and moved to inactve posts, arrest warrents issued, blacklisting of companies who ignore rules of law, etc than we have seen in past decade.

Power to the man/men/women behind these procedures to try and recover part of what has been plundered from the Thai people.The numbers of recovery and investigation of illegal acts has become a weekly notification to those guilty parties (I would like to see them issued a arrest warrent at the same time) and the Thai public. As the old redneck said to the pack of hounds ''sic em''

It would be a nice step forward if they actually took action, and made the arrests / charges / indictments, before they were published in the media though.

This habit of announcing what you are going to do, just leads to many of the perpetrators fleeing the country.

Another law change that might help, is making it so that the statute of limitations is not running, in cases where the accused is not in Thailand.

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the fact that nearly every discussion on thaivisa recently descends into a "this government vs last government" trolling match shows just how far this country is from solving its real underlying problems.

a country divided sad.png

It comes down to whether an elected pack of criminals has more legitimacy than an imposed government prosecuting them, and allegedly implementing reform. Those who place a higher value on elections and democracy, however flawed, incline one way, those who think that this country cannot progress while elected criminals rob the people pitilessly, the other. But that is just TVF.

The people of the country are nowhere near so divided. The majority couldn't give a monkey's toss, as long as they can get on with life.

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We have heard via media news about more asset siezures, removal of illegal stuctures, officals jailed and moved to inactve posts, arrest warrents issued, blacklisting of companies who ignore rules of law, etc than we have seen in past decade.

Power to the man/men/women behind these procedures to try and recover part of what has been plundered from the Thai people.The numbers of recovery and investigation of illegal acts has become a weekly notification to those guilty parties (I would like to see them issued a arrest warrent at the same time) and the Thai public. As the old redneck said to the pack of hounds ''sic em''

It would be a nice step forward if they actually took action, and made the arrests / charges / indictments, before they were published in the media though.

This habit of announcing what you are going to do, just leads to many of the perpetrators fleeing the country.

Another law change that might help, is making it so that the statute of limitations is not running, in cases where the accused is not in Thailand.

I believe the statue of limitations is proposed to exclude politicans and those in the private sector who were involved. at the rate of new penalities and the statue of limitation change, the penality for none disclosure/ cooperation where government contracts over 2 million baht are involved there is going to be a lot of compqanies/people setting on the sidelines with no favorite team to cheer on and a lot of politicans with no fans who are willing to pay for a ticke3t to watch the upcoming slugfest.

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How can the corrupt actually confiscate the assests of the corrupt?

so accordinng to you all the Judges,courts and NACC are corrupt. It is a pity that TVF bothers to post such childish comments.

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A Thai's success in life is measured by the assets he has on show, for some its a bit of a give away! If they are hidden you lose face, this a tough one for people who do not plan ahead.

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Hmmmm....sounds like more monkey business if you ask me.

What you never ever see or hear about is where exactly the seized money goes to and or who exactly accounts for all this money and assets being seized.

Would it not be nice if "'they" did the honorable thing and say for example took all that money and used it to open a drug addiction rehabilitation center.

Simple enough and very direct and they can say: "This is where the seized money went".

I know, I know..... such a vivid imagination .....silly of me to think they could do the honorable and benevolent thing.

I guess I need another 25 years in Thailand before I just give up hope and give in to the "Thai Way".


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Bt600 million.......similar figure to others

just some sacrificial lambs to take the blame, until things will go back to normalwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

Do you mean when the Shins are back in power, and things "go back to normal", and crooks like Satit Rungkasiri are allowed to get away with their crimes ?

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How can the corrupt actually confiscate the assests of the corrupt?

so accordinng to you all the Judges,courts and NACC are corrupt. It is a pity that TVF bothers to post such childish comments.

Oh no no. Now that good people are in power all the corrupt ones have been thrown out.

There should be no need to investigate any of the current officials, because they have assured us that we no longer need to check on their speedy spending packages. And we might now have a super board to combine all the government enterprises, with members appointed by Prayuth himself.

And the people have been assured that there will be no more dipping of the fingers if they let the honest ones take care for 2 more years.

Ooh, what the heck.

Just let them stay on forever, then the people will never have to worry about corruption.

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The Chinese got it right when it comes to mega corruptions cases, face the firing squads and done,

right after they have been shame and stripped of every penny they own.... Oh but not here

in the very soft hearted Thailand, so it will go on until someone will get very serous in steaming

the tide of greed and un bridled corruption.....

wellllll... with so many thai s thinking they are chinese.... why not adopt some chinese ideas?

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