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China should be mindful: global support made it strong

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China should be mindful: global support made it strong
The Nation

BEIJING: -- War or aggressive pursuit of territorial disputes with neighbouring states will severely erode its standing and economy

It was supposed to commemorate the past, the so-called victory against the invading Japanese army, 70 years ago.

But the message of the massive parade that passed through Beijing just a few days ago was somewhat disturbing, as it was mainly about the future of this superpower.

The Chinese government said the parade marked the 70th anniversary of the "victory in the war of Japanese aggression".

History is important for countries like China where modern interpretations of the recent past shape the nation-state construct of a country that is ruled by a single party.

Judging from the nationalist sentiment of successive generations, one can say that China's making of a nation-state has move along accordingly.

But like anywhere, too much nationalism has its dark side and the consequence could be disastrous, especially when the state is unable to put a break on certain social phenomena, as well as demands from the public.

In Thailand, nationalism has been employed by all sides, often to fulfil political and sometimes economic goals. Virulent nationalism almost got Thailand into war with Cambodia over a small piece of land. Fortunately, sense and sensibility prevails and a war was avoided.

Like everywhere, modern communication technology is changing how citizens of countries view their government's nation-state narrative. In this respect, it's not clear how long Beijing's interpretation of history - or specifically, how the Chinese people perceive it - will hold.

Judging from the Chinese's anti-Japanese sentiment in response to Japan's interpretation of World War II, Beijing still has something to work with - at least for the time being.

Internationally, many countries have told themselves that it's time to move on and close the book on WWII.

It's fine when historical event are used to commemorate the past. But it is another thing to use history to justify aggression based on unfounded fear.

Today, China's military modernisation and diplomatic aggression is a major concern for many countries in the Asia-Pacific. Beijing has unresolved overlapping claims with a number of Asean countries and the regional bloc has expressed its uneasiness over China's incursions in the diplomatic arena. Often, military force is used to back up these incursions.

This past year, China's land reclamation in the South China Sea created a new island to build a base that has military facilities and airstrips - all to reinforce the country's military might and its claims of territorial waters thousands of miles from the mainland.

The basis on which China has made these territorial claims appears very shallow. From the look of how Beijing imagines its "territorial water" and supposedly exclusive zones, China wants to be both an archipelago and a mainland nation.

China understands that there are disputes over its territorial claims but insists on settling these individually with each claimant. Asean, on the other hand, thinks it has a better chance of success if it deals with China collectively.

China should realise that too much military aggression could destroy the international order that help paved the way for its economic transformation, success and modernisation. Beijing's leaders should not lose sight of this - that their success rests on this very order and to engage in bitter disputes with neighbours, be it Japan and/or Asean, is not wise for a country that has come so far, in a short amount of time.

Chinese defence planners should know that military aggression would be a grave mistake at this point in time, or any other, for that matter, if one was to look at it from a purely humanitarian point of view.

There is the real danger of miscalculation by China and its neighbours and the end result could be a military modernisation that is already leading to another arms race.

There is no mechanism in place that to adequately address this situation if it becomes a crisis. There is the Asean Regional Forum, a gathering of security leaders from the region and surrounding powers, but it is more of a talk shop, not a mechanism to resolve conflict.

As China's leaders and its people pride themselves over their resurgence as a military power, as may have been evident at the recent parade, let's hope that they don't lose sight of how the superpower became

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/China-should-be-mindful-global-support-made-it-str-30268219.html

-- The Nation 2015-09-06


The Chinese government is perhaps the biggest bully, and the most heinous of them all, at this stage of world history. The antics they may attempt over the next 50 years, will probably fill history books well into the future. Their intentions are pure evil, and I do not say that in any sort of religious context. They now operate a spy apparatus that nearly rivals that of the U.S. Their hackers are legendary. Their intentions are absolute world domination. If you look at world history, the Chinese were a top superpower for much of the time from the birth of Christ, to about the 15th century. If you asked the government, my guess is that they would say they are simply trying to regain their lost status. Keep you eyes and ears open, and always remain skeptical about their statements, their intentions and their actions. The people are ok, but the government is horrific, and hellbent on domination, no matter how long it takes, or whatever the cost.


Chinese leaders are totally incompetent as economic managers. They think they can issue commands, in effect, to the stock markets to go up or down. First, they strongly encourage the Chinese public to borrow money to play the markets. That in itself is unconscionable. Next, they imprison anyone who complains (200 or so thus far, including some 44 journalists, I believe). Then when the bubble burst, only then, they float their currency, resulting in immediate declines in its value of 2-4%. Never mind how this affects other nations, some of which have begun a currency war in response. Now that China can no longer grow on the back of slave-like factory wages, you will see that dictatorial, one-party, micromanagement rule does not lend itself to further increases in economic power.


Don't worry folks ...... Thailand will stand up to those Chinese bullies..! whistling.gif

Cooperation and assistance may be a better path; get back some land lost in the past. A lot of land belongs historically to Thailand before Europeans arrived. If maps of SE Asia are redrawn it may be in Thai interest to side with China. Start by berthing some subs here, build a railroad to quickly repositition troops and supplies, that sort of thing.


There is an irony to China's rise as an economic power.

The USA is one of its top markets. Should the USA and its western-pacific partners choose to use economic sanctions and/or boycotts to "redirect" Chinese foreign policy, China's house of economic cards may fall. USA domestic industries might not care.


Don't worry folks ...... Thailand will stand up to those Chinese bullies..! whistling.gif

Cooperation and assistance may be a better path; get back some land lost in the past. A lot of land belongs historically to Thailand before Europeans arrived. If maps of SE Asia are redrawn it may be in Thai interest to side with China. Start by berthing some subs here, build a railroad to quickly repositition troops and supplies, that sort of thing.

Not sure what you mean by that - seems like the line got drawn in Thai's favor in the south/Malaysia part. Thai lost some land to Laos in the border war back in the 60's I believe, ie: where the Laos territory crosses over the Mekong northwest of Nong Khai. The Thai/Burmese border is roughly the natural border. Not exactly sure where else Thai has land to claim.


The Nation editorial expresses a view that is consistent with the view of the Nato governments and countries, which is that the CCP Boyz in Beijing need to become a part of the existing global systems, structures, order, or the CCP Boyz are going to get a tough time until they do accept the established global order.

So the editorial is timely and calls attention to the harsh reality the CCP Boyz can't accomplish much of their already grandiose and imperial global agenda while they're at home staggering around in the kitchen dodging and catching flying knives. Lotta blood on the floor already.


The Chinese government is perhaps the biggest bully, and the most heinous of them all, at this stage of world history. The antics they may attempt over the next 50 years, will probably fill history books well into the future. Their intentions are pure evil, and I do not say that in any sort of religious context. They now operate a spy apparatus that nearly rivals that of the U.S. Their hackers are legendary. Their intentions are absolute world domination. If you look at world history, the Chinese were a top superpower for much of the time from the birth of Christ, to about the 15th century. If you asked the government, my guess is that they would say they are simply trying to regain their lost status. Keep you eyes and ears open, and always remain skeptical about their statements, their intentions and their actions. The people are ok, but the government is horrific, and hellbent on domination, no matter how long it takes, or whatever the cost.

Interesting you say that....I think most governments are pretty much expansionist given half a chance, even Australia liked to play with Sth pacific island sates in the past.

Had an interesting chat to Aussie livin chinese born woman recently, she was born and raised in Mongolia, when I said ahhhh your Mongolian NO came the answer, she claimed Mongolia was always part of China and the wall to keep them out didn't mean much...just for a time, on Tibet again again she claims it was originally part of China.

Boundaries moved a lot in the olden days who are we to say this does or does not belong to whoever....just look at the Middle East, new boundaries were created end of the First World War, Kuwait was part of greater Iraq, Lebanon was always part of Syria, Israel was created in 1949, etc etc...

I don't think China is looking at world domination, empires don't last, they believe they have rights to the places they have have gone after, might be time to pull out ancient history books and see if there justified.


The military parade in Beijing got the attention of just about everyone globally but it has a special impact on the countries of this region. The Nation editorial is but one among many statements in the region's media.

Here is what they had to say in Singapore about it.....

China's militarism threatening its own rise

The gigantic military parade that will pass through Beijing tomorrow is meant to be all about the past. But many in the Asia-Pacific region will inevitably see it as a disturbing message about the future.

The Chinese government has called the parade to mark the 70th anniversary of "victory in the war of Japanese aggression". But, in the 21st century, it is potential Chinese aggression that is worrying many Asian countries.



The Chinese government is perhaps the biggest bully, and the most heinous of them all, at this stage of world history. The antics they may attempt over the next 50 years, will probably fill history books well into the future. Their intentions are pure evil, and I do not say that in any sort of religious context. They now operate a spy apparatus that nearly rivals that of the U.S. Their hackers are legendary. Their intentions are absolute world domination. If you look at world history, the Chinese were a top superpower for much of the time from the birth of Christ, to about the 15th century. If you asked the government, my guess is that they would say they are simply trying to regain their lost status. Keep you eyes and ears open, and always remain skeptical about their statements, their intentions and their actions. The people are ok, but the government is horrific, and hellbent on domination, no matter how long it takes, or whatever the cost.

Is USSR not the trajectory it will take?


India PM Narendra Modi has been up and running against the CCP Boyz in Beijing for most of this year. And now with The Boyz big military show last week Modi has become strident. Most people in these parts are now considering Modi as the new regional counterbalance to the CCP Boyz and the leader other governments and elites can turn to.

Since Modi’s coming to office in May last year, the Obama administration has intensified its efforts for integrating India closer into its strategic agenda against China, and Modi has responded by tilting New Delhi ever closer towards Washington. During Obama’s Indian visit last January, Modi’s agreement on the US-India Joint Strategic Vision for the Asia-Pacific and the Indian Ocean marked deeper integration into the US “pivot” against China.

Underlining the development of closer military ties with the US, the Indian air force will participate in joint air exercises codenamed Red Flag, hosted by the US next April at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, after an absence of six years.
India has also been developing closer relations with Japan and Australia. In June, Indian Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar met with his Australian counterpart and the Japanese vice foreign minister.


What started as a bilateral naval exercise between India and the US has become a trilateral that includes Japan with a quadrilateral coming soon by including Australia.

India invites Japan for naval exercises with US

Australia Wants to Join India, US and Japan in Naval Exercises: Defense Minister

Kevin Andrews reaffirms Canberra’s willingness to participate in quadrilateral drills


Naval ships to include two aircraft carriers from India, Australia, Japan, Singapore, and the United States prepare for 2015 Malabar Exercises in the Bay of Bengal. India will host this year's expanded exercises at its newly completed super bases of naval and air forces in the Andaman Islands at the northern entrance of the strategically vital Strait of Malacca. At left is the CVN 73 Ronald Reagan Aircraft Carrier Strike Force 11, and at the right is an Indian designed and built aircraft carrier and ships. Image Credit: U.S. Navy Photo

Australia is keen to join India, the United States and Japan in joint naval exercises in the Indian Ocean amid China’s growing influence in the region, the country’s defense minister Kevin Andrews said Thursday.

Andrews said the current Australian government would accept an invitation if it was invited by India to observe or participate in such an exercise.

Andrews’ remarks come amid growing attention to and interest in the expansion of such exercises, particularly in the wake of China’s growing assertiveness in the region. Japan is set to join the United States and India in this year’s iteration of the Malabar exercises.


India also collaborated with the US in the regime-change operation in Sri Lanka last January, in the presidential election which ousted Mahinda Rajapakse, who had developed close ties with China, installing instead Maithripala Sirisena, who is committed to fixing Colombo firmly into Washington’s strategic orbit.

Japan to Join US, India in Military Exercises This Year

India, Japan and Australia: A Trilateral in the Making?

US Official Calls for Permanent Expansion of Malabar Exercises with India


India is the most powerful ally the US (The West) has in the area. India hates China, and isn't fooled at all by China's intentions.

India has nukes and the means to deliver them. This alone should keep China somewhat cautious.

Why the US and the rest of the West have allowed China to become more powerful by supporting its manufacturing and exports is a mystery to me. There are other less threatening countries such as Mexico and some in S. America and Asia and others which would love to have the biz.

China is in a world of hurts, it's military hardware isn't all that good, and it lacks the means to project conventional power long distances. I hope it's smart enough to realize that.



World life is planned for long long time in future .

It is not mystery for me ; "Why the US and the rest of the West have allowed China to become more powerful by supporting its manufacturing and exports"....

Always is the PLAN ....

We can only guess....coffee1.gif


India PM Narendra Modi has been up and running against the CCP Boyz in Beijing for most of this year. And now with The Boyz big military show last week Modi has become strident. Most people in these parts are now considering Modi as the new regional counterbalance to the CCP Boyz and the leader other governments and elites can turn to.

Since Modi’s coming to office in May last year, the Obama administration has intensified its efforts for integrating India closer into its strategic agenda against China, and Modi has responded by tilting New Delhi ever closer towards Washington. During Obama’s Indian visit last January, Modi’s agreement on the US-India Joint Strategic Vision for the Asia-Pacific and the Indian Ocean marked deeper integration into the US “pivot” against China.

Underlining the development of closer military ties with the US, the Indian air force will participate in joint air exercises codenamed Red Flag, hosted by the US next April at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, after an absence of six years.

India has also been developing closer relations with Japan and Australia. In June, Indian Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar met with his Australian counterpart and the Japanese vice foreign minister.


What started as a bilateral naval exercise between India and the US has become a trilateral that includes Japan with a quadrilateral coming soon by including Australia.

India invites Japan for naval exercises with US

Australia Wants to Join India, US and Japan in Naval Exercises: Defense Minister

Kevin Andrews reaffirms Canberra’s willingness to participate in quadrilateral drills


Naval ships to include two aircraft carriers from India, Australia, Japan, Singapore, and the United States prepare for 2015 Malabar Exercises in the Bay of Bengal. India will host this year's expanded exercises at its newly completed super bases of naval and air forces in the Andaman Islands at the northern entrance of the strategically vital Strait of Malacca. At left is the CVN 73 Ronald Reagan Aircraft Carrier Strike Force 11, and at the right is an Indian designed and built aircraft carrier and ships. Image Credit: U.S. Navy Photo

Australia is keen to join India, the United States and Japan in joint naval exercises in the Indian Ocean amid China’s growing influence in the region, the country’s defense minister Kevin Andrews said Thursday.

Andrews said the current Australian government would accept an invitation if it was invited by India to observe or participate in such an exercise.

Andrews’ remarks come amid growing attention to and interest in the expansion of such exercises, particularly in the wake of China’s growing assertiveness in the region. Japan is set to join the United States and India in this year’s iteration of the Malabar exercises.


India also collaborated with the US in the regime-change operation in Sri Lanka last January, in the presidential election which ousted Mahinda Rajapakse, who had developed close ties with China, installing instead Maithripala Sirisena, who is committed to fixing Colombo firmly into Washington’s strategic orbit.

Japan to Join US, India in Military Exercises This Year

India, Japan and Australia: A Trilateral in the Making?

US Official Calls for Permanent Expansion of Malabar Exercises with India

Australia, India to Hold First Ever Naval Exercise Amid China Concerns

But one issue is the sheer size of the military budgets. China's is estimated at well over 200 billion, by the Stockholm international peace research Institute, putting it firmly in second place. India's is only 50 billion, putting it in seventh place or eighth place, depending on the survey. They would have alot of catching up to do, and probably could not come close to matching China in battle. Then there is the issue of the intelligence and spy apparatus. Nobody knows what China spends on that, but it an enormous sum. They cannot amass enough power.



spidermike007, on 11 Sept 2015 - 11:02, said:


Publicus, on 07 Sept 2015 - 04:29, said:
India PM Narendra Modi has been up and running against the CCP Boyz in Beijing for most of this year. And now with The Boyz big military show last week Modi has become strident. Most people in these parts are now considering Modi as the new regional counterbalance to the CCP Boyz and the leader other governments and elites can turn to.
Since Modi’s coming to office in May last year, the Obama administration has intensified its efforts for integrating India closer into its strategic agenda against China, and Modi has responded by tilting New Delhi ever closer towards Washington. During Obama’s Indian visit last January, Modi’s agreement on the US-India Joint Strategic Vision for the Asia-Pacific and the Indian Ocean marked deeper integration into the US “pivot” against China.
Underlining the development of closer military ties with the US, the Indian air force will participate in joint air exercises codenamed Red Flag, hosted by the US next April at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, after an absence of six years.
India has also been developing closer relations with Japan and Australia. In June, Indian Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar met with his Australian counterpart and the Japanese vice foreign minister.
What started as a bilateral naval exercise between India and the US has become a trilateral that includes Japan with a quadrilateral coming soon by including Australia.
India invites Japan for naval exercises with US
  Australia Wants to Join India, US and Japan in Naval Exercises: Defense Minister

Kevin Andrews reaffirms Canberra’s willingness to participate in quadrilateral drills

Naval ships to include two aircraft carriers from India, Australia, Japan, Singapore, and the United States prepare for 2015 Malabar Exercises in the Bay of Bengal. India will host this year's expanded exercises at its newly completed super bases of naval and air forces in the Andaman Islands at the northern entrance of the strategically vital Strait of Malacca. At left is the CVN 73 Ronald Reagan Aircraft Carrier Strike Force 11, and at the right is an Indian designed and built aircraft carrier and ships. Image Credit: U.S. Navy Photo
Australia is keen to join India, the United States and Japan in joint naval exercises in the Indian Ocean amid China’s growing influence in the region, the country’s defense minister Kevin Andrews said Thursday.
 Andrews said the current Australian government would accept an invitation if it was invited by India to observe or participate in such an exercise.
Andrews’ remarks come amid growing attention to and interest in the expansion of such exercises, particularly in the wake of China’s growing assertiveness in the region. Japan is set to join the United States and India in this year’s iteration of the Malabar exercises.
India also collaborated with the US in the regime-change operation in Sri Lanka last January, in the presidential election which ousted Mahinda Rajapakse, who had developed close ties with China, installing instead Maithripala Sirisena, who is committed to fixing Colombo firmly into Washington’s strategic orbit.
Japan to Join US, India in Military Exercises This Year
India, Japan and Australia: A Trilateral in the Making?
US Official Calls for Permanent Expansion of Malabar Exercises with India
Australia, India to Hold First Ever Naval Exercise Amid China Concerns

But one issue is the sheer size of the military budgets. China's is estimated at well over 200 billion, by the Stockholm international peace research Institute, putting it firmly in second place. India's is only 50 billion, putting it in seventh place or eighth place, depending on the survey. They would have alot of catching up to do, and probably could not come close to matching China in battle. Then there is the issue of the intelligence and spy apparatus. Nobody knows what China spends on that, but it an enormous sum. They cannot amass enough power.

Looking at the budgets is vital but it of course does not reveal much until one looks at the categories and the columns of sums. Just about everyone in this region is beefing up their naval forces and their air forces while reducing ground (regular Army) forces. Xi indeed announced a 300K troop reduction, mostly from the PLA itself.

The most important factor in this region are naval forces with air forces right there too.

No one here or anywhere wants to try to put an Army down in this region because it would be a guaranteed huge mess all around. In fact in the right here and the right now of the early 21st century land-ground forces have lost their thousands of years predominance in war or combat. Army special operations forces that are highly mobile and specialized for particular missions is the direction ground forces are moving in. No 100K boots on the ground anywhere; Putin for instance is not going to drive on to Kiev (unless he's gone stark raving mad).

Likewise the US has a 250+ ship Navy due to high-tech and the professional quality of personnel in the all-volunteer military force the US has. The days of the 500 ship navy are absolute history.

CCP has acquired the biggest navy of the region but is hard pressed to deploy it due to widespread personnel shortages. The Boyz earlier this year re-activated all their recently retired pot-belly non-commissioned officers and still can't put many new ships to sea. The Boyz have developed a cadre of hi-tech experts throughout the military to focus on cyber warfare, destroying satellites, high tech missiles and EMP etc. elite units that are apart from the corrupt and incompetent regular military that is run by the party regulars.

Most significantly, the PLA Navy has lost its pre-eminence over the region now that Japan has put to sea its 3rd "helicopter" carrier which is ideally suited externally and internally to carry and launch US F-35B fighter-bomber craft, so nobody is kidding anybody about any of this. The most recent assessment by the US Naval War College faculty is that, given the quality of Japan's naval leadership, the regular and comprehensive training of its well educated naval personnel, the high tech quality of its strategically developed fleet, the present destroyer dominated Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force makes the bigger, bulkier short on expertise PLA Navy less than a sure bet.

Excluding nuclear weapons, the strongest military forces are the US, Russia, China, India, UK (France, South Korea, Germany, Japan, Turkey). Each of 'em spends differently to create different strengths particular to each nation.

The US in 2010 formally adopted the Air-Sea Battle doctrine of warfare which is a highly aggressive integration of land, sea and undersea, air, cyber, inner space and satellite missile stealth bomber EMP and laser warfare some complain is too aggressive to allow for lesser options than total destruction of the enemy's ability to conduct war. The long time Air-Land model used successfully in Europe but later unsuccessfully elsewhere is now secondary.

Russia maintains a powerful land-ground force but has sophisticated cyber capabilities, a powerful air offense with formidable air defenses, and is trying to rebuild its submarine fleet.

The CCP military white paper this year was radical, announcing the future focus on the PLA Navy, the oceans and the seas. The Boyz continue to use most of their military budget to counter US military technology from the ground up, to satellites in their orbit and back down to under the seas and across a broad technological spectrum in order to defeat the United States in war. The Boyz want an 'anti' to each weapon in the US arsenal.
India maintains its dominant army but with no expansions planned or scheduled while routine attrition occurs. The Indian Navy is getting lots of new budget money. It has two home made aircraft carriers in operation with a third under construction in India. It just completed huge naval and air force facilities on the Andaman Islands at the northern entrance of the strategic Strait of Malacca. India has under PM Modi signed new strategic agreements with Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan, the US. Prez Obama had already run out of patience with the policy of "engagement" with the CCP Boyz and now so too has India which is now talking with Japan and Australia about a trilateral security alliance which is being warmly received by most of Asean and in Washington.

The CCP Boyz the past 18 months have quietly been constructing islands out of reefs in the Malaysia EEZ at the southern end of the Strait of Malacca which is one of the world's 7 potential choke points of global shipping. The Malaysian and US navies have had joint maneuvres in recent years but the US would welcome India's attention to the Malay complaint against the CCP while the US focuses on its security treaty allies the Philippines and Japan and develops newly signed strategic agreements with Vietnam as well as Malaysia.

A lot of technical problems very recently that I've edited to correct, for the most part. It is however a dreary exercise to do and one can't get all of the technical interferences that are external to ThaiVisa.



spidermike007, on 11 Sept 2015 - 11:02, said:


Publicus, on 07 Sept 2015 - 04:29, said:

India PM Narendra Modi has been up and running against the CCP Boyz in Beijing for most of this year. And now with The Boyz big military show last week Modi has become strident. Most people in these parts are now considering Modi as the new regional counterbalance to the CCP Boyz and the leader other governments and elites can turn to.


Since Modi’s coming to office in May last year, the Obama administration has intensified its efforts for integrating India closer into its strategic agenda against China, and Modi has responded by tilting New Delhi ever closer towards Washington. During Obama’s Indian visit last January, Modi’s agreement on the US-India Joint Strategic Vision for the Asia-Pacific and the Indian Ocean marked deeper integration into the US “pivot” against China.


Underlining the development of closer military ties with the US, the Indian air force will participate in joint air exercises codenamed Red Flag, hosted by the US next April at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, after an absence of six years.


India has also been developing closer relations with Japan and Australia. In June, Indian Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar met with his Australian counterpart and the Japanese vice foreign minister.




What started as a bilateral naval exercise between India and the US has become a trilateral that includes Japan with a quadrilateral coming soon by including Australia.



India invites Japan for naval exercises with US

  Australia Wants to Join India, US and Japan in Naval Exercises: Defense Minister

Kevin Andrews reaffirms Canberra’s willingness to participate in quadrilateral drills



Naval ships to include two aircraft carriers from India, Australia, Japan, Singapore, and the United States prepare for 2015 Malabar Exercises in the Bay of Bengal. India will host this year's expanded exercises at its newly completed super bases of naval and air forces in the Andaman Islands at the northern entrance of the strategically vital Strait of Malacca. At left is the CVN 73 Ronald Reagan Aircraft Carrier Strike Force 11, and at the right is an Indian designed and built aircraft carrier and ships. Image Credit: U.S. Navy Photo



Australia is keen to join India, the United States and Japan in joint naval exercises in the Indian Ocean amid China’s growing influence in the region, the country’s defense minister Kevin Andrews said Thursday.


 Andrews said the current Australian government would accept an invitation if it was invited by India to observe or participate in such an exercise.


Andrews’ remarks come amid growing attention to and interest in the expansion of such exercises, particularly in the wake of China’s growing assertiveness in the region. Japan is set to join the United States and India in this year’s iteration of the Malabar exercises.





India also collaborated with the US in the regime-change operation in Sri Lanka last January, in the presidential election which ousted Mahinda Rajapakse, who had developed close ties with China, installing instead Maithripala Sirisena, who is committed to fixing Colombo firmly into Washington’s strategic orbit.


Japan to Join US, India in Military Exercises This Year

India, Japan and Australia: A Trilateral in the Making?

US Official Calls for Permanent Expansion of Malabar Exercises with India

Australia, India to Hold First Ever Naval Exercise Amid China Concerns

But one issue is the sheer size of the military budgets. China's is estimated at well over 200 billion, by the Stockholm international peace research Institute, putting it firmly in second place. India's is only 50 billion, putting it in seventh place or eighth place, depending on the survey. They would have alot of catching up to do, and probably could not come close to matching China in battle. Then there is the issue of the intelligence and spy apparatus. Nobody knows what China spends on that, but it an enormous sum. They cannot amass enough power.


Looking at the budgets is vital but it of course does not reveal much until one looks at the categories and the columns of sums. Just about everyone in this region is beefing up their naval forces and their air forces while reducing ground (regular Army) forces. Xi indeed announced a 300K troop reduction, mostly from the PLA itself.

The most important factor in this region are naval forces with air forces right there too.

No one here or anywhere wants to try to put an Army down in this region because it would be a guaranteed huge mess all around. In fact in the right here and the right now of the early 21st century land-ground forces have lost their thousands of years predominance in war or combat. Army special operations forces that are highly mobile and specialized for particular missions is the direction ground forces are moving in. No 100K boots on the ground anywhere; Putin for instance is not going to drive on to Kiev (unless he's gone stark raving mad).

Likewise the US has a 250+ ship Navy due to high-tech and the professional quality of personnel in the all-volunteer military force the US has. The days of the 500 ship navy are absolute history.

CCP has acquired the biggest navy of the region but is hard pressed to deploy it due to widespread personnel shortages. The Boyz earlier this year re-activated all their recently retired pot-belly non-commissioned officers and still can't put many new ships to sea. The Boyz have developed a cadre of hi-tech experts throughout the military to focus on cyber warfare, destroying satellites, high tech missiles and EMP etc. elite units that are apart from the corrupt and incompetent regular military that is run by the party regulars.

Most significantly, the PLA Navy has lost its pre-eminence over the region now that Japan has put to sea its 3rd "helicopter" carrier which is ideally suited externally and internally to carry and launch US F-35B fighter-bomber craft, so nobody is kidding anybody about any of this. The most recent assessment by the US Naval War College faculty is that, given the quality of Japan's naval leadership, the regular and comprehensive training of its well educated naval personnel, the high tech quality of its strategically developed fleet, the present destroyer dominated Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force makes the bigger, bulkier short on expertise PLA Navy less than a sure bet.

Excluding nuclear weapons, the strongest military forces are the US, Russia, China, India, UK (France, South Korea, Germany, Japan, Turkey). Each of 'em spends differently to create different strengths particular to each nation.

The US in 2010 formally adopted the Air-Sea Battle doctrine of warfare which is a highly aggressive integration of land, sea and undersea, air, cyber, inner space and satellite missile stealth bomber EMP and laser warfare some complain is too aggressive to allow for lesser options than total destruction of the enemy's ability to conduct war. The long time Air-Land model used successfully in Europe but later unsuccessfully elsewhere is now secondary.

Russia maintains a powerful land-ground force but has sophisticated cyber capabilities, a powerful air offense with formidable air defenses, and is trying to rebuild its submarine fleet.

The CCP military white paper this year was radical, announcing the future focus on the PLA Navy, the oceans and the seas. The Boyz continue to use most of their military budget to counter US military technology from the ground up, to satellites in their orbit and back down to under the seas and across a broad technological spectrum in order to defeat the United States in war. The Boyz want an 'anti' to each weapon in the US arsenal.


India maintains its dominant army but with no expansions planned or scheduled while routine attrition occurs. The Indian Navy is getting lots of new budget money. It has two home made aircraft carriers in operation with a third under construction in India. It just completed huge naval and air force facilities on the Andaman Islands at the northern entrance of the strategic Strait of Malacca. India has under PM Modi signed new strategic agreements with Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan, the US. Prez Obama had already run out of patience with the policy of "engagement" with the CCP Boyz and now so too has India which is now talking with Japan and Australia about a trilateral security alliance which is being warmly received by most of Asean and in Washington.

The CCP Boyz the past 18 months have quietly been constructing islands out of reefs in the Malaysia EEZ at the southern end of the Strait of Malacca which is one of the world's 7 potential choke points of global shipping. The Malaysian and US navies have had joint maneuvres in recent years but the US would welcome India's attention to the Malay complaint against the CCP while the US focuses on its security treaty allies the Philippines and Japan and develops newly signed strategic agreements with Vietnam as well as Malaysia.

A lot of technical problems very recently that I've edited to correct, for the most part. It is however a dreary exercise to do and one can't get all of the technical interferences that are external to ThaiVisa.

Amazing post. Thanks. A lot of great information. Well stated.

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