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Gen Prayut invokes Section 44 to strip Thaksin of his police rank

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Well done Prayuth - hit the evil worm where it hurts the most : in the face.

I'm sure that - even though they keep telling us how this does not matter at all - it will matter enough for the juveniles the flood this thread with their amazingly childish comments.

You're so right John. Childish comments and drunken gibberish. Any one who posts anything to support the current PM is riddiculed by a gang of fools.

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What is surprising is just how many fools believe in the self appointed pm and the garbage that flows daily from his mouth. They also believe that this junta is somehow different and has the best intentions towards the country.

No, its only self interest and doing so by trying to remove popularity from any potential opposition. What they cannot see is that they are making the opposition stronger and the same result as the last 20 coups will again occur.

See unlike you Wilsonandson, most people can think for themselves, learn from history, understand facts and form an opinion. One day you may achieve this also but you need to get smarter, alot smarter. You need to stop thinking that you can make the same mistakes and somehow some magical different result will appear before your eyes. Fantasy is not true, sorry to have to tell you that the dreamworld in which you live is all just make believe.

But it is good for the rest of us because you make us realise how lucky we are that we are much different from you. And you provide us with a good laugh as well but you probably wouldnt undertand why.

clap2.gif19 or so coups or attempted coups and somehow this one is different........

As Albert was heard to say, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.


Well done Prayuth - hit the evil worm where it hurts the most : in the face.

I'm sure that - even though they keep telling us how this does not matter at all - it will matter enough for the juveniles the flood this thread with their amazingly childish comments.

You're so right John. Childish comments and drunken gibberish. Any one who posts anything to support the current PM is riddiculed by a gang of fools.

Quite right.



What is surprising is just how many fools believe in the self appointed pm and the garbage that flows daily from his mouth. They also believe that this junta is somehow different and has the best intentions towards the country.

No, its only self interest and doing so by trying to remove popularity from any potential opposition. What they cannot see is that they are making the opposition stronger and the same result as the last 20 coups will again occur.

See unlike you Wilsonandson, most people can think for themselves, learn from history, understand facts and form an opinion. One day you may achieve this also but you need to get smarter, alot smarter. You need to stop thinking that you can make the same mistakes and somehow some magical different result will appear before your eyes. Fantasy is not true, sorry to have to tell you that the dreamworld in which you live is all just make believe.

But it is good for the rest of us because you make us realise how lucky we are that we are much different from you. And you provide us with a good laugh as well but you probably wouldnt undertand why.

Well I never, what a thing to say. If I had my way with you I'd put you over my knee a give you a good smacking. Naughty boy. Now go to your room and write out the 12 core values. 12 times as punishment.


It would be nice someday if some future government stripped the general and others who staged this coup since the whole things was just a military takeover which in the end will accomplish nothing as there is no transparency for anything this government does.


Can't wait to hear why 44 was used instead of doing things in the previously legal and accepted way. This is the wrong way to have ended this however, and is gonna cause even more divisiveness.

I think that's pretty much right, though this and the more recent voting down of the draft has or will have the effect of flushing Mr P out into the open. If he reacts with his usual bad temper he will make mistakes. If he tries to rort the drafting process again, it will be visible to all.

The elephant in the room however, is international opinion. Foreign countries can't be fobbed off with the kind of platitudes and deceit that many Thais swallow down. Whether or not this is the case will become evident in the next 2 months, and later, next year. Sadly, Mr P has not served the Thai state or people well, he has been well assessed by the international community and many statesmen of that community have made it clear that they have no time for him. Not good news for Thailand.

Personal agenda games such as removing rank, cancelling passports and fraudulent charter drafting will only serve to further ostracise Thailand, to nobody's advantage., though they are intended merely to delay Mr P's removal from the scene until a more appropriate time.

Rock and a hard place really, Mr P has reached his sell-by date but how can the coup sponsors get away with another one without doing serious damage to whatever remains of Thailand's credibility?

One thing's for sure, there's more fine entertainment in store for us.


If he's used article 44 to do this - he could have done it months ago - and not as he said send to HM for approval to "remove his title" will he also use article 44 to remove him of his "royal medals" or can only HM do that?


Prayut's use of Article 44 without royal endorsement reveals several important failures in his leadership:

1. It vindicates National police chief General Somyot Poompanmuang's refusal to strip Thaksin from his retired police rank.

2. It shows there was no organic law or regulation that justified legal removal of Thaksin's retired police rank.

3. It shows the Police Committee had no legal basis to require Somyot to strip Thaksin from his retired police rank.

4. Without royal endorsement Prayut made his decision an act of personal revenge.

Any good Prayut has brought to the nation through his leadership happened 16 months ago to quell violent public protests. And the military didn't need a coup to even do that if it merely supported the State of Emergency declared by the government in accordance with the previous junta-written 2007 Constitution.


If he's used article 44 to do this - he could have done it months ago - and not as he said send to HM for approval to "remove his title" will he also use article 44 to remove him of his "royal medals" or can only HM do that?

ONLY HM can do that, and that's not very damn likely to happen. In my opinion, this action has nothing to do with the "legalities" of the situation, and was nothing more than a vendetta against Thaksin. They called it a case of "national security". I dare one of them to prove to me how Thaksin's rank, or the stripping of it, has anything to do with "national security". I'm not defending Thaksin, but lambasting the actions of an illegal Junta/government.


Prayut's use of Article 44 without royal endorsement reveals several important failures in his leadership:

1. It vindicates National police chief General Somyot Poompanmuang's refusal to strip Thaksin from his retired police rank.

2. It shows there was no organic law or regulation that justified legal removal of Thaksin's retired police rank.

3. It shows the Police Committee had no legal basis to require Somyot to strip Thaksin from his retired police rank.

4. Without royal endorsement Prayut made his decision an act of personal revenge.

Any good Prayut has brought to the nation through his leadership happened 16 months ago to quell violent public protests. And the military didn't need a coup to even do that if it merely supported the State of Emergency declared by the government in accordance with the previous junta-written 2007 Constitution.

It might be that PM Prayut didn't want to bother H.M. the King with such trivial issues. It's not as if it's important, it's not as if Thaksin is bothered, it's not as if Thai really care.

All in all I get the impression PM Prayut just used Article 44 to annoy posters here. Were he a member he'd been sent on a short holiday.


If he's used article 44 to do this - he could have done it months ago - and not as he said send to HM for approval to "remove his title" will he also use article 44 to remove him of his "royal medals" or can only HM do that?

ONLY HM can do that, and that's not very damn likely to happen. In my opinion, this action has nothing to do with the "legalities" of the situation, and was nothing more than a vendetta against Thaksin. They called it a case of "national security". I dare one of them to prove to me how Thaksin's rank, or the stripping of it, has anything to do with "national security". I'm not defending Thaksin, but lambasting the actions of an illegal Junta/government.

Well, luckily Thaksin doesn't care and isn't bothered. Luckily we have a legal government which resolved a seven year foot dragging with the stroke of a pen.

Now all can go on with really important matters.


Prayut's use of Article 44 without royal endorsement reveals several important failures in his leadership:

1. It vindicates National police chief General Somyot Poompanmuang's refusal to strip Thaksin from his retired police rank.

2. It shows there was no organic law or regulation that justified legal removal of Thaksin's retired police rank.

3. It shows the Police Committee had no legal basis to require Somyot to strip Thaksin from his retired police rank.

4. Without royal endorsement Prayut made his decision an act of personal revenge.

Any good Prayut has brought to the nation through his leadership happened 16 months ago to quell violent public protests. And the military didn't need a coup to even do that if it merely supported the State of Emergency declared by the government in accordance with the previous junta-written 2007 Constitution.

It might be that PM Prayut didn't want to bother H.M. the King with such trivial issues. It's not as if it's important, it's not as if Thaksin is bothered, it's not as if Thai really care.

All in all I get the impression PM Prayut just used Article 44 to annoy posters here. Were he a member he'd been sent on a short holiday.

Lottery tickets, beach chairs, street vendors, beggars, thaksin's rank...all done ( on some level). Economic crisis, people smuggling, fishing, aviation,international sanctions, security, democracy....???


Prayut's use of Article 44 without royal endorsement reveals several important failures in his leadership:

1. It vindicates National police chief General Somyot Poompanmuang's refusal to strip Thaksin from his retired police rank.

2. It shows there was no organic law or regulation that justified legal removal of Thaksin's retired police rank.

3. It shows the Police Committee had no legal basis to require Somyot to strip Thaksin from his retired police rank.

4. Without royal endorsement Prayut made his decision an act of personal revenge.

Any good Prayut has brought to the nation through his leadership happened 16 months ago to quell violent public protests. And the military didn't need a coup to even do that if it merely supported the State of Emergency declared by the government in accordance with the previous junta-written 2007 Constitution.

It might be that PM Prayut didn't want to bother H.M. the King with such trivial issues. It's not as if it's important, it's not as if Thaksin is bothered, it's not as if Thai really care.

All in all I get the impression PM Prayut just used Article 44 to annoy posters here. Were he a member he'd been sent on a short holiday.

Lottery tickets, beach chairs, street vendors, beggars, thaksin's rank...all done ( on some level). Economic crisis, people smuggling, fishing, aviation,international sanctions, security, democracy....???

Shows you that some things just take more time and can't be corrected by waving a magic wand. I'm sure Prayut would wave A44 if that would make international restrictions go away.


Prayut's use of Article 44 without royal endorsement reveals several important failures in his leadership:

1. It vindicates National police chief General Somyot Poompanmuang's refusal to strip Thaksin from his retired police rank.

2. It shows there was no organic law or regulation that justified legal removal of Thaksin's retired police rank.

3. It shows the Police Committee had no legal basis to require Somyot to strip Thaksin from his retired police rank.

4. Without royal endorsement Prayut made his decision an act of personal revenge.

Any good Prayut has brought to the nation through his leadership happened 16 months ago to quell violent public protests. And the military didn't need a coup to even do that if it merely supported the State of Emergency declared by the government in accordance with the previous junta-written 2007 Constitution.

It might be that PM Prayut didn't want to bother H.M. the King with such trivial issues. It's not as if it's important, it's not as if Thaksin is bothered, it's not as if Thai really care.

All in all I get the impression PM Prayut just used Article 44 to annoy posters here. Were he a member he'd been sent on a short holiday.

One could even wonder why they bothered to do it as it îs so futile. And why now? :)


Here we go. ! Absolute power corrupt absolutely.

The stripping of Thaksin rank should have been almost mandatory following his conviction in a criminal case.

As a fugitive from justice all conferred civil honors should be automatically rescinded.

If the good general actually had the power and influence he would wish us all to believe then this would have been done several weeks ago without the intervention of Article 44.


Well done Prayuth - hit the evil worm where it hurts the most : in the face.

I'm sure that - even though they keep telling us how this does not matter at all - it will matter enough for the juveniles the flood this thread with their amazingly childish comments.

I don't think you have any idea what he did do for the country that was good.


Prayut's use of Article 44 without royal endorsement reveals several important failures in his leadership:

1. It vindicates National police chief General Somyot Poompanmuang's refusal to strip Thaksin from his retired police rank.

2. It shows there was no organic law or regulation that justified legal removal of Thaksin's retired police rank.

3. It shows the Police Committee had no legal basis to require Somyot to strip Thaksin from his retired police rank.

4. Without royal endorsement Prayut made his decision an act of personal revenge.

Any good Prayut has brought to the nation through his leadership happened 16 months ago to quell violent public protests. And the military didn't need a coup to even do that if it merely supported the State of Emergency declared by the government in accordance with the previous junta-written 2007 Constitution.

It might be that PM Prayut didn't want to bother H.M. the King with such trivial issues. It's not as if it's important, it's not as if Thaksin is bothered, it's not as if Thai really care.

All in all I get the impression PM Prayut just used Article 44 to annoy posters here. Were he a member he'd been sent on a short holiday.

One could even wonder why they bothered to do it as it îs so futile. And why now? smile.png

Why now? Because now is the time of the year it's easiest for a PM to annoy TVF posters.

BTW normally any case has a beginning and eventually an end. Here it took about seven years. So why ask 'why know'? Should PM Prayut have waited till tomorrow? Should he have asked you first? Should he have waited for the Police Force?

So it's now. No one bothered, except TVF posters who can't accept this what for Thaksin is a non-issue, allegedly that is.


If he's used article 44 to do this - he could have done it months ago - and not as he said send to HM for approval to "remove his title" will he also use article 44 to remove him of his "royal medals" or can only HM do that?

ONLY HM can do that, and that's not very damn likely to happen. In my opinion, this action has nothing to do with the "legalities" of the situation, and was nothing more than a vendetta against Thaksin. They called it a case of "national security". I dare one of them to prove to me how Thaksin's rank, or the stripping of it, has anything to do with "national security". I'm not defending Thaksin, but lambasting the actions of an illegal Junta/government.

Well, luckily Thaksin doesn't care and isn't bothered. Luckily we have a legal government which resolved a seven year foot dragging with the stroke of a pen.

Now all can go on with really important matters.

A legal government, rubi? Did I, and a few million Thai miss the election that installed them?

Oh, no, wait, there wasn't any election. They took power by an ILLEGAL COUP! Is that what you consider "legal".

They trashed the constitution, then granted themselves blanket immunity, for all actions, past, present and future. Is that what you consider as a "legal government"???

If you think this government is in any way, shape or form, legal, then you and I have serious disagreements as to what the term "legal" means.


If he's used article 44 to do this - he could have done it months ago - and not as he said send to HM for approval to "remove his title" will he also use article 44 to remove him of his "royal medals" or can only HM do that?

ONLY HM can do that, and that's not very damn likely to happen. In my opinion, this action has nothing to do with the "legalities" of the situation, and was nothing more than a vendetta against Thaksin. They called it a case of "national security". I dare one of them to prove to me how Thaksin's rank, or the stripping of it, has anything to do with "national security". I'm not defending Thaksin, but lambasting the actions of an illegal Junta/government.

Well, luckily Thaksin doesn't care and isn't bothered. Luckily we have a legal government which resolved a seven year foot dragging with the stroke of a pen.

Now all can go on with really important matters.

A legal government, rubi? Did I, and a few million Thai miss the election that installed them?

Oh, no, wait, there wasn't any election. They took power by an ILLEGAL COUP! Is that what you consider "legal".

They trashed the constitution, then granted themselves blanket immunity, for all actions, past, present and future. Is that what you consider as a "legal government"???

If you think this government is in any way, shape or form, legal, then you and I have serious disagreements as to what the term "legal" means.

Yes, it would seem you missed the legalisation of the current government. Of course just keeping on calling them illegal may really help you feel better.

Now let's go back to the topic of a criminal fugitive having finally been stripped of his former police rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Why did it take nearly seven years? More important, why are some TVF posters so upset about it?


Meanwhile, the immigration, police and military officials implicated in the recent Bangkok Bombing, past human trafficking events and the most blatant acts of corruptions, are moved to inactive posts where they continue to collect salaries and benefits. The rulers have time to play the Thaksin bogeyman game, but can't find the time to manage the Bangkok bombing or tanking economy, or the much promised crackdown on corruption.

As much as I believe that Thaksin should have resigned his rank long ago when he entered politics, the manner in which the General / Prime Minister has stripped Thaksin of the rank is questionable. The interim constitution is the direct result of its imposition by an administration that took power by way of a military coup. One does not need to be a constitutional law expert to understand the legal implications. All that this will do is create more distraction. This should have been left to the courts to process. Had it been the product of a transparent judicial process it would have been non-contestable.

GK...good post.

How much ya wanna bet that P will also envoke Section 44 just a few days or a couple months before

the so called general elections are held in 2017? That is if the elections haven't been deemed not

legal beforehand. Makes me thnk...what about you?



Oh dear Mr Thaskin will be so upset that the self elected PM has stripped him of this title . What next will this PM do with section 44 imprison all those who make fun of him , he is taken Thailand back to the dark days , whatever he does or tries to do Thaksin will to most Thais be a hero and hero's are never forgotten !


Just as a matter of interest, how many convicted former/serving Army officers have had their ranks revoked/stripped for their criminal activities?

I think in this case the total rape and pillage of a country by one single family probably justifies it.


Meanwhile, the immigration, police and military officials implicated in the recent Bangkok Bombing, past human trafficking events and the most blatant acts of corruptions, are moved to inactive posts where they continue to collect salaries and benefits. The rulers have time to play the Thaksin bogeyman game, but can't find the time to manage the Bangkok bombing or tanking economy, or the much promised crackdown on corruption.

As much as I believe that Thaksin should have resigned his rank long ago when he entered politics, the manner in which the General / Prime Minister has stripped Thaksin of the rank is questionable. The interim constitution is the direct result of its imposition by an administration that took power by way of a military coup. One does not need to be a constitutional law expert to understand the legal implications. All that this will do is create more distraction. This should have been left to the courts to process. Had it been the product of a transparent judicial process it would have been non-contestable.

GK...good post.

How much ya wanna bet that P will also envoke Section 44 just a few days or a couple months before

the so called general elections are held in 2017? That is if the elections haven't been deemed not

legal beforehand. Makes me thnk...what about you?


For what my opinion is worth, I think P will delay, lie, obfuscate, distort for as long as it takes for the army to be in control when Thailand begins to change in a fundamental way. His role is to influence the direction of that change.

Those are his orders and that's what he will do, nothing else is relevant, nothing will divert him for as long as he has a choice.


Oh dear Mr Thaskin will be so upset that the self elected PM has stripped him of this title . What next will this PM do with section 44 imprison all those who make fun of him , he is taken Thailand back to the dark days , whatever he does or tries to do Thaksin will to most Thais be a hero and hero's are never forgotten !

Yes your right to most Thais he will never be forgotten and be remembered as a hear or I hear. Ask around what it means in Thai. Be careful though.

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