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Powerful bomb explode near Rajprasong intersection wounding 20 people

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RIP for all the victims and their families.

Anyone that can donate blood should do so wherever you are as this will make a significant dip in blood supply for Bangkok and Thailand. TRC is the center for the ENTIRE country and has only a stock of 1000 units of O and how much is O- I don't know. Remember that everyone can get O but group O can only receive O, especially O- that can ONLY receive O-! Sure, there are some deposes out in the provinces but when I have asked in the past they always say that they don't have big stocks!

Does anyone know if you

Can you give blood in any hospital in Bkk

The blood crisis has forced some hospitals to postpone surgeries, pending sufficient blood supplies.

Go to the nearest hospital, they'll take your blood.

Still in a state of shock, let's hope that there're not more bombs. When I've read about all the body parts I had to stop reading for a few minutes. Speechless.

How can a human being do such a bomb attack? I hope the injured ones will fully recover. RIP.......wai2.gif


Reuters are reporting at least 27 known killed

To be accurate, I think Reuters is saying that local Thai media are reporting 27 dead. Not quite the same thing as Reuters verifying 27 dead.


RT@ChadapornLin: Erawan Emergency Medical Center reports the number of injured at 81;those wishing to donate blood should do so at Red Cross,not at hospitals


yes, sickening.

for all those with loved ones in BKK, Thailand - be they Thai or otherwise - I hope your loved ones are in touch and are okay.

R.I.P to the dead and quick recovery to those injured.


Bet there will be some military presence on the streets of Bangkok, Sukhumvit, silom, etc.

I'd be surprised if they haven't deployed some sort of checkpoints by the morning.


Obviously intentional.

Ya think? Surely people leave bombs lying around by accident sometimes.


First guesses were about an NGV taxi exploding.


Hopefully the army (not the hopeless police) will catch the perpetrators soon, whether they be muslims or Thaksin's red shirts or other thugs with an axe to grind.


Good bless and R.I.P. to those that have been killed and speedy recovery to the injured.

But is anyone really surprised by this ?

You can not take control of a country by false and then tell people they are happy.

I completely agree and have previously posted my sentiments to that fact. I will repeat, this giving back the happiness to the people crap is just a diversion, a cover up for something terribly sinister with this current Administration. Corruption is still rampant, the police force is not to be reformed, the military are digging in for the long haul of running this country and the elite are pulling strings. So what is this tonight, false flag, political or religious, will we ever know? In short the answer is no, but you can rest assured it is just the beginning, the ante has been raised....R.I.P!

You and Chingmai331 just can't help yourselves can you?

You have to layer your political views on a tragic event such as this.

Let the facts unfold before shooting your mouth off.

RIP the dead and may the injured recover quickly.

Where have you been living for the last 20 years, under a rock? The very reason I made the comments is because we will not get the true facts and that people should wake up and discard their security blankets. Of course it is political, everything in this country is political. Maybe you should stock up on tissues, because the worst is yet to come. Do you honestly believe this was because someone had a bad hair day or lost some money on the Chinese exchange rates, grow up and keep your bigoted opinions to yourself.

not wishing to take side in the argument, I would however agree completely that the truth will be massaged, contorted, and sculptured to suit the current political stance - what ever that may be on the day.


At time index 18:56:00 there is a piece of motorcycle (I think) that falls in the middle of the street to the left of the green sign in the middle of the video.

I believe that is a manhole cover. The pressure of the blast sent through the drainage system under the road often makes these covers pop.

Its definitely not a body part, the blast was too far away to decapitate a human body.


#BREAKING: Thailand's national police chief says it appears #Bangkok explosion was caused by a bomb: http://fxn.ws/1IWujh3

BANGKOK (AP) - At least 1 dead as large explosion rocks major Bangkok intersection; cause unclear.

i'm reposting my last comment from my Forum Blog (as my forum thread was closed adn redirected to here)

I live very close to there.. (a few minutes walk)

its really buzzing with sirens.

and yes,, i felt the blast sound (vibrations of it) through my body in my condo.

tonnes of emergency services now I can see...

but really.. I must say how pathetically SLOW they were to arrive. (especially as its a couple of minutes drive away).

at least Emergency Bikes should have been the first ones to the scene... (but I heard NOTHING until at least 15 minutes after the blast).

that in itself is a story.. the shocking response time!

it has taken more than 40 minutes (since the blast) to free-up a lane of traffic so that emergency services vehicles can hurry to and from the blast site.

Would you rush in knowing that very often there are additional bombs set off with delays timed just right to kill the rescue personal?

Even 15 minutes is pretty risky.

Rescue vehicles in Thailand are a bad joke.

People are not required to pull over and let an ambulance pass...they crawl through traffic like everyone else...why even have sirens on and lights flashing???

Wow, really? In Thailand the ambulance doesn't have free pass? Cars don't have to pull over? That's insane.


The crazy speculation. The low grade hack Veronica Pedrosa on Al Jazeera , who is very anti military government , suggested possibility of Military planting bomb itself!

Co-incidence this attack happens just before the charter vote? Not so crazy in my opinion.


Now BBC is reporting that most of the injured/dead are Chinese and Taiwanese tourists..

Strange as it is/was a Hindu shrine.

Many Buddhists pray to it too. I would guess that all the worshippers in Bangkok at the shrine are Buddhists.


RT@RichardBarrow: 10pm Police chief confirms that it was not a motorcycle bomb and that the bomb was hidden with intent to kill and maim [foreign tourists]


This is simply terrible. My sympathies to the families and loved ones of the victims and RIP to the victims. This is simply horrid...any one of us living in Bangko or our loved ones could have been victims. I was earlier at Paragon about 4 pm and normally I would have walked to the shrine to pray. But was not feeling good today strangely.

I hope that the cowrds who did this get caught and may they and their familes face bad karma.

I really think that the Muslims or the Southerners ahd nothing to do with this as they could have done it yesterday....but this smells like waht some foreign media are saying. Disgraceful if true.


Please can people not post graphic photos on here. If sick individuals want to look at them use a link.

just report the post to the mods and they'll deal with it - I did sad.png

i havent looked at the link, i have no desire to, but may i ask why you feel that it is up to you to determine what others see?


The crazy speculation. The low grade hack Veronica Pedrosa on Al Jazeera , who is very anti military government , suggested possibility of Military planting bomb itself!

Co-incidence this attack happens just before the charter vote? Not so crazy in my opinion.

Have you ever considered that ANY event always happens before ANY other event?


Wow, really? In Thailand the ambulance doesn't have free pass? Cars don't have to pull over? That's insane.

Drivers either don't have space to go anywhere when stuck in traffic, or simply don't care. A few kilometers can easily take an hour.


Good bless and R.I.P. to those that have been killed and speedy recovery to the injured.

But is anyone really surprised by this ?

You can not take control of a country by false and then tell people they are happy.

I completely agree and have previously posted my sentiments to that fact. I will repeat, this giving back the happiness to the people crap is just a diversion, a cover up for something terribly sinister with this current Administration. Corruption is still rampant, the police force is not to be reformed, the military are digging in for the long haul of running this country and the elite are pulling strings. So what is this tonight, false flag, political or religious, will we ever know? In short the answer is no, but you can rest assured it is just the beginning, the ante has been raised....R.I.P!

You and Chingmai331 just can't help yourselves can you?

You have to layer your political views on a tragic event such as this.

Let the facts unfold before shooting your mouth off.

RIP the dead and may the injured recover quickly.

Where have you been living for the last 20 years, under a rock? The very reason I made the comments is because we will not get the true facts and that people should wake up and discard their security blankets. Of course it is political, everything in this country is political. Maybe you should stock up on tissues, because the worst is yet to come. Do you honestly believe this was because someone had a bad hair day or lost some money on the Chinese exchange rates, grow up and keep your bigoted opinions to yourself.

Not wishing to take side in any disagreements, I would however agree that the facts will be massaged, twisted, contorted, and sculptured to suit the current political stance, what ever that is on the day.


This is truly a sick individual or group that set this off. If found they should be taken to a firing squad and shot


Not sick........just cynical.


The crazy speculation. The low grade hack Veronica Pedrosa on Al Jazeera , who is very anti military government , suggested possibility of Military planting bomb itself!

She will have some supporters on this forum as well!

Why can't people park the speculation for now and see what forensic analysis, and intelligence, reveals in due course.

Forensic and intelligence - is that the joke of the day.


Why are the major news outlets reporting this as "Totally Unexpected?"

Why, because they don't know their arse from their elbow, that's why.

Something on this scale IS totally unexpected.

Unexpected - no way or have you been in Thailand on a 2 week holiday.

Right, I have. So you know who's responsible and why. Please enlighten....


The crazy speculation. The low grade hack Veronica Pedrosa on Al Jazeera , who is very anti military government , suggested possibility of Military planting bomb itself!

She will have some supporters on this forum as well!

Why can't people park the speculation for now and see what forensic analysis, and intelligence, reveals in due course.

Forensic analysis and intelligence, are you serious?! You must not live here

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