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Migrants threaten EU standards - UK FM Hammond


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Migrants 'threaten EU standards' says Philip Hammond

LONDON: -- Europe will not be able to preserve its living standards if it has to absorb millions of migrants from Africa, the foreign secretary has said.

Philip Hammond called for EU laws to be overhauled to make sure that people coming from Africa to Europe could be returned to their home country.

Shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn accused Mr Hammond of "scaremongering".

Steve Symonds of Amnesty International UK described Mr Hammond's "mean-spirited response" as "shameful".

"Rather than throwing up the drawbridge and talking about how Europe can 'protect' itself from migrants, Mr Hammond should be working with our EU partners to ensure that people don't drown in the Mediterranean or get crushed beneath lorries at Calais," he said.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-33842861

-- BBC 2015-08-10

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Neither of them understand that "migrants" are people who move from place to place, doing seasonal work.

The term they should be using is, illegal immigrants.

And the name Hillary/Hilary, must be a synonym for stupid.

The West is collapsing.

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A stark example of voice of reason spoken with courage being stifled by shadowy political ambitions.

Hammond didn't go far enough. EU is not only losing its living standards. Its very existence is at stake.

Shadow Hilary Benn wants to become the real thing by any means. Let the country goes down as long as she is on top of it.

Steve Symonds is shamefully drawing high income from Amnesty International UK doing nothing for his country. Where are the prisoners of conscience in UK?

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I read the same article this morning and noted..

Speaking during a visit to Singapore, Mr Hammond said: "So long as the European Union's laws are the way they are, many of them will only have to set foot in Europe to be pretty confident that they will never be returned to their country of origin.

"Now, that is not a sustainable situation because Europe can't protect itself and preserve its standard of living and social infrastructure, if it has to absorb millions of migrants from Africa."

Now, which parts of this must be muffled and why must they be?

Did Amnesty International or Hilary Benn address that? No, they attempted the brow beating blackmail approach of 'shamefull' and 'needs to think about what he says', along with seemingly portraying the sum total of this swarm / horde / (whatever, it IS a massive influx of peoples from multiple angles) as war refugees from Syria when everyone knows it is far more complex than Syria alone. What I do know is that the days of putting up with having our knecks stood upon in Europe by political correctness and - "that is wrong thought" are reaching boiling point. Amnesty international appears to be saying that focus upon protecting Europe is "wrong thought" and putting others first, is "correct thought". Who decided that?

Hammond pointed out (even if pandering to public irritation for point scoring) that current legislation means that setting foot in Europe is often 'win' as legislation means deportation later is unlikely if you arrive without paperwork, claim you are from here or there, claim a certain faith, claim a certain sexual orientation and claim that one (or several of these) is why you can't be sent away again later, then you are sorted.

Infact, if you don't have paperwork, where can you be sent 'to'?

You won't, for that reason.

Amnesty International doesn't care about the long term affect it seems. It wants to shelter all comers, without examining if it is even viable.

Hence, Hammond's view is deemed to be " wrong thought"

Noah's ark could only absorb two of each, could it not.

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Let the country goes down as long as she is on top of it.

Just to point out "she" is in fact a HE, son of the late Tony Benn.

Thanks. Not being from UK or any such place I was under impression that Hilary is a female name.

Didn't pay attention to Hillary with two ll's.

Amazing what one letter in a name can do to a man!

BTW, pardon my ignorance but Benn has nothing to do with Benny?

Like Benny Hill or Benny Goodman? biggrin.png

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An easier solution would be to move Benn and Symonds to Somalia. They would get their dose of reality after being robbed, beaten and raped seconds after their parachute hit the sand by their new best friends, and the UK would be well shot of 2 treasonous dogs. Hopefully they would have time to admit their folly. Just seeing the name Benn again brings back some scary memories. Benn senior of course was one of those bleeding hearts that was responsible for Brits losing their country.

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Neither of them understand that "migrants" are people who move from place to place, doing seasonal work.

The term they should be using is, illegal immigrants.

And the name Hillary/Hilary, must be a synonym for stupid.

The West is collapsing.

What is happening now is just a trickle. The floodgates have yet to open. These people are not an easy fit into a modern society. They possess little in the way of skills but always have a hungry belly and idle time makes well you know an increase in population. All world countries are running on empty financially and some would say morally. If these people are not stopped and returned a human tsunami will hit all countries from all directions. Assimilation.

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What started out as a Common Market -- to assist crossborder trade between neighbouring countries -- has, by virtue of the empire building in Brussels, morphed into a crippled Utopia where the residents can barely afford a decent standard of living and the social standards of the population are quickly being dragged down to the level of the lowest common denominator - the illegal immigrant. Sure these guys need some relief -- but where the hell does all the foreign aid go if it's not being used to relieve these people at the point of origin/departure.?.?.? What are the results of many years of taxpayers hard-earned cash being poured into the bottomless pits of the thousands of Aid charities supposedly working abroad? No need to ask where the government aid money goes -- it's well -known to be syphoned off for personal gain and arms.

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David Cameron is aware of the problem, what I don't understand is he is doing nothing about it. So that says to me he must be in favour of these illegal migrants coming to the UK. So who is making money out of it?

The regressive left favours national suicide by mass Muslim immigration for ideological reasons. Unfortunately and shamefully there are some politicians on the right who have been bought by multinational businesses looking to sell arms to rich Middle Eastern regimes or favour a flow of unskilled third world migrants to keep wage levels low. Let's see if Cameron makes good on his election promise to cut down immigration to less than 100,000 each year.
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David Cameron is aware of the problem, what I don't understand is he is doing nothing about it.

Well I disgaree that he is doing nothing about, but I do not envy anyone in his position at the moment because he will be damned if he does, damned if he doesn't (whatever he does or doesn't do). Such is our society, where that wide range of opinion is good on the one hand but on the other hand means we almost never unite on any and common view anymore. Various opposing angles of protest and pressure will be coming his way right now and he'll be trying to juggle things to appease barking dogs in either ear by throwing them some scooby snacks. I don't envy him in the slightest and it is clear to me why Priministers and Presidents seem to visibly age dramatically while in power.

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these poor people have been beaten raped and abused in their country of origin, they have survived a lot to get to the EU,you hear from them about trying for years to survive in other EU countries, but cannot sustain their existence. the biggest problem by far is the possibility that some of them are ISIS and if allowed in then we have terror cells in the UK disguised as immigrants, and we let them in and paid for their lifestyle, just for them to repay us with mass murder. it is a tragic situation. when i first bought my wife to the UK it cost me thousands of pounds,visa`s solicitor fees and settling fees, she has no financial help from any government department no access to any public funds or resources as it should be,so why should they be allowed into the UK just to drain our already massively overburdened NHS , unemployment benefit ,housing and all other resources.

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I am behind Hammond, return them back, some people say they have been beaten raped mugged etc etc, and many of these have done the same to many people in the country that has taken them in and fed them, return them back, better the devil you know

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