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'Anna Reese' rejects Bt6.2mil settlement sought by dead cop’s family

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Why would she pay anything over that which is offered by the insurance company? If it goes to court, and a greater amount must be paid, the insurance company is liable, not Anna.

Is it a repentance payment?

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How much did "Red Bull" pay? At least she has the guts to face her problems!

Is it guts? Or is it because she and her family are no where near as rich, powerful and connected as red bull clan?

Now, how is the investigation into the conduct of the police who let her bugger off, without giving a statement or breath test proceeding?


Do the crime, serve the time!

20 million for a life and a get out of jail card is cheap, too cheap.

I hope the Policemans wife holds firm.

And from Post #26 above:

Why is she even walking about, she KILLED someone, she should be in Jail, or in ''Custody''.. ???

How could you live with yourself, after doing something like this, and going about your day to day stuff ???

beyond me....

And when you or a loved one has an accident and someone dies? What will you say then?

Because she's a self centered self important spoiled brat who thinks she's a superstar. Her "celebrity" status and the obligatory family helped get her away from the scene without any police interview, statement and of course no breath test. After time to compose her version of events, and knowing the BiB wouldn't then bother with a breath test, she made her tearful and remorseful statement, then turned up at the funeral wailing and carrying on where she clearly wasn't wanted or appreciated. Then we had the few days as a nun, the revelation the deceased's ghost had forgiven her and after the great performances for public consumption she now want to pay as little as she can get away with.

The promise to want to do anything to help the victim's family is as sincere as the rest of her performance. She couldn't really give a toss.

The police supposed to be investigating the unusual behavior of the officers who allowed her to leave when family turned up and never bothered with a breath test. What's the betting that all gets lost and goes nowhere; her prosecution for dangerous driving, manslaughter or whatever the Thai equivalent goes nowhere and she weasels out of paying anything but a pittance to the family.

I hope the widow doesn't let this go, fights for just compensation and keeps pressure on the police to bring appropriate charges.

But, the chances are about the same as the red bull boy actually appearing in court.


i dont get it, if it truely is an accident why would she pay anything?

has she been charged with a crime?

I don't think she has been charged with anything.

She is only currently concerned with averting a civil case which the family could pursue if a deal can't be negotiated.


i dont get it, if it truely is an accident why would she pay anything?

has she been charged with a crime?

I don't think she has been charged with anything.

She is only currently concerned with averting a civil case which the family could pursue if a deal can't be negotiated.

Not Anna's problem. Her insurer is liable for the outcome of any civil proceedings.


i dont get it, if it truely is an accident why would she pay anything?

has she been charged with a crime?

I don't think she has been charged with anything.

She is only currently concerned with averting a civil case which the family could pursue if a deal can't be negotiated.

wow and i thought thats what insurance was for, to settle 3rd party claims

good to know if the shtf my insurance aint worth dick :(


Do the crime, serve the time!

20 million for a life and a get out of jail card is cheap, too cheap.

I hope the Policemans wife holds firm.

And from Post #26 above:

Why is she even walking about, she KILLED someone, she should be in Jail, or in ''Custody''.. ???

How could you live with yourself, after doing something like this, and going about your day to day stuff ???

beyond me....

And when you or a loved one has an accident and someone dies? What will you say then?

I would say the SAME THING ... Obviously you dont agree... Different levels of EDUCATION here i THINK.....


i saw it on line when SHE killed him ( the after video i mean ) and now she will not pay ? how much money will she lose over the next few years after this ..?.. use your head, pay, you <deleted> idiot, pay what you ow, or admitted what you did and do the the time in prison, she is lucky most people would be looking at 4 walls for th rest of there lives, i will never watch a movie or tv add with her in it again, and i will make it a point never to buy anything she sells, good luck to any company who try's to use her


As she has,nt been convicted of any crime i,m confused why she has to pay anything, thats what insurance is for?

You lack a basic grasp of legal liability. Suppose I run you over causing severe bodily injury which requires USD 300,000 to treat. (You may have other losses such as loss of income, damage to your property, or pain and suffering, but we'll ignore those to keep the example simple.) Now, previously you had forseen the possiblity of injuring another person and so you bought liability insurance which will pay any victim or a single, negligent action of yours no more than USD 100,000. The insurance company promptly pays your accident viction the USD 100,000. Now the victim is still out of pocket another USD 200,000. What is he to do? In the US he promptly sues you and anyone else who might possibly be held responsible to any degree. When you bought the insurance policy all you bought was the willingness of the insurance company to pay out no more than the USD 100,000. You did not buy any right not to be held responsible for any injuries you caused beyond what the policy provides. There is no such right. You are responsible for your actions.

In the US your victim would hire a lawyer to get at least the remaining USD 200,000 out of you. There might be some negotiation and an out-of-court settlement is possible, but it's likely that you will not agree to pay anything near the USD 200k so the victim sues you in court. If he wins damages that you will be required to pay may be anything from a token indication of blame of a few dollars to a sum that, including penalties, might be far more than the original USD 200,000. Your liability is whatever a jury says it is.

Thai people resort to lawsuits much less frequently. Instead there is an informal system of negotiation for compensation which frequently involves the police as a kind of third party. The police do not adjudicate. Instead the whole process is geared toward finding a solution that is acceptable to all parties rather than a decision that is "fair" in the abstract. There are advantages and disadvantages to such a system. But at least there is a system that is accessible to everyone and seems to produce acceptable results frequently enough.

So your saying she was under insured?

If the woman involved in the accident earned below 10k per month and had zero in her bank account would they still be negotiating at the police station?

Yes, she under-insured herself.

If the reckless driver had no money, it is true that there would probably be less negotiation although the guilty party might conceivably have to pay out over time. The same would be true in the US where only a fool would sue a person with no assets. Do you think this Reese person should not be financially liable for the death she recklessly caused because a poor person could not be forced to pay?

Well if i were in her position they might have a problem negotiating, yes i have insurance, i also have assets which are not accessible from within thailand,

I admit that insurance companies and police work in strange ( illogical) ways here, i once had an accident while driving a car involving a motorbike,

At the police station both the police and the insurance agent agreed the accident was not my fault but as the guy on the bike had neither a licence nor insurance it was suggested i should take responsibility and let the insurance pay any damages,

As it was neither my car (company) or insurance i let this go until at the station they asked me to sign and pay for the the accident report 400+bht to which i refused.


i dont get it, if it truely is an accident why would she pay anything?

has she been charged with a crime?

I don't think she has been charged with anything.

She is only currently concerned with averting a civil case which the family could pursue if a deal can't be negotiated.

Not Anna's problem. Her insurer is liable for the outcome of any civil proceedings.

I would doubt it. If she hasn't done anything wrong, the civil case will not find her guilty. If she is proven to have done something wrong, if might effect any criminal judgement against her.

If it was purely an accident, the insurers just pay what they pay, her civil liability won't be covered by insurance.


Just for the record, for the few who have stated the cop was "on duty". No, he was not on duty. He was off duty, supposedly on his way home, but pulled off to the side of the road and went to sleep. That's when she hit him. So, is she to blame? Probably, yes. But the cop is also to blame for pulling over, parking and going to sleep. He could have found a much better place to do so.


Just for the record, for the few who have stated the cop was "on duty". No, he was not on duty. He was off duty, supposedly on his way home, but pulled off to the side of the road and went to sleep. That's when she hit him. So, is she to blame? Probably, yes. But the cop is also to blame for pulling over, parking and going to sleep. He could have found a much better place to do so.

He parked on the hard shoulder of a busy frontage road, this road has 2 lanes one for each direction along with a hard shoulder on each side used by cars and bikes in any direction which takes their fancy, i know this road well,

Certainly not a place i would park let alone sleep.


Just for the record, for the few who have stated the cop was "on duty". No, he was not on duty. He was off duty, supposedly on his way home, but pulled off to the side of the road and went to sleep. That's when she hit him. So, is she to blame? Probably, yes. But the cop is also to blame for pulling over, parking and going to sleep. He could have found a much better place to do so.

He parked on the hard shoulder of a busy frontage road, this road has 2 lanes one for each direction along with a hard shoulder on each side used by cars and bikes in any direction which takes their fancy, i know this road well,

Certainly not a place i would park let alone sleep.

Is there a no parking sign? If so, she shouldn't even pay a penny


Just for the record, for the few who have stated the cop was "on duty". No, he was not on duty. He was off duty, supposedly on his way home, but pulled off to the side of the road and went to sleep. That's when she hit him. So, is she to blame? Probably, yes. But the cop is also to blame for pulling over, parking and going to sleep. He could have found a much better place to do so.

He parked on the hard shoulder of a busy frontage road, this road has 2 lanes one for each direction along with a hard shoulder on each side used by cars and bikes in any direction which takes their fancy, i know this road well,

Certainly not a place i would park let alone sleep.

Is there a no parking sign? If so, she shouldn't even pay a penny

No parking restrictions as i remember but it is truly a strange design, it also has 4-5 uturns Dipping under the tollway all one way for alternate directions ( quite low height restrictions )

Of course the thai way is to take the shortest route which might mean going against the traffic and going under the tollway also in the wrong direction, (cars trucks and bikes)

The constant flow of this chaos day and night obviously produces an alarming amount of death and mayhem, people travel fast on this road and parking restrictions or not its hard to imagine getting the idea to actually park and sleep,

However there are quite a few gated moo baans with no problem to park on the side of an entrance or even in the moo bann itself, even empty car parks for resteraunts and a fishing park.


What did the red bull guy pay?

From what I heard today from an insider - intially 25 million Baht to a certain law inforcement station/office. Then, as things escalated, probably due to media attention, desparation made somebody make a phone call he wish he had not. This resulted in a further 1 billion Baht payment (yes, billion, not million), not to the relatives though.....

Now the Red Bull guy is apparantly living a normal, though quiet and under the radar, life in Thailand.

I consent, this very well might be just false rumours, but this is what I was told today by someone who´s been around for a while in Bangkok.


If it was a young biker that was in question here, what would the settlement be...?

Why is the payout from insurance capped at 1.2mn? The policies cost the same as the west?

The offence is worth more than 5mn...someone died. This is the start of evening up Thai society.

A simple question, what would a Thai pay.....?

Folk here want to bury someone cos there is a farang BLOOD involvement....

Just tell me why..?

2000 Baht and no prosecution from the police. Happened in Isaan last week. An English guy with long term Thai-girlfriend, killed driving his motobike by a presumably drunk Thai-Driver (died in hospital yesterday). Thai driver threw his girlfriend 2000 Baht and disappeared and not heard of since. Police have as far as I have been told done nothing.


If it was a young biker that was in question here, what would the settlement be...?

Why is the payout from insurance capped at 1.2mn? The policies cost the same as the west?

The offence is worth more than 5mn...someone died. This is the start of evening up Thai society.

A simple question, what would a Thai pay.....?

Folk here want to bury someone cos there is a farang BLOOD involvement....

Just tell me why..?

2000 Baht and no prosecution from the police. Happened in Isaan last week. An English guy with long term Thai-girlfriend, killed driving his motobike by a presumably drunk Thai-Driver (died in hospital yesterday). Thai driver threw his girlfriend 2000 Baht and disappeared and not heard of since. Police have as far as I have been told done nothing.

We are all reminded each day life is Cheap here in Thailand......, which is quite scary really....


Why is the payout from insurance capped at 1.2mn? The policies cost the same as the west?

The offence is worth more than 5mn...someone died. This is the start of evening up Thai society.

My annual policy here costs about the same as a monthly payment on a policy back home. And I got the maximum liability coverage they'd write me under an auto policy. And it ain't enough.

Indeed, paying 25k per year for insurance but a capped payout of 1.25 mn shows how this useless closed shop of a system lines the pockets of the wealthiest and screws the little guy. The premiums are very steep in Thailand for pitiful cover.

There are several global insurance companies offering insurances to expats. They give decent coverage.

Not sure they give over 1.2mn. I beleive that is a fairly standard maximum for fully comprehensive policies in Thailand. Don't think you can get global car insurance. Thai car insurance has to come from a THai company.


Fair enough. Take her to court. Hope the court throws 20mn at her. 5mn for a life, where it may end up with a criminal prosecution is really pitiful.

The court would do that if she was drunk, but unfortunately that evidence was never collected. This beach knows this which is why she refuses to pay.

Yes and the ' inefficiency ' of the BIB at the scene whether real or contrived may cost their dead colleague's family dearly.

However as we saw with the Red Bull Heir case police camaraderie isn't high or important when other ' considerations ' come into play.


First of all, she is not sitting in that meeting on her own. Her lawyers and probably the insurance company's lawyers will be present.

So she is acting on advice.

The sum being asked for is based on her being 100% to blame for the accident. This has never been proved, she wasn't even charged with anything.

The policeman's action that night when parking up and sleeping will have a bearing on the outcome. Her legal team might be arguing that he had a large part to play in his own demise.

And, far from her dodging a civil case, the family of the policeman might want to avoid that. The outcome might be a lot worse for them than for her, once all the evidence appears


And I don't know why the press always insist on calling her British-Thai.

Her father was a Cypriot who held a British passport. She grew up in Thailand with Thai relatives, the father having died. Where is the British bit? Answer : Nowhere.

Somebody who holds a British passport is British.


Whatever happened to that Red Bull guy who hit and dragged the cop on a motorcycle for 300 yds on the streets of Bangkok? An then tried to cover it up by getting one of the family staff to take the fall.

This question has been asked many times in this forum but nobody has answered it and I think thats because nobody knows the answer same as myself. i would also like to know the outcome of that.

Another Big money Thai cover up???


Such a small amount for a rich actress who was driving a car which probably cost more than family asking for. Really sad if people can't be held responsible for their actions.

She probably goes out on weekends buying condos on a whim.

You would think being half British she would have some idea how cheap she was asked to get off for.

Might feel different if she had no money.

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