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'Debt-ridden' Austrian 53, found hanged in Phuket apartment parking lot

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Name Edhchfer Walter suggests Austrian rather than the previously reported Australian.

But now not really matter as the guy is dead - May he rest in peace.

Might be Erdhofer, or similar, but doesn't change the fact that way too may people here commit suicide.

The hub of committed suicides? Rest in peace, way too young to die such a death. There's a social system in Austria.

Just Googled it in German and found this: ( The news are from today !!!)

PHUKET - Gestern wurde die Leiche einer Frau aus Phuket gefunden, die sich in der Nahe ihrer Wohnung inThalang an einem Baum selbst erhangt hatte. Der zweite Selbstmord auf Phuket in nur drei Tagen

Translation and source: http://www.wochenblitz.com/nachrichten/phuket/15987-frau-begeht-selbstmord-durch-erhaengen.html

Phuket- The corpse of a woman from Phuket, who hung herself on a tree, was found near her house in Thalang. The second suicide in only three days.

Adding the guy makes it to three.

Life sometimes sucks.


Going back home to Oz would not necessarily have saved him. I knew a guy here in Oz who spent over 10 years in Thailand. When I met him he was in psychiatric care for depression and had already 1 suicide attempt behind him. He had a supporting family here and when he was released back into the community he killed himself. Mental health is a big problem in most first world countries. And I read that many Thais use suicide as their last option. Its always sad to read about it. Yes, RIP.


RIP. Phuket is the most expensive place to live in Thailand. Too bad he couldn't find or didn't want to find other options.

You want to go to Koh Samui or Koh Phangan they are a lot more expensive than Phuket R.I.P to the deceased what a shame he had no one to talk to he must have been at his wits end


How very very sad.

His last thoughts were of someone he loved...."yo Papi".....clearly a fond name for him from a child.

What a desperate and lonely way for any person to end up in life....all for nothing as there can be a way forward from such depths.

I am sure there are people reading this who may have similar problems and thoughts.

DON'T...........seek help, sort your priorities and reach out.


RIP. Phuket is the most expensive place to live in Thailand. Too bad he couldn't find or didn't want to find other options.

You want to go to Koh Samui or Koh Phangan they are a lot more expensive than Phuket R.I.P to the deceased what a shame he had no one to talk to he must have been at his wits end

I can back up what I say. Can you?



I hate to hear stories like this. Here is a man who died by himself, by his own hand, alone in a car park. Very sad. I have found nothing but personal happiness in this wonderful country, for some decades now. It makes you wonder what went wrong.

I wont judge him, nor his friends, lovers, acquaintances. To do so is hypocritical, life is made up of countless twists and turns. Without knowing him we cant judge him. These days Thailand can be an emotional carousel. When I first arrived we never heard of any expat doing themselves in. It is a much more dangerous country now, for those who "just can't take it any longer". Too many TV posters jump in with comments that really just insult the dead.

I have had 5 friends die in the past 3 years, all floundering in the bottom of a bottle. A slow death rather than a quick one at the end of a rope. Because of the tragedies I and my friends have seen, we have become more aware and step in to offer a helping hand. We watch out for each other.


I just dont understand why some people are so desperate to remain here, even up to the very last stages of desperation.

Even if you dont have family who can help pick you up, surely theres some kind of welfare help or safety net available that one can rely on in Australia?

You've obviously never been there. I got home from a night shift on September tenth 2001 to find my wife up and dressed, telling me she was leaving. Spent the day watching footage of the twin towers on TV and thinking "this is nothing compared to my problems". Totally irrational, but that's the state I was in. I got through it, and it made me have far more empathy with people than before, when I would judge them as mad or sane, with no shades of grey. Very sad he had no one to turn to.


RIP. Condolences to his family and friends. So sad he could not have returned (with assistance - obvious he could not do it on his own) to his home country. sad.png


this poor man , what a dreadful situation to be in to end ones life in this way because of the lack of money but there are so many people in the same situation who come to Thailand thinking they can make things happen only to have their hopes dashed its so sad really ,


A number of off-topic posts and replies have been removed. Also a discussion which involves soliciting for money for those in need. Please be aware that it is a good idea, but this thread is not the place to discuss it.


Being me and always suspicious I would have dusted the beer bottles for prints to see who else had handled them. Perhaps he was hung by a disgruntled person he owed money to.

yea right .... sometimes it is what it appears to be , dude you watch to much tv .... rip .


Terrible shame to go out like this. I learned 26 years ago here that no one gives a dam about you, especially Thai, when you have no money. Act broke and see for yourself. I did a little 'experiment' and confirmed this. BTW: This is true in your home country as well. If not, reply here and tell me I'm wrong.sad.png


To Day is Fathers Day in Australia, so sad to think that He was in so much Dept and had no where to turn for help, all of us xpat's who have made the decision to live here should have a controlled contact number on Thai Visa so people in distress can chat with an x pat and give them as much support as possible. when I say controlled....English speaking, German, Dutch, Russian, etc.

R.I.P Cobber


Isn't that the trouble with humanity ? There is no natural selection anymore. The social safety net , medicine,...everyone survives, even the one that shouldn't ,

because of their decisions (intellect ) or bad DNA.

If an animal can't get food in the wild , it dies of hunger. If a plant can't get water/light/nutriants , it dies.

When people have no means of supporting themselves , they die. Natural selection. And yes , it should still be applicable to humans in this day and age.

And no I'm not trolling here , just so tired of the bleeding heart responces here.

And the Charles Darwin of the modern age speaks (sarcasm alert).

Sorry but you sound more like Hitler than Darwin.

Are you for real? Do you seriously think that humans are the only social species on the planet?

Wait until the day you are in trouble and some bleedin' heart tries to help you. Please refuse and do us all a service.


May I just add some codolences to the bereived. I usually don't for people I don't know but as I posted the above I feel it is apropriate.


Can't maintain the life style you get used to with out a steady income stream, things change so you should adapt to suit.

Planning is the success for every thing......

I believe he DID adapt to suit ...he had no more money, so he made sure he had no more life.

I'm pretty sure you didn't mean that, you meant, he should have planned better so he didn't run out of money. "Planning" does not always mean success, although it is best to TRY to plan ...we can't always predict what problems a person might have ...a sequence of problems/money issues that just doesn't go right, just like the lottery winner did not PLAN to win, we can't always plan for everything to go wrong.

And if fact, if you try to live life that way (like personally I do) you get a lot of criticism for being "too negative"!! I can't tell you how many insulting comments I have had simply because I wanted to be sure to have medical insurance before visiting the US... something hard to do for Americans, ironically. Hmm, to go to a place with the most expensive medical care in the world, and people think I am crazy to insist upon insurance because I don't want to go bankrupt!!

I found I was weird and an outsider in that regard. And then you have these same kind of people, who apparently have never experienced just some plain "bad luck" and think they are better than everyone else, who has had a hard time here and there, because they planned better and/or worked harder!! I hope those people can experience something, that will give them a bit more empathy, and also realize that SOME things in life, are just a matter of good luck, more or less, and that they are not all superior planners/people.

I didn't know this man, but he seems like a good guy, who left his rent money on his death bed, so to speak.


This is quite obviously a suicide and those who think otherwise are probably the same persons who see a murder mystery in every farang death in Thailand. Give it a rest guys. RIP Aussie man.


Those last lonely hours must have been so painfull. So very sad. I hope when life stops it just stops so all the pain and worry is gone.

Sorry for the pain his family will feel.


I just dont understand why some people are so desperate to remain here, even up to the very last stages of desperation.

Even if you dont have family who can help pick you up, surely theres some kind of welfare help or safety net available that one can rely on in Australia?

Knew a guy who took a flyer out of his condo window when he ran out of money. Great guy. Loved by everyone who knew him.

Have also known more than a few others that have allowed the place to ruin their lives. People who have fallen down the hole of alcoholism or drug addition. Others who have turned to crime.

Not sure what it is about Thailand that makes people view the place as their last stand. I'm sure part of it has to do with the kind of people that Thailand attracts but that doesn't explain everyone.


Another news site states this guy is Austrian,

For thais Austrian and Australian is same - even thai teachers tell that to students. We have also heard it on thai news ... blink.png

RIP whatever country

I don't think it's just Thais. People get Austria and Australia confused all the time.




Poor choices lead to disaster.

He was on a tight budget, but I see he had a car key on his key chain.

You don't need a car to get by in Thailand, especially if you are broke.

I wont say RIP, my thoughts are with Chris because I had a shitty dad too.



I just dont understand why some people are so desperate to remain here, even up to the very last stages of desperation.
Even if you dont have family who can help pick you up, surely theres some kind of welfare help or safety net available that one can rely on in Australia?

The book 'The Beach' provides some explanation of this desperation. Worth a read if you can pick it up cheap.

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