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US to withdraw Patriot missile system from Turkey

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US to withdraw Patriot missile system from Turkey

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — The United States is withdrawing its Patriot missile system deployed near Turkey's border with Syria when its mandate expires in October.

A joint Turkish and U.S. announcement said Sunday that the air-defense units could be returned to Turkey within a week if the need arises. It said U.S. navy ships would be present in the Mediterranean to support Turkey's defense.

The U.S., Germany and others deployed the batteries in 2013 to protect NATO ally Turkey after shells fired from Syria landed in the country.

The U.S. decision comes a day after Germany said it would withdraw some 250 troops stationed in Turkey when the mandate for their air-defense mission ends next year. Germany said the main threat in the region came from the Islamic State group which doesn't possess missiles.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-08-17


The Turkish are leading the fight against IS in the region, and have gone out on a limb, and NATO withdraws support?

The logic escapes me altogether.



The Turkish are leading the fight against IS in the region, and have gone out on a limb, and NATO withdraws support?

The logic escapes me altogether.


Turks leading the fight? That's a new one


This simply a cost-saving decision by both the US and its NATO allies. The US can better use funds to directly attack ISIS and arm Syrian rebels and anti-ISIS forces.

Removing Patriot missile systems from the western Turkey border has no impact on potential Russian aggression on Turkey's eastern and northern borders.


And this comes a few weeks after the US announces it will be flying air support missions out of Turkey. I don't get it.

Hey, what became of Saddam's SCUDs? Are they used up, did the US destroy what was left, or is there someone over there trying to get the system up and running?


Why should we be surprised about this? All part and parcel of Obama's design to emasculate the west some more...

Removal of the Patriot missile batteries was a key demand of Iran's in the nuclear "negotiations". Once again, Obama capitulates to achieve "Peace in our time".


Why should we be surprised about this? All part and parcel of Obama's design to emasculate the west some more...

Removal of the Patriot missile batteries was a key demand of Iran's in the nuclear "negotiations". Once again, Obama capitulates to achieve "Peace in our time".

Please provide a link to support your claim, makes absolutely no sense for Iran to demand withdrawal of Patriot defense systems from Turkey's border with Syria.

For more detail on the the Patriot redeployment go to...



Evidently the anti-Obamabots will make up any silly bloody thing to try and discredit him. There is enough basis for disagreement without turning to fiction, IMO.
The extended agreement was that the US would remain on station with the Patriot anti-missile battery until October of this year, This is not a sudden decision to withdraw, it is the end of the contractual period. Germany also has indicated that they will withdraw their Patriot battery next year, and The Netherlands is also retiring from the field. A Spanish battery will be rotating in. If you don't agree take it up with NATO.
As mentioned in an earlier comment ISIS has no missiles, thus there is no need for anti-missile defenses in Turkey.
As also mentioned they can be returned to service almost immediately if needed.
Patriot anti-missile defense systems are amongst the highest demand military units. As ISIS has yet to demonstrate any ballistic missile capability it is likely the Patriot installations would be better deployed as a counter to North Korea's recent threats, and they DO have nuclear and missile technologies.


The Turks are indeed leading the fight against PKK and the Kurds generally. The very same guys who are providing most of the boots on the ground and inflicting serious damage on ISIS.

The patriot batteries were to provide protection against Syrian attacks. Not much hope of that.

Main strategic assets are "listening stations" which were key before the collapse of the Warsaw Pact. I think you will find that other bits of "hardware" were removed to pave the way for USA apparently "facing down" the soviets at the time of the Cuba crisis.....

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