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Obama offended by attacks on Jews who back Iran deal


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Iran will do exactly as they have been doing all along and thumb their collective noses at the rest of the world, including the omniscient P-5+1.

And while they've got their thumb on their nose, it's not on the button, so sounds good to me.

They can play their childish name-calling games as much as they like, no-one with any intelligence pays any attention to them.

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Of course the leopard will not magically change his spots. The optimists seem to think that over time the wealthier and less isolated life there will put pressure on the regime to change with the times. From the regime's POV that might be better than being at risk of having the choice of revolution or shooting up lots of their own people. Personally, I am not an optimist on all this but resigned that the deal will indeed happen and then we will see.

There remains some doubt as to who actually is the leopard, not whether he will change his spots.

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If president Obama is offended by attacks on Jews who back the Iran deal I assume he must also be against the disgraceful religion baiting attitude of those who oppose the deal as Israel firsters. If not Mr Obama is not condemning antisemitism but is merely defending those who choose to agree with him and using their religion as a crutch to prop his indignation on.

Nobody ever seriously condemned anti-semitism. At least in old good Europe.

All they have done was change the label. It is now anti-sionism. The same atavistic irrational hatred of Jews wrapped in white Politically Correct sheets.

Obama will be gone in a year. His "Deal" will be gone in three years. And not by efforts of the next US President. Israel is used to go alone in this kind of situations.

The big fuss is not about nukes. The big fuss is about giving Iran financial muscle to back up their "Death to..." stand.

English, Germans and French are already swarming into Iran to get their slice of the billions. Russian S300 moving in as we speak. Nobody cares about Iran/Israel hatred, fears and threats.

I think UN should get a stack of new anti-Israel resolutions ready. Not that they have ever stopped. But it is convenient to have a scapegoat for your own stupidity especially if they are Jews. Tradition!

In the above setting Obama and his offence taking is a microscopic temporary detail.

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I don't give a flying fart about Iran and never have. But, that doesn't make me stupid. I read a lot of news from many sources and on a daily basis I read about my country and its favorite ally bombing some nation for who knows what reason. I never hear much about Iran being aggressive towards anyone. The political war of words actually means very little when all is said and done.

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Pakboong, in these days it is rather hard to guess which 'your own country' are you talking about.

Don't be shy and put a name to it. And to its favorite ally for that matter.

Unless you are ashamed? Don't be, because nobody will blame you personally.

The way you post my mind is wondering whether you are talking about US, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Iraq etc. -

- all are bombing somebody for 'good' reasons.

None of them except Israel in 'self defense'. Makes it hard to discuss.

Edited by ABCer
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Who said the "hardline Mullahs" hate it?

Many hardline clerics in Iran are opposed to the deal because it imposes restrictions on what they see as Iran's right to a nuclear program.


Yet this is the operative part of your link:

"Khamenei has not publicly approved or disapproved of the deal. However, he has repeatedly offered words of support for Iran's nuclear negotiators. Moderates believe the deal would have never been reached without Khamenei's private approval."

The early objection on the part of the Mullahs was that they would lose their sovereignty through the IAEA inspection process. We now know the special deal between the IAEA and Iran has solved that problem.

Iran now has a 24 day window to sanitize any site the IAEA wishes to inspect.

"Any time, any where" has gone by the wayside.

Why would Iran not be happy? They are getting the sanctions lifted on virtually everything and receiving +/- $150 Billion for their troubles.

$150 B of their own money!!! Wow, how generous of the 5+1 negotiators, and how gracious of you to resent it.

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EVERYONE who backs that stupid deal should be ridiculed. It is the worst deal since the Munich Agreement. There is no reason to single Jews out.

Youd be hard-pressed to find any sort of parallel in the six-party talks with Iran. Name one.

Not hard at all. Both contemporary Iran and Nazi Germany are fascistic regimes, headed by anti-Semitic and anti-democratic leaders. Much like pre-war Germany, Iran has continued to position itself for regional territorial gains throughout the Middle-East. Iran wants power, control, land, and influence and the easiest path to an empire these days is through nuclear technology. Like the Munich Agreement, this is another bad deal with another bad regime

Yours is a heavily skewed view of what has been recently achieved, as was previously stated this was not an agreement to change the administration or it views, it was an agreement to remove the possibility of Iran manufacturing nuclear weapons. That being the end result means this will be an effective and durable agreement, something that will be good for the whole region and to a lesser extent the world.

Yes the present ruling body in Tehran is far from perfect, it is based on an extremist and dangerous fundamentalist doctrine which we must all be careful with, but it is also a country with many millions of inhabitants who are developing a social awareness.

The Arab Spring may have faltered but it has not disappeared entirely, the ruling Iranian administration may (for the present) be all powerful but it will not be immune forever to the aspirations and ambitions of it's people. It is for this reason (IMHO) that the Iranian government had to move forward and walk away from it's previous position on nuclear weapons.

This was an opportunity that could not be missed and the US were perfectly correct in persevering towards a settlement, the Iranian government were under immense pressure to remove the sanctions. In a region that has been strife torn and scarred for generations there have been very few win/win situations, this I believe was one of those few.

Netanyahu and his fellow hawks (both at home and in the US) should be ignored, they are the other side of the political coin as their preferred course of action would be to bomb the reactors and plunge the region into chaos. Their's is a view too extreme to countenance or consider, their intractable stance regarding the West Bank and the Palestinian people is isolating them more and more each year.

Only when Tel Aviv see's some return of reason and moderation (as I hope has been the case in Tehran) will they have a place at the world table...

Not only correct, but also extremely well said. Thank you!

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Who said anything about a peace deal?

This was purely an exercise in curtailing the Iranian access to nuclear weapons, any future peace deal as you state will have to be negotiated with all the global interested parties as a separate issue!

This is part of the problem with debates or issues of this kind, all too often people do not read the specifics and generalize far too widely...

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Who said anything about a peace deal?

This was purely an exercise in curtailing the Iranian access to nuclear weapons, any future peace deal as you state will have to be negotiated with all the global interested parties as a separate issue!

This is part of the problem with debates or issues of this kind, all too often people do not read the specifics and generalize far too widely...

Don't let that obvious fact stand in the way of making propaganda points.

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Why cross out Entertainment in relation to Fox? They have little to do with hard news and much to do with entertainment.

Nonsense. According to Pew Research, they do about 12 hours per day of straight news, which is a little less than CNN. MSNBC does almost none.


I don't need to rely on Pew Research to say that this is a load of codswallop, as I have it on in the office every day, and being in the sandpit that includes half of the weekend.

Unless of course you count fun youtube videos and puppy stories as news. The rest of it is such blatantly right wing propaganda that it's no surprise that Fox News viewers are considered the most misinformed.

Remember that survey that said you would actually have a better understanding of domestic and current affairs watching NO news than you would watching Fox.

I count 17 hours of bullcrap masquerading as news per day during the week, allowing for repeats of Kelly, O'Reilly, Van Susteren and Hannity.

Rubbish like RedEye and The Five is not news, and "Fox and Friends" is 50% "We hate Hillary", 30% "We hate Obama" and the rest is mostly bitching about people that aren't republican or pet/baby videos.

12 hours of news a day is utter garbage.

MSNBC are marginally better only because they spend more time on Business News and less puppy/baby videos.

Most of Fox is repeats and ads, so unless you call those news, those results from Pew mean nothing.

From what I see, there is about an hour of original real news per day on Fox.

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EVERYONE who backs that stupid deal should be ridiculed. It is the worst deal since the Munich Agreement. There is no reason to single Jews out.

Despite all the propaganda, few people in America want war with Iran, Iran is no threat to anyone, as this TYT editorial points out.


Iran is no threat to anyone

LOL. Tell that to the Sunnis in Iraq.

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That video is propaganda. There is a lot reasoned opposition to the Iran deal that understands the source of the freed up billions but is still concerned about what the Iranian regime will do with it. Also to say Iran's nuclear program is ending with the deal is a wild exaggeration.

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That video is propaganda. There is a lot reasoned opposition to the Iran deal that understands the source of the freed up billions but is still concerned about what the Iranian regime will do with it. Also to say Iran's nuclear program is ending with the deal is a wild exaggeration.

There is a firestorm of propaganda on both sides of this debate.

The deal is done; the pro-Israel lobby in Washington has lost this one.

Iran will once again become a trading partner of the western countries and a much greater diplomatic and military presence in the Middle East.

That is what scares the Zionists - not a nuclear bomb.

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J street is pro Israel as well and they have strongly supported the deal. Polling has consistently shown a strong majority of American Jewish people support the deal and actually more support of it among Jews than the majority population.

I offer this clarification because rhetoric about the power of the Israeli lobby is very often thinly veiled code for demonizing both Israel and Jews in general.

I do agree that obviously the Israeli government policy has been clearly and strongly anti deal.

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The fact that all the Israel/America haters and apologists for radical Islam support this crazy deal should tell you something.

The fact the only ones against the deal are the hard liners in Iran and Israeli Firsters should tell you all need to know.

Were your ears turning red?

49% of the American people are "Israeli Firsters"? giggle.gif That is how many are against the deal. Only 21% support it. The rest have no clue.

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The reality is, that Jews are not permitted to disagree with any Israeli policy. There is no room for dissent. You are with us, or you are against us. Period. For a democracy there is a surprising lack of debate, that is allowed.

That post is massively absurd. Jewish people thrive on lively debate and discussion. It is ingrained in Jewish culture including religious issues for the segment of the Jewish people who are religious.

10 Jews. 20 opinions!

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The reality is, that Jews are not permitted to disagree with any Israeli policy. There is no room for dissent. You are with us, or you are against us. Period. For a democracy there is a surprising lack of debate, that is allowed.

That post is massively absurd. Jewish people thrive on lively debate and discussion. It is ingrained in Jewish culture including religious issues for the segment of the Jewish people who are religious.

10 Jews. 20 opinions!

Yes, but that debate does NOT include the criticism of Israel. I am Jewish. I have lost friends of ten years or more, by discussing the Palestinian position with Jews, at dinner parties! When I bring up any contrary position, with my Jewish friends, they either clam up, go into automatic Israel defense mode, or label me a Jew hater. Me, a Jew hater? I have dozens of dear friends who are Jews. I love Jews. My family is Jewish, thought I am not a practicing Jew. But, it has gotten to the point where I am considered a radical, and a hater, due to my questioning of Israeli policy. Though I am not an Obama fan, nor a supporter, the one position I do admire him on, is the way he questions Israeli policy, which can often be way too hawkish for my taste. So, the part about thriving on lively debate does not extend to Israel. Believe me. Yes, you can discuss religious issues. No problem. Just not Israeli policy.

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Yes, but that debate does NOT include the criticism of Israel.

Nonsense. I know plenty of far-left Jews who do nothing else. You can find Jews that will take pretty much any position on pretty much anything. Unfortunately, it gives the Israel-haters plenty of propaganda to use against the Jewish state.

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