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Police say Bangkok bombing suspect is not cooperating


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Nation has stated " No one has claimed responsibility for the blast sparking several

theories into who might be behind it."

My question is what proof has the Nation/reporter have that this statement is true and

the military Junta is not again putting more lies out to the sheeple!!gigglem.gif

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I'm pretty certain he knows his name and his nationality, he's just not telling the cops this or any other information, they're making things up as they go along.

Somyot has already stated publicly that this guy told them he was doing it out of revenge for his deported friends, hence why he's stated it's NOT International Terrorism, just a plain and simple "revenge attacks" and yet here we have a contrasting story in that he's given them nothing, and is being uncooperative.

If you look at what was said before any arrest, and what has been said after..... prior to the arrest, they (police) came to the conclusion it can't be a Thai, it's not Southern insurgents, so it has to be Uighur. They also said that they won't mention any country of origin, for diplomatic reasons.

After the arrest, of what is probably not a bomber but a passport vendor/trafficker, based on the fake passports being Turkish, and in keeping with wanting to be diplomatic, Somyot presumed, but stated as fact, that this was revenge.

The actual fact is that they know nothing.

Uighurs are as likely to know English as Burmese labourers. This guy has some English.

As a criminal (passport crimes), and maybe knowing he is being set up for a mass-murder charge, the guy is clamming up. It's also possible that he doesn't even know what he's accused of, but assumes it's the passport crimes.

The "bomb making equipment" is hardly that, and in light of the fact that the police have admitted that the photo of the suicide belt has nothing to do with this guy, it is probable that the police have been jumping to conclusions, and also trying to make it look convincing.

I don't think that they have their guy. I think they have a criminal, but not a bomber. But they desperately need to pin it on a Turkic person.

Yes this seems to sum up the quality of the police investigation so far. Without the neighbours tipping them off, they would still be floundering around with nothing.

Politicians Mull, Police Flounder.

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Of course he is not saying anything because he is the chosen fall guy - or he is being made a scapegoat.

If he was chosen to be the fall guy it is either because he is very good at keeping his mouth shut (from various reasons: he might have received a cash incentive, his family is being threatened elsewhere, he is full blown hardened criminal who doesn't care or he might be radicalized extremist) or because he is intellectually not capable of understanding what is going on.

If the RTP do their usual antics by presenting something in front of him in Thai and wants him to sign, they might be up for a challenge as this guy is not your usual tourist. He has nothing to lose and will not sign anything unless he is absolutely certain what it says.

What about their DNA that they had collected from the money, the taxi and the tuk-tuk? Is there a match?

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Oh I'm sure they will find a way to get him to cooperate

This reminds me of the early days of the "Global War On Terror"™. The prisoners, often with no connection to the Taliban of al Qaeda, were quite willing to talk freely. Higher officials in the CIA, with no experience in interrogating people, decided not to believe them (after all, Vice President Dich Cheney said they were "the worst of the worst," didn't he) and directed their subordinates to start torturing the prisoners (remember Alfreda Frances Bitkowski). After that, the prisoners stopped cooperating. I'll bet some Police Lieutenant General decided he wanted the suspect to be saying certain things that he wasn't saying, so directed his subordinates to "take off the gloves." The thing is, with torture you can get most people to say anything (the original purpose was to get confessions, not to find out truth) but you can't rely on what they say.

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<<On Sunday, Prawuth put forth another theory, that the suspect belonged to a fake passport ring — "an illegal network that sends people who don't have passports to third countries" — and was angry at officials for a crackdown on fake passport operations>>....... don't be silly

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Another possibility: I have long believed that the ousted dictator, now in self-imposed exile, is waging a war here in Thailand. His connections to international movements, backed by the US, is well-documented and that would give him the contacts and reasons to support these kind of actions. There may be a slight possibility that by using foreign proxies to carry out attacks in his home country he would deflect suspicion away from himself. The pipe bombs used seem to be similar to other pipe bombs previously discovered in the hands of red shirts (the explosion in Nonthaburi is a fine example). The self-exiled dictator has some strange bedfellows so such a theory could be a possibility and it is the kind of link that should be investigated by the Special Branch. I may get flamed for this, but if you don't raise questions, you don't get answers.

a very plausable theory indeed and one that is high on my list of possibilities if not right at the top, the reason being that nobody has claimed resposibility leading me to believe it was an attack on the Thai economy and the current administration, if such an arrack was in response to a specific event they would be very quick to make it known, you are hardly going to hear Thaksin saying "I did it because you took my police rank away or are trying to lock my sister up or convicted some of my friends or are making it impossible for me to ever come home....the list is endless, the question is - is Thaksin capable of such an act, would it fit with his agenda ?

The reds lost a lot of support the day the kids were blown up and murdered at a market in Trat and cheered on stage, you think the reds or Thaksin would openly admit to this atrocity, I don't think so

Terrorists go to great lengths carrying out attacks such as this and are very quick to remind everyone who did it and why, they have an agenda or demands

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Is he seriously trying to say the reason for 2x bomb attacks was because police were cracking down on their fake passport operation

I have heard some staggering ridiculous statements from Thai officials but that has got to be the worst so far

the mind boggles

It is plausible. I'm not saying that just because I have been suggesting since the early days this has "business dealings" written all over it.

Rather it fits a pattern. I also keep pointing out that the Koh Samui explosion was "business" related too despite the frantic claims from many people that it was a redshirt plot or an Islamic jihadi attack.

I also accept that I may be wrong. However, in Thailand, killings tend to arise from what can be termed idiotic selfish behaviour, typically involving money, romance gone wrong or the infamous loss of face. There are always opportunists ready to exploit idiots with a grudge.

I won't be surprised if this chap is Iranian or from that region.

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"will remain in military custody". Since the coup, and military takeover, the military controls everything. I would not even pretend there is a proper legal system. I do wonder what is on the books in Thai law about getting a defense attorney etc. Just wondering

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At least Prayut realizes the danger to the NCPO from the Shrine bombing.

If it is an act of terrorism, it was motivated by the junta's deportation of Uighurs back to the CCP. For that the junta must bear some responsibility for such an inhumane treatment of the Uighur refugees.

If it was an act of revenge, it was motivated by government authorities just doing their job and the junta can't be held accountable for the bombing.

So the thrust of the police investigation is POLITICAL - protect the NCPO and Prayut's reputations. Bringing justice is secondary.

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If he eats the eggs and leaves the bacon then you know he either vegetarian or Muslim.

Or Jewish and Mossad....gigglem.gif

and no way is he a Vegetarian,

how do you know someone is a Vegetarian ? ......don't worry they will tell you thumbsup.gif

funny how people get blinded by their own prejudice and bigotry

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Wasn't the original story he claimed it was personal revenge for the deportation of family and friends to China ?

One day, maybe just maybe, the BIB will realise rushing to get a headline isn't good practice.

"He said the passports were from one country, but wouldn't say which one.

He did not explain why a passport gang might target a religious shrine".facepalm.gif whistling.gif

.......... With deductions like this, why question the validity of any alleged statement, or think that taking time might save it from being lost in translation.

Edited by silent
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Get him interrogated by top ladyboys, then he'll surely cooperate

One could assume you have had some first hand experience with this method of make a man sing...

There is a LB down my pub and it is easy to get him to sing . I just buy him/her a Leo quad yai. I may be drifting off topic.

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Another possibility: I have long believed that the ousted dictator, now in self-imposed exile, is waging a war here in Thailand. His connections to international movements, backed by the US, is well-documented and that would give him the contacts and reasons to support these kind of actions. There may be a slight possibility that by using foreign proxies to carry out attacks in his home country he would deflect suspicion away from himself. The pipe bombs used seem to be similar to other pipe bombs previously discovered in the hands of red shirts (the explosion in Nonthaburi is a fine example). The self-exiled dictator has some strange bedfellows so such a theory could be a possibility and it is the kind of link that should be investigated by the Special Branch. I may get flamed for this, but if you don't raise questions, you don't get answers.

I am with you on this one. After personally witnessing the incitement of the protesters from Thaksin's ravings on big screen TV underneath the BTS at Chidlom back in 2010 and the resulting major life threatening fires (Tesco Lotus, Central World, banks, Stock Exchange) that followed it would not be wise to simply dismiss this theory. The Thaksin family are not stupid and have offered a substantial reward for the capture of the bomber/s knowing full well that rewards and greed can draw attention away from themselves if need be and perhaps quickly lead to the capture and conviction of the wrong people. They may just be laying a false trail away from themselves. I travel and spend time regularly in Isaan and in recent months the Soi dogs have been barking that "something" was going to happen "soon". All gossip and hearsay for sure but where there is smoke there can sometimes be fires and explosions. I am not pointing the finger or promoting fanciful theories but just saying keep options and minds open. Others have pointed out that the man could just be the babysitter of the gear at the condo and selected for the job because he "knows nuttin". I suspect even terrorist groups and their subcontract demolition teams have village idiots for those sorts of jobs.

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Perhaps there's another theory to consider? In that the guy is a simpleton, who doesn't know jack shit and was left thee on purpose by the bombers to make good their own escape?

It's also interesting to keep reading that certain posters are advocating torture to get information out of this guy, not knowing that such practices those being tortured will say anything to end the pain and has been proven to be counterproductive also.

You need skilled interrogators to get results, not some highly strung Sergeant who is pounding on the guys feet with a stick getting more animated than a cat on a hot tin roof.

Once again there's several inconsistencies with the RTP investigation, no wonder people are skeptical, and have a low belief in their overall competence, and that's just the Thais.

Iposted this yesterday he may be the crash test dumby left behind so the others get away and this guy takes the fall for the lot.

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From our preliminary investigation, we think he isn't telling us the truth," Prawuth said, declining to elaborate. "He told us how he entered Thailand but we don't believe everything he says."

Hah! See how it feels? When nobody believes what you are saying? Exact sentiment Thai public vs Thai police

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Another possibility: I have long believed that the ousted dictator, now in self-imposed exile, is waging a war here in Thailand. His connections to international movements, backed by the US, is well-documented and that would give him the contacts and reasons to support these kind of actions. There may be a slight possibility that by using foreign proxies to carry out attacks in his home country he would deflect suspicion away from himself. The pipe bombs used seem to be similar to other pipe bombs previously discovered in the hands of red shirts (the explosion in Nonthaburi is a fine example). The self-exiled dictator has some strange bedfellows so such a theory could be a possibility and it is the kind of link that should be investigated by the Special Branch. I may get flamed for this, but if you don't raise questions, you don't get answers.

I am with you on this one. After personally witnessing the incitement of the protesters from Thaksin's ravings on big screen TV underneath the BTS at Chidlom back in 2010 and the resulting major life threatening fires (Tesco Lotus, Central World, banks, Stock Exchange) that followed it would not be wise to simply dismiss this theory. The Thaksin family are not stupid and have offered a substantial reward for the capture of the bomber/s knowing full well that rewards and greed can draw attention away from themselves if need be and perhaps quickly lead to the capture and conviction of the wrong people. They may just be laying a false trail away from themselves. I travel and spend time regularly in Isaan and in recent months the Soi dogs have been barking that "something" was going to happen "soon". All gossip and hearsay for sure but where there is smoke there can sometimes be fires and explosions. I am not pointing the finger or promoting fanciful theories but just saying keep options and minds open. Others have pointed out that the man could just be the babysitter of the gear at the condo and selected for the job because he "knows nuttin". I suspect even terrorist groups and their subcontract demolition teams have village idiots for those sorts of jobs.

Yes the guy looks not very intelligent (from his looks he could be Turk, Yugoslavian, Bulgarian ....) My guess is that a criminal network has been employed by someone doing this nasty job. The key figures have already left (or have been eliminated by the contracting boss). The question really is: who is the contracting party?

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I'm pretty certain he knows his name and his nationality, he's just not telling the cops this or any other information, they're making things up as they go along.

Somyot has already stated publicly that this guy told them he was doing it out of revenge for his deported friends, hence why he's stated it's NOT International Terrorism, just a plain and simple "revenge attacks" and yet here we have a contrasting story in that he's given them nothing, and is being uncooperative.

If you look at what was said before any arrest, and what has been said after..... prior to the arrest, they (police) came to the conclusion it can't be a Thai, it's not Southern insurgents, so it has to be Uighur. They also said that they won't mention any country of origin, for diplomatic reasons.

After the arrest, of what is probably not a bomber but a passport vendor/trafficker, based on the fake passports being Turkish, and in keeping with wanting to be diplomatic, Somyot presumed, but stated as fact, that this was revenge.

The actual fact is that they know nothing.

Uighurs are as likely to know English as Burmese labourers. This guy has some English.

As a criminal (passport crimes), and maybe knowing he is being set up for a mass-murder charge, the guy is clamming up. It's also possible that he doesn't even know what he's accused of, but assumes it's the passport crimes.

The "bomb making equipment" is hardly that, and in light of the fact that the police have admitted that the photo of the suicide belt has nothing to do with this guy, it is probable that the police have been jumping to conclusions, and also trying to make it look convincing.

I don't think that they have their guy. I think they have a criminal, but not a bomber. But they desperately need to pin it on a Turkic person.

The actual fact is neither do you. Your "probabilities" are probable to your logic only.

All the Burmese pump attendants at our local Shell garage speak better English than some Thai's I know who wrote their PhD thesis in English. So, as I've never been to the area of China where the Uighurs come from I've no idea how widely known the English language is. But I do know many Burmese manual workers speak and understand English very well.

That's the problem with liars like the BiB. No one knows anymore whether they're lying or not. Which helps fuel all those lovely conspiracy theories from the arm chair Westerners who could solve any crime in a blink.

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