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Stock Market CRASH Thread....Are we all doomed?

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So I sold one fund a few days ago at 22.22. This was the high print since the first wave down. it was down $1500 USD from the start of the collapse, but i'm sure it would be down $4000 today if i held it to the close (I'm guessing today the markets get crushed and finishes lower - 300 points or more, or much more. lol).

it's so easy to not look at your portfolio, but it's real money...

i agree that it is likely healthier and better to not look at things for years......but that's just not me.

the question now is....what do i do with the money i just freed up?

easy one, stay in cash until the dust has settled. Further downside in the stock market is very probable. Commodities are very interesting but then you really have to know what you're doing.

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Billionaire investor Carl Icahn explains why further downside in the stock market is very probable

Carl Icahn ...... danger ahead


It is a Donald Trump commercianl. You are a sneaky fellow to insert it here. Good on ya.

It might be that Donald Trump is simply inspired by Icahn, as Icahn sent a policy paper to Donald Trump and a bunch of other people, and a few of the ideas in the paper are reflected in Donald Trump’s plan, according to http://finance.yahoo.com/news/read-icahn-policy-paper-sent-to-trump-and-others-151104201.html

About the inequality that Icahn talks about, I would look to Robert Reich who have been talking about this for ages, see interview with him here or watch “Inequility for All” available on Netflix: http://www.marketplace.org/topics/economy/big-book-video/robert-reich-trying-save-capitalism

I found it peculiar that Icahn had to mention how cheap Apple is, both in his video, and the follow-up interview with Yahoo. Icahn is of course a major shareholder in Apple (though I do not disagree with him, and I’m also a holder of AAPL, but I’m always hesitant to take advice from people who clearly have a chip in the game).

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"the reason the markets aren't going lower is people are holding and hoping,"giggle.gif Gundlach told Reuters in a telephone interview that "the market bottoms out when people are selling and sold out – not when they are holding and hoping. I don't think you've seen real selling in risk assets broadly. Markets need buying to go up and they need volume to go up. They can fall just on gravity."


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"the reason the markets aren't going lower is people are holding and hoping,"giggle.gif Gundlach told Reuters in a telephone interview that "the market bottoms out when people are selling and sold out – not when they are holding and hoping. I don't think you've seen real selling in risk assets broadly. Markets need buying to go up and they need volume to go up. They can fall just on gravity."


SET has gone from 1500 to 1300 in the past year. Next year it will be at 1100. That is lower.

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Come what may, I am holding my Hershey stocks.

at the end of the day I think holding the chocolate bars themselves would be far more pragmatic than bits of paper

yeah! let's get rid of the paper and stock chocolate bars. but somehow i have strong doubts whether next week my ticket Bangkok-Frankfurt can be paid with chocolate bars.

next helpful comment please! coffee1.gif

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Come what may, I am holding my Hershey stocks.

at the end of the day I think holding the chocolate bars themselves would be far more pragmatic than bits of paper

yeah! let's get rid of the paper and stock chocolate bars. but somehow i have strong doubts whether next week my ticket Bangkok-Frankfurt can be paid with chocolate bars.

next helpful comment please! coffee1.gif

"at the end of the day " i.e. when the fat lady sings and she's not singing yet is she?(but she will)rolleyes.gif

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Next Tuesday week (not next Tues) @ 14:08 Thai time, it will hit the fan, many will put on their parachute!

Enough your flight, Sir.

A crash IS imminent as USA financial institutions are insuring their holdings by shorting the emini CFD very heavily now.


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Next Tuesday week (not next Tues) @ 14:08 Thai time, it will hit the fan, many will put on their parachute!

Enough your flight, Sir.

A crash IS imminent as USA financial institutions are insuring their holdings by shorting the emini CFD very heavily now.


Perhaps you could elaborate on your experience, expertise and track record in making prognostications such as this one.

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Next Tuesday week (not next Tues) @ 14:08 Thai time, it will hit the fan, many will put on their parachute!

Enough your flight, Sir.

A crash IS imminent as USA financial institutions are insuring their holdings by shorting the emini CFD very heavily now.


Perhaps you could elaborate on your experience, expertise and track record in making prognostications such as this one.

And also translate 'emini CFD '

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Next Tuesday week (not next Tues) @ 14:08 Thai time, it will hit the fan, many will put on their parachute!

Enough your flight, Sir.

A crash IS imminent as USA financial institutions are insuring their holdings by shorting the emini CFD very heavily now.


Perhaps you could elaborate on your experience, expertise and track record in making prognostications such as this one.

And also translate 'emini CFD '

he means e- mini Contract for Difference

E-minis are futures contracts that represent a fraction of the value of standard futures.

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Just received an email - encrypted of course.

This is super hot.

I wish to give this tip away to TV members only - FREE!

However, the rules of arrangement forbid me.

Therefore, for the first 50 million players, I will provide the details at a paltry THB20 million each.

CASH - brown paper bag only.

HURRY! You'll make lots of $$$ - I think.

(Don't worry about me - I am very professional & honest.)

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sweet.....this thread is still going!!!

S&P 500 is under 2000.....but at 1980 it's certainly not in the worst position. I am NOT adding to any longs, and still happy at a sweet mutual fund sale when the market was much higher...

market can go either way.......but until we get a close about 2000, I'll keep thinking about the greatest crash the market has ever known!!!

in the big picture, i think 1800 is big, and that's almost 200 points away!!!! then you have 1500...another 300 down!!!

and during the last crash it stopped at 666........actually, i don't know........but around there and that's 1300 points lower from here!!!!!


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Next Tuesday week (not next Tues) @ 14:08 Thai time, it will hit the fan, many will put on their parachute!

Enough your flight, Sir.

A crash IS imminent as USA financial institutions are insuring their holdings by shorting the emini CFD very heavily now.


'er or it might mean that institutions are now coming back into a rising market and taking out shorts as cover for their rising gains. You also do realise of course that for every buyer of a short that there is a seller?

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Next Tuesday week (not next Tues) @ 14:08 Thai time, it will hit the fan, many will put on their parachute!

Enough your flight, Sir.

A crash IS imminent as USA financial institutions are insuring their holdings by shorting the emini CFD very heavily now.


'er or it might mean that institutions are now coming back into a rising market and taking out shorts as cover for their rising gains. You also do realise of course that for every buyer of a short that there is a seller?

Yes, but when they "cover for rising gains" there are more buyers buying the e-mini so that rises in a higher proportion to the cash rate and the difference is closer.
I do realise one buyer for one seller but now there are more shorters in the e-mini causing it to fall away from the cash price so less buyers!!
If it was 1:1 the market would not change !!
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Next Tuesday week (not next Tues) @ 14:08 Thai time, it will hit the fan, many will put on their parachute!

Enough your flight, Sir.

A crash IS imminent as USA financial institutions are insuring their holdings by shorting the emini CFD very heavily now.


Perhaps you could elaborate on your experience, expertise and track record in making prognostications such as this one.

You have to have access to the price of the S&P cash rate as against the e-mini price.
I pay for a service and cannot give more details because of confidential clauses.
But when the e-mini is a lot lower than the cash price then the big boys are "buying" e-mini shorts or shorting the S&P as they fear the market will fall and want to insure the stocks they have bought for their clients..
(But they do not tell their clients they are making money from shorting the market .. just getting commission from the suckers buying shares through their companies.)
I think the market will fall from what I just said so have shorted the e-mini myself, but if I was an expert at prognostications would I be living in a rural part of Thailand mainly relying on a pension?? Perhaps a bit flippant with my orginal comment.
There is a problem with shorting the e-mine too early though. The bigger-big boys push the rate up alarmingly causing us shorters out of the game then bang they short and down it goes. Look how the market rose just prior to the last crash. That is one of my "expertises" !!
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