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SURVEY: Should EU countries continue to accept refugees and migrants?

SURVEY: Should the EU continue to accept migrants and refugees?  

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Why Germany will do that? Because of their guarantee of giving asylum to EVERYBODY.

No, you are totally wrong;

it's because they need them for working ;Germany has a huge deficit of workers;

Germany needs skilled workers ! Highly skilled workers.

But Germany can also replace the low-income workers on minimum wages with refugees which would

make these jobs even cheeper.

Germany is offering a standard to refugees that is for most people in the third world unachievable even with a job !

And that IS a huge problem !!!

Still the problem is that most people in this threat [just like everywhere else] are falling for all the Government propaganda.

Most of the people coming to europe are not refugees at all !

The VAST MAJORITY are young males !!! [and NOT women and children] - that's first hand information NOT from mainstream media

but from people on the scene.

The whole refugee/immigrant thing is a tool to destabilize the whole of europe !

Why ? .... look at the UN agenda 2030 that will most likely be ratified 25-28.September !!!

Read it and get scared about what's to come !!!

No, you are totally wrong;

it's because they need them for working ;Germany has a huge deficit of workers;

That is only one aspect. True. But the real reason is their terrible past 'third reich". They feel guilty. Good so. They can have workers and can have a good sleep. At present they are the GOOG GUYS in Europe.

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Why is it only Europe's responsibility? What about Saudi helping their brothers?
I have lived in a Muslim country and they hate everything you ( assuming you aren't a Muslim ) believe in and want to make YOU conform to THEIR beliefs. Are you OK with that? Are you going to convert to Islam?
It is not my, or anyone else's responsibility to give Syrians a future. That is for them to do.
Many of the so called refugees are illegal economic migrants, not in fear of their lives at all.
There are millions of Phillipinos, a Christian culture, that will happily move to the west to work and pay taxes, and they will do so legally. Why are you so keen on having people that want to change your culture come to live with you?
I hope you are volunteering to take a few of those refugees to live in your house with you.

Before I came to Thailand I invited a Vietnamese family (Boat people 1979) living as refugees in my house. Indeed!! So YOU have no right to tell me anything. Also I lived in a Turkish society for many years as a respected business man. No Turkish did ever cheat me but some of my country. I have nothing against Muslims. There is no difference between them and "us". They have their God we have our.

And you example with Philippinos is BS. They are NOT refugees if they come into our countries.

Also Saudi Arabia is not an example. They are no "brothers". Saudis are SUNNIES. most Syrian refugees are ALAWITES

I never claimed Phillipinos are refugees, if you actually read my piece. I'm saying that they would move, LEGALLY, to western countries to work and pay taxes to make up for the age gap. No need to bring an alien and vicious culture into our societies.

Anyway, the whole western premise that there must be ever increasing population to pay for the past generation is doomed to failure. There is a better way, but as long as politicians are in thrall to the money men nothing will change.

There is no difference between them and "us".


There is a better way, but as long as politicians are in thrall to the money men nothing will change.

Well, all politicians tried to do everything even with a bonus for a new born child or tax relief. All in vain. Considering this it's not too bad to have some blood from the rest of the world?

The better way does not rely on an increasing population, in fact a declining population is desirable.


Why Germany will do that? Because of their guarantee of giving asylum to EVERYBODY.

No, you are totally wrong;

it's because they need them for working ;Germany has a huge deficit of workers;

Never heard greater bulldust!

There is Eastern Europe - Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova, former Yugoslavia States, Russia - all ready and happy to live and work in any EU country.

And none of the above are Muslims.

And none of the above will build Mosques.

And none of the above will demand Sharia Laws areas.

And none of the above will create terrorist acts in EU based on their Religion.

And none of the above will refuse to go back home - because they do have homes behind.

And none of the above will swarm across EU borders unchecked or come by boats or bring their families.

Yet none of the above are invited. Why? Did you ever ask yourself WHY?


No mention of Saudi Arabia, home to Mecca, or Dubai, both very wealthy countries for their respective populations per capita, not taking in refugees. Are they not devout Muslims as well?


No mention of Saudi Arabia, home to Mecca, or Dubai, both very wealthy countries for their respective populations per capita, not taking in refugees. Are they not devout Muslims as well?

Saudi have stated that they have taken in some 500,000 Shia.


I notice in the news that Australia is seeing to sign a free trade deal with China. One provision of the deal allows Chinese companies investing more than 150 million to bring their own construction workforce. Perhaps there's scope to bring in Syrian refugees and have them work on these projects instead of the Chinese workforce?


Neurath, please, do not pretend to be neurotic. I'm an Australian. We have lots and lots of Chinese there. Had them for donkeys years.

They never make problems! Because there are no Muslims among them.

Whichever country you come from - keep those Syrians at your place. And hope it does not start tomorrow looking like Syria today.


No mention of Saudi Arabia, home to Mecca, or Dubai, both very wealthy countries for their respective populations per capita, not taking in refugees. Are they not devout Muslims as well?

Saudi have stated that they have taken in some 500,000 Shia.

Really.....could have sworn saudis ade sunni.....they hate shia....iran is shia.


A troll post in very bad taste has been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


No mention of Saudi Arabia, home to Mecca, or Dubai, both very wealthy countries for their respective populations per capita, not taking in refugees. Are they not devout Muslims as well?

Saudi are doing their bit. This is being reported within the Guardian comments section:

Germany announces it can take 500 000 people a year

Saudi Arabia announces it will build for them mosques in Germany

that will end well


Are they taking the mickey or what?blink.png


I think the U.S. should take more of them but also I think Europe should take more from Latin America. Result? Better Mexican food in Europe and then later Thailand.

The U.S. will not take any more than they must because they are not christians. The U.S. is strictly a chirstian country.

10% of Syrians are Christians

St George was Syrian.


I am very much ashamed to see so many ignorant and narrow minded people on this website. Of course it's Europe's duty to take ALL refugees coming from Syria or other bombed countries with war and terror. It's called HUMANITY. If we all times point on our culture then it's up to us to support and help. Not by giving them money to stay away from Europe but help them to find a new home. Nobody of these poor people left their home because of economical problems but of fear. Fear for their lives. Everybody with children try to do best for them having a secure future. But those from e.g. Syria they don't have any future if they would stay there.

Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees forget that our society is getting older fast and WE will have big problems in the nearer future with our pensions and social welfare. The number of retirees is growing but the number of working people is declining. It's unbelievable that Cameron can't see it! But anyway we have to take refugees as a big chance for development of our countries not as intruders or enimies. Meet them with respect and not with hate. Help them but don't kick them out.

By the way, those problems with IS and Syrian war are cuased by wrong American politics.

So, how many are you willing to take into your home?


Allow them to go to the countries whose foreign policies are responsible for the mess.

That's wrong. The Americans are mainly responsible for that chaos, death and terror. Do they take refugees?

While I agree that United States (not American) foreign policies have precipitated many of these problems, those problems are with refugees. A refugee is someone fleeing from a problem. The majority of these people are not refugees -- they are fourth world migrants seeking to gain from others. This is not merely a refugee problem

who put this nonsense into your head? Brainwashed?

So you think people are leaving deliberately e.g.Syria because of gaining what??? Their lives??? Ok, that is right then !!!

Why do you think these people are targeting Germany and Austria? Here's a hint, it's not because they like sauerkraut and knockwurst... It's because of the liberal social programs, funded by citizens of these countries... The same as is happening in the US...


I am very much ashamed to see so many ignorant and narrow minded people on this website. Of course it's Europe's duty to take ALL refugees coming from Syria or other bombed countries with war and terror. It's called HUMANITY. If we all times point on our culture then it's up to us to support and help. Not by giving them money to stay away from Europe but help them to find a new home. Nobody of these poor people left their home because of economical problems but of fear. Fear for their lives. Everybody with children try to do best for them having a secure future. But those from e.g. Syria they don't have any future if they would stay there.

Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees forget that our society is getting older fast and WE will have big problems in the nearer future with our pensions and social welfare. The number of retirees is growing but the number of working people is declining. It's unbelievable that Cameron can't see it! But anyway we have to take refugees as a big chance for development of our countries not as intruders or enimies. Meet them with respect and not with hate. Help them but don't kick them out.

By the way, those problems with IS and Syrian war are cuased by wrong American politics.

Why is it only Europe's responsibility? What about Saudi helping their brothers?
I have lived in a Muslim country and they hate everything you ( assuming you aren't a Muslim ) believe in and want to make YOU conform to THEIR beliefs. Are you OK with that? Are you going to convert to Islam?
It is not my, or anyone else's responsibility to give Syrians a future. That is for them to do.
Many of the so called refugees are illegal economic migrants, not in fear of their lives at all.
There are millions of Phillipinos, a Christian culture, that will happily move to the west to work and pay taxes, and they will do so legally. Why are you so keen on having people that want to change your culture come to live with you?
I hope you are volunteering to take a few of those refugees to live in your house with you.

Before I came to Thailand I invited a Vietnamese family (Boat people 1979) living as refugees in my house. Indeed!! So YOU have no right to tell me anything. Also I lived in a Turkish society for many years as a respected business man. No Turkish did ever cheat me but some of my country. I have nothing against Muslims. There is no difference between them and "us". They have their God we have our.

And you example with Philippinos is BS. They are NOT refugees if they come into our countries.

Also Saudi Arabia is not an example. They are no "brothers". Saudis are SUNNIES. most Syrian refugees are ALAWITES

Your personal anecdotal experience means less than nothing in the current situation... You want to know what's going on? Read it and weep...



These so-called refugees will soon be classified as enemy combatants...


Is there any Muslim Countries Taking any Refugees besides Turkey ??. In my opinion, Europe is in for big problems ahead

Over 4 million registered Syrian refugees since 2011. Nearly half of those are in Turkey. 40% is in other surrounding countries like Libanon. Less than 10% came to Europe, with Germany alone taking in nearly half of those. That leaves around 180,000 refugees scattered over the rest of Europe. On over 600 million European residents in total I don't see the problem some are seeing.

The 600 million European,as you called them are fed up already, go and try to live in some main European town' suburbs you'll change your mind, unless you'r a Muslim do not eat pork and your wife is veiled, then you'll feel at home of course. Some Brussels, London, Paris suburbs would be a good start.


I am very much ashamed to see so many ignorant and narrow minded people on this website. Of course it's Europe's duty to take ALL refugees coming from Syria or other bombed countries with war and terror. It's called HUMANITY. If we all times point on our culture then it's up to us to support and help. Not by giving them money to stay away from Europe but help them to find a new home. Nobody of these poor people left their home because of economical problems but of fear. Fear for their lives. Everybody with children try to do best for them having a secure future. But those from e.g. Syria they don't have any future if they would stay there.

Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees forget that our society is getting older fast and WE will have big problems in the nearer future with our pensions and social welfare. The number of retirees is growing but the number of working people is declining. It's unbelievable that Cameron can't see it! But anyway we have to take refugees as a big chance for development of our countries not as intruders or enimies. Meet them with respect and not with hate. Help them but don't kick them out.

By the way, those problems with IS and Syrian war are cuased by wrong American politics.

So, how many are you willing to take into your home?

I answered this question already if you follow my threads


I am very much ashamed to see so many ignorant and narrow minded people on this website. Of course it's Europe's duty to take ALL refugees coming from Syria or other bombed countries with war and terror. It's called HUMANITY. If we all times point on our culture then it's up to us to support and help. Not by giving them money to stay away from Europe but help them to find a new home. Nobody of these poor people left their home because of economical problems but of fear. Fear for their lives. Everybody with children try to do best for them having a secure future. But those from e.g. Syria they don't have any future if they would stay there.

Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees forget that our society is getting older fast and WE will have big problems in the nearer future with our pensions and social welfare. The number of retirees is growing but the number of working people is declining. It's unbelievable that Cameron can't see it! But anyway we have to take refugees as a big chance for development of our countries not as intruders or enimies. Meet them with respect and not with hate. Help them but don't kick them out.

By the way, those problems with IS and Syrian war are cuased by wrong American politics.

Why is it only Europe's responsibility? What about Saudi helping their brothers?
I have lived in a Muslim country and they hate everything you ( assuming you aren't a Muslim ) believe in and want to make YOU conform to THEIR beliefs. Are you OK with that? Are you going to convert to Islam?
It is not my, or anyone else's responsibility to give Syrians a future. That is for them to do.
Many of the so called refugees are illegal economic migrants, not in fear of their lives at all.
There are millions of Phillipinos, a Christian culture, that will happily move to the west to work and pay taxes, and they will do so legally. Why are you so keen on having people that want to change your culture come to live with you?
I hope you are volunteering to take a few of those refugees to live in your house with you.

Before I came to Thailand I invited a Vietnamese family (Boat people 1979) living as refugees in my house. Indeed!! So YOU have no right to tell me anything. Also I lived in a Turkish society for many years as a respected business man. No Turkish did ever cheat me but some of my country. I have nothing against Muslims. There is no difference between them and "us". They have their God we have our.

And you example with Philippinos is BS. They are NOT refugees if they come into our countries.

Also Saudi Arabia is not an example. They are no "brothers". Saudis are SUNNIES. most Syrian refugees are ALAWITES

Your personal anecdotal experience means less than nothing in the current situation... You want to know what's going on? Read it and weep...



These so-called refugees will soon be classified as enemy combatants...

These so-called refugees will soon be classified as enemy combatants...

My Goodness, another one who believes in Fox News or other Yellow Press. Poor Boy, I pity you. Si tacuisses....


No mention of Saudi Arabia, home to Mecca, or Dubai, both very wealthy countries for their respective populations per capita, not taking in refugees. Are they not devout Muslims as well?

3 Days a go from the Zeit:

Lack of solidarity among Arabs

661. So many refugees are according to statistics of the UNHCR in Saudi Arabia. The number comes from December 2014. Newer is not available, but to the state itself has not changed much.

In Qatar, the UN reported 221 refugees in Kuwait 1,652. The overall result of the bottom line: The boundaries of the rich Gulf states are firmly closed for displaced and persecuted. Even and especially for the Arab "brothers and sisters" from Syria, where precisely this Gulf states support the civil war through arms shipments and money to Islamist rebels.

The EU's absorption capacity of refugees is limited.

If EU governments do not recognize that, we have later then here murder and manslaughter.


As it is going now the islamic power have found a new way to infiltrate western country and the worst thing it is working. Here in Canada our politicians are so naive and stupid that they let anyone to enter our country and give them all freebees you could imagine.

Not to say they also carry deseases and bring that to the country they want to take over.


No mention of Saudi Arabia, home to Mecca, or Dubai, both very wealthy countries for their respective populations per capita, not taking in refugees. Are they not devout Muslims as well?

Saudi have stated that they have taken in some 500,000 Shia.

Really.....could have sworn saudis ade sunni.....they hate shia....iran is shia.

Like I say... they have said that. I know it is not true, you know it is not true and I think it is fair to say that most the entire population of the planet know it is not true.


Allow them to go to the countries whose foreign policies are responsible for the mess.

...my sentiments exactly.

Their own country is responsible for not putting a lid on it to start with, they cared about no one only them selves now they are being hunted by their own, and their own kind


Problem is that every person who has left Hungary to go to German (or any other place) cannot be considered an asylum seeker. All of them are economic migrants.


I am very much ashamed to see so many ignorant and narrow minded people on this website. Of course it's Europe's duty to take ALL refugees coming from Syria or other bombed countries with war and terror. It's called HUMANITY. If we all times point on our culture then it's up to us to support and help. Not by giving them money to stay away from Europe but help them to find a new home. Nobody of these poor people left their home because of economical problems but of fear. Fear for their lives. Everybody with children try to do best for them having a secure future. But those from e.g. Syria they don't have any future if they would stay there.

Another point is that all those countries (no 1 is UK) which deny to take a greater number of those poor refugees forget that our society is getting older fast and WE will have big problems in the nearer future with our pensions and social welfare. The number of retirees is growing but the number of working people is declining. It's unbelievable that Cameron can't see it! But anyway we have to take refugees as a big chance for development of our countries not as intruders or enimies. Meet them with respect and not with hate. Help them but don't kick them out.

By the way, those problems with IS and Syrian war are cuased by wrong American politics.

So, how many are you willing to take into your home?

I answered this question already if you follow my threads

Vietnamese, assuming not Muslim, are nothing like the Muslims currently trying to get into Europe. I'd have a Vietnamese or SEA family in my house, but I wouldn't have any of the current lot ( I have lived in that culture ).

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