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does blowing smoke around kill the mozzies?


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last year a person got dengue next door the govt come around and burnt kerosene to blow smoke around

yesterday another person near got dengue

within 1hr after she went to hospital again govt workers around blowing smoke

looks good for the people but does sweet fn all

the mozzies move away for a few hrs then return with more friends

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Here - they fogged and the mozzies were just about gone for almost a month....Mentioned to the wife how nice it was and she said don't forget that they had fogged....

No standing water within 300-400m of us so that has to help.....

Except the wife's watering can....The roses and orchids et.al can't be denied.....

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Does the govt believe blowing smoke around kills the mozzies?

Nah. But if you irritate them enough, they'll get all huffy and take their hard earned 'skeeter money and spend it in Cambodia, Myanmar, or Vietnam....

Edited by impulse
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mozzies don't fly away and bring back their friends. Mosqitoes don't wander around much. They stay inside a 50 meters perimeter from the place where they were born. If you succeed in smoking up all the area and still water locations within a range of 50-60 meters around your house, you might as well spend the next month in a total mozzie free environment. With the occasional Mozzie World Traveller zooming by, that is . . .

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Always used smoke to clear the things don't need a lot try keeping a little fire going whilst outside and throw the odd soaked pice of wood on it does work. I use a used tin bean can little twigs and a supply of well soaked twigs for smoke and sit it close to us whilst sitting out.

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Here's a trick that I was told about a while back and it worked great at our mozzie infested rental in Udon.

Get one of those large square cookie tins with the large round lid in the top and stick some dark cloth material inside.

Place it on the porch or in the room where the mozzies are the most troublesome. They are attacted to the dark space and 'roost' inside. Every morning, just blast a quick spray of Baygon in the top and bung the lid on quick as they try to escape. Kills loads of them.

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The local gov sent a sprayer guy around year before last. That evening, the mozzies were particularly viscous but by the next day, we were virtually mozzie free, and it lasted for quite a long time as well.

I was told the spray/fog stuff also kills the eggs, causing a gap in the the reproductive cycle.

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One of the smokers from a couple of weeks ago,helped only for a few days sad.png

Same here in the rice paddies of Udon, each household is charged 20 Baht to enjoy the Fog (a mixture of Diesel and Insecterside). They are told NOT to spray anywhere near our boundries. Blind Freddy can see how futile it is!

This is not a new thing and not isolated to Thailand. When I was doing my RAAF recruit training in Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia - in the mid 60's - they had these things mounted on pick up (utes) trucks, it was out of control. I would have taken the mossies anyday!

EDIT: Typo

Edited by bdenner
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