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My friend went out to TL and bought a brand new Asus laptop, he returned home switched it on and found the only programme installed was "Freedos", a DOS based programme, there appears to be no Windows installation, how is this possible in 2015. Any advice for him, please Ladies and Gents. I have a fair bit of knowledge but it is 20 odd years since I used DOS. I have already advised him to hotfoot it back to TL.

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Often happens in Thailand.coffee1.gif

You must be careful when buying in Thailand.

Sometimes an illegal copy of Windows is installed.

These fantastic bargains aren't a bargain at all, when you consider buying a legal copy of Windows at 3000-4000 baht or more. wink.png


Often happens in Thailand.coffee1.gif

You must be careful when buying in Thailand.

Sometimes an illegal copy of Windows is installed.

These fantastic bargains aren't a bargain at all, when you consider buying a legal copy of Windows at 3000-4000 baht or more. wink.png

I think it doesn't "happen" as if it was something bad.

I think it is a good thing to be able to buy a laptop without windows on it.

Many people want to install linux and don't want to pay extra for windows.

On a low spec laptops windows isn't too useful.

People should just pay attention to what they are buying.


Yes its common in Thailand but in Tesco / Big C the system is usually labelled as such & usually comes with a 2-3k discount. I bought an Acer notebook from Big C a couple of years ago, end of the line, no OS for 12k but worth 15k. The staff explained everything to me & even confirmed the spec in the BIOS.

TBH your friend should be more worried about the battery. I bought the wife an ASUS 18 months ago & the battery is down to 30% efficiency; lots of similar reports on the interweb...compare that to my 2.5 year old Acer with 75% as of this week.


Don't know what all the fuss is about.

Most computers in this part of the world have pirated windows (not all..and some people have legal copies...I understand)

I have purchased computers with pirated software on them for 20 years (philippines and thailand). Just bring it to a tech and he will put windows on it for 500 baht. (Or do it himself)

Suggest he install antivirus software on it as well.

Another suggestion is to get AIS fibre cable, as they include Android Operating system for your television. The browser works ok, and they are only charging 350 a month. He needs a provider anyways. My tv has two hdmi inputs.....I plug their android box in one, and my laptop with windows on the other. I can flip back and forth. Also have Linux Tahr Puppy on a thumb flash drive. That is 3 operating systems, on call immediately. I never have to worry about that inevitable blue screen of death on windows...and their constant meddling with foolish updates and services.

Good time for your friend to get weaned off of bill gates tattaes......and who cares if he loses business? I find it rather odd that people expect to have Windows on every single laptop that they buy...forever. You don't even get a choice. It is just windows..and more windows... Apple doesn't force all laptop manufacturers to install their Operating system. Computers can work fine..without windows.


Model numbers tell the story. The same ASUS computer with WinOS installed will have a different model number than the same computer with no WinOS. No Windows means the computer is much cheaper.

Your pal should be happy! Most new computers here come loaded with all kinds of crappy software that takes effort to remove.

Most computer shops will install Windows 7, 8.1, or 10 for him, his choice. Or, as some already suggested, install Linux for free and forego Windows altogether.


Can't someone do an OS just for the Net..I've never used any toys Gates puts in.

Linux is pretty much the only...non commercial operating system.... can be as small or as big as you like. Has all the browsers and same media players...etc.

Adroid is GoOgle

Apple is Apple

Windows is Bill Gates

Linux is...free and easy (ok...if I can do it, it is easy)

There are some others....I tried them all...some very small Operating Systems you can install..but Linux has the most and best variety.

My usb flash drive can be placed in any laptop/computer that boots off of flash...and bam..I have a cool operating system with any browser I want.


Often happens in Thailand.coffee1.gif

You must be careful when buying in Thailand.

Sometimes an illegal copy of Windows is installed.

These fantastic bargains aren't a bargain at all, when you consider buying a legal copy of Windows at 3000-4000 baht or more. wink.png

He paid about 16k, so I would expect Windows to have been pre-installed. He is, unfortunately, a computer novice, ans I only found out what he bought wjen I went to set up his internet line. Tesco should not be selling machines without Windows pre-installed. A computer shop, then fine, but not Tesco.


The majority of computers sold in Thailand and other counter come without Windows...instead they just have some free OS loaded like FreeDOS, Linux, etc. Been like that for a long time. Now in some countries like the U.S., it common for the computer to come with Windows. Different countries, different approaches/policies.

And just because the display model had Windows on it don't mean if you buy that same model it will come with Windows....very common for the store to load some version of Windows on the display model so the customers can play with it. Usually the display documentation, maybe a screen poster or cardboard poster next to the computer, clearly state whether it comes with Windows or not....and a person can always ask the sales clerk.


Don't know what all the fuss is about.

Most computers in this part of the world have pirated windows (not all..and some people have legal copies...I understand)

I have purchased computers with pirated software on them for 20 years (philippines and thailand). Just bring it to a tech and he will put windows on it for 500 baht. (Or do it himself)

Suggest he install antivirus software on it as well.

Another suggestion is to get AIS fibre cable, as they include Android Operating system for your television. The browser works ok, and they are only charging 350 a month. He needs a provider anyways. My tv has two hdmi inputs.....I plug their android box in one, and my laptop with windows on the other. I can flip back and forth. Also have Linux Tahr Puppy on a thumb flash drive. That is 3 operating systems, on call immediately. I never have to worry about that inevitable blue screen of death on windows...and their constant meddling with foolish updates and services.

Good time for your friend to get weaned off of bill gates tattaes......and who cares if he loses business? I find it rather odd that people expect to have Windows on every single laptop that they buy...forever. You don't even get a choice. It is just windows..and more windows... Apple doesn't force all laptop manufacturers to install their Operating system. Computers can work fine..without windows.

He is a complete novice, and bought the machine on a whim, if it had an OS other than Windows, it would have been fine. Getting it home and finding himself faced with "C:/" and a black screen is not acceptable.


The novice will either need to see if he can get a refund or just go out and buy Windows. The novice has no one to blame but himself....he was probably thinking how computers are sold in his home country (probably almost always with Windows), figured since the display model probably had Windows on it then that means it comes with Windows, and forget to remember he's now in another country where some things are operate differently. Live and learn.

At some stores, like ITCity, it's common for the sales price to reflect the cost "without" Windows and "with" Windows for those models that do not come with Windows pre-installed by the manufacturer. Personally, I would be leery of having the store install Windows "unless you had actually bought" Windows in a separate package....like you walked into the store and just bought Windows to take home and install yourself. The reason I would be leery is because I wouldn't be confident they are truly installing a "non-pirated" copy or they activate it in some way that won't stick. And the last time I bought a laptop around 20 months ago (no Windows included; only free Ubuntu/Linux) at BananaIT their standard sales package included an offer to install Windows for only Bt500....don't know if that would have been an Evaluation copy or not which I would have later had to pay to activate....and that Bt500 was just labor to install an unactivated copy of Windows onto the computer. Instead, I just bought Win 8.1 separately, took my new laptop and separately procured Win 8.1 package home and installed Win 8.1 myself.

And we all need to remember that Thais are use to just taking their whole computer to a nearby computer shop where they will load up anything your want for a low, low price if you know what I mean to include the OS. Why pay significantly extra for a computer when a person is comfortable using this approach. The next day or earlier they come back and pick up their computer and begin their use of "god knows what lurks beneath" the software they had loaded-up at a fantastically low price.


Who pays for Windows in this day & age? I've been using the same copy of Win 7 for 10 years, installed & reinstalled 100 times on multiple computers; never had a problem.

A bit of a stretch since Win7 only came out in 2009?


500 baht....for a tech rep. Go to one of those small shops.

Tell them to put any version of windows you want.

Also, tell them you want them to install linux tahr puppy on a thumb drive (not on the computer)

and tell them to set the computer to boot off the thumb drive first...(it will boot windows if no thumb drive...thats ok)

Also tell the tech rep to make sure Linux tahr puppy is setup for wifi (it usually is just a few steps)..and the right video driver (standard vesa)

Now he has two operating systems for 500 baht. If he wants to boot Linux tahr puppy, just plug it into the usb port

(i like it because it's fast, small, and runs in ram). Puppy also saves to the flash drive.. get at least a 16 gig usb flash drive. Since Tahr Puppy runs in ram, and saves on the flash drive....your computer is safe ...and pure as the driven snow. Hide the flash drive from your wife. Good for online banking and storing passwords...(use KeePass). You isolate your laptop from anything you do when you are on linux. Now you can take that flash drive (with Tahr Puppy) anywhere and plug it into almost any laptop you want. (right through customs..no need for them to grab your laptop for forensics). Hide that usb drive in a toothbrush or something.

Otherwise...store that puppy for use when windows crashes. He can still read everything on the hard drive with the puppy flash drive. He will learn


IMHO, computers bought with windoze pre-installed are a disaster, with clutter such as 30-day anti-vrius trial systems

and the latest/grooviest power-hogging manufacturer's tweak tool,

'Coz your friend bought from the afore-mentioned multinational, usually IT stuff can be returned within a week for full refund.

I your friend really needs windozer and doesn't want to pay 500B,

tell us TVers where your friend is at,

and one of us kind folk in the vicinity can possibly install a clean copy of the dozer,

in return for sufficient bottles of brain nourishment to last the session. AA


I am in the process of taking Windows off all my Computers

Windows has turned into a spy program

Windows 7 is now riddled with Spy stuff installed through Updates

I'm going for Ubuntu 14.04.3 Long Term Support Linux system


http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows a 2 gig stick is large enough for instalation


You can also just install it to a Large USB stick and run it from there if you wish


My wife killed an acre laptop that in shop gave me back empty without windows . I download with my laptop from Microsoft recovery disk on key and opened it with an old SN that I had at home. Than download drivers from acer and installed them together with windows from the recovery disk. After that I upgrade it to win 10 and now have perfect win 10 laptop


Just take it to any computer shop and ask them to install Windows OS ... cost 500 baht.

200 Baht

That's what I thought it cost originally as I remember paying 200 baht some 6 years ago over at Pha Ram 9 but someone posted 500 baht earlier so I just though it must have gone up since then ..

but right ... 200 baht ..


Often happens in Thailand.coffee1.gif

You must be careful when buying in Thailand.

Sometimes an illegal copy of Windows is installed.

These fantastic bargains aren't a bargain at all, when you consider buying a legal copy of Windows at 3000-4000 baht or more. wink.png

Yes, but he didn't even get that and that was what he was expecting. I would be inclined to at least check back with Tesco Lotus whether a copy of Windows should have been included. If it turns out that Windows was an extra then ask them to install anyway assuming they will. Only if that is not provided would I then go to a local IT store to have it done.


I believe I saw this computer at Tesco today. On the bottom of the spec sheet attached to the display, it says DOS.


IMHO, computers bought with windoze pre-installed are a disaster, with clutter such as 30-day anti-vrius trial systems

and the latest/grooviest power-hogging manufacturer's tweak tool,

'Coz your friend bought from the afore-mentioned multinational, usually IT stuff can be returned within a week for full refund.

I your friend really needs windozer and doesn't want to pay 500B,

tell us TVers where your friend is at,

and one of us kind folk in the vicinity can possibly install a clean copy of the dozer,

in return for sufficient bottles of brain nourishment to last the session. AA

There definitely something to be said about doing a Clean Install of Windows compared using the factory-installed Windows. Right now I'm seriously thinking about buying another laptop in the Bt10K-13K ballpark. Right now I'm focusing on a particular Lenovo model which is onsale at under Bt11K and it comes with Windows 8.1 installed. From playing with the display model I can see it has x-amount of crapware/trial versions of software loaded up on its 500GB hard drive....no biggie, it's easy enough to uninstall programs.

I went in the Disk Management module of Windows just to see how many partitions (hidden and visible) is on the hard drive. A total of 4 visible (C and D partitions for programs/data) and then 4 hidden system-related partitions, with 3 of the hidden partition apparently being only for "recovery/reinstall" of Windows if you ever needed to do that and take you computer back to day 1 your bought it. These 3 hidden partitions utilize 16GB of the 500GB drive...not a big chunk, but 16GB is still a fair amount.

Now I would be doing the free upgrade to Win 10 shortly after getting the computer....I would probably wait a few weeks to ensure the computer is working properly...don't need to be taken back for refund/repair.

I would first do image backups using Windows backup and Macrium Reflect backup so I could restore the drive to factory status if needed...if the Win 10 upgrade turns into a horror story...highly unlikely. I would then do the Win 10 upgrade in order to get my machine fingerprint taken by the Win 10 servers so whenever I reinstall Windows it's automatically activated.

I would then do a "Clean Install" of Win 10 so I could wipe the hard drive of all partitions and create new ones...when the dust settled I would probably just have two partitions, one hidden Systems partition used for booting and on C Drive for programs/data....I may have a third hidden UEFI partition also used for booting....but I wouldn't have to worry about did the "upgrade to Win 10 over top of the Win 8.1" occur without any bugs...and I freed up around 16GB of hard drive space which was containing a factory pre-load Win 8.1 which I wouldn't be going back to anyway.

Plus from what I've read when you "upgrade to Win 10" with factory pre-loaded Win 8.1 partition the partition that holds Win 8.1 for reload is made to be nonfunctional for reload purposes...just dead space.

A Clean Install is just a good way to start off a computer's life.

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