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There are some real smart.ss people here who know it all even though they haven't seen all the stuff they found inside the room. I am with some Chinese people and they have shown me images already 2 hours ago that are slowly being shown here now. 1 of them is post 452.

And there is one real smart person here who is sure that this is only a human trafficking case.

And these Chinese people you're with who got these pictures 2 hours ago, received them from whom? Their connections with the RTP are what? Are you saying/implying that pictures are being "leaked" to some Chinese recipients ?

I'd have thought that the RTP would have had all this "explosives" on show during the press conference, none of the online national news outlets have these pictures at present, your friends must be pretty "influential" people ;)

Not really. You can find them on Thai websites since for 4 pm too. Just had a look for you. You must have missed them; too busy explaining us what is really going on I guess...
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I'll save the fanfare personally till something more significant is found, like the source of the explosives, the bomb maker himself, if this guy is being touted as the bomb maker, then Thai EOD guys just need to ask him to create a simple circuit with the stuff that's been found, he's going to hang, he's got nothing to lose, if he can't complete a simple closed circuit diagram, then he's a red herring.

I'm sure the suspect will be happy to demonstrate how to wire a bomb to prove his guilt. Or he could pretend to be stupid.

not to prove his guilt, to prove his knowledge that he's actually a bomb maker, seems to work any other time the RTP stage "reconstructions" .

If he pretends to be stupid, then he's not smart enough to pretend to make bombs either ;) and say " this ain't mine, I'm actually squatting here" his prints will be all over that stuff, proving he handled it, why would a "stupid guy" handle bomb making components if he was just "pretending" ?


There are some real smart.ss people here who know it all even though they haven't seen all the stuff they found inside the room. I am with some Chinese people and they have shown me images already 2 hours ago that are slowly being shown here now. 1 of them is post 452.

And there is one real smart person here who is sure that this is only a human trafficking case.

And these Chinese people you're with who got these pictures 2 hours ago, received them from whom? Their connections with the RTP are what? Are you saying/implying that pictures are being "leaked" to some Chinese recipients ?

I'd have thought that the RTP would have had all this "explosives" on show during the press conference, none of the online national news outlets have these pictures at present, your friends must be pretty "influential" people wink.png

Not really. You can find them on Thai websites since for 4 pm too. Just had a look for you. You must have missed them; too busy explaining us what is really going on I guess...

got some links ? I'm genuinely interested, there's nothing on the BP or the Nation.. thanks.


WoW.... Just Great news if this is the right guy... should have all those RTP slaters eating their words now... Let us all hope this is the bomber and he gets what's coming his way...! Should be an interesting story of his tracking down and capture.

The same police who told the BBC correspondent "Come back tomorrow, we are closed?"

You mean that retarded gobshite reporter of the BBC ,who went to the Top Police station knowing it was closed to get a story ?He could have gone to any of the 99% other Police stations in Bangkok that were open ,but that would not make a good story .Has he still got those ball bearings i wonder ? If he has he should be charged with witholding evidence .(although another few bearing are going to prove nothing )


A question re the photos that have been posted in this thread thus far:

None of the photos that I've seen posted here thus far seem to show any actual explosives or actual bombs.

But tonight, my wife showed me some photos floating around the Thai social media that showed what look like pipe bombs supposedly having been retrieved from this guy's rooms.

Anyone seen any pipe bomb photos from any credible sources associated with this guy's arrest?

BTW, I see the BKK Post's current web report is saying police did retrieve pieces of pipe from the guy's apartment.

You are on to something that has been bothering me.

There was one report that the police were showing photos on an iPad, including photos of the bomb materials. One photo made it on to this thread. It was a picture of a television screen from a newscast. On the right side is shown some pipe couplings and ball bearings.

This photo looks different from the others, and does not appear to be contemporaneous with the much publicized photos from the apartment. So one is left to wonder where and when it was taken.

As usual, the RTP and the media conspire to release information in such a haphazard fashion as to confuse everyone.

Ineptitude or cleverness? Stay tuned.


Does anyone really believe the guilty person is still sitting around in BKK in their room with a pair of scissors, a cigarette lighter a screwdriver and a battery are waiting for a knock on the door? If he was smart enough to set off a bomb he is smart enough to get as far away from the scene and the country as quickly as possible. Nothing can be confirmed as fact until we see photos and fingers pointing. Photos are a start but as yet no pointing fingers. Anyway it is doubtful it is him because he is not wearing a yellow inscribed shirt. Let's all be patient and thankful a Myanmar immigrant worker hasn't been put in the frame. Face saving demands desperate measures at this critical time for the future careers of the Thai Bill.


>>If he was smart enough to set off a bomb he is smart enough to get as far away from the scene and the country as quickly as possible.<< All he did was plant the bomb which you could train a monkey to do .


There are some real smart.ss people here who know it all even though they haven't seen all the stuff they found inside the room. I am with some Chinese people and they have shown me images already 2 hours ago that are slowly being shown here now. 1 of them is post 452.

And there is one real smart person here who is sure that this is only a human trafficking case.

And these Chinese people you're with who got these pictures 2 hours ago, received them from whom? Their connections with the RTP are what? Are you saying/implying that pictures are being "leaked" to some Chinese recipients ?

I'd have thought that the RTP would have had all this "explosives" on show during the press conference, none of the online national news outlets have these pictures at present, your friends must be pretty "influential" people wink.png

Not really. You can find them on Thai websites since for 4 pm too. Just had a look for you. You must have missed them; too busy explaining us what is really going on I guess...

got some links ? I'm genuinely interested, there's nothing on the BP or the Nation.. thanks.

look around on Thairath, Khaosod and tweets from the Nation. Some are also being shown here now.

There are some real smart.ss people here who know it all even though they haven't seen all the stuff they found inside the room. I am with some Chinese people and they have shown me images already 2 hours ago that are slowly being shown here now. 1 of them is post 452.

And there is one real smart person here who is sure that this is only a human trafficking case.

And these Chinese people you're with who got these pictures 2 hours ago, received them from whom? Their connections with the RTP are what? Are you saying/implying that pictures are being "leaked" to some Chinese recipients ?

I'd have thought that the RTP would have had all this "explosives" on show during the press conference, none of the online national news outlets have these pictures at present, your friends must be pretty "influential" people wink.png

Not really. You can find them on Thai websites since for 4 pm too. Just had a look for you. You must have missed them; too busy explaining us what is really going on I guess...

got some links ? I'm genuinely interested, there's nothing on the BP or the Nation.. thanks.

There are plenty of photos on Daily Mail Uk website, but that is blocked in Thailand

It is easy to see that the ball bearings are about 0.5 cm


"These are items any average household has."

Oh yes, the average house has a canvas vest similar to suicide bombers and loads of 1.5mm ball bearings lying around. Why just yesterday my wife said "Darling, we need to go to Tesco, we're running low on ball bearings"

RT@RichardBarrow: Photos of some of the “evidence” found in the apartment of the suspected bomber - RT @sataporn_pptv: http://t.co/4qMBGZliOP #Thailand




I sure hope they found more evidence than this.

These are items any average household has.

I dont see a canvas vest nor ball bearings in those pictures. Maybe its my eyesight...

Must be your eyesight as it is as clear as daylight; right in front of your nose. How could you miss it?


A question re the photos that have been posted in this thread thus far:

None of the photos that I've seen posted here thus far seem to show any actual explosives or actual bombs.

But tonight, my wife showed me some photos floating around the Thai social media that showed what look like pipe bombs supposedly having been retrieved from this guy's rooms.

Anyone seen any pipe bomb photos from any credible sources associated with this guy's arrest?

BTW, I see the BKK Post's current web report is saying police did retrieve pieces of pipe from the guy's apartment.

You are on to something that has been bothering me.

There was one report that the police were showing photos on an iPad, including photos of the bomb materials. One photo made it on to this thread. It was a picture of a television screen from a newscast. On the right side is shown some pipe couplings and ball bearings.

This photo looks different from the others, and does not appear to be contemporaneous with the much publicized photos from the apartment. So one is left to wonder where and when it was taken.

As usual, the RTP and the media conspire to release information in such a haphazard fashion as to confuse everyone.

Ineptitude or cleverness? Stay tuned.

Check out the tiles in the picture (post 470)

Some enterprising resauranteur should have a special "All you can eat buffet" of humble pie and crow tonight.

Heck, I'll happily pay the bill for some TV members too.

Congratulations to the police and thanks to the informant for the breakthrough.

1 million baht was offered as a reward, more than enough for a neigbor to report a suspicious tenant. Now the rest is up to RTP.

Even with the reward money I would think outing their neighbour as being a man responsible for the deaths of nearly 30 people would take some degree of courage, what if he decided to go out with a bang?


The passport is 100% fake, the news outlets should stop using the term "Turkish"

Its Istanbul, not Iştanbul

And two Date of Expiry columns, the first one is supposed to be Date of Issue.

what\s the difference between istanbul and the other istanbul with that weird thing below the s?


A question re the photos that have been posted in this thread thus far:

None of the photos that I've seen posted here thus far seem to show any actual explosives or actual bombs.

But tonight, my wife showed me some photos floating around the Thai social media that showed what look like pipe bombs supposedly having been retrieved from this guy's rooms.

Anyone seen any pipe bomb photos from any credible sources associated with this guy's arrest?

BTW, I see the BKK Post's current web report is saying police did retrieve pieces of pipe from the guy's apartment.

You are on to something that has been bothering me.

There was one report that the police were showing photos on an iPad, including photos of the bomb materials. One photo made it on to this thread. It was a picture of a television screen from a newscast. On the right side is shown some pipe couplings and ball bearings.

This photo looks different from the others, and does not appear to be contemporaneous with the much publicized photos from the apartment. So one is left to wonder where and when it was taken.

As usual, the RTP and the media conspire to release information in such a haphazard fashion as to confuse everyone.

Ineptitude or cleverness? Stay tuned.

Check out the tiles in the picture (post 470)

Yes, that's a new photo that finally made its way here. I would agree now they have contemporaneous photos.

Honestly, it would be great if this arrest is "righteous".


The same police who told the BBC correspondent "Come back tomorrow, we are closed?"

You mean that retarded gobshite reporter of the BBC ,who went to the Top Police station knowing it was closed to get a story ?He could have gone to any of the 99% other Police stations in Bangkok that were open ,but that would not make a good story .Has he still got those ball bearings i wonder ? If he has he should be charged with witholding evidence .(although another few bearing are going to prove nothing )

The police took the evidence after he shot the video, they put that on the small print on their website, not something that someone that only watches the video on Youtube on embeded in a forum would ever know.

Shameless showboating IMO.


The red shirt supporters are unhappy that there may be good news for the Prayuth government. On the other hand Somyot, the police chief, has to play down the terrorism angle as it's then plain the bombing is related to Prayuth's decision to send back the Uyghurs to China. So to please his boss he has to call it a 'private grudge'.!


The passport is 100% fake, the news outlets should stop using the term "Turkish"

Its Istanbul, not Iştanbul

And two Date of Expiry columns, the first one is supposed to be Date of Issue.

what\s the difference between istanbul and the other istanbul with that weird thing below the s?

The "weird thing under the "S" make you pronunce "SH" instead of "S" ; and you pronunce "Ü" like in French and "U" like in English ! For sure a Turkish people will immediatly note the bad writing !


Does anyone really believe the guilty person is still sitting around in BKK in their room with a pair of scissors, a cigarette lighter a screwdriver and a battery are waiting for a knock on the door? If he was smart enough to set off a bomb he is smart enough to get as far away from the scene and the country as quickly as possible.

Here come the conspiracy clowns.

Let's see, the Boston bombers did exactly what you said wouldn't happen. They also sat around.


I repeat... The very latest update from the Thai Police is that this chap is NOT the suspect bomber but part of the Network....which network they do not state.


So many replies to this topic but not a single person saying

"Boy did I sound like a moron claiming that it was the red shirts"


"Gee jolly did I sound like a moron claiming it was the Junta"


The passport is 100% fake, the news outlets should stop using the term "Turkish"

Its Istanbul, not Iştanbul

And two Date of Expiry columns, the first one is supposed to be Date of Issue.

what\s the difference between istanbul and the other istanbul with that weird thing below the s?

The "weird thing under the "S" make you pronunce "SH" instead of "S" ; and you pronunce "Ü" like in French and "U" like in English ! For sure a Turkish people will immediatly note the bad writing !

A Frenchmen will see there something wrong if you write "Franse" instead of "France" ; Or for American people : "Niu York, Amerika"...


RT@W7VOA: Police display one of the passport seized in room of #BangkokBlast suspect (no confirmation if real identity). http://t.co/yJCvVWKvaG


Why does it say date of expiry two times?

Someone with same passport let us know if Date of Expiry is listed twice on yours.

The passport is valid for 10 years. re-read it.

But the phrase "Date of expiry" features twice. The first entry should be "date of issue". That is either a fake passport or a photoshop set up


The passport is 100% fake, the news outlets should stop using the term "Turkish"

Its Istanbul, not Iştanbul

And two Date of Expiry columns, the first one is supposed to be Date of Issue.

what\s the difference between istanbul and the other istanbul with that weird thing below the s?

The difference is these passports are of very poor quality, this probably means they are trafficking quality and only meant to fool the most basic of border checks, ID proof or basic use not the type to book airline tickets with.

Cant go through airport security with passports like that but it would fool those at borders with no tech with guards that cant spell.

I would imagine this guy is just a caretaker of some kind but if they dont find anyone else he will be taking the fall anyway.


So many replies to this topic but not a single person saying

"Boy did I sound like a moron claiming that it was the red shirts"


"Gee jolly did I sound like a moron claiming it was the Junta"

Thai Visa members don't like to lose face.


The red shirt supporters are unhappy that there may be good news for the Prayuth government. On the other hand Somyot, the police chief, has to play down the terrorism angle as it's then plain the bombing is related to Prayuth's decision to send back the Uyghurs to China. So to please his boss he has to call it a 'private grudge'.!

For a private grudge he sure has a lot of devices if the pics I'm seeing now are to go buy, thanks Nickymaster, the PIRA only had a private grudge too I guess.

Sorry, but dress this up whatever way you want, but when you plant devices intent to kill innocent people, you have more than a grudge, you have a belief, and an aim. The hacking of some Government sites last week was only people with grudges too, they were not cyber terrorists?

If this leads to more arrests then good result, the criticism I and many others aim at the RTP is down to their stupid press statements... this one being no different.

They will say anything to downplay this a a potential bigger issue, for fear of losing tourists and tourism revenue.

Personal grudge.. I'll need to remember that phrase if the mental red shirts ever kick off again ;)


I repeat... The very latest update from the Thai Police is that this chap is NOT the suspect bomber but part of the Network....which network they do not state.

I guess it is very clear to most of us that until now the only thing that is fairly sure is that the guy they caught was into bomb-making and passport forgery.

The passport is 100% fake, the news outlets should stop using the term "Turkish"

Its Istanbul, not Iştanbul

And two Date of Expiry columns, the first one is supposed to be Date of Issue.

what\s the difference between istanbul and the other istanbul with that weird thing below the s?

The difference is these passports are of very poor quality, this probably means they are trafficking quality and only meant to fool the most basic of border checks, ID proof or basic use not the type to book airline tickets with.

Cant go through airport security with passports like that but it would fool those at borders with no tech with guards that cant spell.

I would imagine this guy is just a caretaker of some kind but if they dont find anyone else he will be taking the fall anyway.

Imagine that you order a batch of false passports and that the name of your city - the main city of your country! - is not correctly wroten : will you accept it ? I guess a native Turkish peole will seen at first glance that "Istanbul" was not correctly wroten...

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