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The Uiyghar motive is well established. Is he connected to them? Or not?

It's pretty hard to think of another reason to have a huge pile of fake Turkish passports.

Forgers typically have large numbers of forged passports seeing as they are making them...whistling.gif

funny how people get so easily blinded isn't it ?

Yeah, I guess I was blinded by those blasting caps, pipes, and other "bomb making stuff." whistling.gif

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I know the police are saying its not him but apart from the hair (cut), he does fit the CCTV of the bomber quite well. The taxi guy said he had a weak chin and long nose for starters


RT@W7VOA: Police display one of the passport seized in room of #BangkokBlast suspect (no confirmation if real identity). http://t.co/yJCvVWKvaG


That passport is counterfeit. The check digits on the bottom line do not compute correctly. Also, look at the validity dates of the passport. Both the issue date and the expiry date are shown as 'Date of Expiry'. I reckon he bought that on the Kao San Road.

Yes we know, so does the whole of Thailand....go back at least 4 pages on this thread


The Uiyghar motive is well established. Is he connected to them? Or not?

It's pretty hard to think of another reason to have a huge pile of fake Turkish passports.

Forgers typically have large numbers of forged passports seeing as they are making them...whistling.gif

funny how people get so easily blinded isn't it ?

Yeah, I guess I was blinded by those blasting caps, pipes, and other "bomb making stuff." whistling.gif

nice try you where talking about PP's not bomb making gear dear boy....rolleyes.gif


Great news for me! Being a Turkish citizen myself, I'm sure I'll face more discrimination from Thais because of this.

I had to do a border run a week after the Thai consulate in Istanbul was attacked, and they interrogated me for about 10 minutes. Now probably I'll have much more difficult time at Thai embassies and border crossings.

I really hate being born as a Turk and a muslim, all the time I have to pay for the stupidity of my country's citizens.

That passport is definitely fake btw, but the term Turk is attached to this event anyway so Thais will always remember Turks as the bad guys.


This will be interesting to see how it plays out. My first reaction was "the guy's Turkish...why would a Turk want to do this?!". Then I remembered that there is a sizable Uyghur population living in Turkey...they began emigrating to Turkey in the 1950's. And there were street demonstrations in July in Turkey aimed at China's treatment of Uyghurs. The motive for a Turk to carry this out could (I say "could") be to embarrass the Thai government for their extradition of a bunch of Uyghurs back to China...and to take out a few Chinese in the process. Pure speculation on my part I admit.

Thailand deported 170 Uyghers to Turkey this year, and about 100 to China. China got the more press....but more were sent back to Turkey. The Thai Embassy in Turkey had massive protests just 2 months ago.

All of this noted in this article.



One thing the RTP doesn't get is a little thing called motive. They think they can just throw whatever s*** against the wall and think it will stick because they don't get the concept of motive at all.

RTP:"here is what we will do, we will blame the Turkish guy, the random Turkish guy because whatever we say is law, motive? Who is going to ask about that? The press? we will get them for defamation.. The public? HA! Motive SCHMOTIVE!"

It frustrates the living daylights out of me.

In all fairness I think it is difficult at times to find a clear and cut and dry motive when dealing with Terrorist Attacks.

Blowing up a building with a Kindergarten Class their and killing a bunch of small children because of US Foreign Policy is difficult to piece together sometimes. As is steering an airplane full of innocent people and children into a building or bombing a Disco, or cutting the head off of an Oil Worker on live video.

It is my view that the Motive most times is just Media Attention. The more heinous the crime the more attention it seems to get.


Apparently ISIL distributed over 100,000 fake Turkish passports to get militants into Syria and Turkey, some from Malaysia and Thailand. http://en.cihan.com.tr/en/more-than-100000-fake-turkish-passports-given-to-isil-1741191.htm

Immigration and RTP should have been on high alert for people entering and exiting on Turkish passports. This suggests the bombing was preventable, had they not been asleep at the switch (which they were, because the bombing took place only a hundred meters or so from RTP headquarters).


From BBC, reporting that General Chaktip said "We found dozens of passports inside his room."

In the second photo of the suspect today, his angular cheekbones and jaw, and slightly rounded nose look almost identical to the guy in the CCTV dropping off the bag. Most normal people don't have dozens of passports or bomb-making things in their room. I think they've got the right guy.

If this is the right guy, I offer my humble congratulations and thanks to the Royal Thai Police for locating this murderer and preventing further atrocities.

'In the second photo of the suspect today, his angular cheekbones and jaw, and slightly rounded nose look almost identical to the guy in the CCTV dropping off the bag."

Nice call. The only thing I got from watching the video several times was what a long angular jaw the guy had. When the sketch came out, I thought, well, OK, but that is not the guy's long jaw. But look at the new photo and imagine what he would look like without the two weeks of beard. (and new hair cut?) That's the jaw in the video.

I couldn't resist adding my 5 cents... whether it is or isn't the bomber in the CCTV footage might not be so important right now if he is part of a cell working together - he would be made to finger the others. But there is an interesting area of research in trying to identify people by their gait, in which case high-quality images aren't necessary.


It's pretty hard to think of another reason to have a huge pile of fake Turkish passports.

Forgers typically have large numbers of forged passports seeing as they are making them...whistling.gif

funny how people get so easily blinded isn't it ?

Yeah, I guess I was blinded by those blasting caps, pipes, and other "bomb making stuff." whistling.gif

nice try you where talking about PP's not bomb making gear dear boy....rolleyes.gif

I guess I'll have to connect the dots for you. We saw a huge pile of forged Turkish passports (not any other nationalities were visible). We then we looking at who, in Bangkok, would possess such a stock, together with the other materials, and the logical conclusion is as JT suggested in the first post in this nest.


Arm Chair critics. The majority of these post are blatantly bias, derogatory and racist. You call it Thainese - I call it Thainese bashing. As a westerner I'm pretty appalled and disgusted with what I read on this forum. The majority of you should return to your native countries as you have no consideration, compassion, understanding or respect of your host / adopted country. I do believe the country you call home is not what you remember if it ever was what depict it to be. If it was SO good why are you in Thailand ?

How many of you ARE former Police Detectives or Agents of special services of and for your native country ?? Only those that are can offer expertise opinion. The rest of you watch to much CSI; The Bill; FBI or the Bourne Identity trilogy to base your vast worldly knowledge of outspoken ill informed opinion on. Your posts are if not more than a pathetic indictment of your pathetic and sorry miserable lives but plausible for a poor excuse of entertainment.

I'm glad I don't know any of you as I would much rather call a Thai a friend than any of you.

Do you feel better now?


Great news for me! Being a Turkish citizen myself, I'm sure I'll face more discrimination from Thais because of this.

I had to do a border run a week after the Thai consulate in Istanbul was attacked, and they interrogated me for about 10 minutes. Now probably I'll have much more difficult time at Thai embassies and border crossings.

I really hate being born as a Turk and a muslim, all the time I have to pay for the stupidity of my country's citizens.

That passport is definitely fake btw, but the term Turk is attached to this event anyway so Thais will always remember Turks as the bad guys.

I'm sorry to know this is the case. It really just speaks volumes about Thailand/Thai xenophobia more than anything else. You shouldn't be ashamed of where you are from or what religion you practice. If it makes you feel any better, I visited Turkey twice and LOVED IT. the people were fantastic, NOT xenophobic and I really enjoyed it all. (I'd visit it over Thailand any day of the week). So at the end of the day, the ignorance/prejduice of the Thais just doesn't matter


Apparently ISIL distributed over 100,000 fake Turkish passports to get militants into Syria and Turkey, some from Malaysia and Thailand. http://en.cihan.com.tr/en/more-than-100000-fake-turkish-passports-given-to-isil-1741191.htm

Good find. Jeez....

That is a good find, but to assume that this guy just caught today is a passport forger or somehow related to the Syrian conflict and ISIL is a bit of a stretch at this point without further evidence.


"These are items any average household has."

Oh yes, the average house has a canvas vest similar to suicide bombers and loads of 1.5mm ball bearings lying around. Why just yesterday my wife said "Darling, we need to go to Tesco, we're running low on ball bearings"

RT@RichardBarrow: Photos of some of the “evidence” found in the apartment of the suspected bomber - RT @sataporn_pptv: http://t.co/4qMBGZliOP #Thailand




I sure hope they found more evidence than this.

These are items any average household has.


Uyghar people are very different looking to Turks, but there are also about 50 different ethnic types, from european looking to asian looking.

So the guy arrested could well be Uyghar. Lets wait and see..


Great news for me! Being a Turkish citizen myself, I'm sure I'll face more discrimination from Thais because of this.

I had to do a border run a week after the Thai consulate in Istanbul was attacked, and they interrogated me for about 10 minutes. Now probably I'll have much more difficult time at Thai embassies and border crossings.

I really hate being born as a Turk and a muslim, all the time I have to pay for the stupidity of my country's citizens.

That passport is definitely fake btw, but the term Turk is attached to this event anyway so Thais will always remember Turks as the bad guys.

You could tell every thai you meet about the Gezi spirit and tell them that you are a proud çapulcu, that should change their views about you, hahahahah. The immigration guys probably let you off the hook after you told them you're different.


So let's say there are a bunch of Uyghur refugees in Thailand. And there some Turks of Uyghur descent in Thailand as well. And they are running a little human pipeline. That pipeline needs a big apartment or two. And some fake Turkish passports.

Now let's say a bunch of these people get rounded up and deported back to China. And now the apartment is pretty empty. Except for a pile of fake passports and one or two angry of Uyghurs who managed to avoid the deportation dragnet.

Then let's say that anger manifests itself, and with a little help from outside, a plan is hatched to take revenge on the Thai people and their government. So a few new guys come to Thailand, move in to the apartment for a while, do their business, and leave. But one guy sticks around.

Until 29 August, when the RTP arrives in force.

This is just a story I made up.


The Daily Mail pics of evidence are completely different to thai media pics ... <deleted>??

I dont see that - they look identical (apart from the picture of the suspect, that's a new one on me).


just sitting at home getting tucked into my hat with some rice hope now they have got him that the trial will be short before executing him and his associates and not some long drawn out court case full of adjournments for months and never ending appeals and of course congratulations to the police for a job well done provided they have the right man.

"..hope now they have got him that the trial will be short before executing him and his associates.."

Yes, and why didn't they just line the two defendants in the Koh Tao case up and shoot them right away?! This guy is clearly as guilty. The RTP is an outstanding force so a trial is not really necessary.

Shoot him, I say!


So let's say there are a bunch of Uyghur refugees in Thailand. And there some Turks of Uyghur descent in Thailand as well. And they are running a little human pipeline. That pipeline needs a big apartment or two. And some fake Turkish passports.

Now let's say a bunch of these people get rounded up and deported back to China. And now the apartment is pretty empty. Except for a pile of fake passports and one or two angry of Uyghurs who managed to avoid the deportation dragnet.

Then let's say that anger manifests itself, and with a little help from outside, a plan is hatched to take revenge on the Thai people and their government. So a few new guys come to Thailand, move in to the apartment for a while, do their business, and leave. But one guy sticks around.

Until 29 August, when the RTP arrives in force.

This is just a story I made up.

Sounds reasonable. Just a missing piece, that the little human pipeline was part of a network to get militants to Turkey and Syria to fight for ISIL. And, if the 5 rooms were related to the mass deportation, shouldn't RTP have kept the rooms under surveillance? Your theory is plausible and provides another example of how RTP failed miserably leading to the bombing.


Some enterprising resauranteur should have a special "All you can eat buffet" of humble pie and crow tonight.

Heck, I'll happily pay the bill for some TV members too.

Congratulations to the police and thanks to the informant for the breakthrough.


well .. well ... well ... if my memory serves me correct I stated that the RTP were not telling TV everything and I also said mark this post !!!

meaning they would get the suspect soon !!

ain't I a clever dick !!! now where are all the nay sayers ??? all gone to hide under their beds and eat humble pie ??

I guess if you know what's going on then your 90% there !!! I have been around a while .... whistling.gif

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